Katherine Hayhoe Caught Lying Again
Posted: May 30, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
While extreme weather events like droughts and floods occur naturally in Texas, precipitation in the state is becoming more variable, making droughts more potent and increasing the risk of heavy rainfall and flooding, Hayhoe said.
Climate Change May Have Souped Up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge – Scientific American
Precipitation in Texas is not changing. It is not becoming more variable.
I lived just a few blocks away from the Brazos River in Richmond during this 1992 flood
Sun Journal – Google News Archive Search
Floods in Texas happen all the time. In 1979, they had 43 inches of rain in one day at NASA Houston. At least four times as much as this week’s “record rainfall”
Weather Research Center – Houston Texas wrc@wxresearch.com
During the 1935 flood, two-thirds of the county was flooded
Houston had a major flood every six years from 1836 to 1936. It has nothing to do with…
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Seriously Messing With Texas
Posted: May 30, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
In 2011, NCDC showed Texas winters cooling slightly from 1895 to 2011
But that didn’t suit the agenda, so they simply changed the data and now show it warming
The animation below shows how they altered Texas winter temperature
The next animation compares NCDC for the entire year vs. the raw HCN thermometer data. They turned a strong cooling trend into a strong warming trend.
This was accomplished through a spectacular two degrees of data tampering
As with most other government climate data, the Texas temperature record has been massively abused to generate global warming propaganda.It shows the exact opposite of what is actually occurring.
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Trouble Looming For Arctic Alarmists
Posted: May 30, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
Arctic sea ice coverage is nearly identical to 20 years ago
Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps
Arctic sea ice is following almost the exact trajectory of 2006, which had the highest summer minimum of the last decade.
Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
Temperatures in the Beaufort Sea are forecast to remain below the freezing point through the first two weeks of the summer melt season
The Beaufort Sea is full of very thick ice.
ictn2015052818_2015060500_040_arcticictn.001.gif (740×666)
Arctic sea ice is about the same thickness (2 meters) as it was 75 years ago.
Papers Past — Auckland Star — 14 December 1940 — WARMER ARCTIC
Arctic sea ice is the thickest it has been in a decade.
Bpiomas_plot_daily_heff.2sst.png (2488×1960)
Climate experts say the Arctic has been ice-free since 2013
Business leaders discuss climate – The Science Show – ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
They have been making the…
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The Amount Of Sea Ice On Earth Isn’t Changing
Posted: May 28, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized 1 CommentReal Science
Since 1979, Antarctic sea ice has increased by the same amount as Arctic sea ice has decreased
Prior to 1979, Arctic sea ice increased by the same amount as Antarctic ice decreased.
NSIDC cleverly truncates the pre-1979 data, because it wrecks their fake global warming theory. The poles are cyclical and move opposite each other. Actual scientists would try to understand it, rather than simply denying that they know about it.
The Earth is not warming, and hasn’t been for almost 20 years.
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No, The Polar Ice Caps Are Not Disappearing Katherine
Posted: May 28, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
Several times a day, news reports go out that the polar ice caps are melting, and it is drowning Pacific islanders. As with everything else related to this scam, it is complete BS.
Arctic sea ice extent is almost identical to twenty years ago.
Daily Arctic Sea Ice Maps
Arctic sea ice is closely tracking 2006, the year with the highest summer minimum from the past decade.
Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut
Greenland has gained 500 billion tons of ice since September, and the melt season there is almost a month late
Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI
Temperatures on the Greenland Ice Sheet are extremely cold, and scientists there are getting buried in snow and ice
The amount of sea ice on Earth has been running above normal for the past two years.
iphone.anomaly.global.png (512×412)
Temperatures on the Antarctic Ice Sheet are incredibly cold
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Visualizing How The White House Is Defrauding You About Precipitation
Posted: May 28, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
The National Climate Assessment uses this map, showing that heavy rainfalls have increased in the US since 1958
Heavy Downpours Increasing | National Climate Assessment
Look what they did. They picked the low point of the US record to begin their graph.
In fact, heavy rainfall events in the US are no more common than they were 100 years ago, when CO2 was close to 300 PPM. This is blatantly misleading propaganda, intended to give the reader the exactly wrong impression.
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Real World Data Sinks The Great Global Warming Swindle
Posted: May 27, 2015 Filed under: Alarmism, Climate Change, Climate models, Climatism, Failed Climate Models, Global Warming, Religion | Tags: Alarmism, BoM, Broken Climate Models, Climate alarmism, climate models Leave a comment“The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models.”
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
“The models are convenient fictions
that provide something very useful.”
