Dismal ratings for DiCaprio’s Global Warming Epic ‘Before the Flood’ – beaten by ‘Bubble Guppies’

People have wised up to the global warming scare. They are sick and tired of being lied, exaggerated and lectured to, especially by those who pontificate from 30,000 feet up.

Watts Up With That?


The weekend ratings are out, and they aren’t good news for Leonardo DiCaprio’s Global Warming Epic ‘Before the Flood‘, which we reviewed yesterday on WUWT. Showbuzz Daily has listed the top 150 TV and Cable programs for the weekend, and in ‘the hottest year ever’, discussing the ‘most important topic ever’, Before the Flood came in at #61 for the weekend.


Ironically, the kids show “Bubble Guppies” beat it at #53. Ouch.

Perhaps this snoozer didn’t do so well because of the stellar cast of characters?


I mean, who wouldn’t want to tune in and have a jet-setting actor-millionaire, a government handout beneficiary, a Pope, the globe-trotting Secretary of State, the lame-duck president, the ‘Horndog-in-Chief” and the leader of the U.N. come on for 96 minutes and berate you for doing things like driving your car, eating hamburgers, and just not caring enough about the planet like they…

View original post 293 more words

Skeptical Science: heads in the sand

Must See also : Roger Pielke Sr on Skeptical Science « Australian Climate Madness

Australian Climate Madness

Even Naturehas acknowledged that the Pause is real, and that the models are missing something:

Average global temperatures hit a record high in 1998 — and then the warming stalled. For several years, scientists wrote off the stall as noise in the climate system: the natural variations in the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere that drive warm or cool spells around the globe. But the pause has persisted, sparking a minor crisis of confidence in the field. Although there have been jumps and dips, average atmospheric temperatures have risen little since 1998, in seeming defiance of projections of climate models and the ever-increasing emissions of greenhouse gases. […]

But none of the climate simulations carried out for the IPCC produced this particular hiatus at this particular time. That has led sceptics — and some scientists — to the controversial conclusion that the models might be overestimating the effect of greenhouse gases…

View original post 539 more words

Establishing Propaganda Is Vital For Climate Action

It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment


(un)skeptical-science’s John Cook

In a recent article, Mike Hulme argued that the debate “needs to become more political, and less scientific”. We agree, because the scientific debate has moved on from the fundamentals – there is no scientific debate about the fact that the globe is warming from human greenhouse gas emissions. So we need to hammer out political solutions rather than “debating” well-established scientific facts. – John Cook

Establishing consensus is vital for climate action | The Conversation


Memo to John Cook : There has been no atmospheric global warming, at all, over the past 17 years, despite 35% of all human CO2 emissions, since 1751, emitted over the same period.


Satellites show no global warming for 17 years 5 months | Watts Up With That?


Whilst Cook et al would prefer to talk politics to avoid the inconvenient global warming “Pause”, here are some well-established scientific facts …

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Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

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Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998–2008 | PNAS

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Retrospective prediction of the global warming slowdown in the past decade : Nature Climate Change

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Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years : Nature Climate Change : Nature Publishing Group

 Screen Shot 2014-02-09 at , February 9, 3.32.58 pm

Climate change: The case of the missing heat : Nature News & Comment

England et al.
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Recent intensification of wind-driven circulation in the Pacific and the ongoing warming hiatus : Nature Climate Change : Nature Publishing Group


“The Oceans Ate My Global Warming” :

With no rise in atmospheric temps over the past 17 years, the latest bluff in climate alarmism is that the ‘missing heat’ is hiding at the bottom of the oceans. However, the first globally accurate network of measurement buoys (3000+ ARGO satellite buoys), which descend to depths of 2,000 metres, have detected no significant increase in ocean heat since deployment in 2003.

Kevin Trenberth theorises that missing heat takes a dive into deep oceans. “The oceans can at times soak up a lot of heat. Some goes into the deep oceans where it can stay for centuries [and where lamentably, there are no reliable temperature measurements].  But heat absorbed closer to the surface can easily flow back into the air.” Yet sea surface temperatures and the upper heat content didn’t increase over the last decade by enough to account for the “missing heat” that those greenhouse gas emissions should have trapped in the Earth’s climate system but couldn’t be found. (via Forbes)


Upper Ocean Heat Content Anomaly – NOAA


Global Marine Argo Atlas



Another alarmist excuse for the 17+ year “pause” in Global Warming has been ‘scientifically’ assassinated …. by none other than the doyens of ‘Global Warming’ hysteria ~ NASA, who now admit that the “Missing (atmospheric) heat” is NOT “Hiding in the deep oceans” after all !

