Brexit: Siemens Freezes New Wind Power Projects

Siemens finally reading the not-so-feel-good tea leaves:

From previous post:

UK’s Wind Power Nightmare Hits High Farce: Having Wrecked Everything, Wind Industry Now Says ‘Britain Not Windy Enough’

After squandering billions of pounds they have seen the light, thank heavens. England’s great landscapes may be spared more futile despoliation at taxpayers’ expense.
But the turbines that already exist will stand to mock us for years to come, most of them generating scarcely enough electricity to power their manufacturers’ production lines.

There are 6,846 across Britain, plus another 15,000 private installations. Each one is a monument to the follies a government can commit when given a green flag to squander our cash.

James Delingpole’s ever-pertinent maxim once again: “Greens – Killing the Earth (and people’s lives and livelihoods) to ‘save’ it.”

Watts Up With That?


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

h/t mwhite – Siemens has frozen new British wind power projects, until the post Brexit relationship with the European Union is negotiated.

Siemens freezes new UK wind power investment following Brexit vote

German energy firm will not make fresh plans until the UK’s European relationship becomes clearer, but existing manufacturing will not be affected

Siemens is putting new wind power investment plans in the UK on hold due to uncertainty caused by last week’s Brexit vote, the Germany energy company has told the Guardian.

A £310m manufacturing hub in Hull that employs 1,000 people will not be affected by the decision, and should still begin producing blades and assembling turbines next year.

But Siemens, one of the few firms to openly back a Remain vote, will not be making new investments until the future of the UK’s relationship with Europe becomes clearer.

Juergen Maier, the…

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Global Surface Temperature Anomalies Should Be Higher In 2016 Than 2015

Global surface temperatures should be higher every year as “CO2” massively increases year to year.

But the current ~ 20 year ‘global warming’ stasis suggests otherwise.

Ergo, trace gas and plant food, CO2, sounds like the perfect patsy to control you, your energy use and every other critical aspect of your life that requires …. energy aka CO2.

Getting it now?

Watts Up With That?

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale

This post confirms what most of us suspect based on the history of global surface temperature data responses to strong El Niño events. That is, if global surface temperatures respond similarly to past strong El Niños, the 2016 values should be higher than 2015.


Table 1 lists the global temperature anomalies from GISS, NOAA NCEI and UKMO for the evolution and decay years, and their differences, during the eight strong El Niño events of 1957/58, 1965/66, 1972/73, 1982/83, 1987/88, 1991/92, 1997/98, and 2009/10. I’ve also listed the 2015 values for the 2015/16 El Niño. For this discussion, I’ve defined a strong El Niño as one where the peak NOAA Oceanic NINO Index value equals or exceeds 1.5 deg C. The annual global temperature anomaly values are as provided by…

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‘Green’ Epiphany: Environmentalists Join Fight Against the Great Wind Power Fraud

“Wind power will never replace conventional generation sources.”

When Dr. Alan Carlin of premier climate change lobby group, the Sierra Club, makes this inference to wind power, you know Industrial wind is on a road to nowhere…other than its ongoing ability to decimate flora/fauna, create devastating fuel poverty and encourage corporate fraud.


turbine rotor germany

The death of the wind industry didn’t come about because BIG Coal felt ‘threatened‘ and set out in some kind of John Grisham conspiracy to wreck it by fair means or foul. No. What kills it is the fact that a growing band of ‘eco-travellers’ – of the kind who once placed their faith in the Wind Gods – have woken up to the scale and scope of the great wind power fraud.

For the climate change Chicken Littles, their quest to rid the planet of dreaded CO2 gas (query how plants and every other living thing survive without it?) has seen the more sensible of their number turn their backs on the wind; and to nuzzle up to nukes, instead.

Dr. Alan Carlin is one such who, despite his background with America’s top environmental lobby, the Sierra Club, not only reached the obvious conclusion (viz…

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Wind Power: The Greatest Swindle Ever Known

Shock news.

Great read…


Alan Jones

Australia is in election mode, with the battle for Federal political supremacy being won and lost on television and on the airwaves.

The one broadcaster a political hopeful doesn’t want off-side is 2GB’s Alan Jones. AJ’s followers number in the millions across 77 stations across the Country.

Last week, Alan picked up on the cost of the great wind power fraud in Australia, with a little help from STT Champion, Western Australian Liberal Senator, Chris Back.

Here are a few of their key points:

  • Australia is in debt, requiring 1.2 billion dollars each month to meet the interest repayments alone.
  • We are borrowing money jut to pay interest.
  • Currently each wind turbine, each year earns $600,000 up until 2031 (earning a renewable energy certificate for each MW of renewable power generator.
    • Energy retailers need to buy (and surrender) renewable energy certificates, or be fined.
    • The market value of renewable energy…

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Claim: climate effects violence

I have definitely become more violent, over the past ten years, since moving from the uplifting, bitter cold winters of Southern Australia to the depressing tropical heat of South East Asia.

Yet another ‘global warming causes everything’ agitprop study.

Does anyone actually believe the constant, daily climate BS being drilled into them anymore?! Studies on belief and interest on majority man-made ‘warming’ suggest they don’t…

Watts Up With That?

From the “murder rate must be highest near the equator” department comes this odd piece of research

Researchers offer new theory on how climate affects violence 
Climate impacts life strategies, time orientation, self-control


COLUMBUS, Ohio — Researchers have long struggled to explain why some violent crime rates are higher near the equator than other parts of the world. Now, a team of researchers have developed a model that could help explain why.