– Dr David Frame,
climate modeler, Oxford University
via Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog :
Maybe, just maybe, it’s because their argument is unsound
Mark Steyn on the despair of the warmists:
The hysteria of Mann-style alarmism is going nowhere with the public, as one of the hysterics, Graeme Richardson, acknowledges here:
The sceptics and deniers have turned the 70 per cent-plus belief in climate change into a minority because no one has engaged them.As my distinguished co-author on Climate Change: The Facts, Jo Nova, responds:
That’s right Graham, we unfunded bloggers and the few surviving skeptical scientists not evicted and blackballed from our universities (yet) have tricked 20% of the population because no one has put forward the climate change arguments except for: The Climate Commission, CSIRO, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Royal Dutch Shell, GE, Panasonic, The ABC, The BBC, The Guardian, Fairfax, The Australian government, most universities, The EU, The UN, The World Bank, and the IMF.
Not to mention President Obama and the US Coast Guard, and George Clooney and his crappy floppo movie. Given that everyone from Hollywood to Washington to the Royal Society to half the churches and every elementary school in the western world is on Graeme’s side of the argument, their inability to sway public opinion must be ranked one of the most spectacular failures of the age – a veritable upside-down hockey stick.
Why did the head of the Bureau of Meteorology give a Senate committee information that was – in my opinion – highly misleading?
Jo Nova:
Maurice Newman, the chairman of the P.M’s business advisory council, daringly wrote in The Australian:
“It’s a well-kept secret, but 95 per cent of the climate models we are told prove the link between human CO2 emissions and catastrophic global warming have been found, after nearly two decades of temperature stasis, to be in error.”
In Senate estimates, a Greens spokesperson asked Dr Rob Vertessy, Director of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) on his view of this. “That is incorrect,” he said…
If Maurice Newman was wrong, he was far too generous to the climate modelers. Instead of a 95% failure rate, it’s well up over 98%. Hans von Storch et al published a paper nearly two years ago comparing models and observations of a 15 year long pause. Statistically von Storch could find no justification for people saying the models matched the observations — there was a less than 2% chance of that. Last year Ross McKitrick estimated the pause was really 19 years long, so the odds are now less than 0.5%. Newman was being kind, suggesting that 5% of models might be called “right”.
Atmospheric scientist John Christy contradicts our Bureau chief:
Speaking before Congress, Professor of Atmospheric Science John Christy illustrates the gross inaccuracy of the 102 climate model simulations relied upon by the United Nation’s in the latest IPCC AR5 climate change report. Professor Christy describes his chart: ‘That is the trend in the atmospheric temperature that has happened since 1979. That’s the target that you want to hit with your climate model. So, it’s like we give someone 102 bullets to shoot at that target… Not a single one of these climate model projections was able to hit the target.’
See also :
- Maurice Newman knows more about climate models than the BOM’s Dr Rob Vertessy « JoNova
- 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | Climatism
- Obama Issues Global Warming Order As Climate Models Fail | Climatism
- 22 Very Inconvenient Climate Truths On Global Warming | Climatism
- The Worst Scientific Scandal Of Our Generation | Climatism
- World’s top climate scientists confess: Global warming is just QUARTER what we thought – and computers got the effects of greenhouse gases wrong | Daily Mail Online
Barack “Climate Change” Obama
Posted: May 27, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentPA Pundits - International
By Alan Caruba ~
“Woe to the land that’s governed by a child.” – Shakespeare, Richard III
I have been wrestling for some kind of explanation why the President of the United States, Barack Obama, would continue to talk about climate change and urge the global transition from fossil fuels to wind, solar and bio-energy. I have concluded that he thinks everyone, not just Americans, are idiots.
We know he lies about everything, but these two topics are clearly near and dear to his heart.
My friend, Paul Driessen, (pictured) is a policy analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, a free market think tank. Among the pundit class he’s ranked very high by his colleagues. Here’s what he has to say about climate change:
“Earth climate always has changed, is always changing, and always will change—but not from fossil-fuel use. Solar fluctuations, deep ocean circulation patterns, and…
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Memorial Day 1935 – Texas Set The World Rainfall Record
Posted: May 26, 2015 Filed under: Climate Changes, Climate History | Tags: climate changes, Climate history, CO2, Memorial Day, Texas, Texas Flooding Leave a commentReal Science
Extreme Weather: A Guide & Record Book – Christopher C. Burt – Google Books
On Memorial Day eighty years ago, Texas received twenty-two inches of rain in less than three hours – the world record. CO2 was 304 PPM at the time.
Climate experts tell us that much less intense rainfalls this year in Texas are caused by 400 PPM CO2. Because they are clowns, not scientists.
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