ENERGIEWENDE FAIL: German CO2 Emissions Higher Now Than In 2009


AFTER hundreds of €BILLIONS of taxpayer’s hard-earned money spent, Germany’s Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure.

WHEN will this ideological push for symbolic, costly, unreliable, unwanted, economically and environmentally destructive, symbolic, fake ‘energy’ end?


By Paul Homewood

germany coal


In its INDC at Paris, the EU stated that it was committed to a binding target of an at
least 40% domestic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990, to be fulfilled jointly.

However the UK has gone much further by committing to a cut of 57%, thanks to the legally binding Fifth Carbon Budget, written by John Gummer’s Committee on Climate Change.

But what about Germany, where we hear so much about the Energiewende? Surely they must be at least matching our efforts?

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TRUMP’S America Records The Lowest CO2 Emissions In 70 Years!


AHH the delicious irony!

GLOBAL WARMING theory obsessed Germany (along with most of the gullible West) has spent upwards of ONE TRILLION €EUROS, of other people’s money, on unreliable energy – wind and solar – under the disastrous Energiewende program, only to undergo the biggest coal-fired power expansion in her history, because unreliables are unreliable…

MEANWHILE, “evil”, “planet killer”, “air polluting”, “climate denier”, “racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, blah blah blah” Donald J Trump has just overseen the lowest emissions of “carbon pollution” (CO2) in 70 years!


CO2 emissions | Statistical Review of World Energy | Energy economics | BP


MORE of the hilarious irony via WUWT :

CO2 Emissions Lowest in Seven Decades In Trump’s America

“We suspect you won’t hear too much about this from the liberal mainstream media, or the environmental movement, or even Al Gore,” says zerohedge.com. “But, according to the  latest energy report from The Energy Information Administration (EIA), under President Trump, per-capita carbon dioxide emissions are now the lowest they’ve been in nearly seven decades.”



Even more interesting is the fact that US carbon emissions dropped while emissions from energy consumption for the rest of the world increased by 1.6%, after little or no growth for the three years from 2014 to 2016.

The U.S. emitted 15.6 metric tons of CO2 per person in 1950. After rising for decades, it’s declined in recent years to 15.8 metric tons per person in 2017, the lowest measured levels in 67 years.



CO2 Emissions Lowest in Seven Decades In Trump’s America | Watts Up With That?


DON’T expect the lamestream media to report on this staggering reality any time soon ever…

IMAGINE the red-faces if they, just for once, honestly reported that spending TRILLIONS of €EUROS, of other people’s money, on unreliable energy – wind and solar – was actually increasing emissions, where fracking for natural gas (a “dirty” fossil fuel) was dramatically lowering them! Read the rest of this entry »

Regrets: Fritz Vahrenholt – German RE Pioneer Demands End to Chaotic Wind Power Push

“And when there is little wind, the expansion does not help, as electricity production then remains close to zero. It is like the foolish acts by the people of Schilda (Schildbürger) who tried to carry sacks of light into the windowless town hall.“

CIVILISED humans abandoned unreliables – windmills – centuries ago, for obvious reasons. They only work when the wind is not too heavy, not too light, but, just right. Even then, not at the exact time when you want your lights on.

TO repeat a technological failure in mankind’s history is either insanity or simply an opportunistic and greedy Climate Crisis Industry taking full advantage of “save the planet” virtue-signalling in a panic-driven ‘climate’ where literally trillions of dollars of taxpayers money is up for grabs in the form of massive government subsidies. Or both.

WHY wouldn’t one yell “GLOBAL WARMING” when such lucrative cash incentives, that avoid all scrutiny in the name of “saving the planet”, are literally blowing in the wind for the deceitful to corrupt?

END green central planning and the massive government subsidies for unreliables and see just how quickly the renewables sector comes crashing down to earth…


Fritz Vahrenholt: finally sits down to a banquet of consequences.

