SORRY ALARMISTS : The IPCC Once Again Reports Extreme Weather Events Have Not Increased


“The IPCC once again reports that there is little basis for claiming that drought, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes have increased, much less increased due to greenhouse gases.” – University of Colorado professor Roger Pielke, Jr

“Warming fears are the worst scientific scandal in the history. When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“I am no longer reading this garbage” – “Similar claims are on par with the spam about penis enlargement” – Former Harvard U. Physicist, Luboš Motl rejects new UN IPCC Report


EXTREME WEATHER, the Climate Crisis Industries favoured weapon of mass hysteria has been scuttled, once again, by their very own authority, the UN IPCC!

THE latest report finding that there is “little basis or evidence” for claiming that drought, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes have increased due to greenhouse gases.

BUT, alas! Just as the extreme weather findings from last IPCC report – AR5 (2013) – were conveniently dismissed by the mainstream media and climate crusaders, so too will the latest ‘inconvenient’ findings from the SR15 ‘Special Report’.

FROM Chapter 4 of SREX (2013) :

  • “There is medium evidence and high agreement that long-term trends in normalized losses have not been attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change”
  • “The statement about the absence of trends in impacts attributable to natural or anthropogenic climate change holds for tropical and extratropical storms and tornados”
  • “The absence of an attributable climate change signal in losses also holds for flood losses”

Pielke Jr. Agrees – ‘Extreme weather to climate connection’ is a dead issue | Watts Up With That?

SEE also : No steel roof required: IPCC dials back the fear of extreme weather | Climatism


IPCC REPORT SR15 – Extreme Weather Findings


IPCC – SR15 – 2018

UNIVERSITY of Colorado professor Roger Pielke Jr provides a good summary of the latest UN IPCC extreme weather findings via this twitter thread :




Little change in global drought over the past 60 years | Nature

Little change in global drought over the past 60 years | Nature

IN August 1934, when CO2 was at ‘safe’ levels, severe to extreme drought covered around 80% of the entire US. Such conditions endured for most of the decade known as the “Dust Bowl” era:


Historical Palmer Drought Indices | Temperature, Precipitation, and Drought | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

CURRENT U.S. drought conditions under Donald Trump’s reign of climate “denial” terror:

U.S. Drought Monitor

US Drought October 11 2018 | U.S. Drought Monitor

* Read the rest of this entry »

WIND Power Can’t Fill Sweden’s Nuclear Energy Gap

WESTERN climate-theory-obsessed governments continue to ramp up unreliables – wind and solar – that continue to fail dismally wherever they are installed. Energy poverty, sky rocketing power bills, grid instability and the destruction of pristine landscapes, flora and fauna among the many costs of low energy-density, weather dependent novelty ‘energy’ sources!

EITHER, green propaganda is beyond successful or lucrative kickbacks for politicians who give the ‘green’ light are too good to refuse. A combination of both seems likely.

ECO-insanity on stilts.


Tallbloke's Talkshop

Ringhals nuclear power site, Sweden [image credit: Vattenfall]
Another example of the obvious inadequacy of part-time unpredictable wind power, and its consequencies for countries that insist on pursuing it. Relying on imports to avoid power shortages can’t be ideal for any country.
H/T The GWPF/Reuters

Sweden will have to import more electricity during winter as the country, a net power exporter to the rest of Europe, shifts from nuclear to wind, its grid operator said.

View original post 200 more words

New Ice Age Begins: Ice Chunks Thrown from Wind Turbines Threaten Lives, Smashing Buildings and Passing Trucks

THE same ice that they tell us will be no longer, now building up on and shutting down the same weather-dependent windmills that they tell us will bring it back! Let that sink in 🤦‍♂️


Wind power’s meant to be clean, green and safe as houses, but these things have a habit of hurling deadly chunks of ice at people, family homes and, in one recent case, through the roof of a College in the US: Deadly Cool: Wind Turbine Throws Ice Chunks Into US College

We’d only just reported on the frozen and potentially lethal chunk lobbed at College Students in Gardner, Massachusetts, when yet another report of ice being slung from turbine blades appeared. This time it’s a truck and its driver that turned into a frightening form of renewable ‘targets’.

Turbines temporarily shut down after ice strikes semi
Albert Tribune
Sam Wilmes
23 February 2018

Alliant Energy shut down some of its turbines in Bent Tree Wind Farm after ice from a turbine struck a semi Thursday on Minnesota Highway 13.

The turbines were described by Alliant Energy Spokesman Justin Foss as “select…

View original post 697 more words

EXTREME WEATHER Expert: “World Is Presently In An Era Of Unusually Low Weather Disasters”

EXTREME Weather data.jpg

CLIMATE sceptics have been consistently pointing to data rather than superstition, politics and emotion in order to examine the contentious relationship between human CO2 emissions and global warming climate change.

Climate alarmists will frequently default to the “extreme weather” narrative in order to deceptively promote the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) narrative by instilling fear, doom and gloom directly into the human psyche.

However, by most metrics, the data shows us that extreme weather events are becoming ‘less’ extreme as CO2 increases.

