RISING CO2 Levels Boost Agricultural Productivity, Human Health
Posted: May 9, 2019 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Climate Change, CO2 | Tags: Carbon Dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, Climatism, CO2, Global Warming, Plant Food Leave a comment“Atmospheric CO2 levels have risen from about 250 parts per million (ppm) around 1750 (roughly the end of the Little Ice Age) to 400 ppm today. In the earth’s geologic past, CO2 levels were often much higher than they are now, without any runaway greenhouse effect. We are fortunate to be living in an interglacial period – meaning we’re living between the last Ice Age and the next one – and higher levels of CO2 are to be expected and, when it comes to agricultural productivity, to be welcomed.“
PA Pundits - International
By Bonner Cohen, Ph.D. ~
A constant refrain of climate alarmists and “clean-energy” business eager to cash in on the scare is that the use of fossil fuels to create energy is endangering the climate by overloading the atmosphere with manmade greenhouse gases.
This, we are told, is responsible for rising sea levels, floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, extinction of species, spread of infectious diseases – the list goes on. Over time, greenhouse gases have been rebranded as “carbon pollution,” just as global warming now bears the label “climate change.”
Of all the noxious substances we are said to be putting into the air, none is viler that carbon dioxide, CO2. In the name of reining in this alleged killer, we subsidize intermittent wind and solar power and provide tax credits to the mostly well-heeled buyers of electric vehicles. We blanket the countryside and seacoast with giant, bird-and-bat-killing wind turbines and…
View original post 664 more words
ATTENBOROUGH : ‘Climate Change Stops Plants Growing’
Posted: May 5, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist Godfathers, Alarmist media, Alarmists, Carbon Dioxide, Climatism, Eco-Activists, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Polar Bears, Propaganda, Sustainability | Tags: Alarmism, Carbon Dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions, climate, Climate alarmist, Climate Change, Climate science, Climatism, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, nature, photosynthesis, Plant Food, Polar Bears, propaganda, science, Science and Environment, Sir David Attenborough 4 Comments
BBC Radio 4 – Today, Attenborough: ‘Climate change stops plants growing’
OVER the years, TV naturalist Sir David Attenborough has wowed us all with that mesmerising voice narrating epic visuals of all things nature. Aesthetics aside, and not doubting the man’s intelligence, Attenborough persists in parroting easily demolished propaganda about the threat of ‘climate change’.
IN the BBC1 series on Africa he claimed that the wildlife there was at a “pivotal moment in their history” and “Africa’s climate is certainly changing. Some parts of the continent have become 3.5C hotter in the past 20 years.”
WHEN challenged, the BBC indicated that the claim of a 3.5C rise over 20 years was sourced from a Christian Aid report. The BBC acknowledged that the 3.5C claim, based on that NGO source, had no basis in fact and the statement would be removed when the program was repeated.
GLOBAL warming’s favourite mascot – polar bears – haven’t escaped his misinformed activism. The Oasis Nature Channel, of which Attenborough lent his name and reputation to, presented a series of programs entitled Extinctions, about animals under threat. The first of the series was about polar bears, which they referred to as the canaries in the global-warming coalmine, ignoring the fact that polar bear numbers are actually the highest since records began.
ATTENBOROUGH’S resume wouldn’t be complete without paying homage to UN “sustainability” (Agenda 21) and the tenets of Thomas Malthus …

Population Matters – for a Sustainable Future
IN his latest eye-rolling rant, Attenborough claims that climate change “stops plants growing” and that global warming will create a “plant-less desert” !
Sir David Attenborough marks the reopening of the Temperate House at Kew Gardens, the largest Victorian glasshouse in the world this evening. He praises conservation work being done at the botanical gardens to preserve plants which otherwise would die, due to climate change. Kew Gardens is currently finding and researching species of plants that can help restore land affected by global warming, instead of letting our landscape become a “plantless desert”.
Attenborough: Kew preserves rare plants – BBC News
ASSUMING that climate change aka global warming equates to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions, (I say ‘assuming’, because climate change aka global warming can mean whatever an alarmist wants it to mean depending on their particular eco-grievance of the day) then it would appear our favourite ye-olde botanist has officially exchanged brains for blunts, in claiming that climate change “stops plants growing” !
