Smoking Gun That The Temperature Record Is Fraudulent
Posted: October 31, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Climate, Climate Changes, Climate Fraud, Climate History, Climate science, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Global Temperature, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Pseudo-Science, Satellite Data Leave a commentClimatism comment :
This post, probably compiled in under an hour and for the cost of an internet connection, not only torpedoes the climate scam, but exposes the scandalous temperature manipulation, data fraud and rewriting of climate history, designed to confuse political bodies and tow the UN IPCC line..
The IPCC is the United Nations’ body most responsible for spreading panic about global warming and the body with a strong vested interest in keeping that panic alive.
After spending 25 years and One Hundred Billion Dollars (of other peoples money) the IPCC is still yet to find the global signature of human CO² in the atmosphere (their principle objective as laid out by UNEP and WMO upon the IPCC’s formation in 1991). The only thing they can be certain of today is that there has been no global warming for 2/3rds of their entire (political) existence.
With all the fears of ‘eco-catastrophe’ promulgated by rent-seeking ‘expert’ scientists and their complicit media, the IPCC’s latest SREX report confirms (in their own words) “we do not know if the climate is becoming more extreme” with ‘extreme weather’ link now downgraded to “low confidence”.
So with no global warming over the past 15 years and climate “extremes” quashed, the obvious link is to become more confident, or 95% sure that man is heating the world.
Faith in their (billion dollar) predictive computer models is as strong as ever – ensembles which have failed dismally to model observed reality and the current 15 year global warming “pause”.
So to keep the fear and the scam alive, the IPCC’s ‘overheated’ climate models tell them, to tell us that we’re all gonna fry in 50-100 years unless we scale back our ‘unsustainable’ lifestyles and give more of our money to the UN via Carbon Dioxide Taxes and economy wrecking emissions reductions schemes.
Shock News : The whole climate thing has nothing to do with climate.
Real Science
According to GISS, NOAA, and CRU, the 1970’s were much warmer than the 1920’s. Yet we know that the Arctic was rapidly melting in the 1920’s and was rapidly freezing in the 1970’s.
According to global warming theory, the Arctic amplifies warming or cooling, and in fact Arctic temperatures dominate the GISS and Had-Crut v4 temperature record. That makes the claimed relative positioning of the 1920’s and 1970’s temperatures impossible.
NCAR said that the Arctic was freezing up in the 1970’s
Climate Change and its Effect on World Food
by Walter Orr Roberts
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, ColoradoIn February of 1972 earth-orbiting artificial satellites revealed the existence of a greatly increased area of the snow and ice cover of the north polar cap as compared to all previous years of space age observations ….. The Earth may have entered a new “little ice age”.
The CIA said that the…
View original post 579 more words
No Sea Level Rise Along The Western Coast Of North America Since The Start Of Satellite Records
Posted: October 31, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Climate, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Satellite Data, Sea Level Rise Leave a commentReal Science
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Shock News : Southern Queensland Almost As Warm As 1940
Posted: October 31, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Australia, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Tax, Climate, Climate History, Empirical Evidence, Global Temperature, Satellite Data Leave a commentReal Science
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How to Cure a Climate Change Denier
Posted: October 31, 2013 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Climate Change, Denier, Eco-Activists, Empirical Evidence, Greenpeace Leave a commentObama Switches Back To Lying About The Climate
Posted: October 30, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Climate History, Ecofacist, Empirical Evidence, Extreme Weather, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Hurricanes, Obama, Politics | Tags: Bush Fires, climate, Climate Change, climate lies, Global Warming Alarmism, Hurricanes, Lies, Obama Leave a commentClimatism comment : Is that the same Barack Obama who has had the fewest US hurricane landfalls (three) of any president, during his five years in office? And this year, the slowest tornado season on record and the second quietist fire season?
Mother nature doesn’t care much for Obama’s climate lies, fear mongering and superstition either.
Real Science
President Obama is bored with lying about the NSA, Obamacare, Benghazi the IRS, etc. and has turned his attention back to lying about the climate.
Twitter / BarackObama: The effects of extreme weather …
The Milwaukee Sentinel – Google News Archive Search
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State Of The Climate Report
Posted: October 30, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Climate, Empirical Evidence, Uncategorized Leave a commentClimatism comment : Evil human CO2 is clearly having a catastrophic impact on Gaia.