Climate Depot with more…

Professor Roger Pielke Jr. of the University of Colorado Boulder: “The world is presently in an era of unusually low weather disasters. This holds for the weather phenomena that have historically caused the most damage: tropical cyclones, floods, tornadoes and drought. Given how weather events have become politicized in debates over climate change, some find this hard to believe…

The US has seen a decrease of about 20% in both hurricane frequency and intensity at landfall since 1900…

Data on floods, drought and tornadoes are similar in that they show little to no indication of becoming more severe or frequent…

Thus, it is fair to conclude that the costs of disasters worldwide is depressed because, as the global economy has grown, disaster costs have not grown at the same rate. Thus, disaster costs as a proportion of GDP have decreased. One important reason for this is a lack of increase in the weather events that cause disasters, most notably, tropical cyclones worldwide and especially hurricanes in the United States.

Why has this occurred? Is it good luck, climate change or something else?

A good place to start is with tropical cyclones, given that they are often the most costly weather events to occur each year.  The figure below shows global tropical cyclone landfalls from 1990 through 2016. These are the storms that cause the overwhelming majority of property damage. Since 1990 there has been a reduction of about 3 landfalling storms per year (from ~17 to ~14), which certainly helps to explain why disaster losses are somewhat depressed.

Even more striking is the extended period in the United States, which has the most exposure to tropical cyclone damage, without the landfall of an intense hurricane. The figure below shows the number of days between each landfall of a Category 3+ hurricane in the US, starting in 1900. As of this writing the tally is approaching 4500 days, which is a streak of good fortune not seen in the historical record.

Read full study here…




See Also :

  • The Great “Extreme Weather” Climate Change Propaganda Con | Climatism
  • Despite NOAA denial, growing number of new studies confirm global warming hiatus | Climatism

THE Great “Extreme Weather” Climate Change Propaganda Con


The “Extreme Weather” meme has earned its place in climate change history as the fundamental driver of climate scaremongering, used deceptively and effectively to promote the catastrophic man-made climate change theory by instilling fear, doom and gloom directly into the human psyche through simple imagery and repetitive correlation rhetoric.

Even though “weather” is not climate, the daily bombardment via news and multi-media of climatic disaster clips provide more than enough evidence for the casual observer to convince them that the climate is in fact changing as a direct result of human CO2 emissions.

Much of the mainstream media gleefully encourages and promotes the catastrophic man-made warming narrative. Hence, sensationalising a typhoon in the Phillipines or a forest fire in California has become fair-game in the virtuous and IMHO nefarious push to enhance the supposed human CO2-induced climate catastrophe.

However, when you look at hard data and scientific evidence pertaining to extreme weather through the lens of “Government data” and “Peer-Reviewed Science”, as opposed to scary pictures and videos, absorbed via billions of iPhones and hysterical climate-obsessed mainstream media, things are not quite as bad as they seem. In fact, by most metrics, extreme weather events are becoming ‘less’ extreme as CO2 increases. This should come as relieving news to all, though sadly, yet predictably, such data will come as extremely inconvenient news to the virtuous “Save The Planet” lobby and especially those invested in the trillion dollar global warming climate change industry that feeds and thrives off doomsday scenarios.


Below are listed the more common metrics associated with the much maligned and deceptively ascribed “extreme weather” meme. A term which I would label as a very clever weapon of mass climate propaganda to elevate hysteria, emotions and fear with the ultimate end to mould groupthink belief in human CO2-induced climate change…


The US is currently experiencing a record 12 year (4,380 days) drought of major landfall hurricanes (Cat3+). The last major hurricane to hit was “Wilma” in 2005:


The major hurricane drought for Category 3 or greater storms continues. Updated December 2016 by Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. (via WUWT)

Interesting historical reference point:

NOAA keeps hurricane records back to 1850. The average number of US hurricane strikes per presidency is about eleven. Obama’s presidency had five hurricane strikes, the last being “Matthew” (Cat 1 at landfall, October 8,2016).

Grover Cleveland (1885 – 1889 & 1893 – 1897) and Franklin D Roosevelt (1933 – 1945) both presided over 26 hurricanes, almost six times as many as Obama:

Hurricane count by President.jpg

The presidency of Barack Obama had the lowest frequency of US hurricane strikes of any president:

Hurricane count by President2.gif

Charts via Steve S Goddard – Only updated to 2014

NOAA – Chronological List of All Hurricanes

During Obama’s presidency, atmospheric CO2 levels were between 384-400 ppm. At the time of Grover Cleveland, atmospheric CO2 levels were at 294 ppm. (NASA CO2 Data)



Last years tornado season marked the fifth consecutive year of below normal tornado activity in the US:

US Tornadoes.png

NOAA | Storm Prediction Center WCM Page


Over the past 55 years there has been a large reduction in frequency of stronger tornadoes:


There has been no trend in EF-1+ Tornadoes 1954-2014:


Historical Records and Trends | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Paul Homewood, of the excellent climate blog NALOPKT, notes that NOAA has not bothered to update Tornado data for 2015/16. “Could it be they would rather the public did not find out the truth?”

