UN Says The US Is The Most Successful Major Country in Carbon [Dioxide] Emissions Reduction
Posted: January 9, 2021 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Climate Change, CO2, Global Warming, Trump, UN | Tags: Carbon Dioxide, carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, CO2, Global Warming, Trump 1 CommentClimate Change Sanity
The UN released its global emissions and carbon report last month. The U.S. is the most successful major country at mitigating its own pollution carbon dioxide (CO2). So successful according to a Forbes posting written by Ellen Wald titled “The U.N. Says America Is Already Cutting So Much Carbon It Doesn’t Need the Paris Climate Accord”.
“According to the report,
“The United States of America emits 13 per cent of global GHG emissions.” Comparatively, “China emits more than one-quarter of global GHG emissions.” The U.S. still contributes the most greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the world, but, over the last decade, the country’s GHG emissions have been in decline (0.4 per cent per year). “Greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the U.S. are dropping precipitously while those of China, India and Russia continue to rise. With the world’s most successful economy (over $21 trillion in 2019), it is…
View original post 293 more words
HOW DARE HE! United States Led Entire World In Reducing CO₂ Emissions In 2019
Posted: February 13, 2020 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Climate Change, Climatism, CO2, Fossil Fuels, Greta Thunberg, Renewables, Solar, Trump, Unreliables, USA, Wind Farms | Tags: carbon dioxide emissions, Climatism, CO2, Emissions, Energiewende, Energy, Energy Security, Fossil Fuels, Fracking, Greta Thunberg, Natural Gas, Renewable energy, Trump, unreliables, USA, wind, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“Action must be powerful and wide-ranging.
After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment.
It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will.
Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it.
We need to dismantle them all.”
–– GretaThunberg™️
CLIMATISM has reported here, here and here on the inconvenient fact that the United States, under the Trump administration (and reluctantly under Obama), has witnessed a decline in CO₂ emissions thanks to technology (Fracking/natural gas extraction) and private sector innovation.
THE mainstream media refuses to report ‘planet-hating’ Trump’s America reducing ‘evil’ CO₂ emissions, while the rest of the planet, in particular the ‘green’ centrally-planned EU, has seen rises in its emissions.
DON’t expect the mainstream media or GretaThunberg™️ to send Trump a congratulations anytime soon!
Hat tip @RealSaavedra
The United States led the entire world in reducing CO2 emissions last year while also experiencing solid economic growth, according to a newly released report.
“The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis – a fall of 140 Mt, or 2.9%, to 4.8 Gt,” The International Energy Agency (IEA) reported on Tuesday. “US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period.”
“A 15% reduction in the use of coal for power generation underpinned the decline in overall US emissions in 2019,” the IEA continued. “Coal-fired power plants faced even stronger competition from natural gas-fired generation, with benchmark gas prices an average of 45% lower than 2018 levels. As a result, gas increased its share in electricity generation to a record high of 37%. Overall electricity demand declined because demand for air-conditioning and heating was lower as a result of milder summer and winter weather.
– – – – –
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) responded to the news by writing on Twitter, “FACT you will NEVER see on the 6 o’clock news: U.S. emissions FELL 2.9%, or by 140 million tons, continuing the trend of the United States LEADING THE WORLD IN TOTAL EMISSIONS DECLINE since 2000.”
The news came after the media promoted far-left climate extremists like socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Greta Thunberg who demonized the U.S. and economic growth for polluting the world.
Thunberg attacked the U.S. last month during a speech she gave at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland for leaving the Paris Climate Accord, despite the fact that the U.S. leads the world in reducing CO2 emissions.
“The fact that the U.S.A. is leaving the Paris accord seems to outrage and worry everyone, and it should,” Thunberg said. “But the fact that we’re all about to fail the commitments you signed up for in the Paris Agreement doesn’t seem to bother the people in power even the least.”
United States Led Entire World In Reducing CO2 Emissions In 2019 | The Daily Wire
IMAGINE the red-faces if the mainstream media, for once, honestly reported that spending hundreds of billions of €uros, of other people’s money, on unreliable energy – wind and solar – was actually increasing CO₂ emissions, where fracking for natural gas (a “dirty” fossil fuel) was lowering them!
ANOTHER smart move by Trump in not signing the latest UN wealth redistribution scheme when Europe, the epicentre of draconian climate change policy and green energy madness, cannot meet its own emissions ‘commitments’ despite spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer €uros on failed ‘green’ energy.
ENERGIEWENDE FAIL: German CO2 Emissions Higher Now Than In 2009.
GLOBAL CO₂ emissions continue their steady climb, despite the trillions of dollars committed to green energy sources worldwide and efforts to curb CO₂ emissions.
