GREENLAND Ice Sheet : The Facts Vs The Myths

SIFTING out the Climate Change hysteria from the Greenland ice-sheet in another informative, fact-piece via Paul Homewood…

See also :


By Paul Homewood


I came across the Statista website a while ago, as it had some useful graphics at the time, so I am now on their email address list. Each day they send a couple of random charts, with the hope I might subscribe!

They certainly seem a reliable outfit and offer a wide variety of stats, but today I received this from them:


For a company that prides itself in infographics, this disingenuous example is shocking.

The webpage it links to is little better:



The whole thing revolves around taking a handful of impressively big-sounding numbers out of context, then extrapolating them using dodgy assumptions.

The claim “enough water to cover Florida in five inches of water” is particularly fatuous, as it assumes that all of the extra water goes there!

I may not have a fancy art qualification to replicate their info…

View original post 246 more words

SHOCKINGLY Thick First Year Ice Between Barents Sea And The North Pole In Mid-July


DMI Modelled ice thickness | DMI

• “Arctic summers ice-free by 2013” (BBC 2007)
• “Could all Arctic ice be gone by 2012?” (AP 2007)
• “Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?” (National Geographic 2007)
• “Imagine yourself in a world five years from now, where there is no more ice over the Arctic” – Tim Flannery (2008)
• “North Pole could be ice-free in 2008” – Mark Serreze (New Scientist 2008)
• “Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014” (USA Today 2009)
• “Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within 4 years” (Guardian 2012)
• “Say Goodbye to Arctic Summer Ice” (Live Science 2013)
• “Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist” (The Guardian 2013)
• “Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013” (Sierra Club 2013)
• “Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’” – Peter Wadhams (The Guardian 2016)

(QUOTE references : CLIMATE DUD-PREDICTIONS : ‘Ice-Free’ Arctic Prophesies By The ‘97% Consensus’ And Compliant Mainstream Media | Climatism


DIRE predictions of an “ice-free” Arctic have remained popular on the climate change, fear-mongering circuit for many years now.

BUT, how ‘bad’ really are Arctic sea-ice conditions, in mid-summer, circa 2019?

ACCORDING to this latest piece of anecdotal (real-world) evidence, Arctic “Death Spiral” enthusiasts would be understandably disappointed!

“…what we saw was indeed really impressive sea ice. In fact, the sea ice we encountered was thick enough that reaching our destination—the geographic North Pole—took roughly 1.5 days longer than we’d expected.”

READ it all…


In late June, one of the most powerful icebreakers in the world encountered such extraordinarily thick ice on-route to the North Pole (with a polar bear specialist and deep-pocketed, Attenborough-class tourists onboard) that it took a day and a half longer than expected to get there. A few weeks later, in mid-July, a Norwegian icebreaker also bound for the North Pole (with scientific researchers on board) was forced to turn back north of Svalbard when it unexpectedly encountered impenetrable pack ice.

Franz Josef Land polar bear 2019 no date_Photo by Michael Hambrey_smA polar bear on hummocked sea ice in Franz Josef Land. Photo by Michael Hambrey, date not specified but estimated based on tour dates to be 22 or 23 June 2019.

Apparently, the ice charts the Norwegian captain consulted showed ‘first year ice‘ – ice that formed the previous fall, defined as less than 2 m thick (6.6 ft) – which is often much broken…

View original post 1,462 more words

PANIC DENIED : Sea Levels In And Around Sydney Harbour 1886 to 2018

Sydney Harbour Sea Levels 1886-2018 - CLIMATISM

Sydney Harbour Sea Levels 1886-2018 | CLIMATISM

“CLIMATE alarmism is a gigantic fraud:
it only survives by suppressing dissent and by spending
tens of billions of dollars of public money
every year on pseudo-scientific propaganda.”
Leo Goldstein


SEA-LEVEL RISE alarmism is just one in a long line of propaganda tools used by the Climate Crisis Industry to promote the narrative that human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous global warming climate change.

VERY little of the carefully orchestrated fear-mongering is based on observed reality and empirical evidence, rather, worst-case climate model scenarios pushed into the unaccountable future, designed to scare you and policy makers into (costly) “climate action now!”.

SEA level alarmism holds significant implications for the public who bear the burden of carbon-dioxide related taxes. Those living within coastal areas, constrained by further punitive imposts as insurance companies exploit the climate of fear for their own profit.

SEA levels vary by geographical region from positive to neutral to negative. Where positive sea-level ‘rise’ is concerned, the best science demonstrates that there is no immediate or long-term crisis in play. Importantly, no acceleration has been detected in the era of industrialisation.