Last year may set the record for the least number of Tornadoes on record:


In summary, with an interesting caveat from NOAA:

  • No trend in EF-1+ Tornadoes 1954-2014 tornadoes.
  • Large reduction in frequency of stronger tornadoes over the past 55 years.
  • 2016 perhaps a record for the least number of Tornadoes on record.

ALL THIS despite rising CO2 and advanced technologies, including doppler radar and greater attention to reporting – Tornado chasers, increased population etc – which can create “a misleading appearance of an increasing trend in tornado frequency.” – NOAA



Jamal Munshi of Sonoma State University published this paper last June, A General Linear Model for Trends in Tropical Cyclone Activity:


The ACE index is used to compare tropical cyclone activity worldwide among seven decades from 1945 to 2014. Some increase in tropical cyclone activity is found relative to the earliest decades. No trend is found after the decade 1965-1974. A comparison of the six cyclone basins in the study shows that the Western Pacific Basin is the most active basin and the North Indian Basin the least. The advantages of using a general linear model for trend analysis are described.

Trop Cyclone trends.png

A General Linear Model for Trends in Tropical Cyclone Activity by Jamal Munshi :: SSRN

Again, despite rising CO2, there is no trend in tropical cyclone activity after the decade 1965-1974. With a sharp decline in activity over the past two decades.


Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology graph shows a significant downtrend in all tropical storms, with no discernible trend for severe tropical cyclones:

Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at , February 22, 11.52.48 AM.png

Tropical Cyclone Trends | Bureau Of Meteorology

Again, it’s clear from the BoM graph that as CO2 has increased, the frequency and strength of cyclones has decreased.

NB, the (warmist) BoM is still yet to update its cyclone graph from 2011. Are they simply lazy? Have no data since 2011? Or are they trying to hide inconvenient climate data that doesn’t fit the CO2-induced extreme weather narrative? You decide.



Snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event.”
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
Dr David Viner – Senior scientist, climatic research unit (CRU)

Climate change alarmists (experts) use tangible and emotional climatic horror scenarios to scare you into belief. One of the more classic instances of such fear-mongering, gone horribly wrong, was that by Dr David Viner – esteemed climatologist from the UK’s CRU, in 2000.

From the Independent’s most cited article: Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past by Charles Onians:

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.

After over 15 years, the Independent removed that article, and the URL used to come up like this:


It originally read like this:

snowfall-thing-of-the-past Original.png

The original link now boots back to their homepage.

Our friends at WUWT have preserved the entire article as a PDF for posterity:

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – The Independent (PDF)

In fairness, perhaps the good Dr Viner was colluding consulting with the virtuous partners of climate catastrophe expertise, the UN IPCC…

IPCC Less Snow.png

IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001 – Complete online versions | GRID-Arendal – Publications – Other

Warmer winters IPCC.png

IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The (warmist) CSIRO jumped on the “end of snow” bandwagon in August 2003:

Simulations of future snow conditions in the Australian alpine regions were prepared for the years 2020 and 2050…


The low impact scenario for 2020 has a minor impact on snow conditions. Average season lengths are reduced by around five days. Reductions in peak depths are usually less than 10%, but can be larger at lower sites (e.g. Mt Baw Baw and Wellington High Plains).

The high impact scenario for 2020 leads to reductions of 30-40 days in average season lengths.  At higher sites such as Mt Hotham, this can represent reductions in season duration of about 25%, but at lower sites such as Mt Baw Baw the reduction can be more significant (up to 60%)…

We have very high confidence (at least 95%) that the low impact scenarios will be exceeded and the high impact scenarios will not be exceeded.

In 2014, the New York Times signalled “The End of Snow”:

ScreenHunter_314 Feb. 07 11.00

The End of Snow? –


2017 Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent was amongst the highest on record last month:

NH Snow extent.png

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

Winter Northern Hemisphere snow extent is trending upwards, despite rising CO2 emissions:

Winter SNow NH.png

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab


January snow extent update… 10th highest on record.

“Global Warming”?

Again, as CO2 has increased, NH Snow extent has increased :

Screen Shot 2017-04-02 at , April 2, 4.25.07 PM.png

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

And for Australia’s CSIRO who assured the end of snow by 2020/2030…

Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at , February 22, 8.05.58 PM.png

Heavy snow forecast for the Australian Alps despite ski season ending a month ago

Australia’s snowfields have been overdosed by snow over the past 5+ years.


Emergency services warn of avalanches in Victoria’s alpine region

Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at , August 8, 8.45.01 AM

THE “Blizzard Of Oz” That Wasn’t Meant To Be | Climatism



“So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems…” Tim Flannery 2007

This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake
– Dr Tim Flannery,
Climate Council

Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology 2008:

IT MAY be time to stop describing south-eastern Australia as gripped by drought and instead accept the extreme dry as permanent, one of the nation’s most senior weather experts warned yesterday.

“Perhaps we should call it our new climate,” said the Bureau of Meteorology’s head of climate analysis, David Jones….

