80,000 died of the flu last winter in the U.S., the highest death count in decades | Los Angeles Times
“Blind trust in authority is the greatest enemy of the truth.”
– Albert Einstein
Via La Times :
SEP. 26, 2018
4:10 PM
Reporting from New York — An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter — the disease’s highest death toll in at least four decades.
The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Robert Redfield, revealed the total in an interview Tuesday night with the Associated Press.
Flu experts knew it was a very bad season, but at least one found the size of the estimate surprising.
“That’s huge,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a Vanderbilt University vaccine expert. The tally was nearly twice as much as what health officials previously considered a bad year, he said.
In recent years, flu-related deaths have ranged from about 12,000 to 56,000, according to the CDC.
Last fall and winter, the U.S. went through one of the most severe flu seasons in recent memory. It was driven by a kind of flu that tends to put more people in the hospital and cause more deaths, particularly among young children and the elderly.
The season peaked in early February and was mostly over by the end of March.
Making a bad year worse, the flu vaccine didn’t work very well. Experts nevertheless say vaccination is still worth it because it makes illnesses less severe and saves lives.
“I’d like to see more people get vaccinated,” Redfield said. “We lost 80,000 people last year to the flu.”
CDC officials do not have exact counts of how many people die from flu each year. Flu is so common that not all flu cases are reported, and flu is not always listed on death certificates. So the CDC uses statistical models, which are periodically revised, to make estimates.
Fatal complications from the flu can include pneumonia, stroke and heart attack.
CDC officials called the 80,000 figure preliminary, and said it may still be revised. But they said it is not expected to go down.
The figure eclipses the estimates for every flu season going back to the winter of 1976-77. Estimates for many earlier seasons were not readily available.
Last winter was not the worst flu season on record. The 1918 flu pandemic, which lasted nearly two years, killed more than 500,000 Americans, historians estimate.
It’s not easy to compare flu seasons through history, partly because the nation’s population is changing. There are more Americans — and more elderly Americans — today than in decades past, noted Dr. Daniel Jernigan, a CDC flu expert.
U.S. health officials on Thursday are scheduled to hold a media event in Washington to stress the importance of vaccinations to protect against whatever flu circulates this winter.
And how bad is it going to be? So far, the flu that’s been detected is a milder strain, and early signs are that the vaccine is shaping up to be a good match, Jernigan said.
The makeup of the vaccine has been changed this year to try to better protect against expected strains.
FOR the latest AU government information on COVID19 :
Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert | Australian Government Department of Health
MEANWHILE, the weather back in the NH winter season of 2017/18 …
IT certainly was a brutal 2017/18 winter in the U.S. and globally:
NEW YORK, NY – DECEMBER 27: Two women take a selfie photo in front of a frozen fountain in Bryant Park on a frigid day in Manhattan on December 27, 2017 in New York City. Dangerously low temperatures and wind chills the central and eastern United States are making outdoor activity difficult for many Americans. Little relief from the below normal temperatures is expected the first week of the New Year. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Temperatures plummet to -37C as US is hit by record Arctic freeze
Temperatures have plummeted to -37C as the US Midwest and Northeast is hit by a record Arctic blast.
Cold weather records were set from Arkansas to Maine on Thursday and the freezing air is expected to last through the weekend and reach as far south as Texas and the Florida Panhandle.
In New Hampshire, the cold set a record for the day of -37C on Mount Washington.
An investigation has been launched by the humane society after a dog was found “frozen solid” on the porch of a home in Toledo, Ohio.
Temperatures plummet to -37C as US is hit by record Arctic freeze | SKY News
It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death
In Massachusetts, the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy found three thresher sharks washed up in Cape Cod, “stranded due to cold shock,” which can cause cardiac arrest in animals.
The conservancy collected tissue samples from the sharks that will be examined “once they thaw.”
“We hauled the shark off the beach and it is currently thawing at NOAA Fisheries Service to be dissected later,” the group wrote on Facebook about the latest shark discovery. “A true sharkcicle!”