Oh dear…

Screen Shot 2014-11-16 at , November 16, 2.59.44 pm

NASA Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has Not Warmed | NASA

More from former NASA Climate Scientist Dr Roy Spencer :

NASA: The Deep Ocean Hasn’t Warmed Since 2005 (but we’re all gonna die)

October 6th, 2014 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

While still claiming that the results do not cast doubt on climate change, a new NASA press release says that the global oceans below 2,000 meters depth haven’t warmed since 2005. This is the period that we have had the deep oceans reasonably well sampled with thousands of globally-distributed Argo floats.

The thing that annoys me about such press releases is the obligatory disclaimer (no doubt crafted so that “skeptics” don’t have a field day with the press release):

“Study coauthor Josh Willis of JPL said these findings do not throw suspicion on climate change itself.”

Such statements have the usual vagueness that allows the True Believers to interpret it any way they want.

Does it mean: “It doesn’t throw suspicion on Al Gore’s impending thermogeddon”?

Or does it mean: “It doesn’t throw suspicion on the fact that climate has always changed, and always will change, with or without the help of humans”?

Or maybe something in between?

You see, as long as the IPCC gets away with basing alarmist rhetoric upon factually benign statements, like over half of the warming since the 1950s has been human induced (yawn), the global warming debate will remain dominated by extremists.

And this allows politicians to get away with saying whatever they want. Scientists are so vague that their statements can be used in a wide variety of ways that help the politician.

NASA: The Deep Ocean Hasn’t Warmed Since 2005 (but we’re all gonna die) « Roy Spencer, PhD


From the well-established scientific fact that there has been no global warming, at all, for the past 17 years, it’s not hard to see why Cook and the global warming climate change cult believe the debate “needs to become more political, and less scientific”.

Global Warming was never about ‘science‘. It was always about Power, Money and Overpopulation.


A little humour on Cooky …



No global warming for 17 years, 6 months

Posted on WUWT March 4, 2014 by Anthony Watts
Seventeen and a half years. Not a flicker of global warming. The RSS satellite record, the first of the five global-temperature datasets to report its February value, shows a zero trend for an impressive 210 months. Miss Brevis, send a postcard to Mr Gore:
Make that 18 years and 4 months, or now a “pause” of global warming lasting for more than half the entire satellite record:
GW Pause 18 years 4 months
El Niño or ñot, the Pause lengthens again | Watts Up With That?
The latest “peer-reviewed” global warming “pause” update from Nature journal:
Screen Shot 2015-04-24 at , April 24, 7.48.56 am
Decadal modulation of global surface temperature by internal climate variability : Nature Climate Change : Nature Publishing Group
via Andrew Bolt :

Warmists who denied the pause now claim to explain it

See Also :
  • Arctic Sea Ice Extent At Its Highest Level In Over A Decade | Climatism
  • Why Does The ABC Employ Dr Karl? | Climatism

John Cook’s Bogus “97%” Climate Consensus Survey related :

  • Cook’s 97% climate consensus paper crumbles upon examination | Watts Up With That?
  • Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring ’97-Percent Consensus’ Claims – Forbes
  • 97% Study Falsely Classifies Scientists’ Papers, according to the scientists that published them | Popular Technology
  • That’s a 0.3% consensus, not 97% « JoNova
  • Cooking Climate Consensus Data: “97% of Scientists Affirm AGW” Debunked
  • Cooks ’97% consensus’ disproven by a new peer reviewed paper showing major math errors | Watts Up With That?
  • Shock News : Kook And Nuttercelli Lied About The 97% Consensus | Real Science
  • Dear John, you want “deniers” to help you do a fallacious survey eh?« JoNova
  • Cook’s fallacy “97% consensus” study is a marketing ploy some journalists will fall for« JoNova
  • Lewandowsky, Cook and the Barack Obama tweet that wasn’t« JoNova
  • Richard Tol: half Cook’s data still hidden. Rest shows result is incorrect, invalid, unrepresentative. « JoNova

John Cook Misc. :