“There is a debate in the climate community, after … close to 12 years of drought, whether this is something permanent…”

The Bureau’s David Jones in 2007:

As Jones wrote to the University of East Anglia the year before: “Truth be know, climate change here is now running so rampant that we don’t need meteorological data to see it. Almost everyone of our cities is on the verge of running out of water and our largest irrigation system (the Murray Darling Basin is on the verge of collapse…”

The CSIRO, 2009:

A three-year collaboration between the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO has confirmed what many scientists long suspected: that the 13-year drought is not just a natural dry stretch but a shift related to climate change

”It’s reasonable to say that a lot of the current drought of the last 12 to 13 years is due to ongoing global warming,” said the bureau’s Bertrand Timbal. 

THE REAL WORLD (as of 2016 data)

For the continent of Australia as a whole, there is more rain, not less – and certainly no permanent drought:



Winter was Australia’s second wettest on record – just missing out on a new high by a couple of millimetres, leaving many regions already sodden.

“It’s about as wet as it has been in the past 110 years [of records] across Australia,” David Jones, head of climate predictions at the Bureau of Meteorology, said.

Floods! Near-record rainfall! When will the head of climate predictions at the Bureau of Meteorology (David Jones) explain why his 2008 prediction of a “new climate” of drought turned out so, so wrong?


How warmists cost us billions

The price of global warming alarmism is enormous. Take the cost of the mothballed desalination plants, built after warmists persuaded politiciansthe rains would dry up:

Sydney’s privatised desalination plant, which is costing residents more than $500,000 a day to keep on standby, will not be needed for at least another four or five years. The sale of the plant last year to a private company for $2.3 billion means residents are locked into paying about $10 billion in fees for the next 50 years, whether the plant is operating or not. Not one drop of water has come out of the Kurnell facility since it stopped operating more than a year ago. With dam levels at 93.4 per cent, the plant has been placed into “water security” mode, a long-term shutdown which is likely to continue for some time.”My best estimate is it will still be about four to five years before we turn the desalination plant on,” Sydney Water’s managing director Kevin Young told 7.30 New South Wales

Mind you, big cities did need more water security as they grew. Dams were the cheap option, but who made those almost illegal?

How warmists cost us billions | Herald Sun

More: The legacy of Tim Flannery..White elephant desalination plants | Climatism

Australia is now awash with water. Nearly every dam is full. And we are left with x4 mothballed desal plants that cost $12Billion to build and are costing the taxpayer $1million per day (each) under contract until 2030/50.

Unfortunately, the worst Flannery and his climate change alarmist comrades can ever be accused of, for the litany of failed alarmist dud-predictions resulting in massive taxpayer-dollar waste, is an excess of “Save the planet”virtue.


Last September, New York’s Daily News forecast centuries of global warming drought for California:

One of the myriad incorrect assertions by climate-change deniers is that scientists who have proven manmade causes for the current global warming ignore periods of warming in the Earth’s past that were not caused by industrial pollution.

Since it’s essentially, and of course ironically, entirely non-scientists who make this claim, the deniers would do well to read a recent UCLA study that indicates California’s current six-year severe drought could be exacerbated enough by global warming to extend the dry period for centuries.

Five months later the “Permanent” drought is over and the prediction drowned:
California has now seen more moisture in the last 8 weeks than it typically does in an entire year… San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and several other cities have recorded one of their wettest Januarys on record and an incredibly wet 8 weeks overall.

And for those who desire to claim the recent California floods are “unprecedented” and “extreme”, the below graph shows that inflow to Oroville so far this year is far from unprecedented, with a much greater total in 1997.


And we can see from the state rainfall totals that January 2017 was nothing special:

Orville Precip.png


USA drought during the low-CO2 1930’s:


USA drought during 400ppm “unprecedented”-CO2 levels of 2017:

Drought USA 2017.png

Drought – January 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)


For the next few “Extreme Weather/Climate” categories, feel free to click on the links to read government data and peer-reviewed science sourced to unfold any concern(s) you may have…


Shock news : Australia has always had heatwaves | Climatism


NASA “Sea Level Rise” Fraud | Climatism

44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum (COP21 Update 2015) | Climatism

If Sea Level Rise were such a threat, ask yourself one simple Q: Why would Barack Hussein Obama (spruiker-in-chief of climate change alarmism) purchase the Hawaii seaside mansion where Magnum PI was filmed?

While warning us of ‘rising oceans’ in SOTU, did Obama just buy a beachfront mansion? | Watts Up With That?

Maybe its because, outside of his eco-pantheist ideology and Leftist, wealth redistribution agenda, Obama too, knows very well that Islands like Hawaii “Shape-shift” i.e. they grow with Sea Level Rise. In fact, 80% of Island nations around the world are growing, not “Sinking” as climate activists and alarmists will have you believe.



China’s not so extreme weather study:

China’s weather now better

The biggest study of China’s extreme weather finds the frequency of hail storms, thunderstorms and high wind events has actually halved since 1960.