Atlantic White Shark Conservancy – Posts
Visitors take photographs at the brink of the Horseshoe Falls in Niagara Falls, Ontario, as cold weather continues through much of the province on Friday, Dec. 29, 2017. (Aaron Lynett/The Canadian Press via AP)
A couple looks out over the partially frozen American side of the Niagara Falls during sub-freezing temperatures in Niagara Falls, Ontario March 3, 2014. REUTERS/Mark Blinch (CANADA – Tags: ENVIRONMENT TRAVEL SOCIETY) ORG XMIT: MDB14
❄️ SNOW will become “A very rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” – Dr. Viner CRU (2000)
❄️ “Milder winter temps will decrease heavy snowstorms” IPCC (2001)
❄️ “Resorts could lose 1/4 of snow in 15 years” – CSIRO (2003)
❄️ “Alps Under Threat” THE AGE (2005)
❄️ “End of Snow?” NYTimes (2014)
AND, for the “global warming = more moisture in the air” enthusiasts, don’t forget that you need *cold* air to make snow.
Snow in Bavaria [image credit: BBC] It seems that rumours of the end of snowy European winters have been greatly exaggerated. Countries as far south as Greece have been badly affected.
Winter storms have killed several people across Europe, including in Germany, reports DW.com.
While conditions have improved in some parts, meteorologists predict it’s just the calm before the next storm.
“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world.”
– Christine Stewart,
fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President UN Foundation
WHEN prosecuting the case for “unprecedented” man-made Global Warming, the first thing you need to make sure of is that no recent climate era was as warm or warmer than the present, even if that means having to rewrite the past to fit your narrative.
THE Medieval Warm Period, also known as the Medieval Climate Optimum (due to conditions favoured for crops, life and civilisation to thrive) existed a short time ago in the climate record, from c. 950 to c. 1250., and has remained a thorn in the side, ever since, for today’s Global Warming Climate Change activist movement.
IN the 1990 IPCC report, the Medieval Warm Period was much warmer than the late 19th century:
THE IPCC’s 1990 report dives deeper into the reality of the Medieval Warm Period and provides an insight into the cause of these warming periods:
“This period of widespread warmth is notable in that there is no evidence that it was accompanied by an increase of greenhouse gases.”
IPCC WG1 Report 1990 (p202)
BY the 2001 IPCC report, the Medieval Warm period disappeared and became much cooler than the late 20th century:
Mikey Mann Hockeystick
BY pure coincidence, in the year 1995 the IPCC made a decision to make the Medieval Warm Period disappear:
David Deming Senate Testimony
YOUTUBE clip of Dr David Deming’s US Senate testimony on the “disappearance” of the Medieval Warm Period (see 01m:50s) :
Video of Dr David Deming’s statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on December 6, 2006. Dr Deming reveals that in 1995 a leading scientist emailed him saying “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period”. A few years later, Michael Mann and the IPCC did just that by publishing the now throughly discredited hockey stick graph.
IN case you missed it…
“I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.””
The existence of the MWP had been recognized in the scientific literature for decades. But now it was a major embarrassment to those maintaining that the 20th century warming was truly anomalous. It had to be “gotten rid of.””
Statement of Dr. David Deming | U.S. Senate Committee
ACCORDING to multiple lines of “peer-reviewed science”, the Medieval Warm Period was indeed ‘global’ and was as warm, if not warmer than today.
CLICK here for excellent interactive map of clickable peer-reviewed MWP studies in both North and Southern Hemispheres :
THE Medieval Warm Period – A Global Phenomenon
THERE is absolutely nothing unusual about today’s so-called Global Warming aka Climate Change.
LOOK at how many periods of warmth our planet has enjoyed during the past 10,000 years alone.
CIVILISATIONS flourished during those warm periods (“climate optimums”), and collapsed when they ended.
DID humans cause the Minoan warm period of about 3,300 years ago?
DID humans cause the Roman warm period of about 2,100 years ago?
DID humans cause the Medieval warm period of about 1,000 years ago?
WHAT about all of those other warm periods? Should we blame Fred Flintstone, perhaps?
via @BigJoeBastardi | Twitter
IF the downward trend in temperature of the past 3,300 years continues, we could be in a heap of trouble. While our leaders keep on wringing their collective hands over global warming, we could be blindsided by an ice age.