URELIABLE-energy propagandists claim that wind, solar and other weather-dependent ‘energy’ sources will “Save The Planet” by lowering plant-food CO₂ emissions. But, the opposite is the case.
ONE inconvenient reason for the rise in ‘green-CO₂’ emissions that you won’t hear reported on MSM news, ever…
Marques et al., 2018
⇑ Wind Power Installation Amplifies
The Growth Of Fossil Fuel Energies
“[A]s RES [renewable energy sources] increases, the expected decreasing tendency in the installed capacity of electricity generation from fossil fuels has not been found.” – Marques et al., 2018
“Adding More Wind And Solar Power Ultimately Raises CO2 Emissions, As More Fossil Fuel Backup Capacity Must Be Built”
THE unspoken truth about renewables, neatly summarised in a 2012 Los Angeles Times analysis :
“As more solar and wind generators come online, … the demand will rise for more backup power from fossil fuel plants.”
FULL article, entitled “Rise in renewable energy will require more use of fossil fuels” also points out that wind turbines often produce a tiny fraction (1 percent?) of their claimed potential, meaning the gap must be filled by fossil fuels.
WHAT’S happening in Germany is, unfortunately, a bellwether for what is to come in other CO₂-theory obsessed Western nations attempting to make UNreliables the kingpin of their electricity grids.
GERMANY’s wind and solar experiment has been exposed as a catastrophic failure with rampant energy poverty and an industrial heartland decimated, leading to an expansion of new generation HELE coal-fired power plants.
IT seems forever unlikely that the climate communists will ever concede and promote smart energy solutions like HELE-coal, gas or nuclear. All proven base-load technologies that reduce CO₂ emissions while maintaining a high standard of living by keeping power prices down. A far better result than ‘green’ Germany’s efforts under the 1/2 trillion Euro Energiewende debacle.
PERHAPS they don’t want solutions to their CO₂ hysteria? Perhaps it’s more lucrative to kick the climate can down the road and see how much more climate coin and political power it spits out?
SEE also :
- JOHN KERRY : ‘People Are Going To Die Because Of The Decision Trump Made’ | Climatism
- TRUMP’S America Records The Lowest CO2 Emissions In 70 Years! | Climatism
- ANGELA MERKEL : The New Climate Change ‘Denier’ | Climatism
- TEAM GRETA Admits Climate Change Has Nothing To Do With The Environment | Climatism
- IF CO2’s Your Poison, Renewable Energy Is No Antidote | Climatism
- GREEN ENERGY FAIL : €Trillions Committed To #Unreliables In Europe Yet Emissions Keep Rising! | Climatism
- ADDING More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism
- ENERGIEWENDE FAIL: German CO2 Emissions Higher Now Than In 2009 | Climatism
SMART Energy (HELE) Related :
- CHINA To Phase Out ‘Renewable’ Subsidies, Continue To Build Coal Plants|Climatism
- JAPAN ACKNOWLEDGES THE GLOBAL WARMING ‘PAUSE’ : Sanctions 35 New Coal Power Plants Added To The 100 Currently Operational | Climatism
- ELECTRICITY FUTURE : Coal, Nuclear or Chaos | Climatism
STATE Of The Climate Report :
ORIGINS Of The ClimateChange™️ Scam :
- DRACONIAN UN CLIMATE AGENDA EXPOSED : ‘Global Warming Fears Are A Tool For Political and Economic Change…It Has Nothing To Do With The Actual Climate’ | Climatism
- CREDLIN : ‘Climate Cult’ Using Environmentalism As A ‘Trojan Horse’ For Marxism | Climatism
- TEAM GRETA Admits Climate Change Has Nothing To Do With The Environment | Climatism
- HYSTERIA MEDS : Eleven Scientific Pills To Quell The ‘Climate Crisis’ Lie | Climatism
- CLIMATE’S FATAL FLAW : ‘Greenhouse Gases Simply Do Not Absorb Enough Heat To Cause Global Warming’ | Climatism
- UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment | Climatism
- BASIC Science For Climate Scientists | Climatism
- GENESIS Of The Great Global Warming Hoax In One Minute And Ten Seconds | Climatism
- DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government | Climatism
- THE Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Scam | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE : The Unsettled Science Of “Settled” Science | Climatism
- FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’ | Climatism
- TIM FLANNERY – Professor of Dud Predictions and Climate Falsehoods | Climatism
- THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
- THE Orwellian Era Of @NASA Climate Pseudoscience | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
- TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
- “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
- The Creator, Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming – Maurice Strong | Climatism
- Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
- Sustainability is Malthusianism for the 21st Century | Climatism
- THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : Climate “Has Almost Nothing To Do With Environmental Policy.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : “Long-Term Prediction of Future Climate States Is Not Possible.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC Rewrote Temperature History To Suit Their Political Agenda | Climatism
- 100% Of Climate Models Prove That 97% Of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
- YES! The Climate Changes | Climatism
- OUR Planet Has Enjoyed 10 Warm Periods During The Past 10,000 Years | Climatism
- THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism
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JOHN KERRY : ‘People Are Going To Die Because Of The Decision Trump Made’
Posted: November 19, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Carbon Dioxide, Climatism, CO2, Eco-Activists, Empirical Evidence, Energiewende, Environmentalists, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Fake News, Green Agenda, Religion, Trump | Tags: Alarmism, auspol, carbon dioxide emissions, Carbon Tax, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climatism, CO2, COP24, Energiewende, Energy, Environmentalism, Fake News, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, John Kerry, NEG, Paris Accord, PARIS Agreement, President Trump, RET, science, The Guardian, Trump, unreliables Leave a commentTRUMP Derangement Syndrome landed with a thud in the weekend Guardian featuring John Kerry and a healthy dose of obligatory Trump hate surrounding his smart move to pull out of the UN Paris Accord.
