China’s New Coal Boom: ‘Growing Panic’ About Green Energy Policies

China would need all that coal, to provide all that power, to manufacture all those windmills and solar panels that the eco-brainwashed West is purchasing.

Costing the West literally trillions of dollars (of other people’s money) to provide diluted, weather dependent, intermittent and costly power – causing statewide blackouts (SA), destroying their economies, sending jobs back to China with all that coal (that the West successfully demonised) to be burnt elsewhere in a less environmentally friendly way! Insane irony’s everywhere.

Smart China. Stupid, virtue-signalling, climate-obsessed West!


By Paul Homewood


From GWPF:

In the fourth meeting with coal mining executives this month, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) called on 74 major miners to increase output, unleashing another 15 million tonnes of new supply each month onto the market, two people who were briefed on the gathering said.

The latest change doubles the output increases the government has approved in recent days to 30 million tonnes, equivalent to 1-1/2 times China’s average monthly imports of coal this year.

Last Friday, the government partially reversed sweeping capacity cuts enforced earlier this year. Those reductions in production capacity triggered a frenzied price rally and depleted domestic stockpiles this year.

“The amount is raised again as the increase was not enough to catch up with the demand from the power generators,” said Zhang Min, a coal analyst with the Sublime China Information Group and one of the sources…

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Bad timing: Study Claiming Less Rain Published in the Middle of a Flood

From the department of “The Science is Settled”…

Watts Up With That?

Storm Brewing, Port Lincoln South Australia, 2013. Storm Brewing, Port Lincoln South Australia, 2013. By Jacqui Barker [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsGuest essay by Eric Worrall

A study led by ANU Professor Neville Abram, which claims climate is driving clouds south, resulting in less rain reaching Australia’s Southern Coast, has been published in the midst of massive flooding in South Australia. Greens of course blame climate change for the deluge.

The press release;

Australia’s west, south losing vital rain as climate change shifts winds, study finds

Rising greenhouse gases and ozone depletion over the Antarctic are increasingly pushing rain-bearing storm fronts away from Australia’s west and south, according to a new international study.

The research, which involved the Australian National University and 16 other institutions from around the world, has just been published in the Nature Climate Change journal.

It found Southern Ocean westerly winds and associated storms were shifting south, down…

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Arctic Ice Extent Recovering At Record Pace

“Record” Arctic sea-ice recovery despite record CO2 emissions this Century and rising!

In fact a third of all Human CO2 emissions since 1750 have been emitted this Century, yet global temps have plateaued and the Arctic is currently tracking record recovery.

Time for a global-warming-theory check? It is, after all, still a “theory” with not a single peer-reviewed paper yet to link empirical evidence with the small amount of warming that has occurred since 1850 – about 0.8C, depending on which data-set is used.

Furthermore the slight warning that has occurred is arguably beneficial to human wellbeing and plant growth, as opposed to dangerous cooling. Far more lives are lost to cold weather than to warm.

As well, numerous studies, including from AGW alarmist government agencies NASA and the CSIRO have shown that rising CO2 emissions are “greening” the planet, which with great irony happens to be a very unwelcome message for the environmental movement.

CSIRO Censoring Their Own Climate Research:

So much for the “Ice-free Arctic by 2014”, “Arctic Death Spiral”, “Arctic Imminent Doom”, “Arctic Tipping Points” and other alarmist predictions spouted by climate scientists, government agencies and their sycophant media.

The Arctic is the ultimate ‘canary in the coal-mine’ for global warming alarmists, and it is currently recovering at record pace, despite record CO2 emissions.

Cue “Global Warming Is Causing Record Arctic Ice Growth”! But don’t laugh, climate alarmists have already used that one to explain the undisputed *record* ice expansion and cooling of Antarctica 🇦🇶!


By Paul Homewood


Arctic sea ice continues to grow back at a phenomenal rate. Since the start of the month, growth has comfortable exceeded anything on record since daily figures began in 1987.


Ice has expanded by 0.896 million sq km, compared to the 1981-2010 average of 0.237 million sq km.

According to NSIDC, ice extent now stands at the fourth highest for this day in the last 10 years.


DMI actually show ice extent to be higher than NSIDC, roughly equal to 2013 and 2014, which raises questions in itself.


DMI now estimate that the average extent for the month will be greater than, or on a par with, most of the last ten years. Only 2013 and 2014 are much greater.

It is clear that September ice extent has remained extremely stable since 2007, regardless of what happened before.