ALL this talk about human-caused global warming is sheer nonsense, if not downright fraud. The record shows that both periods of warmth – and periods of cold – hit our planet with almost consistent regularity.
“THIS could be the largest cold-stunning event to occur in Texas history.”
“The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models.”
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
AS the natural planet shifts seasons through Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern, it’s worth looking back only 9 months ago when Earth was delivering a particularly brutal cold and snowy NH winter.
NOAA does many things well and many not so. But, ironically, one of the best things it did was to act as a warming refuge for hundreds of endangered sea turtles who would have otherwise died due to extreme cold waters off the Texas/Florida Coast.
“Experts say sea turtles that become stunned by cold weather float to the surface because they’re too cold to swim. “
“According to KHOU-TV, this could be the largest cold-stunning event to occur in Texas history.”
I know what you’re now thinking and yes, I agree: It’s hard to validate the NOAA’s persistent “HOTTEST YEAR EVAHH” findings, so gleefully published in the mainstream media, when sea-turtles are actually dying by the hundreds thanks to “THE COLDEST OCEANS EVAHH”!
A completely isolated incident, yes. But, did any UN or NOAA climate model predict “dying turtles thanks to extreme cold oceans”?
Hundreds of stunned sea turtles rescued along Texas coast after freezing weather | khou.com
Cold-Stunned Sea Turtles Wash Ashore in Florida and Texas | Scuba Diving
Via CBS News :
GALVESTON, Texas — Hundreds of sea turtles have been affected by cold weather in Texas. CBS News affiliate KHOU-TV reports National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) workers have rescued 50 sea turtles so far.
An additional 200 are expected to arrive to the NOAA’s Galveston lab Friday, where they will be weighed, measured and later released back into the ocean.
Experts say sea turtles that become stunned by cold weather float to the surface because they’re too cold to swim.
A cold-stunned sea turtle may become “dehydrated because they’ve been floating on the surface for a few days,” Ben Higgins, sea turtle program manager, told KHOU-TV.
“We are the ones that push these animals to the brink of extinction, so we have an obligation to at least step in and help (and) try and restore their numbers,” Higgins said.
According to KHOU-TV, this could be the largest cold-stunning event to occur in Texas history.
Sea turtles, however, are not the only species that has been affected by cold weather. In Florida, it’s so cold that iguanas have been falling from their perchesin trees. Several residents have photographed the reptiles lying belly up on the ground.
But authorities say the iguanas are likely not dead. Most of them will thaw out if placed in the sun.
Anyone who may encounter a sea turtle that is in need of help should call (866) TURTLE-5 or (409) 771-2872.
Hundreds of sea turtles stunned by cold weather in Texas | CBS News
A little scepticism between the agencies who control the message on “Global Warming” would not go astray in order to restore the publics faith in (once) trusted taxpayer funded institutions who used to run on science and data, not ideology, politics and grants.
UPDATE 24 Nov, 2018
HUNDREDS More Frozen Turtles Since October. HuffPo blames Global Warming!
via Electroverse :
400+ Frozen Turtles Off Cape Cod
A brutal cold snap off the coast of Cape Cod in Massachusetts has led to more than 400 sea turtles freezing to death since Oct 22.
190 of the endangered Kemp’s Ridley turtles perished in just the last few of days, as a “once in a lifetime weather system” of powerful winds and freezing arctic air incapacitated the sea creatures.
The turtles were found washed ashore frozen solid on beaches in Brewster, Orleans and Eastham.
Since late October, over 400 cold-stunned turtles have been reported, according to Jennette Kerr, Communications Coordinator of the Massachusetts Audubon Society’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.
According to the Sanctuary, the first instance of turtles becoming cold stunned this season came on Oct 22.
Kerr told capecodtimes.com that she fears many more frozen turtles may wash ashore in the coming nights due to the historically low temperatures.
Sea turtles normally migrate south during the late fall and winter, but turtles being impacted by cold stuns has increased dramatically in recent years.