  • Skeptical Science’s John Cook – Making **** Up | Watts Up With That?
  • Stephan Lewandowsky and John Cook – making things up | Watts Up With That?
  • Skeptical Science takes ‘creepy’ to a whole new level | Watts Up With That?
  • (un)Skeptical Science Kids Of The Third Reich | CACA
  • Parncutt Death Threat: Uni of Graz “shocked”, Monckton gets it withdrawn with apology. John Cook says nothing. « JoNova
  • Sun dumps 500 times as many Hiroshima bombs of energy as “climate change” « JoNova
  • Getting ‘Cooked’ by Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Global Warming | Watts Up With That?
  • John Cook, one of many great authors at Cartoon eBooks
  • Roger Pielke Sr on Skeptical Science « Australian Climate Madness
  • Skeptical Science: heads in the sand « Australian Climate Madness

Climatism Related :

  • Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | CACA
  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • The Missing Hot Spot | CACA
  • Former NASA Scientists Reject Global Warming Crisis | CACA
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | CACA
  • Driessen : A Climate of Fear, Cash and Correctitude | CACA
  • Global Warming Was Never About Science. It Was Always About Power And Money | CACA
  • ‘Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life’ | CACA
  • Judith Curry : Senate EPW Hearing on the President’s Climate Action Plan | CACA
  • Shock News : UN IPCC Rewrote Temperature History To Suit Their Political Agenda | CACA
  • Bigger, smaller, whatever. It’s global warming | CACA
  • Official IPCC Words : “We Do Not Know If The Climate Is Becoming More Extreme” | SREX, Pielke Jr
  • Sustainability is Malthusianism for the 21st Century | CACA
  • The Great Global Warming Climate Shift | CACA
  • Europe’s Green Energy Basket Case Is Tim Flannery’s Dream | CACA

(un)Skeptical Science Kids Of The Third Reich

We are on the verge of a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis
– David Rockefeller,
Club of Rome executive member

Skeptical Science takes ‘creepy’ to a whole new level

Posted on wattsupwiththat August 6, 2013 by Anthony Watts

People send me stuff.

Yesterday Skeptical Science owner John Cook announced to the world that he thought Willis’s open letter to the new editor of Science was “creepy” and “sexist”.


As is typical with the Skeptical Science kidz, it’s just projection. How much? You have no idea. But it turns out that when you scratch the surface of the SkS Forum, where the principals and moderators talk amongst themselves (seemingly unaware of others watching) you discover what creepy really is. For a supposed site about “climate science” it sure does look a lot like “high school climate science”. Keep Reading »

Get a load of the pictures from the SkS forum website sent to me today. A friend of WUWT writes:


L-R: Watts, Monckton, Delingpole.

skstroopers_marked timemachineboy3 timemachineboy1 ScooterBoy_Prawn osullivanpenguin WeAreSkeptics tol timemachineboy4 Monkeys herrtankboy2 herrtankboy herrscooterboy2


While Cook and the kids are playing dress-ups, John Casey, a former White House and NASA advisor and climate author claims:

Global cooling, not warming, is Earth’s coming threat

The war between former Vice President Al Gore and his critics over global warming is about to hit the boiling point with a new claim that Sun-influenced climate change is shifting into reverse, with the Earth poised to head into a period of cooling that will end the rise of the oceans.

A global warming critic on Monday announced plans to release new data showing that the threat of rising global sea levels has peaked and that the Sun is entering a “hibernation” period that could bring colder weather.

“Like most major climate events, the past sea level rise was caused by the Sun and had little or nothing to do with mankind’s industrial greenhouse gas emissions,” said John Casey, a former White House and NASA advisor and climate author. “Now that the Sun has entered a state of ‘solar hibernation’ and is cutting back on the energy by which it warms the Earth, a new and potentially dangerous decades-long drop in global temperatures has begun,” he warned. Keep Reading »

ipcc cooling

When the empirical evidence and observed data continues to so dramatically disprove the Anthropogenic Global Warming Theory and mother nature behaves so unfavourably to the warmists cause, the kids over at (un)sketicalscience.com will continue to disseminate junk science and bogus 97% ‘consensus’ surveys in a manner not unlike that undertaken by the swastika clad propagandists they purport to be!


Inside The Skeptical Science Secret Tree House Bunker

See also:

Forget global warming! Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002!