“You know what I’m angry about? People are going to die because of the decision Donald Trump made. My kids and my grandkids are going to face a difficult world because of what Donald Trump has done. But if you sound angry all the time, people aren’t going to listen to you.” – John Kerry
John Kerry: ‘People are going to die because of the decision Trump made’ | US news | The Guardian
KERRY’s ‘angry’ comments exemplify all that is lazy and deceitful with those prosecuting the flimsy case for catastrophic man-made global warming climate change. Hyper-alarmist opinions based on emotions, and in Kerry’s case – hate, rather than hard facts and evidence.
BUT, no one really expects the Guardian or Kerry to observe actual data, especially when it’s a high-fashion hit-piece on Trump and especially when their favourite pet theory, Climate Change is in play.
SO, once again it becomes the job of those outside of the Leftist mainstream media echo chamber to correct the record…
US CO2 Emissions Falling Under Trump, While The World Increases
ACCORDING to the latest energy report from The Energy Information Administration (EIA), under President Trump, per-capita carbon dioxide emissions are now the lowest they’ve been in nearly seven decades.”
U.S. carbon dioxide emissions have steadily declined since 2008, when the fracking revolution dramatically and lowered natural gas prices. Low-priced natural gas can often outcompete coal on an economic front, while also cutting carbon dioxide emissions in half:
THE U.S. emitted 15.6 metric tons of CO2 per person in 1950. After rising for decades, it’s declined in recent years to 15.8 metric tons per person in 2017, the lowest measured levels in 67 years:
THE graph that climate alarmists and unreliable-energy rent seekers don’t want you to see:
BONUS Graphs:
IN absolute terms coal use has fallen far more in America this century than anywhere else:
MOST of the growth in CO2 emissions this century came from modernising economies. China and India dominated:
WHY would Trump have ever signed up to the latest UN wealth redistribution scheme when Europe, the epicentre of draconian climate change policy and green energy madness, cannot meet its own emissions ‘commitments’ despite spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer €Euros on failed ‘green’ energy?
ENERGIEWENDE FAIL: German CO2 Emissions Higher Now Than In 2009:
GLOBAL CO2 emissions continue their steady climb, despite the trillions of dollars committed to green energy sources worldwide and efforts to curb CO2 emissions.
URELIABLE-energy propagandists claim that wind, solar and other weather-dependent ‘energy’ sources will “Save The Planet” by lowering plant-food (CO2) emissions. But, the opposite is occurring…
ONE inconvenient reason for the rise in emissions, that you won’t hear reported on MSM news, ever :
“Adding More Wind And Solar Power Ultimately Raises CO2 Emissions, As More Fossil Fuel Backup Capacity Must Be Built”
WHAT’S happening in Germany is, unfortunately, a bellwether for what is to come in other large wealthy countries attempting to make renewables the kingpin of their power grids.
THE unspoken truth about renewables was succinctly summarized in a 2012 Los Angeles Times analysis :
“As more solar and wind generators come online, … the demand will rise for more backup power from fossil fuel plants.”
