Nuclear Power Provides Clean Energy That Works

“In fact, cancer incidence rates over the most-contaminated regions of Ukraine near Chernobyl have been consistently lower than rates in the country as a whole. The incidence of solid cancers among Russian recovery operation workers have also been lower than among the general population. This is why radiation therapy exists in medicine. While a lot is very bad, a little can be very good.”

PA Pundits - International

By Dr. Jay Lehr~

The truth about nuclear power is that it provides a viable and safe means for satisfying the world’s growing need for electricity. While the US is truly awash in oil and gas and coal as well, the rest of the world is not so lucky. Fortunately outside of the US there is renewed interest in building nuclear power plants.

Misunderstood safety concerns are beginning to fade from memory. The once well known event at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania resulted from faulty instrumentation that gave erroneous readings for the reactor vessel environment. After a series of equipment failures and human errors, the reactor core was compromised, and it underwent a partial meltdown.

Even so, radioactive water released from the reactor core was safely confined within the containment building structure, and very little radiation was released into the environment.

The Three Mile Island incident actually underscores…

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