If the tech savvy Germans can’t make wind and solar power work, no one can.

The Germans love cobbling together endless, guttural syllables to create nouns longer than the Autobahn.

‘Energiewende’ roughly translates as ‘energy transition’, which Germans have taken to mean a new path with energy. Germans were told that instead of coal and nukes, they’d run on sunshine and breezes, as if by magic.

Except that it didn’t quite pan out that way.

Germany has policies in place that will squander close to €1 trillion in subsidies ladled out to wind and solar.

Years ago, its brains trust determined to shutter its safe and reliable fleet of nuclear power plants by 2022; hypocritically, Germany still imports plenty of nuclear generated electricity from France and will do for decades to come.

Coupled with its push kill off its nuclear…

View original post 731 more words

GREEN ENERGY FAIL : “We’ll Burn Coal Till The 2040s” – German Minister

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German minister: we’ll burn coal till the 2040s

AFTER spending upwards of a trillion Euros of taxpayers money on the disastrous Energiewende program, all but destroying Germany’s industrial heartland and causing widespread energy poverty to consumers and businesses alike, ideologically green-agressive Germany is giving up on its mad rush into unreliable ‘energy’ – wind and solar – undergoing the biggest coal-fired power expansion in her history…

Read the rest of this entry »

Fool’s Paradise: Germany’s Renewable Policy an Economic & Environmental Disaster

“Energiewende – CO2 emissions are rising, not falling as promised and predicted.

If “saving” the planet is – as we are repeatedly told – all about reducing man-made emissions of an odourless, colourless, naturally occurring trace gas, essential for all life on earth – then German energy/environmental policy has manifestly failed. And what an expensive failure it is.”

NUFF said.


Merkel plays Head Jester: but Germans aren’t laughing.

Germany has long been held up as the poster child for wind and solar power, but the picture is now more tragedy, than triumph.

In Germany, around €130 billion has already been burnt on renewable subsidies; currently the green energy levy costs power consumers €56 million every day. And, the level of subsidy for wind and solar sees Germans paying €20 billion a year for power that gets sold on the power exchange for around €2 billion.

Squandering €18 billion a year on power – which Germans have in abundance from meaningful sources – has them asking the fair and reasonable question: just how much power are they getting for the €billions that they’ve thrown – and continue to throw at wind and solar? The answer – at a piddling 3.3% – is: NOT MUCH.

For Germans, that would all be miserable…

View original post 869 more words

ENTIRE German village demolished to make way for coal mining

DEAR German “Greens”, who played a major government and activist role in phasing out (CO2-free) nuclear energy, via Fukushima hysteria, and implementing the economic and environmental disastrous #Energiewende, I repeat to you again – “careful what you wish for”!


By Paul Homewood


A 19th century church in Germany was demolished this week to make way for coal mining.

St Lambertus Cathedral – a church known by locals as Immerather Dom – in Immerath, a tiny farming village northwest of Cologne, was razed to the ground on Tuesday.

The double-spired church, thought to have been built between 1880 and 1890, was torn down in the latest step in energy company RWE’s demolition of the entire village in a bid to expand its access to the region’s lignite supply.

St Lambertus Church (pictured) was torn down by RWE Power to make way for coal mines despite protests from Greenpeace


Perhaps instead of lecturing Donald Trump, our climate conscious MPs should be complaining to Mrs Merkel.

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GERMANY Becomes The New Poster Child For Climate Change Hypocrisy

““Do as I say, but don’t pay attention to what I actually do” is the trademark of climate change policy. The Trump administration took a different approach and told it like it is: Paris is a costly, meaningless non-solution.”


PA Pundits - International

By Nicolas Loris ~

Climate hypocrisy is nothing new.

Celebrities cruise around the world in their private jets, eating filet mignon while telling you to pack a salad and bike to work to reduce your carbon footprint.