In one of the most comprehensive studies on trends in local severe weather patterns to date, an international team of researchers found that the frequency of hail storms, thunderstorms and high wind events has decreased by nearly 50 percent on average throughout China since 1960…

“Most of the data published on trends in severe weather has been incomplete or collected for a limited short period,” said Fuqing Zhang, professor of meteorology and atmospheric science and director, Center for Advanced Data Assimilation and Predictability Techniques, Penn State. “The record we used is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest, both in time scale and area of land covered.”

When will warmist scientists admit the apocalypse they predicted simply isn’t coming?

Oh and just as a side, Al Gore’s “Extreme Weather” poster child sufferers – POLAR BEARS – are doing more than fine…as CO2 rises!


If we rely on the above scientific hard data and peer-reviewed evidence, it should hopefully become clearer that colourless, odourless, plant food and trace gas CO2 – the gas of life – does not control the climate or the weather.


In my opinion if the temperature gradient between the polar regions and tropics were to increase because of polar cooling, expect to see more and genuine extreme weather occurrences. Ergo, has slight global warming since the 1970’s actually decreased the frequency and strength of extreme weather events? The above evidence strongly supports this case. Especially in the case of Northern Hemisphere Hurricanes, Tornadoes and drought.

Ironically and to this point, in 1974 climatologists blamed extreme weather on “Global Cooling”.

The panic was so real during the “Global Cooling” scare of the 1970’s that UN scientists wanted to melt the Arctic by spreading black soot on it!

Arctic UN Black soot.jpg

02 Feb 1972 – Scientists fear for Arctic Sea ice – Trove

And today, the UN, all those expert climatologists and their sycophant media gleefully blame any extreme weather event, not on “global cooling” but now “global warming”. Nuff said.


TO FINISH. A message, in their own words, from the promulgators of climate change fear, doom and gloom – the UN’s very own IPCC …

Direct from their IPCC SREX report released 2012 :

“We Do Not Know If The Climate Is Becoming More Extreme”


Recommended / Related :

  • It’s Time To Declare War On Global Warming Extremists | Climatism
  • Global warmists trash our planet | Daily Mail – James Delingpole
  • TIM FLANNERY – Epitome Of The Climate Scam | Climatism
  • Fake News “Cooks” Guardian’s Climate Credibility | Climatism
  • There Is No Climate Change Crisis | Climatism
  • Why CSIRO and BoM Cannot Be Trusted On Anything “Climate Change” | Climatism
  • NASA “Sea Level Rise” Fraud | Climatism
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism

Another blow to the ‘extreme weather is climate’ alarmism meme – Australian cyclone activity down

Mann made CO2 induced Extreme Weather reminder…

Watts Up With That?

We’ve mentioned many times the lack of major landfalling hurricanes on the USA being in a record drought. When the Atlantic hurricane season starts on June 1st, 13 days from now, it will have been (barring a miracle storm) 2,777 days since the last time an intense (that is a Category 3, 4 or 5) hurricane made landfall along the US coast (Wilma in 2005). Such a prolonged period without an intense hurricane landfall has not been observed since 1900.


Source: Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.

We’ve also routinely talked about Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE) being down. You can see the downtrends on the WUWT Extreme Weather Page.

Now Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology has posted an updated graph (if you can call through 2011 “updated”) that shows a significant downtrend in all tropical storms, with no discernible trend for severe tropical cyclones. They write:

View original post 118 more words

Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)

 “It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace

The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

Re-pressed via Not A Lot Of People Know That

Super Typhoon Yolanda

NOVEMBER 9, 2013

By Paul Homewood

Sadly it appears that at least 1000 lives have been lost in Typhoon Yolanda (or Haiyan), that has just hit the Philippines. There appear to have been many unsubstantiated claims about its size, though these now appear to start being replaced by accurate information.

Nevertheless the BBC are still reporting today

Typhoon Haiyan – one of the most powerful storms on record to make landfall …….The storm made landfall shortly before dawn on Friday, bringing gusts that reached 379km/h (235 mph).


Unfortunately we cannot always trust the BBC to give the facts these days, so let’s see what the Philippine Met Agency, PAGASA, have to say :




So at landfall the sustained wind was 235 kmh or 147 mph, with gusts upto 275 kmh or 171 mph. This is 60 mph less than the BBC have quoted.

The maximum strength reached by the typhoon appears to have been around landfall, as the reported windspeeds three hours earlier were 225 kmh.

Terrible though this storm was, it only ranks as a Category 4 storm, and it is clear nonsense to suggest that it is “one of the most powerful storms on record to make landfall “


Given the geography of the Pacific, most typhoons stay out at sea, or only hit land once they have weakened. But in total terms, the busiest typhoon season in recent decades was 1964, whilst the following year logged the highest number of super typhoons (which equate to Cat 3 +). Of the eleven super typhoons that year, eight were Category 5’s.


So far this year, before Yolanda there have been just three Category 5’s, none of which hit land at that strength.

Personally I don’t like to comment on events such as these until long after the dust has settled. Unfortunately though, somebody has to set the record if we cannot rely on the BBC and others to get the basic facts right.


