Y2K Was A Period Of New Beginnings For Global Warming Fraud

Real Science

As of 1998, there wasn’t anything scary happening to the climate. But then everything changed. The animation below switches between Jones et al 1998, and Mann’s hockey stick.


Around that same time, Hansen did the same thing to the US temperature record.

Experts tell us that this is all good science. They also receive $29 billion per year from the government to push this abomination.

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When Did Environmentalists Quit Caring About The Environment?

Real Science

This is the Citarum River in Indonesia


This is CO2 being emitted from the Buckeye coal fired power plant in Colorado


Which one do green focus on? They focus on the invisible non-pollutant, instead of the actual critical pollution problem.

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Analysis: energy storage cannot solve the problem of intermittency of wind or solar power

Watts Up With That?

solar-and-wind-energyClimate Skeptics often cite the fact that renewables like wind and solar don’t have constant power flow, and thus need either a nuclear, hyrdo, or coal/gas power plant backup in order to deliver a reliable power supply to the electrical grid.  Proponents often retort with “all we need is better battery technology to store power”.

The Catch-22 of Energy Storage (h/t to WUWT reader Greg in Tips and Notes)

Pick up a research paper on battery technology, fuel cells, energy storage technologies or any of the advanced materials science used in these fields, and you will likely find somewhere in the introductory paragraphs a throwaway line about its application to the storage of renewable energy.  Energy storage makes sense for enabling a transition away from fossil fuels to more intermittent sources like wind and solar, and the storage problem presents a meaningful challenge for chemists and materials scientists… Or does it?

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Jennifer Marohasy Puts BOM On The Chopping Block

Real Science

HEADS need to start rolling at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. The senior management have tried to cover-up serious tampering that has occurred with the temperatures at an experimental farm near Rutherglen in Victoria. Retired scientist Dr Bill Johnston used to run experiments there. He, and many others, can vouch for the fact that the weather station at Rutherglen, providing data to the Bureau of Meteorology since November 1912, has never been moved.

Senior management at the Bureau are claiming the weather station could have been moved in 1966 and/or 1974 and that this could be a justification for artificially dropping the temperatures by 1.8 degree Celsius back in 1913.

Surely its time for heads to roll!

Who’s going to be sacked for making-up global warming at Rutherglen? | Jennifer Marohasy

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Massive Increase In Arctic Sea Ice Over The Past Two Years

Real Science

Green shows the 56% increase in Arctic sea ice extent since the same date in 2012. Red shows ice loss

ScreenHunter_1840 Aug. 10 06.55

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State Of The Climate Report

Real Science

Government experts tell us that the weather is getting hotter and more extreme, because it is their job to lie about the climate. Their job keeps getting tougher.

  • The US is currently experiencing the longest stretch of years (almost 9) without a major (category 3-5) hurricane strike.
  • US tornadoes have been record low, or near record low for the past three years
  • Global temperatures have been flat for 18 years
  • US temperatures (before data tampering) have been declining for 90 years
  • Winter snow cover has been increasing across the northern hemisphere, to record levels over the past decade.
  • The amount of old thick ice in the Arctic has nearly doubled over the past three years
  • Antarctic sea ice is at record high levels
  • The US is having one of the coldest years on record.
  • Except for the west coast, the US is almost drought and fire free this summer.

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What Part Of This Isn’t Clear?

Real Science

NASA has altered their own data to hide the decline globally. The animation below shows changes to published NASA global temperature data from 1981 to the present.


NASA has altered their own data to hide the decline in the US. The animation below shows changes to published NASA US temperature data since 1999.

NASA is hiding the decline the Arctic. The animation below shows recent changes to NASA published Iceland temperatures

The EU is faking the rise in sea level rise rates. The graph below shows recent changes to the published Envisat sea level graphs.

NASA is constantly altering data to create the appearance of warming. This shows changes to global temperatures in just the past two years.


These changes go on year after year. Always making the past cooler and the present warmer. The animations below show successive changes to NASA published US temperatures.



They are hiding the decline Texas. The…

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Keeping Tabs On What Bill Gates Thinks About Sustainability

“By the time we see that climate change is really bad, your ability to fix it is extremely limited… The carbon gets up there, but the heating effect is delayed. And then the effect of that heat on the species and ecosystem is delayed. That means that even when you turn virtuous, things are actually going to get worse for quite a while.”