The science is settled, the debate is over, anyone who disagrees is a denier and a flat-earth terrorist.
Real Science
- No global warming for 17.5 years
- 97% of the climate models have over-predicted warming
- Record quiet tornado season
- Severe tornadoes declining for 40 years
- No US hurricane landfalls
- More than eight years without a major hurricane strike in the US
- Drought is almost over
- Fewest forest fires in the US in three decades
- Record increase in Arctic sea ice
- Record extent of Antarctic sea ice
- Five of the six snowiest winters have occurred since 2002
- No sea level rise on the west coast of the US or Canada for three decades
- US temperatures declining for 80 years (before data tampering)
- Near record low number of hot days in the US
Nothing the team predicted has come true.
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BBC – Real risk of a Maunder minimum ‘Little Ice Age’
Posted: October 30, 2013 Filed under: Climate, Climate Change, Climate Changes, Climate History, Global Cooling, Global Temperature, Global Warming, Global Warming Stasis, Solar, The Sun Leave a commentClimatism comment : The BBC’s Paul Hudson is suffering from a bad case of anti-groupthink disease. He needs to be brought back into line. Anyone who thinks the sun plays a significant role in Gaia’s current climate is a denier.
Paul needs to listen to the United Nation’s and their ‘peak scientific (governmental) body’ the IPCC who rightly insist that it is evil human’s 12 parts per million CO2 or 0.0014% contribution to atmospheric gases that drives our climate, not the sun.
The New Crisis : The Same As The Old Crisis
Posted: October 29, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist Predictions, Climate, Climate Change, Climate Changes, Climate History, Climate science, Consensus, Dud predictions, Global Cooling, Global Warming, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Population Control, Propaganda Leave a commentClimatism comment :
So ‘very sophisticated science’ would tell us that we are once again headed into an “abnormal” period of “agricultural-optimum” (provided the planet resumes warming after it had had enough of that 17 years ago).
But alas, with record world grain production and record US corn production forecast for 2013, it’s no wonder the world is entering the “tipping point” of climate change Eco-catastrophe.
Carbon taxes and carbon trading are clearly the only answer to avert the insipid “abnormal agricultural-optimum” that so threatens the impoverished masses.
Real Science
Very sophisticated analysis by top government scientists has determined that climate change has already begun.
Opinion: The climate change era is already upon us
Oct. 28, 2013
We’re beyond debating the existence of climate change. Impacts we’re seeing now should compel us to reduce emissions further and start planning in earnest. It’s time to quit dithering.
Opinion: The climate change era is already upon us — The Daily Climate
In 1974, the CIA said the same thing – only the panic was global cooling instead of global warming.
A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems
August 1974
The climate change began in 1960, but no one including the climatologists recognized it.
The world is returning to the type of climate which has existed over the last 400 years. That is, the abnormal climate of the agricultural-optimum is being replaced by a normal climate of the neo-boreal era.
View original post 84 more words
1895 : Massive Winter Bush Fires In New South Wales
Posted: October 29, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Changes, Climate History, Empirical Evidence, Fires Leave a commentClimatism comment :
- The rise of industrial America from 1877-1900 must have released Massive amounts of CO2, making the Australian winter of 1895 a scorcher.
Real Science
The usual climate criminals have been claiming that fires never used to happen this early, but in 1895 they happened two months earlier.
05 Sep 1895 – Bush Fires in New South Wales. SYDNEY August 30.
h/t to Ivan
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Claim : Unprecedented Australian Bushfires
Posted: October 28, 2013 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Australia, Climate, Climate Alarmism, Climate Change, Climate Changes, Climate Council, Climatism, Eco-Activists, Empirical Evidence, Environmentalists, Fact Check, Fires, Flannery, Global Warming, Global Warming Stasis, Green Agenda, Greenpeace, Propaganda, Warmism | Tags: Ashley, Peaceful-Greenie 1 Comment“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment
“The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe.”
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin
Climate change ambulance chasers are furiously promoting the NSW fires as “unprecedented” and evidence of global warming (aka climate change) that actually paused 15 years ago.
Last summer might have been the hottest in Australia as measured by the Bureau of Meteorology, but satellite measurements monitored by the UAH, show nothing out of the ordinary at all :
Although not a “Global” anomaly, there has also been no temperature change in the Blue Mountains since records began, with exception to the 1930’s being the hottest decade on record.