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Entire state of South Australia has power black out because of flawed climate change energy policy

“The September 28 state wide black out is clearly creating challenges to the governments climate change policy initiative which is responsible for these power availability and high energy price debacles and which has jeopardized the power supply of the entire region.” – who would have thunk?!

Sceptics have been rightly warning of the disastrous consequences of the ideological scramble toward renewable (unreliable) energy, driven under green central planning, for many years. And on September 28, the chickens certainly came home to roost with South Australia’s *complete* and total state wide power blackout.

I will be posting more on this on ‘Climatism’ later, including information from a scathing report on the dangerous shift to renewable energy, put out by the Grattan Institute – “Keeping the lights on: lessons from South Australia’s power shock.”

Thoughts go out to those affected by the SA blackout. Hoping services return to normal soon.

Watts Up With That?

Governor Brown has California on same “dark ages” renewable energy path as South Australia

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin


The entire state of South Australia suffered a complete power black out on Wednesday September 28  plugging it’s nearly 1.7 million residents, communities and businesses into darkness.

Loss of available power from transmissions lines feeding the region from other states coupled with South Australia’s ill-considered climate change energy policy of forced shutdown of the states operating coal plants to promote heavy use of renewable energy created this latest power debacle.


Last July the state barely averted energy black outs when reduced outside electrical energy supplies forced huge and costly purchases of needed power to restore electrical system reliability.(


The forced shutdown of operating coal plants and mandated increased use of renewables had significantly increased energy costs to consumers by eliminating production from low cost power plants while increasing…

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Uh, oh: Metadata goof fingers Senator Whitehouse in collusion between green groups and Senate Dems. Cover-up follows

“Now we have documentary proof that its members have outsourced their policy-making and speech-writing to the green activists, signing their name to whatever is put in front of them, and using their office however these groups ask,” Horner said in an email.

Shock news – Democrat lawmakers in bed and colluding with environmental extremists, formulating draconian and over-reaching climate policies that are destroying jobs, entire industries and sending electricity prices to “necessarily skyrocket” – in the words of climate activist in chief, Barack Obama.

A cold hard bust for Senator Sheldon Whitehouse et al, colluding with radical eco-extremist, green groups to run the trillion dollar, big government climate agenda.

This is an economic and social scandal of monumental proportions.

However, and yet again, the worst any of these climate colluding radicals will ever be accused of is an excess-of-virtue, in the name of “saving the planet”.

Dangerous times we inhabit with such reckless and dangerous eco-zealots running the ‘free’ world.

Watts Up With That?

From the “you really ought to learn how to use Microsoft Word” department, comes this hilarious boo-boo from a paid green shill lawyer that puts climate conspiracy theorist Senator Sheldon Whitehouse in the spotlight for collusion and accepting legal services in amounts greater than allowed by law. Gosh, where’s John Cook and Stephan Lewandowsky on this?

Senate Dem Report Attacking EPA Critics Traced to Green Pressure Group

Document scrubbed of traces to environmentalist group after Free Beacon inquiries

BY: Lachlan Markay
September 28, 2016 2:40 pm

A Democratic Senator moved to conceal his apparent behind-the-scenes collaboration with an environmentalist pressure group on Wednesday after inquiries into the group’s role in crafting a report accusing political opponents of doing the bidding of special interests.

A report posted on Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D., R.I.) website on Monday accused Environmental Protection Agency critics of being in the thrall of the fossil fuel industry…

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Ontario municipalities ‘ecstatic’ future green energy contracts are on hold

Sanity prevails.

Brick by brick the wind energy disaster that is wreaking havoc on people’s lives, their economies and the environment, is being found out and dismantled.


Mothers Against Wind Turbines Inc.

wind-turbine-cbcBy Kate Porter, CBC News Posted: Sep 28, 2016

Municipalities across Ontario are cheering the government’s decision to suspend its competition for 1,000 megawatts’ worth of big, new renewable energy projects.

But one industry association representing companies that were preparing to try to snag a contract is shocked at the sudden shift in the winds at Queen’s Park.

Ontario’s energy minister  said Tuesday there simply isn’t the demand for power to go ahead with its second round of procurement.

  • Ontario cancels plans for more green energy citing strong electricity supply

Instead, it can save $3.8 billion in costs related to the electricity system and save residents $2.45 a month on their electricity bills, Thibeault said.

Mayors rejoice

In the rural township of North Frontenac, Mayor Ron Higgins’s phone was ringing off the hook after the surprise announcement.

His township’s council was the first to pass a motion earlier this year demanding that any new project receive…

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Germany’s Media Wake Up the Great Wind Power Fraud

“Germany’s once loved wind industry is now looking more and more like a hated villain.” – No Tricks Zone

Astonishing how long it has taken those blinded by “save the planet” zealotry to realise just how destructive, costly, corrupt and dangerous industrial wind really is.