In case anyone thinks I am overreacting, take a look at the Daily Mail headlines.


Just looking at it again, is it possible the MSM are confusing mph with kmh? It seems a coincidence that PAGASA report 235 kmh.


I have just registered a complaint at the Press Complaints Commission against the Mail article. If anyone spots similar articles elsewhere, and I will add them to my complaint.


I seem to have been right about the kmh/mph confusion!

I’ve just scanned down the Mail article and seen this:


Unless they think “gusts” are less than “winds”, it looks like someone has boobed.

via Super Typhoon Yolanda.



Re-blogged via Not A Lot Of People Know That

Typhoon Yolanda The Strongest Since 2006

NOVEMBER 10, 2013
tags: hurricane, typhoon

By Paul Homewood



Typhoon Yolanda is claimed to be the strongest storm ever, with gusts of 275 kph.

Yet back in 2006, Typhoon Reming recorded 320 kph.

And in 1970, Typhoon Sening registered the same 275 kph.


All figures are from the Philippine Met Agency, PAGOSA, and are calculated on the same basis, as the windspeeds at landfall.

So why are we being lied to?



Via The Hockey Schtick

Was Haiyan the Strongest Storm Ever? No

By Cris LaranoWSJ.COM 11/14/13–MANILA—When supertyphoon Haiyan, locally known as Yolanda, made landfall last Friday on Guiuan, a coastal town on the central Philippine island of Samar around 410 miles south of Manila, it was described by some as the strongest storm to make landfall in the world this year, maybe ever.

So is it?

Data from the national weather bureau, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration, or PAGASA, showed that Typhoon Haiyan’s intensity – measured by the wind strength at its center and the speed of gusts at landfall – Haiyan ranks at number 7 among the strongest storms ever to have hit the Philippines.

It could eventually prove to be the deadliest, with the death toll currently at more than 2,300 and mounting. But among the so-called supertyphoons— those with center winds in excess of 134 miles an hour — the title goes to Joan.

Known locally as Sening, that storm made landfall in Virac, Catanduanes province, north of the current devastation and around 236 miles south of Manila. When it hit, Joan had center winds of 171 miles per hour and gusts of 193 miles per hour, compared to Haiyan’s 147 mph.


Are Typhoon Disasters Getting More Common? No

Climate Con Artists Exploit Typhoon HaiyanMost Intense Typhoons On The Decline

Related :

    • Jeff Masters Called Out For Lying About The Typhoon | Real Science
    • Combining Jeff Masters’ Big Lie With Nonsensical Misinterpretation | Real Science
    • Would Jeff Masters Have Survived 1934? | Real Science
    • Fox News Says That 147 MPH Winds Are Among The Strongest Ever Recorded | Real Science
    • Shock News : The Philippines Have Always Had Super Typhoons | CACA
    • 19th Century Was Deadliest For Cyclones | Real Science

Quote Source – The Green Agenda

Shock News : The Philippines Have Always Had Super Typhoons

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace

We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis
– David Rockefeller,
Club of Rome executive member


Screen Shot 2013-11-09 at , November 9, 5.01.37 PMScreen Shot 2013-11-09 at , November 9, 5.01.59 PM

Super Typhoon Haiyan Is a Wake-Up Call for UN Climate Summit | Jamie Henn


The alarmist Huffington Post, ever quick to blame humans for Typhoon Haiyan, or any *weather* event, forgot to read the latest findings from the IPCC. Their latest climate report AR5, concedes a “Low Confidence” link between extreme weather and man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

Official IPCC Words from SREX report released 2012 : ”We Do Not Know If The Climate Is Becoming More Extreme“

HuffPo’s human causation conclusion is not supported by IPCC AR5 or SREX.


Don’t expect Huffington Post or delegates at the upcoming UN climate propaganda gabfest COP19 to report or discuss the Philippines devastating history of Super Typhoons, with CO² well below 350ppm :