Unprecedented Fires in NSW for this time of the year?
September : Trove holds 74,067 media records of September fires in Sydney, dating back to 1815 …
Search results for ‘Sydney Bush Fires September’ – Digitised newspapers and more – Trove
October : 79,388 media records of October fires in Sydney, including news on Tuesday 29 October 1872 that “An extensive bush fire has raged since yesterday in the suburbs near Bondi…”!
Search results for ‘Sydney Bush Fires October’ – Digitised newspapers and more – Trove
Sydney, 17th October 1890
Tremendous bush fires are raging at Lismore, an agricultural district situated on the north arm of the Richmond River, about 530 miles north of Sydney. Vast tracts of territory has been devastated, and the township of Clunes is in danger. The inhabitants of the last-mentioned place are out fighting the flames.SERIOUS BUSH FIRES
SYDNEY, 16th October. 1923
As a result of the drought serious bush fires are raging in the Upper Richmond district of New South Wales, menacing large areas of timber and grassTELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION CUT OFF.
14th October 1926
SYDNEY, This Day. Huge bush fires are reported in the northern part of the State. The whole country from the Queensland border to Tabulam,, across the Tooloo Range, is ablaze. Unconfirmed reports state that some houses were burnt. All telegraphic communication is cut off. There has been little rain for months, and the country is exceedingly dry.DAMAGE IN NEW SOUTH WALES
SYDNEY, 15th October. 1926
Bush fires are still racing on the north coast, and, fanned by a gale, are travelling at a remarkable rate. Thousands of acres of valuable forest, country have been devastated, many homesteads destroyed, and much fine dairying country swept.BLACK SUNDAY
SYDNEY, 17th October. 1928
This year summer heat has descended upon New South Wales unusually early. Already there have been several trying days, but the worst of these was last Sunday, when a high temperature of 95 degrees was accompanied by a cyclonic gale, which left behind it a trail of enormous damage.
SYDNEY, October 15, 1944
Bush fires in New South Wales have destroyed thousands of acres of timber and pasture country. Prolonged drought conditions have caused the fires to spread rapidly. Already this month Sydney has had three days on which the temperature reached more than 90 degrees. High humidity has made conditions uncomfortable.
The scale of the latest NSW fires ?
These fires were not bigger, earlier of deadlier than other Australian fires. Our biggest known bushfire “Black Thursday” burned out 5 million hectares in 1851, with Carbon Dioxide levels at 290 ppm. These NSW fires burned out 60,000, with CO² at 398 ppm.
The intensity of a fire has little link to global temperatures. Top fire experts such as Phil Cheney and David Packham, both former CSIRO bushfire researchers, believe far more relevant factors include fuel loads in the bush and fuel reduction management. Past rains are also highly relevant, adding to the fuel load.
… rains that professional global warming alarmists like Tim Flannery claimed in 2007 would never again come, “Even the rain that falls will not actually fill our dams and river systems”. In 2009, the rains came down in a big way adding to the unprecedented and highly volatile 2013 fuel load.
Enough boring sceptical facts…let’s hear what an icon of the left thinks about Australia and fires :
For 40 or maybe 60 millennia, Aboriginal peoples managed fire proactively, setting alight woodland, scrubland and grassland, so that they could pass freely, so that game was driven towards them, so that fresh green herbage was available. Aboriginal languages have dozens of words for fire. As the Endeavour sailed up the eastern coast, Captain Cook noted that the skies were darkened with smoke by day and lit up by fire at night.
In the national parks of Australia, the importance of regular burning is well understood. Elsewhere the emphasis has been on prevention. Attempting to prevent fire in most of Australia is simply postponing the inevitable. Bushland that is not burnt regularly turns into a powder keg, as the fuel load inexorably increases. When dry eucalypt woodland goes up, it explodes, turning into a veritable firestorm. If no wind is blowing, it creates its own wind.
The Australian governments, state and federal, are well aware of the cost of fire to the economy. People who want to build houses in sclerophyll woodland will be told that any space between the floor of the house and the ground must be sealed, and even that they have to clear the native vegetation for a radius of as much as 50 metres from the house walls. At the same time people in the most desirable seaside suburbs will be prevented by law from clearing native vegetation. Some of the most valuable real estate in Victoria is bordered by beachfront reserves that are an endless succession of thickets choked with tinder-dry dead wood.