BACK ON THE ‘BLUE PLANET’, DAVID >> Carbon dioxide = plant food!

Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds | NASA
Fool’s Paradise: Germany’s Renewable Policy an Economic & Environmental Disaster
Posted: February 23, 2018 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: CARBON DIOXIDE, carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, CO2, Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Germany, Global Warming, Green Energy Failure, merkel, Plant Food, Renewable energy, renewables, Rent seekers, solar, Subsidies, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“Energiewende – CO2 emissions are rising, not falling as promised and predicted.
If “saving” the planet is – as we are repeatedly told – all about reducing man-made emissions of an odourless, colourless, naturally occurring trace gas, essential for all life on earth – then German energy/environmental policy has manifestly failed. And what an expensive failure it is.”
NUFF said.
Merkel plays Head Jester: but Germans aren’t laughing.
Germany has long been held up as the poster child for wind and solar power, but the picture is now more tragedy, than triumph.
In Germany, around €130 billion has already been burnt on renewable subsidies; currently the green energy levy costs power consumers €56 million every day. And, the level of subsidy for wind and solar sees Germans paying €20 billion a year for power that gets sold on the power exchange for around €2 billion.
Squandering €18 billion a year on power – which Germans have in abundance from meaningful sources – has them asking the fair and reasonable question: just how much power are they getting for the €billions that they’ve thrown – and continue to throw at wind and solar? The answer – at a piddling 3.3% – is: NOT MUCH.
For Germans, that would all be miserable…
View original post 869 more words
OH Noes! Increased Carbon Dioxide Making More Flowers In Tropical Forests
Posted: January 20, 2018 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Science | Tags: Carbon Dioxide, CARBON DIOXIDE, Climate Change, climate optimum, CO2, flowers, forestry, Global Warming, nature, photosynthesis, Plant Food, plants, science, Science and Environment Leave a comment“PLANTS convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into energy in the form of sugars, which they can use to fuel any number of vital life processes. As more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, plants have an opportunity to produce a bounty of new energy.”
SHOCK HORROR!! Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and warmth are what eco-systems require to flourish 😱
Watts Up With That?
From FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY and the “but wait, all climate change must be bad!” department.
Climate change linked to more flowery forests, FSU study shows
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — New research from a Florida State University scientist has revealed a surprising relationship between surging atmospheric carbon dioxide and flower blooms in a remote tropical forest.
FSU researchers studying the rich tropical forests of Panama’s Barro Colorado Island found that climbing rates of carbon dioxide have set the stage for a multidecade increase in overall flower production.
The findings were outlined in a paper published in the journal Global Change Biology
“It’s really remarkable,” said Assistant Professor of Geography Stephanie Pau, who led the study. “Over the past several decades, we’ve seen temperatures warming and carbon dioxide increasing, and our study found that this tropical forest has responded to that increase by producing more flowers.”
Pau’s findings suggest that tropical forests, which…
View original post 680 more words
Germany’s ‘Energiewende has made things worse for climate’ says report
Posted: November 17, 2017 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Biofuels, carbon dioxide emissions, CO2, Energiewende, Green Energy Failure, Plant Food, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms Leave a commentHOW long does it take people to draw such obvious conclusions? Or, are they simply afraid of being labeled a “denier”?
Tallbloke's Talkshop
‘The donkey goes on to the ice until it breaks’ – German proverb [image credit: evwind.es]
Debatable claim in the headline, but the German ‘energy transition’ has certainly hurt electricity consumers as prices have shot up in the last decade, with fortunes being wasted on vain attempts to tweak the climate system.
As Bonn this week hosts the COP23 climate talks, a new report claims that Germany’s Energiewende programme “has made things worse for the climate”, reports PEI.
It says it has done this “by shutting down nuclear capacity and locking in dependency on coal for decades, despite hundreds of billions in investments and subsidy-schemes”.