So, color me not at all surprised that Germany, a vocal critic of the U.S.’ decision to exit the Paris climate accord, is preparing to abandon its 2020 climate targets.

Strong economic growth is a critical reason why Germany is very likely to miss its target.

A leaked document from Germany’s Environmental Ministry projected the country will miss its carbon emissions goal under the Paris climate accords by 8 percent without additional action. (Photo: iStock Photos)

Germany has an aggressive plan to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2020. Last November, a leaked document from the country’s Environmental Ministry projected the country would miss the…

View original post 559 more words

ENERGIEWENDE : €1Trillion Low Carbon, Environmentally Sound, Reliable, Affordable Energy Transition Report Card

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German court: Ancient forest can be cleared for coal mine – ABC News

IDEOLOGICALLY aggressive “green” Germany has spent €1 Trillion Euros, of other peoples’ money, on windmills and solar panels, under the Energiewende program.

THE transition to a low carbon, environmentally sound, reliable, and affordable energy utopia has been so successful that Germany is now cutting down “ancient forests” to pave the way for the biggest coal-fired power expansion in her history…

Green Germany.jpg

Green Germany | Climatism

WHY not just erect more windmills or solar panels? What went wrong with them?


“Few things are so deadly as a misguided sense of compassion.” – Charles Colson

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”


Energiewende Related :

  • TRULY GREEN? How Germany’s #Energiewende Is Destroying Nature | Climatism
  • GREEN Party Co-Founder : Germany’s Energiewende “An Economic, Social and Ecological Disaster” | Climatism
  • Germany’s Energiewende Nightmare: Grid Collapse Looms Due to Erratic Wind & Solar | Climatism
  • Numbers don’t lie: Germany’s Energiewende has had zero impact on emissions – at best | Watts Up With That?
  • Is The Energiewende Running Out Of Steam? | Climatism
  • German Energiewende To Cost €520 Billion By 2025 – New Study | Climatism
  • Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ Close to Kaput: Wind Power Fails to Deliver | Climatism
  • Germany’s ‘Transition’ Back to Coal: Renewable Energy Push Smacks Into Reality | Climatism
  • Germany’s €Trillion Euro Disaster: Wind Power ‘Transition’ Destroys its Industrial Heartland | Climatism
  • German Wind Energy Market “Threatening to implode” | Climatism

Unreliable-Energy & Climate Fraud Related :

  • UNRELIABLE Energy – Wind and Solar – A Climate Of Communism | Climatism
  • CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
  • WIND TURBINES Are Neither Clean Nor Green And They Provide Zero Global Energy | Climatism
  • Al Gore Praises “Climate Leader” South Australia | Climatism
  • Adding More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism
  • THE $Trillion Windmill Industry Is The Greatest Scam Of Our Age | Climatism
  • @AlGore Your ‘Save The Planet’ Legacy – Palm Oil – Is Making Indonesia Warmer! | Climatism

TRULY GREEN? How Germany’s #Energiewende Is Destroying Nature

Germany_s Energiewende is destroying nature

“The destruction of nature by the land-hungry wind and biogas industries is the opposite of what the environmental movement used to fight for: just as the communists made workers unfree and poor, the Greens have destroyed our landscapes and killed millions of birds and bats.” Michael Miersch, German Wildlife Foundation


WIKIPEDIA describes Germany’s “Energiewende” (German for energy transition) as the following:

The Energiewende is the transition by Germany to a low carbon, environmentally sound, reliable, and affordable energy supply. The new system will rely heavily on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy demand management. 
Energiewende in Germany – Wikipedia
BASIC research into each of the virtues ascribed by Energiewende shows that not one of the fundamental ‘energy transition’ goals have been realised. In fact, the opposite in all cases has been stunningly achieved:
Online Swiss daily, Basler Zeitung cites an “expert team” by McKinsey consulting group, which not long ago found that the German energy policy has fallen far short of its aims: Emissions of climate-harmful carbon dioxide are not going down, but rather are increasing, as is power consumption even though it was supposed to go down because of efficiency measures.”
IF the justification for taxpayer subsidies that will top €1 TRILLION was cutting CO2 emissions, the report card for 2016 on Germany’s Energiewende is a massive FAIL!