Kerr told the Boston Globe that there isn’t a clear reason why, but she suspected it was becoming more noticeable due to prolonged successful conservation.
I think a more likely explanation would link the deaths to the sharp drop in solar activity and the falling global average temperatures — the oceans are cooling, folks.
Grand Solar Minimum
I had to include this at the end, as further illustration of the stranglehold on truth the ever-more-desperate MSM hopes to maintain.
Check out HuffPost Green’s laughable explanation: The warmer ocean waters of climate change entice the turtles to linger too long too far north.
Dozens of stranded sea turtles killed by plunging temperatures at Cape Cod. https://t.co/VHe9RkaUVq
— HuffPost Green (@HuffPostGreen) November 24, 2018
“GLOBAL COOLING gained considerable traction with the general public. But then, instead of cooling as long predicted by manmade climate change advocates, the planet started warming again. Something had to be done to rescue the climate change agenda from utter disaster. Enter Al Gore.”
ANOTHER Paul Driessen, must read, masterpiece…
PA Pundits - International
By Paul Driessen~
Although his science is often seriously wrong, no one can deny that Al Gore has a flare for the dramatic. Speaking about climate change in an October 12 PBS interview, the former vice-president proclaimed, “We have a global emergency.” Referring to the most recent UN climate report, Gore claimed it showed that current global warming “could actually extend to an existential threat to human civilization on this planet as we know it.”
Al Gore’s overblown rhetoric makes no sense, of course. Yet his hyperbolic claims beg the question: How did this all start?
Back in the 1970s, media articles warning of imminent climate change problems began to appear regularly. TIME and Newsweek ran multiple cover stories asserting that oil companies and America’s capitalist life style were causing catastrophic damage to Earth’s climate. They claimed scientists were almost unanimous in their opinion that manmade climate change would…
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
Fmr President of the UN Foundation
GLOBAL atmospheric temperatures continue their rapid decline off the record heights of the 2016 super El Niño, despite record and rising CO2 emissions.
UAH global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for September, 2018 was +0.14°C, down from +0.19°C in August:
UAH Global Temperature Update for September, 2018: +0.14 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD
Latest Global Average Tropospheric Temperatures
Since 1979, NOAA satellites have been carrying instruments which measure the natural microwave thermal emissions from oxygen in the atmosphere. The intensity of the signals these microwave radiometers measure at different microwave frequencies is directly proportional to the temperature of different, deep layers of the atmosphere. Every month, John Christy and I update global temperature datasets that represent the piecing together of the temperature data from a total of fifteen instruments flying on different satellites over the years. A discussion of the latest version (6.0) of the dataset is located here.
The graph above represents the latest update; updates are usually made within the first week of every month. Contrary to some reports, the satellite measurements are not calibrated in any way with the global surface-based thermometer records of temperature. They instead use their own on-board precision redundant platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) calibrated to a laboratory reference standard before launch.
Latest Global Temps « Roy Spencer, PhD
THE September anomaly represents a 0.72°C drop since 2016 super El Niño heights, bringing temps down now to ~1988 levels.
DON’T expect the mainstream media to report in this anytime soon. They are only concerned about hot and climbing temperatures to push their global warming climate change agenda.
CO2 Vs Temp Correlation 1979 – SEP 2018 – CLIMATISM
Satellites Vs Land-Based Thermometers?
Satellites Vs Thermometers?
NASA’s MSU satellite measurement systems, generate the RSS and UAH datasets, which measure the average temperature of every cubic inch of the lower atmosphere, the exact place where global warming theory is meant to occur.
BEFORE 2016, UAH and RSS both tracked closely showing very little warming in their data sets which led to the identification and validation of “the pause” in global warming which has since become the subject of much research and debate in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
From the RSS website:
“The simulation as a whole are predicting too much warming” – RSS
Source: http://www.remss.com/research/climate Archived here – http://www.webcitation.org/6fiQcrQDQ
HOWEVER, by 2016, Carl Mears, who is the chief scientist for RSS (Remote Sensing Systems) and who has used the pejorative “denialist” in various correspondence, decided that “the pause” was not a good look for the global warming narrative so RSS was massively adjusted upwards, conveniently eliminating “the pause” in the RSS dataset.