This new model goes beyond the simple fact that hotter temperatures seem to be linked to more aggressive behavior.

The researchers believe that hot climates and less variation in seasonal temperatures leads to a faster life strategy, less focus on the future, and less self-control – all of which contribute to more aggression and violence.

“Climate shapes how people live, it affects the culture in ways that we don’t think about in our daily lives,”…

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Activists admit at forum they’ve been working with NY AG on climate RICO campaign for over a year

Shock news – environmental activists setting the political and scientific climate agenda.

Watts Up With That?

From Energy in Depth’s Katie Brown

At a forum on Wednesday hosted by the Congressional Progressive Caucus, several climate activists including Naomi Oreskes and representatives from the Union of Concerned Scientists admitted that they have been meeting with the state Attorneys General launching climate RICO investigations for over a year.

The fact that the AGs have been meeting with Oreskes is pretty telling considering that for years she has been spearheading the effort to find a way to prosecute oil companies under RICO laws. She’s author of Merchants of Doubt, a book published in 2010 that attempts to link ExxonMobil to tobacco companies. She’s also on the board of the Climate Accountability Institute (CAI), the group that organized the now infamous 2012 La Jolla Conference with the Union of Concerned Scientists at which activists brainstormed ways they could launch racketeering investigations into ExxonMobil. The New York Timeseven credits…

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Wind turbine photo of the year

The attached picture is a metaphor of the complete insanity of the climate change, ergo ‘unreliable’ energy, debate.

In decades to come this one photo alone with sum up an era of stupidity, when rational thought, logic and commonsense was abandoned and immense wealth and resources needlessly sacrificed.

Watts Up With That?

From the “fire and ice” department, Craig Kelly writes on Facebook


The entire rationale for wind turbines is to stop global warming by reducing the amount of CO2 being returned to the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels.

In the attached picture, recently taken in Sweden, freezing cold weather has caused the rotor blades of a wind turbine to ice up bringing the blades to a complete stop.

To fix the “problem” a helicopter is employed (burning aviation fuel) to spray hot water (which is heated in the frigid temperatures using a truck equipped with a 260 kW oil burner) on the blades of the turbine to de-ice them.

The aviation fuel, the diesel for the truck, and the oil burned to heat the water, could produce more electricity (at the right time to meet demand) than the unfrozen wind turbine could ever produce. (Before it freezes up again).

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More People Die Of Cold Than Heat

“Where there’s money, there’s a way.”

Spot-on Paul.

The climate crisis gravy-train rolls on unabated, with yet another ‘study’, no doubt driven by catastrophic RCP8.5 computer model sulimulations.

Just another day in the Orwellian, agitprop world of climate ‘science’…


By Paul Homewood

Amidst all the talk of people dying in heatwaves, we need to remember that many, many more people die of the cold than the heat.

This is self evident in the UK, where the ONS routinely calculate excess winter deaths each year. They never count summer ones, as that is when death rates are lowest.


But what is maybe less well known is that the same applies even in hot countries, as this study published in the Lancet last year showed:

Cold weather is 20 times as deadly as hot weather, and it’s not the extreme low or high temperatures that cause the most deaths, according to a study published Wednesday.

The study — published in the British journal The Lancet — analyzed data on more than 74 million deaths in 13 countries between 1985 and 2012. Of those, 5.4 million deaths were related to cold…

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Environmentalists manage to kill the last nuclear power station in California

“Welcome to the darkness. You thought the Enron trading scam induced blackouts in California around 2000 were bad? Wait til 2025. Let’s all sit in the dark and chant kumabahya while we wait for wind and solar to come online again.”

Nuff said.

Watts Up With That?

From Forbes:

 More details Diablo Canyon Power Plant, 2009 photo from offshore. The light beige domes are the containment structures for Unit 1 and 2 reactors. The brown building is the turbine building where electricity is generated and sent to the grid. In the foreground is the Administration Building (black and white stripes). Picture: "Mike" Michael L. Baird via Wikimedia
Diablo Canyon Power Plant, 2009 photo from offshore. The light beige domes are the containment structures for Unit 1 and 2 reactors. The brown building is the turbine building where electricity is generated and sent to the grid. In the foreground is the Administration Building (black and white stripes). Picture: “Mike” Michael L. Baird via Wikimedia

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) issued a press release today stating that they have signed a deal with PG&E PCG +0.10%, IBEW local 1245, the Coalition of California Utility Employees, Friends of the Earth, Environment California, and the Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility.

There is an implied quid pro quo. The groups will support PG&E’s request for an extension from the California Lands Commission of its land use permit that allows access to ocean cooling water at the Commission’s June 28 meeting. In return, PG&E will agree to withdraw its 20-year license…

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Global temperatures are heading downward, and fast

Difficult times ahead for the climate crisis industry to declare 2016 as “The Hottest Year Evah” !

Watts Up With That?

It’s no surprise to us that the “monster” El Niño of 2015/2016 created a very large global temperature spike, after all, that’s what the natural process that creates the phenomenon results in due to the Pacific ocean near the Equator not being able to dissipate heat to space as effectively as it usually does. NOAA says that “ENSO is one of the most important climate phenomena on Earth due to its ability to change the global atmospheric circulation, which in turn, influences temperature and precipitation across the globe. ”

But, as they say, “what goes up, must come down”. NOAA has this to say about the current state:

After dominating the tropical Pacific for more than a year, El Niño ended in May 2016. Near- or below-average temperatures existed in 3 out of 4 ENSO monitoring regions of the tropical Pacific. And for the first time in 2016, wind and…

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