EXCLUSIVE: German Emissions Increase in 2016 Due to Nuclear Plant Closure — Environmental Progress…

German emissions increased in 2016 for a second year in a row as a result of the country closing one of its nuclear plants and replacing it with coal and natural gas, a new Environmental Progress analysis finds.

German emissions would have declined had it not closed a nuclear plant and replaced it with coal and natural gas. 

Not only did new solar and wind not make up for the lost nuclear, the percentage of time during 2016 that solar and wind produced electricity declined dramatically

Germany added a whopping 10 percent more wind turbine capacity and 2.5 percent more solar panel capacity between 2015 and 2016, but generated less than one percent more electricity from wind and generated one percent less electricity from solar.

The reason is because Germany had significantly less sunshine and wind in 2016 than 2015.

EXCLUSIVE: German Emissions Increase in 2016 Due to Nuclear Plant Closure — Environmental Progress

(See also: Numbers don’t lie: Germany’s Energiewende has had zero impact on emissions – at best | Watts Up With That?)
THE mad obsession with unreliable-energy by global warming theory-obsessed politicians has led to an unprecedented power crisis in Australia too. Problems began in the 60% unreliable-energy, utopian state of South Australia, with three major blackouts last summer (one of them statewide), regular load-shedding and now officially the highest power prices in the world. And, so it goes in Germany: the attempt to run on sunshine and breezes has led to skyrocketing power prices, energy poverty and a grid on the brink of collapse. NoTricksZone on the German debacle:

Today the task has become a challenging balancing act. According to Manager Magazin, facility manager Volker Weinreich says “we have to intervene more often than ever to keep the power grid stable. We are getting closer and closer to the limit.”

The reason for the grid instability: the growing amount of erratic renewable energy being fed in, foremost wind and sun. Manager Magazin writes that there are always four workers monitoring the frequency at the Tennet control center, just outside Hannover, making sure that it stays near 50 Hz. Too much instability would mean a the “worst imaginable disaster: grid collapse and blackout“.

Weinreich describes how on stormy days wind parks are forced to shut down to keep the grid from frying. And the more wind turbines that come online, the more often wind parks need to be shut down. This makes them even more inefficient.

Not only do wind and solar feed in their power on a part-time basis, but now so do the conventional power plants as well — all according to the whims of the weather. An d too often they run at levels well below peak efficiency. The costs of all the inefficiencies get passed on to the consumers. Tens of thousands have been forced into “energy poverty”.

1400 interventions
Weinreich reports that the grid is so unstable that in 2015 it was necessary for Tennet to intervene some 1400 times. In the old conventional power days, it used to be only “a few times a year“.

Germany’s Energiewende Nightmare: Grid Collapse Looms Due to Erratic Wind & Solar – STOP THESE THINGS

Germany’s Energiewende has only succeeded in massively elevating Germany’s consumer power prices, making its power almost twice as expensive as power in neighboring France, which relies heavily on nuclear. While France’s power is half the cost, the country also emits far less CO2 from electricity production.
THE correlation between skyrocketing power prices and high roll-outs of unreliable-energy by country is stark:

electricitypriceseuropeRE per capita EUrstudioscreensnapz027

Data Source | Watts Up With That?

Fuel-Poverty Related : 

  • POLITICIANS Mad With Global Warming Theory Are Destroying The Economy And Hurting The Poor | Climatism
  • German Pols Now Demanding Energy Welfare For Its Citizens – 800,000 Have Had Their Electricity Cut Off!




GERMANY’S green energy transition is destroying vast swathes of nature, agricultural lands and forests. In the name of climate policy, rare birds and endangered species are being killed while much of the countryside is transformed into industrial parks.