MEARS’ objectivity towards the business of global temperature data collection and reporting can be found in his commentary on his website:
MEARS then published a paper claiming that new and improved adjustments have “found” that missing warming.
Mears, C., and F. Wentz, 2016: Sensitivity of satellite-derived tropospheric temperature trends to the diurnal cycle adjustment. J. Climate. doi:10.1175/JCLID- 15-0744.1, in press.
THE result…
Differences between the old version and new version of RSS:
Fig. 8. Comparison between RSS V3.3 global (80°S to 80°N) anomaly time series, and result from the V4.0 merging algorithm with different levels of adjustments applied.
(Data via WUWT)
UAH Global Temperature Update for September, 2018: +0.14 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD
UAH is the satellite data set featured in this post and is jointly run by Dr. John R. Christy – Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. And Roy Spencer Ph.D. Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
SPENCER commentary on the divergence between RSS and UAH post “adjustment”:
“We have a paper in peer review with extensive satellite dataset comparisons to many balloon datasets and reanalyses. These show that RSS diverges from these and from UAH, showing more warming than the other datasets between 1990 and 2002 – a key period with two older MSU sensors both of which showed signs of spurious warming not yet addressed by RSS. I suspect the next chapter in this saga is that the remaining radiosonde datasets that still do not show substantial warming will be the next to be “adjusted” upward.
The bottom line is that we still trust our methodology. But no satellite dataset is perfect, there are uncertainties in all of the adjustments, as well as legitimate differences of opinion regarding how they should be handled.
Also, as mentioned at the outset, both RSS and UAH lower tropospheric trends are considerably below the average trends from the climate models.
And that is the most important point to be made.”
Comments on the New RSS Lower Tropospheric Temperature Dataset « Roy Spencer, PhD
80,000 died of the flu last winter in the U.S., the highest death count in decades | Los Angeles Times
Warming fears are the “Worst scientific scandal in the history. When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.
IMAGINE the howls and screams from the Climate Crisis Industry if “global cooling” was the fashionable eco-scare of the day?
THE deaths of 80,000 would be weaponised and blamed squarely on the wicked ways of humans, providing ample evidence to impose draconian, global climate change policy.
IT certainly was a brutal 2017/18 winter in the U.S. and globally:
NEW YORK, NY – DECEMBER 27: Two women take a selfie photo in front of a frozen fountain in Bryant Park on a frigid day in Manhattan on December 27, 2017 in New York City. Dangerously low temperatures and wind chills the central and eastern United States are making outdoor activity difficult for many Americans. Little relief from the below normal temperatures is expected the first week of the New Year. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
Temperatures plummet to -37C as US is hit by record Arctic freeze
Temperatures have plummeted to -37C as the US Midwest and Northeast is hit by a record Arctic blast.
Cold weather records were set from Arkansas to Maine on Thursday and the freezing air is expected to last through the weekend and reach as far south as Texas and the Florida Panhandle.
In New Hampshire, the cold set a record for the day of -37C on Mount Washington.
An investigation has been launched by the humane society after a dog was found “frozen solid” on the porch of a home in Toledo, Ohio.
Temperatures plummet to -37C as US is hit by record Arctic freeze | SKY News
It’s so cold in the US that sharks are freezing to death
In Massachusetts, the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy found three thresher sharks washed up in Cape Cod, “stranded due to cold shock,” which can cause cardiac arrest in animals.
The conservancy collected tissue samples from the sharks that will be examined “once they thaw.”
“We hauled the shark off the beach and it is currently thawing at NOAA Fisheries Service to be dissected later,” the group wrote on Facebook about the latest shark discovery. “A true sharkcicle!”
Atlantic White Shark Conservancy – Posts
Visitors take photographs at the brink of the Horseshoe Falls in Niagara Falls, Ontario, as cold weather continues through much of the province on Friday, Dec. 29, 2017. (Aaron Lynett/The Canadian Press via AP)
A couple looks out over the partially frozen American side of the Niagara Falls during sub-freezing temperatures in Niagara Falls, Ontario March 3, 2014. REUTERS/Mark Blinch (CANADA – Tags: ENVIRONMENT TRAVEL SOCIETY) ORG XMIT: MDB14
Snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event.”