View original post 186 more words
CO2 Emissions Surge: Greens “Disappointed” by Economic Growth
Posted: November 15, 2017 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Fossil Fuels, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, Unreliables | Tags: carbon dioxide emissions, China, CO2, Economic growth, energy humanity, Energy Poverty, Fossil Fuels, Fuel Poverty, Plant Food Leave a comment“NOW the global economy has finally turned a corner for real, King Coal is back – as always, the engine of global prosperity and rising living standards, especially for the world’s poorest.”
MEANWHILE, back in novelty-energy land:
“KAPUT! German Wind Farms Set for Dismantling as Subsidies Dry Up”
https://climatism.wordpress.com/2017/11/14/kaput-german-wind-farms-set-for-dismantling-as-subsidies-dry-up/WHEN the wind don’t blow, or the subsidies cease to flow – the power don’t flow and the windmills will GO!
EXCELLENT news for businesses, families, workers and the impoverished…
“SEVERAL thousand wind turbines in Germany are likely to be closed down in the next decade because they will no longer receive any subsidies. “If electricity prices do not rise over the next decade, only a few plants will survive on the market without subsidies,” says an analysis by the Berlin-based consulting firm Energy Brainpool.”
“ON another note, the Kiel, German-based Kieler Nachrichten (KN) reports: “Thousands of wind turbines will be supposedly dismantled over the coming decade because the state subsidies will run out”.
Watts Up With That?
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
The Financial Times is disappointed that hitting the Paris targets is looking even less likely, thanks to economic growth driving a rise in CO2 emissions.
China recovery pushes greenhouse emissions to global record
NOVEMBER 13, 2017 Tobias Buck in Berlin and Lucy Hornby in Beijing
Paris targets under threat as forecast 2% rise follows three years of zero growth
NOVEMBER 13, 2017 Tobias Buck in Berlin and Lucy Hornby in Beijing 58 comments Stronger Chinese economic growth will push global greenhouse gas emissions to a record high in 2017 after remaining flat for three years, dashing tentative hopes of a turning point in the world’s efforts to curb climate change.
A new report by the Global Carbon Project, an international research consortium, predicts that carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and industry will rise 2 per cent this year. The report was released at…
View original post 220 more words
THE Carbon Dioxide Word Game
Posted: October 23, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Carbon Dioxide, Climatism, CO2, Fact Check, Propaganda | Tags: Carbon Dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, Climate science, CO2, EDUCATION, Plant Food, propaganda 1 Comment“Carbon dioxide does not affect air quality. It is, in effect, plant food. Those who call it air pollution are trying to present carbon dioxide as something it is not, in order to further a political agenda.” FOSC
AN excellent ‘re-education’ piece by Robert Lyman via Friends Of Science Calgary on the politically demonised gas of life – CO2 (Carbon Dioxide).
OUR children are being scandalously indoctrinated in the class-room to believe that colourless, odourless, tasteless trace-gas and plant food CO2 is a “pollutant”.
THE Obama administration via his extremist EPA even declared, by law, CO2 (your own breath) a “pollutant”!
The EPA on April 17 [2009] proposed new regulations to control carbon dioxide (CO2) and five other “greenhouse gases” as “pollutants” under section 202(a) of the Clean Air Act. While not mentioning what aspects of carbon-dioxide emissions will be regulated, the carbon dioxide emitted from automobiles and power plants is definitely on the regulation block. The first step toward costly and far-reaching regulations is that the EPA establish carbon dioxide as a regulatory “pollutant,” even though all plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and all animals exhale carbon dioxide.
EPA Declares Human Breath (CO2) a Pollutant
From FOSC :
YOUNG adults in Canada today have grown up during a period when educational standards are significantly different from those of previous generations, and “environmental awareness”, was often included as a formal or informal part of the curriculum. Yet, misconceptions abound. I was reminded of this the other day when a young woman I met expressed concern about how carbon dioxide was harming air quality and people’s health. Even the government, after all, calls carbon dioxide “pollution”.
In the interests of clarity, therefore, I thought I would offer some hard information that people might find good to have.
In brief, carbon dioxide does not harm air quality.