VIV Forbes of the Carbon Sense Coalition is a member of the climate-realist think tank The Salt Bush Club  – a group of famed ex-industry leaders and climate science experts fighting back against dangerous and costly climate alarmism with fact-based reports filled with reason and common sense. Not hyper-climate alarmism and climate-model based theory that underpins mainstream media climate reporting.

FROM their About page:



Members, Skills and Concerns

“We have been listening to scare-mongers and panicky children for too long – it’s time to listen to sensible people and grown-ups.”
November 2018

The Saltbush Club is an unplanned venture. Tapping a deep vein of public concern about the Paris climate agreement, it just grew. In about a month, with zero corporate or government support, a few lone individuals have attracted an imposing line-up of sensible people who are well informed on all aspects of the climate debate, and on the growing energy, water and infrastructure problems facing Australia. Many are only prepared to publicise their concern since they have been freed from corporate, academic or government restraints. They are now expressing long-held but often-suppressed opinions.

A much larger group of “Silent Members” have indicated support, but do not want their names made public because they fear that exposure would harm their prospects for employment, promotion or business. They will help, but silently.

All Saltbush members are concerned that climate-alarm policies promoted by most politicians are not based on sound science, and are already causing great damage to Australian industry, jobs and consumers.

Members include people with formal qualifications and experience in geology, physics, chemistry, meteorology, astronomy, climatology, spectroscopy, electromagnetic radiation, geophysics, geochemistry, land forms, sea levels, vulcanology, palynology, engineering, metallurgy, law, medicine, veterinary science, pharmacy, pathology, sociology, classics, economics, accounting, ecology, soil science, environmental science, carbon accounting, pollution control, mathematics, statistics, electronics, communications, computer science, modelling and forecasting. No longer can it be claimed that there is “no debate among scientists”.


They understand that the war on hydro-carbon fuels and grazing animals in Australia is not based on sound science, but is part of a broad international agenda designed to strengthen UN agencies, centralise decision making and weaken property rights with international rules and taxes.

They aim to change the climate of public opinion, thus changing the political agenda.

There is no consensus – it is time for a debate.

On behalf of the founders:

Jerry Ellis Chairman
Hugh Morgan
Jo Nova Media Director
Ian Plimer
Viv Forbes Executive Director

See a list of founding members here:

About – The Saltbush Club


Dr G M Derrick reports the simple facts on the state of sea-level rise around Sydney Harbour over the past 132 years of records.

THE information is what we should be receiving from our politicians and media. Instead the information we receive about climate change and sea-levels is filled with exaggeration, alarmism, ‘homogenisation’, and plenty of politics in order to drive a political agenda of climate catastrophe in order to justify costly fixes, schemes, scams and taxes.

THE big losers – empirically-based science, the simple truth and the taxpayer who is forced to pay billions upon billions for fake fixes (windmills, solar panels and carbon taxes) to a fake scam.



The Carbon Sense Coalition » Sea levels in and around Sydney Harbour 1886 to 2018

By Dr G M Derrick

Executive Summary

  1. There has been NO significant sea level rise in the harbour for the past 120 years, and what little there has been is about the height of a matchbox over a century.
  2. Along the northern beaches of Sydney, at Collaroy there has been no suggestion of any sea level rise there for the past 140 years. Casual observations from Bondi Beach 1875 to the present also suggest the same benign situation.
  3. A rush to judgement by local councils and State Governments by legislating harsh laws and building covenants along our coastlines now seems misplaced.
  4. The falsehoods and mendacity of the IPCC and climate alarmists should be rejected out of hand, and efforts be made to ensure that science, not propaganda, defines our school curricula in matters of climate and sea levels

Full article: [PDF, 3 MB]




SEAS have risen 400 feet or 120,000 mm since the end of the last Ice Age, around 15,000-20,000 years ago :



WHAT is pertinent to the sea-level rise debate is whether SLR is accelerating due to human CO2 emissions.

Dr Judith Curry …

Sea level has been rising for the last ten thousand years, since the last Ice Age…the question is whether sea level rise is accelerating owing to human caused emissions.  It doesn’t look like there is any great acceleration, so far, of sea level rise associated with human warming.  These predictions of alarming sea level rise depend on massive melting of the big continental glaciers — Greenland and Antarctica.  The Antarctic ice sheet is actually growing.  Greenland shows large multi-decadal variability. ….  There is no evidence so far that humans are increasing sea level rise in any kind of a worrying way.” — Dr. Judith Curry, video interview published 9 August 2017

“Observed sea level rise over the last century has averaged about 8 inches, although local values may be substantially more or less based on local vertical land motion, land use, regional ocean circulations and tidal variations.