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” Dr David Viner – Senior scientist, climatic research unit (CRU)
THE planet’s “climate control knob” – CO2 – dumps a load of fresh global warming on the South African Savannah.
THE Guardian reports with no mention of “CLIMATE CHANGE”!?
ALAS, every organisation has rules and a code of conduct. The Guardian’s is easy…
Spotted: giraffes in the snow
Antelope, rhinoceroses and elephants also photographed in icy conditions after late snowfall in South Africa
Giraffes in the snow in the Karoo region of South Africa. Photograph: Kitty Viljoen
Animals more used to desert heat have been photographed enjoying the snow after a cold front brought snowfall to parts of South Africa over the weekend.
Giraffes, antelope, rhinoceroses and elephants were photographed in icy conditions around South Africa, in pictures shared widely on social media.
FacebookTwitterPinterest Antelope on the Glen Harry Game reserve in Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape. Photograph: Katjana Hoskin Ott/Snow Report SA
Kitty Viljoen captured elephants enjoying the snow in the Sneeuberg – which translates to Snow Mountain – on the Western Cape of South Africa, where snow set in late last week. She also photographed giraffes in snow in the Karoo semi-desert region.
Antelope on the Glen Harry Game reserve in Graaff-Reinet, Eastern Cape, were also pictured surrounded by icy vegetation.
Snowfall across parts of South Africa late last week prompted the department of transport to close roads across the Eastern Cape due to slippery conditions.
The snow also hit the Western Cape, where temperatures dropped below zero across parts of Cederberg, the Hex River Mountains and the Matroosberg Reserve.
FacebookTwitterPinterest A cold front in South Africa last week saw snow fall across parts of the country. Photograph: Kitty Viljoen
A weather forecast for the weekend, produced by Snow Report South Africa, shows snowfalls in the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape, as well as in the state of Kwazulu-Natal, with some areas receiving more than 25cm of snow across three days.
Lesotho, which is an independent country surrounded by South Africa, was due to receive the heaviest covering of snow, with roughly two-thirds of the country predicted to receive snowfall.
Snowfalls are not infrequent across parts of South Africa during the winter, though this cold snap comes late in the season. In July, parts of the country were blanketed after several days of heavy snowfall.
Spotted: giraffes in the snow | World news | The Guardian
Giraffes and elephants wander about in the snow after freak blizzards hit Africa | The Sun UK
Giraffes, elephants and lions spotted walking in snow in South Africa | Daily Mail Online
A giraffe stands amid the snow at the Aquila Game Reserve, which is located around 100 miles inland from Cape Town | Daily Mail Online
Elephants and giraffes spotted in the snow as blizzards hit South Africa | London Evening Standard
Snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event.”
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” Dr David Viner – Senior scientist, climatic research unit (CRU)
GLOBAL WARMING’s infallible wrecking ball – CO2 – brings summer snow to Europe, North America, Canada, Japan and even Saudi Arabia!
CHILDREN might be able to now ski in summer, but don’t expect to read about this in the mainstream media. They are only interested in hot weather to push their CO2-centirc, global warming agenda…
Heavy Summer Snowfall in European Alps – Austria, Italy, Germany & Switzerland Receive Up To 40cm
Matt Wiseman, Mountainwatch
Set to open next month, Stubai Glacier (Stubaier Gletscher) has gotten in early for the first snow of the 2018/19 winter season… as it’s still summer. Image:: Stubai Glacier
Heavy snow fell above 1500 metres across the European Alps this weekend with a number of destinations reporting over 40cm of the fluffy white stuff.
While it is still summer in Europe, temperatures dropped over 15 degrees and dipped into the negatives in less than 24hrs. Germany’s highest peak, The Zugspitze – at 2962m above sea level – recorded 25cm of snow whilst thermometers hit negative 7 degrees.