Michael Miersch from the Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung recently gave a talk in the House of Lords about renewable energy’s devastating impact on wildlife and the environment in Germany and other parts of the world. 

About the author Michael Miersch is director of Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung (German Wildlife Foundation), a non-profit organisation devoted the protection of wildlife in Gemany. He is a professional journalist who worked for more than three decades for national newpapers, magazines and TV-stations, amongst others Die Welt, Die Zeit and WDR (public TV). He has written several books about nature, science and politics, some of which have become bestsellers. This paper is based on a speech given on 24 October 2017 in the House of Lords.

(Climatism bolds and selected highlights from report)

Are Wind Power and Biofuels Really Green? How Germany’s ‘Energy Transition’ is destroying wildlife and forests Michael Miersch

It is one hundred years since the Russian Revolution, known officially in communist countries as ‘The Great Socialist October Revolution’. The one time I visited East Germany, a friend there said, ‘the name contains four lies’.

First, it wasn’t great. It was a coup, led by Leon Trotsky, that took place at night, so that most inhabitants of St Petersburg didn’t even notice.

Second, it wasn’t socialist, at least not in the sense that it brought freedom and prosperity to the working class.

Third, it wasn’t a revolution, but instead – as I said – a night-time coup by an armed militia, which occupied strategically important buildings in St Petersburg. And fourth, it didn’t happen in October but, according to the Gregorian calendar, in November.

Today, whenever I hear the phrase ‘green energy’, I think of this old joke. In Germany, electricity from wind power and biogas is called ‘eco-power’, ‘bio-power’ or even ‘natural electricity’. These names contain many lies too, and I would like to tell you about them.

First though, there is another parallel between green energy and the Russian Revolution. The communists promised the workers everything and gave them nothing. Anyone who was not ideologically blind could see that the workers in western capitalist countries were much better off than their counterparts in communist eastern Europe. The German Green Party was founded in 1980. The Greens promised to save nature. They wanted to be the protectors of forests, birds and rivers. But their policies have led to the most widespread destruction of nature in Germany since the Second World War. No industry consumes as much land as the generation of ‘natural electricity’.

Without the pressure from the Greens and their friends in the environmental NGOs, the German governments of chancellors Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel would not have pushed the expansion of wind power, bioenergy and solar energy as much as they did. As our former Minister of Agriculture from the Green Party, Renate Künast, once said: ‘Farmers will be the oil barons of the future!’ She and her party pushed for massive subsidies for growing energy crops. The destruction of nature by the land-hungry wind and biogas industries is the opposite of what the environmental movement used to fight for: just as the communists made workers unfree and poor, the Greens have destroyed our landscapes and killed millions of birds and bats.

Wind power lobbyists say the numbers are small compared to the millions of birds that collide with windows, cars, power lines and other obstacles. But this is a fallacy, because the argument ignores which species are affected. If ten city pigeons fly into windows or cars, it has no effect on the population of pigeons. But when a breeding red kite is chopped up by a rotor blade, it represents a significant loss for the species in the region.

If one red kite is caught in a rotor every eight years, then the 28,000 turbines in existence at present will kill 3500 birds. In a total population of only 15,000 breeding pairs in Germany, that’s a dramatic loss. According to a 2013 study commissioned by the Brandenburg State Environment Office, rotor blades killed about 300 red kites each year in this one state alone.

If the German climate protection plan is implemented as planned and the number of turbines is doubled, the red kite could soon be extinct in Germany. The plan would mean one turbine every 2.7 km on average all over Germany, each one 200 m tall, without regard for landscapes, lakes, mountains, forests or cities.

The PROGRESS study showed that even a widespread raptor like the common buzzard would be threatened if wind power is expanded as planned. Birds that aren’t killed by the rotor blades are often driven away. One of these wind power refugees is the black stork, a very shy forest bird. When 170 turbines were installed in the Vogelsberg region in the state of Hesse, nine of the 14 pairs of black storks in the region simply disappeared.