    The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (NSW : 1868 – 1931) Tuesday 7 January 1913 p 2 Article
    … TYPHOON IN PHILLIPINES. London, Sunday. During’ a recent typhoon in the Phillipines, a steamer, 7000 tons, sank at anchor. … 19 words
  2. TYPHOON IN PHILLIPINES. LONDON, Thursday afternoon.
    Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 – 1954) Saturday 26 September 1908 p 9 Article
    … TYPHOON IN PHILLIPINES. LONDON, Thursday afternoon. Thursday has been a typhoon with a great loss of life and property at Sumar Leyte Luzon, Panay, Misbate and Ramulon, in the Phillipines Group. There are no details yet. … 30 words
    Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 – 1950) Monday 22 November 1937 p 1 Article
    … TYPHOON DEVASTATES PHILLIPINES. MORE THAN 100 DEAD. MANILA, Nov. 19.-A typhoon which swept and devastated eight islands is- lands in the Phillipine Group yesterday, yester- day, resulted in the deaths of 123 per per- sons, while over 100 are missing. Sixty per cent. of the homes were des des- … 49 words
    Northern Territory Times and Gazette (Darwin, NT : 1873 – 1927) Tuesday 7 September 1920 p 1 Article
    … TYPHOON IN THE PHILLIPINES. MANILLA, Friday A typhoon has wrought much damage to the Phillipine Islands. The naval station at Cavito was unroof[?]l. The American oil tank steamer Eastern Eas[?] was driven ashore in Manilla Bay. … 38 words
  5. DISASTROUS TYPHOON Phillipines Swept MANILA, Dec. 4.
    The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 – 1939) Tuesday 5 December 1939 p 5 Article
    … DISASTROUS TYPHOON Phillipines Swept (‘Mercury’ Service) MANILA, Dec.’ 4. Service) A typhoon which is sweeping through the Philippine Islands and approaching ing Manila is said to be the worst experienced perienced since 1908. ?It has already ravaged five south western islands, and isolated seven … 81 words
    Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 – 1956) Saturday 10 December 1938 p 3 Article
    … TYPHOON RAVAGES PHILLIPINES HUNDREDS HOMELESS MANILA, To-day A typhoon ravaged the Philippine Islands, causing at least twenty deaths and 750,000 dollars worth of damage. Communications have been destroyed and hundreds are homeless. It is feared the freighter Admiral Hal Hal- stead, which carries … 54 words
    The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995) Wednesday 29 October 1952 p 4 Article
    … PLANE LOST IN TYPHOON OFF PHILLIPINES MANILA, Tuesday. The typhoon ”Wilma” blew into the China Sea toward Indo-China China today leaving three dead, 21 missing and a trail of de- struction through … Capiz. The storm was considerably less severe than the typhoon ”Trix” last week, which left 1000 … 125 words
  8. WIDESPREAD DAMAGE Typhoon Sweeps Phillipines MANILLA (P.I.). Monday.
    Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 – 1940) Tuesday 27 November 1928 Edition: DAILY and EVENING p 2 Article
    … WIDESPREAD DAMAGE Typhoon Sweeps Phillipines MANILLA (P.I.), Monday. The most severe typhoon experienced enced in the Phillipine Islands this year swept the southern portion of Luzon Island. The gale at times reached a velocity o’f 70 miles an hour. The damage is estimated at £250,000. Thirty per … 84 words
    The Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 – 1954) Tuesday 13 May 1913 p 5 Article
    … A TYPHOON IN THE PHILLIPINES. PH1UJHMSS MANILLA, May 12. IS A dreadful typhoon is still raging though nearly spent. Many steam- ttoMn ers and lighter craft have been … s since the sea rose to such a terrific height. … 54 words
    Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 – 1950) Tuesday 10 September 1929 p 5 Article
    … TYPHOON IN PHILLIPINES | ? ? ^-»– ? ? ? 200 DEAD AND THOUSANDS HOMELESS. Manila, Sept. 8. ! Two hundred are dead and thousands sands are homeless as the result of a typhoon at Southern Luzon Island The United States des troyer is. en route to the coast of JLuzon for relief work. The water … 77 words
    The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995) Tuesday 10 September 1929 p 1 Article
    … TYPHOON IN THE PHILLIPINES DEATH ROLL EXCEEDS 200 THOUSANDS REPORTED HOMELESS MANILLA, Sunday. A typhoon which is over the southern end of Luzon Island has rendered thousands homeless. Over 200 are dead. A United States destroyer is bound for the coast of Luzon to aid in relief work. Subsequent to … 74 words
    Western Argus (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1916 – 1938) Tuesday 17 September 1929 p 26 Article
    … TYPHOON IN PHILLIPINES 2o0 DEAD AND THOUSANDS HOMELESS. Manila, Sept. 8. Two hundred are dead and thousands thou- sands are homeless as the result of a typhoon at Southern Luzon Island The United States des des- troyer is en route to the coast of Luzon for relief work. The water shortage at … 67 words
    Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 – 1954) Wednesday 12 January 1898 Edition: SECOND EDITION p 3 Article
    … TYPHOON AND TIDAL WAVE IN THE PHILLIPINES. 7000 Lives Lost. MAIL advices, brought by the steamer Gaelic from Chinese and other ports in the Far East, contain details of the fearful destruc- tion wrought in the Phillipine Islands by the typhoon and tidal wave during October. It is … 711 words
    Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1877 – 1954) Tuesday 13 May 1913 p 3 Article
    … TYPHOON. MUCH DAMAGE CAUSED IN THE PHILLIPINES. Manilla, Monday. ” ‘A heavy typhoon swept the Plnllip piuo Islands,: causing grisvt damage. Many steamers and lighter” craft wore wreched, and much … persons lost their lives at sea. Tho typhoon was tho most serious oxpori enwd” for ■ eight years.l’l- ‘■ … 68 words
    Geraldton Guardian and Express (WA : 1929 – 1947) Saturday 24 August 1940 p 1 Article
    … SEVERE TYPHOON FAR EAST STRUCK HEAVY CASUALTIES IN THE PHILLIPINES Manila, August 22. Eight people are reported to be dead in North Luzon as a result of a typhoon which struck the Far East on … island of the Phillipines. … 90 words
    The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser (NSW : 1868 – 1931) Friday 29 September 1905 p 2 Article
    … DISASTROUS TYPHOON. Ten persons have been killed and a thousand people rendered homeless by a typhoon in the Phillipines. … 19 words
    Gippsland Times (Vic. : 1861 – 1954) Thursday 5 October 1905 Edition: MORNINGS. p 3 Article
    … A STEAMER LOST IN A TYPHOON. The steamer Cantabrin,”. plying amongst the foundered in a typhoon. 97 officers and crew ands 17 passengers perished. ” ý … 26 words
  18. Latest Telegrams. INTERNATIONAL. London, Oct. 21.
    Western Herald (Bourke, NSW : 1887 – 1970) Wednesday 23 October 1912 p 2 Article
    … Latest telegrams. INTERNATIONAL. London. Oct. 21. In a typhoon he Phillipines 400 lives were lost one town, while in two towns 2,400 hoses were wrecked. The damage is estimated ti mi ted at five millions. The crop wm destroyed. Jack Johnson, elirged with abduc tion, was broughtibefoie the Police … 76 words
  19. DISASTROUS TYPHOON. Towns Wrecked. (By Cable). London, Thursday.
    Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 – 1954) Saturday 30 November 1912 p 4 Article
    … DISASTROUS TYPHOON. Towns Wrecked. (By Cable). London, Thursday. A terrifle 1 ?.l ? A terrific typhoon has taken place in the Phillipines. Two towns were ruined, and hundreds killed and drowned. Two steamers were wrecked in Taleoban Har- hour. … 39 words
    Goulburn Evening Post (NSW : 1940 – 1957) Monday 29 December 1947 Edition: Daily and Evening p 3 Article
    … 30 LIVES LOST IN .WRECK MANILA, Monday: Of 64 persons sons on board the Danish motorship, torship, Kina, which sank in the Sea of Sama on Christmas Day after a typhoon sweeping the’ Phillipines had sent it crashing oh, the Jagged rocks of Camandag Island, 34, in cluuiing the captain, are still … 104 words