Visualization of carbon dioxide (CO2) molecule
Carbon dioxide is a colourless, odourless, tasteless gas found naturally in the earth’s atmosphere. It is produced by natural sources like volcanoes, hot springs and geysers, people and animals (including fish), decay of organic materials, the combustion (i.e. burning) of fossil fuels, and as a by-product of some industrial processes like baking and brewing. Plants and algae use light to photosynthesize a compound called carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is the primary source of carbon life; in other words, without carbon dioxide, there would be no life on earth.

Image of various particulate matter. “Soot” (upper left hand image) is actually ‘”carbon” – a physical remnant of incomplete combustion of burning wood or fossil fuels. It is scientifically inaccurate to refer to the gas, carbon dioxide (CO2), as “carbon” as they are different things. http://www.chemistryexplained.com/elements/A-C/Carbon.html
Carbon dioxide is an essential element in human respiration; people breathe out about 40,000ppm (parts per million) CO2 with every breath.
The quality of the air we breathe is sometimes impaired by certain contaminants, and it helps to know what these are. The main ones are:
- Particulate matter: Particulates are tiny drops of liquid and sold particles, the size of dust or smaller, suspended in the air. They come mainly from agriculture, construction and dust from roads, although various industrial sources play a role. Along with ozone, it is a major component of smog and, at high levels, can harm human health. (Often referred to as PM2.5 or PM10 – meaning Particulate Matter smaller than 2.5 or 10 microns in size.)
Chart showing diverse forms of airborne particulate matter according to size range.
Nitrogen oxide: Nitrogen dioxide is a reddish-brown toxic gas with an irritating smell. Exposure to high levels of nitrogen dioxide can cause breathing problems and reduced lung function, and it is a component of acid rain.
- Ground-level ozone: Low-level ozone is a colourless gas that is formed through a chemical reaction of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds in sunlight. The major sources of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds are transportation, oil and natural gas production, electricity generation, home heating and even the burning of firewood. At high levels, ground-level ozone can cause breathing problems, lung damage, and asthma attacks in humans and damage to sensitive vegetation.
- Sulphur dioxide: Sulphur dioxide is a colourless and toxic gas that smells bad. It is caused both by natural sources and by human activity, the most important of which are smelting and refining, electricity generation, heating, and oil and gas production and other industries. Sulphur dioxide in high concentrations can contribute to breathing and heart problems, especially among infants and the elderly.
- Carbon monoxide: Unlike carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas that is caused by the incomplete burning of oil, natural gas and coal. High levels of carbon monoxide can cause dizziness, unconsciousness, and even death.

Environment Canada chart shows decline in noxious emissions from 1990 https://www.ec.gc.ca/indicateurs-indicators/default.asp?lang=En&n=E79F4C12-1
So, carbon dioxide does not affect air quality. It is, in effect, plant food. Those who call it air pollution are trying to present carbon dioxide as something it is not, in order to further a political agenda.
Time lapse of plants with different CO2 concentrations:
Read on…
The Carbon Dioxide Word Game | Friends of Science Calgary
Plant Food CO2 Related :
- CO2 In The Atmosphere Is Not Pollution | Climatism
- Bureaucratic Dioxide | Climatism
- China won’t classify CO2 as a pollutant in new environment law | Climatism
- Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life – Paul Driessen
CO2 – “The Stuff of Life” – Greening The Planet :
- CSIRO Censoring Their Own Climate Research | Climatism
- The global dance of carbon dioxide and spreading green flora « JoNova
- Greening the Planet and how Fossil Fuels protect world’s Flora & Fauna | Dr. Matt Ridley | Climatism
WHY Greenpeace Despises Its Co-Founder – Patrick Moore PhD
Posted: July 19, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Carbon Dioxide, Climate History, Climatism, Environmentalism, Environmentalists, Fact Check, Failed Climate Models, Greenpeace | Tags: Carbon Dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Dioxide Hoax, Climate Change, Climate Change Hoax, Climate Change Scam, Ecofascism, Environmentalists, Global Warming Hoax, Global Warming Scam, Green Energy Failure, Greenpeace, Little Ice Age, MWP, Patrick Moore, Plant Food, Prager University, RWP, Settled Science Leave a comment“It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true.”