Bill Gates

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Rio+20 Earth Summit, 1992.



Bill Gates on Sustainability …

gates boat

Climate control …

Mr. Gates actually got my attention earlier this week because of some comments he has made about our collective responsibility to address climate change and well as for a $5.4 million investment he personally has put toward addressing geoengineering technology that could combat the problem.

Keeping tabs on what Bill Gates thinks about sustainability – SmartPlanet


$5.4 million well spent …


Global Temperature Update – Still no global warming for 17 years 10 months | Watts Up With That?

H/t to The Galileo Movement

See Also :

  • Sustainability is Malthusianism for the 21st Century | CACA



UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI Sustainability :

  • The United Nations “Agenda 21″ and “ICLEI” in one easy lesson
  • Sustainable Freedom: Surging Opposition to Agenda 21, “Sustainable Development”
  • OK, So what is Agenda 21? And why should I care? Part 1 – DEMOCRATS AGAINST U. N. AGENDA 21
  • Michael Shaw — Principles that Underlie Sustainable Development
  • US Sustainable Development aka Agenda 21 to ‘Regionalism’ – The New Frontier of Evil in Florida – The Global Dispatch
  • United Nations Agenda 21 : The Death Knell of Liberty | CACA

UN Agenda 21 and ICLEI Sustainability Operations in Australia :

  • AGENDA 21 IN AUSTRALIA – Human Free Habitat Zones – Green Dreaming of a Human-Free Environment — Quadrant Online
  • United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) – AU Gov Doc
  • The Australian Curriculum v5.2 Sustainability – ACARA Doc
  • AUDIO: Australian politician Ann Bressington warning about the United Nations plans for sustainability.
  • AGENDA 21 (Australia) www.galileomovement.com.au/docs/gw/AG21WhyMediaLetUsDown.pdf
  • AGENDA 21 IN AUSTRALIA – Quadrant Online – Green Dreaming of a Human-Free Environment
  • ICLEI AGENDA 21 – 238 AUSTRALIAN COUNCILS IN CCP PROGRAM – 2011 – Ironbark Sustainability: About ICLEI Oceania, Low Carbon Australia and Ironbark Sustainability
  • SUSTAINABLE AUSTRALIA 2013 REPORT RELEASE (AGENDA 21) Sustainability ‘a new way of life’ | The Australian
  • MUST LISTEN INTERVIEW: Agenda 21 and the Fabian Society Dr. Amy McGrath| 2GB
  • MUST READ: E-BOOK Download – Agenda 21 and ICLEI – DR AMY McGRATH – Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing
  • The NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics Blog: Agenda 21: SHUTTING THE DEBATE DOWN
  • NOVA – AGENDA 21 – Agenda 21: Alabama may have outfoxed it. Why you should care. « JoNova
  • MUST SEE VIDEO:  Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21, Club of Rome

Serreze Monthly Propaganda Report Out

Real Science

Arctic sea ice is in a life-spiral and is highest extent in a decade, while global sea ice area has been persistently above normal for almost two years. So how does the monthly Serreze propaganda report begin?

Sled dog days of summer

Arctic sea ice extent declined at a fairly rapid rate through the first three weeks of July, but the loss rate then slowed due to a shift in weather patterns.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Translated to scientific terms – melting since July 1 (shown below in red) has been very slow, and ice extent threatens to cross to “above normal”

ScreenHunter_1732 Aug. 07 06.15

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The 100% Consensus Of Clueless Arctic Experts

Real Science

Every single Arctic expert has failed with their Arctic sea ice forecasts. For the past 7 years they have been calling me “breathtakingly ignorant” for calling them out on their idiotic Arctic predictions

NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”


ScreenHunter_447 May. 23 05.48

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013′

the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013

– John Kerry, US Secretary of State

John Kerry: We Can’t Ignore the Security Threat from Climate Change

Because climate change in the Arctic region is occurring faster and to a greater extent than anywhere else, the Arctic Ocean may be ice-free for a short period of time as early as the summer of 2015, according to the 2009 Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment Report completed by the eight…

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