(Climatism bolds)

Sea level rise acceleration (or not): Projections for the 21st century | Climate Etc.


ACCORDING to “the science” there has been no stat-sig or relevant acceleration of sea-level rise since industrialisation :


Short-Term Tide Gauge Records from One Location are Inadequate to Infer Global Sea-Level Acceleration | SpringerLink


SOMETHING other than carbon dioxide caused seas to rise, at the current steady rate, around 1790 :

(NB// 85% of man-made CO2 was emitted after 1945.)


It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started rising before 1800 « JoNova


NO ‘acceleration’ in sea-level rise exists in any NOAA or PSMSL tidal gauge records :

Relative Sea Level Trend
680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison 1 & 2, Australia


Relative Sea Level Trend 680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison 1 & 2, Australia – NOAA Tides & Currents


ONE third of all human (CO2) influence has occurred over the past 20-30 years which has not caused acceleration of sea-levels, a jot :


Relative Sea Level Trend 680-140 Sydney, Fort Denison 1 & 2, Australia – NOAA Tides & Currents


THOUGH not as ‘scientific’, it is interesting to use the visual point of Fort Denison to note the high-tide line and the notable absence of SL rise since 1885 to present :



CLIMATE change hysteria and groupthink propaganda freely and uncritically spread by the compliant mainstream media has influenced local municipalities to wrongly and deceptively raise rates to cover “climate change” threats and damage as well insurance companies raising premiums. The result has been a devaluing of many coastal homes of up to 25% and the same increase in insurance premiums.

HERE’s an example of what the NSW Govt and Lake Macquarie Council are projecting for the 21st Century:


Quantifying Sea Level Fall | Watts Up With That?



THE very same modelled exaggeration alarmism is evident in the ensemble of U.N. IPCC CMIP5 climate models that basically act as evidence that drives the entire $2,000,000,000,000 US per year (2 Trillion) Climate Crisis Industry and associated climate policy settings that are sending Australian and other Western nations’ electricity prices through the roof, forcing businesses to close and/or move offshore and causing rampant energy poverty, hurting our most vulnerable.


IT’S OFFICIAL : South Australia Has The World’s Highest Power Prices!

(With the closure of the 1,550 MW Hazlewood power plant in Victoria, since this chart was produced, Victoria’s power prices are now nearing SA’s)



ENERGY poverty, rising insurance premiums, business closures, job losses and the highest electricity prices in the world is the grim reality of what life looks like under the totalitarian rule of the feel-good ‘Greens’. The zero-emissions zealots who want to force us backwards down the energy ladder to the days of human, animal and solar power.

JUST as socialist central planning failed miserably before it was replaced by free market economies, green central planning will have to be discarded before Australia and other Western nations, crippled by pseudoscientific climatology and the mad rush into costly and intermittent ‘green’ energy, will see a return to energy security, competitive pricing, business prosperity, job opportunities and a ‘liveable’ existence for our most vulnerable.

••• Read the rest of this entry »

METHANE Mendacity : Cows, Farts And New Green Lies



Methane Mendacity – Climatism

The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin


THE core objective of the $2,000,000,000,000 US per year (2 Trillion) Climate Crisis Industry has always been the centralised control of human beings and curtailment of free-market, capitalist ‘excesses’.

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.– Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit 1992

ENERGY rationing and the control of carbon dioxide (the direct byproduct of cheap, abundant hydrocarbon energy) key to the socialist Left’s Malthusian and misanthropic agenda of depopulation and deindustrialisation respectively. A totalitarian ideology enforced through punitive emissions controls under the guise of “Saving The Planet”.

STANFORD University and The Royal Society’s resident global warming alarmist and population freak Paul R. Ehrlich spelled out in 1976 the Left’s anti-energy agenda that has underpinned all ‘climate’ related scares to date :

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul R. Ehrlich


Prof Paul R. Ehrlich, Stanford University / Royal Society fellow



THE creator, fabricator and proponent of global warming alarmism Maurice Strong, founded UNEP and ‘science’ arm, the UN IPCC, under the premise of studying only human (CO2) driven causes of climate change.

STRONG and the UN’s ‘Climate Change’ agenda was clearly laid out before the ‘science’ of Climate Change was butchered and tortured to fit the Global Warming narrative

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature.“ – Maurice Strong, first Secretary General of UNEP




ATMOSPHERIC Physicist, MIT Professor of Meteorology and former IPCC lead author Richard S. Lindzen, examines the politics and ideology behind the CO2-centricity that drives the man-made climate change agenda.