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace
“Climate Change will result in a catastrophic global sea level
rise of seven meters. That’s bye-bye most of Bangladesh,
Netherlands, Florida and would make London the new Atlantis.”
– Greenpeace International
What … No Biofuel?
Patrick Moore (born 1947) is a Canadian activist, and former president of Greenpeace Canada. Since leaving Greenpeace, Moore has criticized the environmental movement for what he sees as scare tactics and disinformation, saying that the environmental movement “abandoned science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism.” (Wikipedia)
A MUST SEE 5 mins by Patrick Moore PhD, on the “man-made climate change” scam…
Dr Moore Related :
- Confessions of a ‘Greenpeace Dropout’ to the U.S. Senate on climate change | Climatism
- MUST READ Greenpeace founder delivers powerful annual lecture, praises carbon dioxide – full text | Climatism
- Think You Know Greenpeace? Look Again | Climatism
- Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | C;imatism
- Patrick Moore: Greenpeace has made itself the sworn enemy of all life on Earth | Climatism
- MUST SEE : GREENPEACE Co-Founder – No Evidence Global Warming Is Caused By Humans | Climatism
Study suggests increased atmospheric CO2 created a 30% growth in plant photosynthesis during last two centuries
Posted: April 6, 2017 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, CO2, Fact Check, Science | Tags: Carbon Dioxide, CARBON DIOXIDE, carbon dioxide emissions, carbon pollution, Climate Change, CO2, CO2 Fertilisation, EPA, Obama, photosynthesis, Plant Food, science Leave a comment“Photosynthesis is the process through which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into carbohydrates to fuel their growth and other activities”
Carbon dioxide – the essential gas of life on earth, without which we’d all be dead.
It is the very same gas that “Save The Planet” eco-zealots and sycophant climate-obsessed mainstream media refer to as “carbon pollution”.
It is the same essential gas of life that Barack Obama had written in law, via the EPA, as a “Pollutant”!
The demonisation of colourless, odourless, essential trace gas and plant food “CO2/Carbon Dioxide” – one of the great deceptions of the Climate Change scandal.
Watts Up With That?
Composite image showing the global distribution of photosynthesis, including both oceanic phytoplankton and terrestrial vegetation. Dark red and blue-green indicate regions of high photosynthetic activity in the ocean and on land, respectively. Image: NASA SEAWIFS
Research shows global photosynthesis on the rise
“Virtually all life on our planet depends on photosynthesis,” said UC Merced Professor Elliott Campbell, who led the research. “Keeping tabs on global plant growth should be a central goal for the human race.”
Photosynthesis is the process through which plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into carbohydrates to fuel their growth and other activities.
Yet, researchers lack…
View original post 916 more words
Fruity News From The Global Warming Front
Posted: August 15, 2016 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, CSIRO, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check | Tags: Carbon Dioxide, CO2, CSIRO, Fact Check, Plant Food, Trace Gas Leave a commentGood news from the field of global warming science! A happy South Australian grower is cleaning up:
No artificial gases are used to redden or ripen the tomatoes. But in another hi-tech innovation, carbon dioxide levels are elevated in the glasshouses to boost crop production by about 30 per cent.
Imagine how good that would be if replicated with the planet.
OMG! It has been! :
Satellite data gathered over 33 years has shown there has been a ‘persistent and widespread increase’ in the growing season of plants.
The Earth is getting greener with rising carbon dioxide levels, researchers have revealed. They found over the past 33 years, leaf cover around more than half of the vegetated area of the world has increased. They say the extra greenery is equivalent to covering the USA twice with plants.
Scientists say up to half of the world’s vegetated areas are now showing signs of increased leaf cover, with the majority caused by extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Source: Fruity news from the global warming front – Herald Sun
CO2 Greening The Planet Related :
- CSIRO Censoring Their Own Climate Research | Climatism
- Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life – Paul Driessen
- The global dance of carbon dioxide and spreading green flora « JoNova
- CO2 In The Atmosphere Is Not Pollution | Climatism
- Greening the Planet and how Fossil Fuels protect world’s Flora & Fauna | Dr. Matt Ridley | Climatism
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