Although skiing remains possible across half a dozen glacier dependant ski fields throughout Austria, Italy and Switzerland, the snowfall came just days after these areas were recording temperatures in the 10’s and 20’s, with parts of Germany expecting temperatures to reach 30 degrees by mid-week.
The result of the cold front that swept across many of these resorts and throughout Central Europe is perhaps best summed up in the below images… Feast your eyes and enjoy!
Gamskarkogelhütte auf is a mountain cabin in Bad Hofgastein, Austria. At an elevation of 2467m they got absolutely blanketed in snow! These images where taken 22hrs ago. Image:: Gamskarkogel Hütte’s Facebook
Seeing is believing! Image:: Gamskarkogel Hütte’s Facebook
It’s not often you have to dig out the front door in Europe, in August, in summer… Image:: Gamskarkogel Hütte’s Facebook
The sun came out 12hrs ago, illuminating a pretty spectacular scene. Image:: Gamskarkogel Hütte’s Facebook
A summer winter wonderland. Image:: Gamskarkogel Hütte’s Facebook
WHILE the mainstream media bloviates over a mythical and propagandised “global heatwave“, things couldn’t be more different and dangerous down-under, especially for Kangaroos!
via WUWT :
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
h/t IceAgeNow & Climate Depot – Australia’s capital city Canberra is being flooded by kangaroos desperately flocking to the irrigated nature reserves and Canberra’s urban heat island to avoid starvation and freezing temperatures.
Canberra Civic viewed from Mount Ainslie with Lake Burley Griffin and Mount Stromlo in the background. By Bidgee – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
Mobs of kangaroos take to streets of Australia’s capital over food shortages
By Samantha Beech, Mitchell McCluskey and Susannah Cullinane, CNN
Updated 0805 GMT (1605 HKT) July 30, 2018
(CNN)Mobs of kangaroos have been raiding patches of grass in the Australian capital Canberra, driven to the city’s sports fields, back yards and roadsides by food scarcity.
Canberra has more than 30 nature reserves, with most hosting hundreds of Eastern Grey Kangaroos, and it is not unusual to see them in the reserves or in roads or yards nearby, Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Parks and Conservation Service Director Daniel Iglesias told CNN.
But he said this winter the animals were far more visible.
“Canberra is experiencing a perfect storm of hardship for its kangaroos. New records have been set in Canberra for very cold, frosty nights this winter. This, coupled with very dry conditions with very little rain at all in June and July, means there is very little food for kangaroos, ” Iglesias said, via email.
“Sports ovals, suburban yards, schoolyards and roadsides are the few places offering any green grass at all in Canberra at the moment and they act as magnets for kangaroos,” he said.
Lots of spectators when enjoying your round of golf @goldcreekcc #canberra #australia #TheOpen2018 #openweekend #playgolf #golfspectator pic.twitter.com/4CGVbKAyja
— Gold Creek Country Club-Managed by Troon Golf (@goldcreekcc) July 22, 2018
Canberra, which is part of the Australian Capital Territory, our version of District of Columbia, is a hotspot of Australian CAGW enthusiasts. The green obsessed ACT government funded the original production of the play Kill Climate Deniers.
No doubt the locals will blame global warming for the distress of ACT’s kangaroo population.
GLOBAL July temps according to UAH satellite data set were slightly up on June, to 0.32C above the global average. That’s up 0.11C from June’s 0.21 deg C.
THAT’s some global heatwave!! /sarc
UAH Global Temperature Update for July, 2018: +0.32 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD
DAVID Birch (TSM) with more insight on the latest UAH global temp data :
Global heatwave?
July +.32°C 😂😂😂
UAH. pic.twitter.com/Ka1DTZRUtm
— David Birch (TSM) (@dbirch214) August 1, 2018
TR goes further :
In June 2006 the global avg T of land and sea was 14.3°C (global 20th century avg T is 13.7°C) at 377ppm Co2. In June 2018 it was 14.45°C at 412ppm Co2. The difference falls within measurement error. https://t.co/KzZzee8aSu
— TR (@birdhillll) August 1, 2018
The True Story Behind Australia’s Coldest, Angriest Kangaroos | HUFFPO
WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
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