LINDZEN’S summary goes to the very heart of why Carbon Dioxide has become the centre-piece of the global push for draconian climate policy :

“For a lot of people including the bureaucracy in Government and the environmental movement, the issue is power. It’s hard to imagine a better leverage point than carbon dioxide to assume control over a society. It’s essential to the production of energy, it’s essential to breathing. If you demonise it and gain control over it, you so-to-speak, control everything. That’s attractive to people. It’s been openly stated for over forty years that one should try to use this issue for a variety of purposes, ranging from North/South redistribution, to energy independence, to God knows what…”


“CO2 for different people has different attractions. After all, what is it? – it’s not a pollutant, it’s a product of every living creature’s breathing, it’s the product of all plant respiration, it is essential for plant life and photosynthesis, it’s a product of all industrial burning, it’s a product of driving – I mean, if you ever wanted a leverage point to control everything from exhalation to driving, this would be a dream. So it has a kind of fundamental attractiveness to bureaucratic mentality.

MORE : CLIMATE CHANGE : It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled | Climatism




CHILD-SOCIALIST and freshly minted New York Democrat Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s newly-released “Green New Deal” resolution has gotten a lot of attention for its 100 percent UNreliable-energy goal, but the bill also vaguely references another source of emissions.


Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez want to get rid of farting cows?

THE resolution calls for a World War II-style mobilization effort to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural operations. If that’s the case, that means any subsequent “Green New Deal” legislation would have to deal with a major source of methane emissions — cow flatulence and burps.

Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at 5.10.20 pm

‘Green New Deal’ Looks To Tackle The Scourge Of ‘Farting Cows’ | The Daily Caller



ONE of the standard alarmist claims is that Methane is 30 times more potent than CO2 at wrecking the climate, and that cow farts threaten the future of humanity.

Methane is responsible for nearly as much global warming as all other non-CO2 greenhouse gases put together. Methane is 23 times more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2. While atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have risen by about 31% since pre-industrial times, methane concentrations have more than doubled.

Thomas Friedman at the New York Times takes climate stupidity to a new level:

Methane released in the atmosphere contributes much more to climate change than CO2.

No to Keystone. Yes to Crazy. –



ACTUAL science calls ‘Bull’ (pardon the pun) on the relationship between Methane and the atmosphere, contradicting the widely circulated claims of a planetary Methane disaster prophesied by global warming alarmists.

METHANE’s absorption bands almost completely overlap with H2O, and methane concentrations in the atmosphere are very low.  CH4 quickly oxidizes and disappears from the atmosphere, so there can never be a lot of methane in a warm atmosphere with a large concentration of O2.

Methane contributes almost nothing to Earth’s greenhouse effect.

The Methane Scam | Real Science

Methane is unstable and breaks down quickly in the atmosphere, and even if it doubled would have essentially no impact on the greenhouse effect. In the tropics, the effect would be an increase in downwelling longwave radiation of about 0.04%.

If everyone in Kansas City was an atmospheric molecule, only one of them would be methane. Anyone working on climate models and doesn’t know this, is driving under the influence of AGW stupidity.

Methane Doesn’t Matter | Real Science

ALL of the minimal absorption bands of methane are completely overlapped by water vapor. Methane has almost no effect on the Earth’s radiative energy balance.


File:Atmospheric Transmission.png – Global Warming Art



TONY HELLER (aka Steve Goddard) sums up the Methane scam with the usual snarky flare that has earned him the reputation of a climate alarmists worst nightmare!

Grass absorbs CO2 and emits oxygen. Cows eat grass. The grass grows back, absorbing more CO2, and emitting more oxygen. Cows eat more grass. The grass grows back, absorbs more CO2 and emits more oxygen. If you look only at the front end of a cow, it is a carbon sink.

Our friends, being the horses asses that they are, look only at the back end of livestock. The amount of carbon coming out of an animal’s orifices is exactly equal to the amount that went in its mouth. Blaming cows for global warming is yet another example of the extreme stupidity of the flat-earth global warming religion.

Methane Is BS | Real Science


DON’T give up on your BBQ and that juicy rib-eye just yet. Actual ‘science’ and the truth will eventually win out over alarmist rhetoric, fear and the scourge of socialism using the perceived threat of global warming climate change as emotional cover.

••• Read the rest of this entry »

BBC’s Latest Climate Indoctrination

BRUTAL and comprehensive rebuttal by Paul Homewood to the latest climate agitprop out of the taxpayer funded BBC, released in time to further pollute the minds of their readers as they focus on the UN COP24 climate junket in Katowice, Poland.