FULL article, entitled “Rise in renewable energy will require more use of fossil fuels” also points out that wind turbines often produce a tiny fraction (1 percent?) of their claimed potential, meaning the gap must be filled by fossil fuels:
NEW PAPERS : Intermittent Wind Power PRESERVES & INCREASES Need For Fossil Fuel Energy Generation
⇑ Wind Power Installation Amplifies
The Growth Of Fossil Fuel Energies
“[A]s RES [renewable energy sources] increases, the expected decreasing tendency in the installed capacity of electricity generation from fossil fuels has not been found.” – Marques et al., 2018
SEE : New Papers: Intermittent Wind Power PRESERVES & INCREASES Need For Fossil Fuel Energy Generation
RATHER than blaming Trump for “blowing up the Paris deal” ergo, “causing people to die”, why doesn’t the rest of the world follow his lead and let technology and innovation reduce ’emissions’, rather than relying on green central planning, endless climate conferences, grandstanding global climate treaties, economy and job destroying carbon dioxide reduction schemes and never to forget costly, failed unreliables – wind and solar?
FAT chance that ever happening or admitting Trump was right, again.
BETTER to kick the climate can down the road and see how much more climate coin it spits out.
H/t Tom Nelson
Cited charts : WUWT, Stop These Things, NoTricksZone, Paul Homewood
SEE also :
- GREEN Energy Is The Perfect Scam | Climatism
- PARIS Accord Based on Fraud | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE : The Unsettled Science Of “Settled” Science | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
TRUMP Is Right: Poor Land Management Is Leading To Bigger California Fires
Posted: November 14, 2018 Filed under: Fact Check, Fires, Politics, Trump, Wildfires | Tags: Bushfires, California, California Wildfires, Campfire, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Environmental management, Environmentalism, Forest Management, forestry, Global Warming, Jerry Brown, Land Management, Politics, Trump, Wildfires 2 Comments‘GREEN’ environmental policies – killing the earth (and people) to ‘save’ it:
“LAWS like the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act, according to Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., “have resulted in endlessly time-consuming and cost-prohibitive restrictions and requirements that have made the scientific management of our forests virtually impossible.”
These laws, and others like them, have drastically reduced the amount of forest thinning and controlled burns that used to effectively keep wildland from becoming a danger to people and property.
“One problem for landowners is disposing of deadwood. Dozens of biomass facilities that burn tree parts that can’t be used for lumber have closed due to emissions regulations and competition from subsidized renewables and cheap natural gas,” wrote The Wall Street Journal.According to the USDA Forest Service, there are an estimated 129 million dead trees over a territory of 8.9 million acres across California—a fact that even liberal Vox brought attention to as a major concern. And this doesn’t even account for the shrubs and brush that have been the primary contributors to the most recent fires.”
PA Pundits - International
The town of Paradise, California, has been decimated by fire. (Photo: Paul Kitagaki Jr./Zuma Press/Newscom)
By Jarrett Stepman ~
Another year, another set of deadly fires burning up California.
The devastation is heartbreaking. The “Camp Fire” has almost completely obliterated the Northern California town of Paradise. It’s now officially the deadliest fire in California history. Over 40 people have died.
This horrific blaze, along with the Woolsey and Hill fires in Southern California, have inflicted untold property damage, laid waste to towns and huge swaths of wildland, and taken dozens of lives. These wildfires are becoming an annual occurrence in the Golden State.
Are these calamities just the “new normal,” as California Gov. Jerry Brown recently said?
They don’t have to be.
President Donald Trump took to Twitter to blast poor land management as a cause of the continual fires.
Some have argued that the kind of land management…
View original post 690 more words
AMERICA Pushes Nuclear Option: President Launches Plan For Advanced Nuclear Plants
Posted: October 6, 2018 Filed under: Nuclear, Trump | Tags: Climatism, Energy, Energy Security, MAGA, Nuclear, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Fission, science, Science and Environment, Trump Leave a comment“Prior to the election of Donald J Trump, the US was on an economy wrecking trajectory, set by renewable energy rent seekers and the eco-zealots that champion their cause: numerous American states, not least Texas and California, as well as the prairies of the mid-west have been overrun with costly and chaotic subsidised wind and solar.
Power prices in those states inevitably skyrocketed – wind and solar ‘powered’ Californians pay 40% more for power than the US average – threatening homegrown American industry and hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs.
Then came Donald Trump, and all that changed.”
TRUMP making good on yet another election promise to make America an “energy superpower”…
America truly is exceptional: while plenty of Western democracies are still piling into subsidised wind and solar, the USA is getting out.
Prior to the election of Donald J Trump, the US was on an economy wrecking trajectory, set by renewable energy rent seekers and the eco-zealots that champion their cause: numerous American states, not least Texas and California, as well as the prairies of the mid-west have been overrun with costly and chaotic subsidised wind and solar.
Power prices in those states inevitably rocketed – wind and solar ‘powered’ Californians pay 40% more for power than the US average – threatening homegrown American industry and hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs.
Then came Donald Trump, and all that changed.
One of the loudest advocates for wind and solar in the US, Audrey Zibelman was run out of town and ended up in Australia – where she’s clearly determined to…
View original post 556 more words
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