Germany’s Media Sobering Up To The Widespread Corruption Of The ‘Energiewende’ and Wind Lobby
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
7 September 2016

Meet the Schmidt’s in northern Germany. The family, like many Germans, once welcome wind turbines and viewed them as a responsible way to produce energy in an environmentally and climate friendly way. Today the ARD reports that they have long changed their minds ever since their home has since become surrounded by industrial wind parks in all directions. “They no longer recognize their landscape.”

They are the victims of a corrupt but powerful industry.

According to the ARD, wind park developers are simply steamrolling over local residents who oppose them, and installing the giant machines less than a few hundred meters away from homes, and many natural places where…

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‘Intellectual yet idiotic’: the sad case of Stephan Lewandowsky

Another attempt by the CAGW alarmist elite to shut down debate and intimidate through name-calling and ‘othering’ those who dare dissent to their preferred climate wisdom. Classic ad-hominem tactics used by the intolerant and totalitarian Left in order to protect their self-serving, ideological agenda of the day.

When you hear such “don’t listen to any opposing views”, you know you’re listening to a con.

Furthermore Stephan, “belief” and “denial” are the words of zealots not scientists.

Watts Up With That?

Guest opinion by Drieu Godefridi

In a new paper just published with two other authors “The ‘Alice in Wonderland’ mechanics of the rejection of (climate) science: simulating coherence by conspiracism“, Stephan Lewandowsky states — for the umpteenth time — that climate skeptics are deniers, that

“there is strong evidence that the rejection of climate science is primarily driven by ideological factors”

(page 2), even psychological factors since their identity (page 3), or worldview, is threatened by climate science, that

“there is growing evidence for an involvement of conspiracist ideation in the rejection of climate science”

(page 4) and that the whole body of skeptical pseudo-science (pp. 4, 15, 16) is incoherent, thus implying a form of “Mad Hatter” nonsense, since he claims that coherence is at the very essence of science.

Mr. Lewandowsky commits errors in reasoning that should have him immediately stripped of his university affiliation.


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Inconvenient: Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth In September

Ouch. Another failed climate prediction.

And yet another reason not to believe the favoured climate meme used by global warming alarmists to shut down debate – “the science is settled”…

Watts Up With That?

History Keeps Proving Prophets Of Eco-Apocalypse Wrong


Source data:

Since hitting its earliest minimum extent since 1997, Arctic sea ice has been expanding at a phenomenal rate. Already it is greater than at the same date in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015. Put another way, it is the fourth highest extent in the last ten years. Even more remarkably, ice growth since the start of the month is actually the greatest on record, since daily figures started to be kept in 1987. –Paul Homewood, Not A Lot Of People Know That, 25 September 2016


One of the world’s leading ice experts has predicted the final collapse of Arctic sea ice in summer months within four years. In what he calls a “global disaster” now unfolding in northern latitudes as the sea area that freezes and melts each year shrinks to its lowest extent ever recorded…

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‘Mongrels’: AGL Treats its Wind Farm Neighbours with Ridicule & Contempt

AGL and the many other corporate-welfare-dependant (foreign owned) industrial wind farm monoliths are *absolute* mongrels.

Foreign owned mega companies; surviving, thriving and competing (only) through subsidies, blood-sucked from the taxpayer via eco-brainwashed governments, resulting in the complete destruction of the lives and livelihoods of hard working taxpayers, like those of Anne Gardner.

This incredibly sad story needs to be shared far and wide, highlighting the true damage done to the environment and its inhabitants, both flora and fauna, in the virtue-signalling name of “Saving the Planet”.

Thank you STT for posting this 🌱


andrew-vesey AGL’s MD, Andrew Vesey gives its high-handed
contempt for wind farm neighbours the big thumbs up.


‘Wicked’ and ‘wanton’ doesn’t quite capture the manner in which wind power outfit, AGL behaves towards its victims.

Spearing hundreds of these things into the heart of (once) peaceful and prosperous rural communities would be bad enough, but treating those that suffer the consequences – such as the chronic sleep deprivation caused by incessant turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound – with merciless ridicule and contempt takes their corporate mantle into the realms of the despicable; or, in the language thrown around in Australian pubs: ‘first class mongrels’.

It’s a tag well-deserved – as 2GB’s Alan Jones lays out in this interview from 23 September with one of AGL’s most stoic victims, STT Champion, Annie Gardner (audio link below with transcript following).




Alan Jones AO:  We are in debt…

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