Via Real Science

Devastation From The 1897 Philippines Low CO2 Typhoon

Posted on Real Science November 12, 2013 by stevengoddard

ScreenHunter_244 Nov. 12 09.31

Published: November 28, 1897

Copyright © The New York Times


SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 27.—The typhoon which swept over the Philippine Islands on Oct. 6 was the cause of one of the worst disasters reported from the Southern Ocean In many years- Thousands of lives were lost, among those who perished being many Europeans, and the damage to property was something appalling.

The difficulty of getting news from the Islands is great at any time, and owing to the remoteness of some of the provinces visited by the hurricane full details of the 1st of November. The steamer Gaelic,  from the Orient to-day, brought letters and papers which contain accounts of the ravages of the tidal wave and the winds. Several towns were swept or blown away. Fully 400 Europeans were drowned, and it is estimated that 6,000 natives perished.

THOUSANDS OF LIVES LOST. – Many Vessels Wrecked and Property Worth Millions Destroyed in Typhoon-Swept Philippines. – View Article –



Via Real Science

1952 : Philippines Hit By Two Devastating Typhoons In A Week

Posted on November 13, 2013 by stevengoddard

ScreenHunter_292 Nov. 13 13.44



More Low CO² Philippines “Super” Typhoon Devastation :

Oct 22, 1882
“Observatory says lowest barometer at 11.40 a. m., 727.60 ; highest velocity wind registered, 144.4 miles an hour. Unable to measure greatest velocity of typhoon as anemometer damaged.”

The Philippines government says that the top speed of Haiyan was 146 MPH.

Oct 21, 1897

Dec 16, 1900
“A terrific cyclone was encountered on December 16, when the vessel was to the eastward of the Philippines. The tempest raged for three days, and the vessel was absolutely uncontrollable.”

Sep 27, 1905

Sep 20, 1906
Destructive Typhoon in the Philippines.Vessels wrecked.1000 lives lost in Hongkong.

10 Jan 1907

23 Sep 1908

19 Oct 1912
GREAT TYPHOON.Heavy Loss of Life.Damage of £5,000,000.

30 Nov 1912

12 May 1913
The typhoon was the most severe experienced for eight years.

27 Oct 1915

3 Sep 1920

12 June 1923
Disastrous Typhoon.

27 June 1925

28 Nov 1928
The Philippines have been swept by a typhoon described as the worst known for years.

10 Dec 1938

H/t to Real Science Shock News : The Philippines Have Always Had Super Typhoons.



H/t to Craig Havenaar



Please Donate generously to the Red-Cross Typhoon Haiyan appeal


Related Links :

  • Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) | CACA
  • Everything the Greens claim about this typhoon is wrong | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt
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  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide | CACA
  • Will the IPCC be extended an invite to this years COP19 climate conference?

Alarmist Media Reporting :

  • Typhoon Haiyan: what really alarms Filipinos is the rich world ignoring climate change | John Vidal | Comment is free |