The most disheartening aspect of the Kinglake disaster is that since its foundation in the 1880s the township has suffered regular bushfires, in 1926, in 1939, in the 1960s, in the Ash Wednesday fires of 1983; two years ago almost to the day 1,500 hectares were destroyed by fire, but nothing was learnt. The cause of these disasters is not global warming; still less is it arson. It is the failure to recognise that fire is an intrinsic feature of eucalypt bushland. It cannot be prevented but it can and should be managed. Unless there is a fundamental change of policy across all levels of government in Australia, there will be more and worse fires and more deaths.
Germaine Greer | Mark Riboldi
Salient, rational and measured words written in beautiful English by (activist, lefty, feminist) Germaine Greer ;p
Dear climate change ambulance chasers,
Bushfire alarmism by the media, filtering down to the activist mob, serves a beneficial purpose in that it actually might save lives in terms of creating an ‘overheated’ alarmism, making people in affected areas more aware and potentially more prepared. But the alarmism must end there. The fires which were terrible, burnt out a relatively small area (in historical terms) of 60,000 hectares and were no bigger, earlier or deadlier than any other Australian fire throughout recorded history.
Gerard Henderson:
According to Adam Bandt’s logic, the Greens are responsible for the devastating bushfires sweeping parts of NSW…
Bandt went on to suggest Abbott’s firefighting was a ‘’con’’ because he was ‘’helping start fires that put people’s lives in danger’’. In other words, the Prime Minister is not only a con artist but also an arsonist. Then, as if to prove when muck-racking the muck can go even lower, Bandt tweeted on Thursday, ‘’Tony Abbott’s plan means more bushfires for Australia’’.
Bandt’s attack overlooked two essential facts. First, the Coalition’s policy aim on the reduction of carbon emissions by 2020 is the same as that of the Labor Party (which the Greens were aligned to for most of the past three years).
Second, if the Greens had supported Kevin Rudd’s carbon pollution reduction scheme in 2009 and 2010, Australia would already have a form of an emissions trading scheme in place. Bob Brown, Christine Milne and their Greens colleagues in the Senate opposed Rudd Labor’s reduction scheme and prevented it passing into legislation.
Of course, if Australia had introduced Rudd’s scheme it would have done nothing to stop the bushfires. Australia’s carbon emissions are but a tiny fraction of world output. Moreover, the relationship between climate change and extreme weather events remains uncertain.
via JoanneNova
A few facts on Flannery, Climate Council, and prophecies of bushfire: no long trends for Katoomba
Flannery and the Climate Council are at it again — trying to scare money out of people with their prophecies of bushfires. They are milking the fear factor from the October fires in the Blue Mountains, telling us disaster planning means we have to get “the facts straight”.
Let’s get the facts straight on exactly how human emissions of CO2 have affected the temperature and rainfall in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. How much hotter and drier is the climate? Ninety percent of human emissions have been produced since WWII. Katoomba has the longest running temperature series I could find in the BOM records -see below. But where is that rising trend? The string of hot years in the late 1930s appears to be just as hot as the last decade. The 1920s and 30s look a lot like the 1980 and 90s.
The facts about Katoomba annual temperatures
Source: Katoomba annual mean temperature
see also Katoomba October mean temperatures
But wait, the Climate Council tells us “Hot, dry conditions create conditions favourable for bushfires. Australia has just experienced its hottest 12 months ever recorded.” Any sane person would assume the Blue Mountains must be getting drier – strange the Climate Council don’t provide a graph on that. Let’s look at the drying climate in Katoomba.
Source: Katoomba annual rainfall
See also the same trends in Blackheath annual rainfall and Lithgow annual rainfall.
In other words Katoomba has a noisy annual rainfall, there is no obvious trend, there have been dry years and wet years, and if heat and dryness make fires worse, then there is no sign that CO2 makes any difference.
In Katoomba at least, the late 30s and 40s appear to be a bit hotter, and also drier than the last few years. That was when CO2 levels were ideal. Continue Reading »
See also :
- Fuel Loads Not Climate Change Are Making Bushfires More Severe « JoNova
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