If the argument that windows and other obstacles kill even more birds is very misleading, when it comes to bats the argument is completely wrong. Since bats use ultrasound to navigate, they almost never collide with any barriers. They can even fly through spinning rotor blades without getting hit. But even so, they fall dead from the sky. The cause is barotrauma: Their lungs burst because of the pressure drop behind the rotors. This happens to about 240,000 bats each year.

The actual number is probably much higher, because they often fly a little longer before they die and their little cadavers are eaten. Whenever there was a construction project in Germany such as a motorway, bridge, airport, office park or residential building, the presence of a bat colony could hold up the project in the courts for years, or prevent it altogether.

Yet when the wind industry kills masses of these animals, there is no such outrage. The supporters of the German energy transition brush aside all collateral damage to the environment, such as dead bats, with the argument that global climate disaster must be prevented.

Truly Green? How Germany’s ‘Energy Transition’ Is Destroying Nature | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

Read all of Michael Miersch’s brilliant and defining speech given on 24 October 2017 in the House of Lords, here…


Michael Miersch Related :

  • GREEN Energy – Killing The Earth To Save It | Climatism

Energiewende Related :

  • GREEN Party Co-Founder : Germany’s Energiewende “An Economic, Social and Ecological Disaster” | Climatism
  • Germany’s Energiewende Nightmare: Grid Collapse Looms Due to Erratic Wind & Solar | Climatism
  • Numbers don’t lie: Germany’s Energiewende has had zero impact on emissions – at best | Watts Up With That?
  • Is The Energiewende Running Out Of Steam? | Climatism
  • German Energiewende To Cost €520 Billion By 2025 – New Study | Climatism
  • Germany’s ‘Energiewende’ Close to Kaput: Wind Power Fails to Deliver | Climatism
  • Germany’s ‘Transition’ Back to Coal: Renewable Energy Push Smacks Into Reality | Climatism
  • Germany’s €Trillion Euro Disaster: Wind Power ‘Transition’ Destroys its Industrial Heartland | Climatism
  • German Wind Energy Market “Threatening to implode” | Climatism

Unreliable-Energy & Climate Fraud Related :

  • UNRELIABLE Energy – Wind and Solar – A Climate Of Communism | Climatism
  • CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
  • WIND TURBINES Are Neither Clean Nor Green And They Provide Zero Global Energy | Climatism
  • Al Gore Praises “Climate Leader” South Australia | Climatism
  • Adding More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism
  • THE $Trillion Windmill Industry Is The Greatest Scam Of Our Age | Climatism
  • @AlGore Your ‘Save The Planet’ Legacy – Palm Oil – Is Making Indonesia Warmer! | Climatism

BREAKING: German Wind Farms To Be Terminated As Subsidies Run Out 

ANOTHER win for climate sceptics! We predicted the unreliable-energy disaster years ago. Literally $TRILLIONS, worldwide, of other-peoples’-hard-earned-money wasted on fake fixes to a fake catastrophe. Yet more public money incinerated at the whim of virtue-signalling, global warming theory obsessed politicians and progressives.

EVEN notable warmists saw the flagrant flaws of symbolic, novelty, weather-dependent energy…

“We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” – Warren Buffett

“Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels in the United States, China, India, or the world as a whole is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.” – James Hansen (The Godfather of global warming alarmism and former NASA climate chief)

“Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.” – Top Google engineers

Tallbloke's Talkshop

The short working life of wind turbines compared to power stations, plus their lack of commercial viability, will likely put the brakes on German renewables expansion according to this GWPF report. Where do used wind farms go to die?

Wind power is the most important component of Germany’s green energy transition.

The end of subsidies for older turbines, however, threatens countless wind farms. By 2023, more than a quarter of Germany’s onshore wind farms may be gone.

View original post 210 more words