By Paul Homewood

h/t Philip Bratby

The BBC have now stopped even trying to camouflage their bias on climate change, with this latest piece of propaganda:


Representatives from nearly 200 countries are gathering in Poland for talks on climate change – aimed at breathing new life into the Paris Agreement.

The UN has warned the 2015 Paris accord’s goal of limiting global warming to “well below 2C above pre-industrial levels” is in danger because major economies, including the US and the EU, are falling short of their pledges.

But scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – the leading international body on global warming – last month argued the 2C Paris pledge didn’t go far enough. The global average temperature rise actually needed to be kept below 1.5C, they said.

So how warm has the world got and what can we do about it?

The world is now…

View original post 1,824 more words

DEATH SPIRAL DENIED : No Change In Arctic Sea-Ice Extent Or Volume Over The Past 12 Years

DEATH SPIRAL DENIED - Arctic Sea Ice Extent and Volume Unchanged 12 Years

Time to listen to the ice scientists about the Arctic death spiral | Opinion | The Guardian


AS the annual Arctic melt season comes to a close, hopes of an “Ice-free” Arctic for “Death Spiral” enthusiasts are once again denied as sea-ice remains stubbornly stable for the twelfth year in a row.

ARCTIC Sea Ice Extent Since August 30 2006.png

ARCTIC Sea Ice Extent Since August 30 2006 (T.Heller)

ARCTIC Sea Ice Volume.png

ARCTIC Sea Ice Volume (T.Heller)

Northern Hemispehre Extent Anomolies Jul 1979 - 2018

Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag



GREENLAND, also not cooperating with climate model predictions or the prognostications of climate catastrophists.

via Real Science :

Greenland Gains Huge Amounts Of Ice For The Second Year In A Row

Early in life I had noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper.

George Orwell

Summer is over, and Greenland’s surface has gained 510 billion tons of ice over the past year – about 40% above normal.  The surface mass budget is snow/ice accumulation minus melt.  It does not include ice loss caused by glaciers flowing to the sea, which is very difficult to measure, and is driven by processes which have little to do with the current climate.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget - DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI


Last year Greenland gained a little more ice, about 50% above normal.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget- DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI


The trajectories were very different last year and this year, but the final result was about the same.


Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI (2017/18)


Lining the two graphs up side by side,   you can see the more than one trillion tons of ice which Greenland’s surface has gained over the past two years.

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget- DMI

Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass Budget: DMI (Split)


Last year, the Danish Meteorological Institute reported on the gain in ice, and blamed it on Hurricane Nicole. I wonder what their excuse will be this year?

Guest post- How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2017 | Carbon Brief

Guest post: How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2017 | Carbon Brief


Even NOAA begrudgingly admitted that the huge ice gain was a “small increase.”

Greenland Ice Sheet_s 2017 weigh-in suggests a small increase in ice mass | NOAA

Greenland Ice Sheet’s 2017 weigh-in suggests a small increase in ice mass | NOAA


Meanwhile, the usual fraudsters in the press continue to report Greenland is melting and we are all about to die.



Greenland Gains Huge Amounts Of Ice For The Second Year In A Row | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog


THE ARCTIC, yet another icon of global warming climate change doom, set to join the graveyard of alarmist tosh.


SEE also :

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UNRELIABLE Energy’s Dirty Dozen: 12 Reasons Why Chaotically Intermittent & Heavily Subsidised Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense

BRILLIANT ‘peer-reviewed’ list of 12 unequivocal reasons why weather-dependent wind and solar ‘power’ is guaranteed to wreck your economy and your livelihood…

ALWAYS like to highlight point 4 in debate with proponents of unreliables…

4. Renewable Energy Becomes More Costly The More It Is Deployed … Renewable Energy Expansion Ensures More Fossil Fuel Installation Is Necessary As Backup

IN other words, the more windmills or solar panels, the more *emissions!

(*If harmless CO2 emissions have been brainwashed into you as being the enemy within, that is.)


It takes a special brand of delusion to believe that the world can run on sunshine and breezes. For wind and sun worshippers, disastrous examples like South Australia – where mass blackouts and load shedding have become the new normal – require not just practiced delusion but a form of self-flagellating stoicism, as well. Oh, almost forgot to mention, that RE superpower suffers the world’s highest power prices. And it reached that infamous status after it blew up its last coal-fired power plant.

The wind industry has had more than 30 years to get its act together. It was built on subsidies and wouldn’t last a minute without them. But, still, there are plenty happy to roll out the excuses and plead for more of the same.

When STT kicked off in December 2012, it was hard to find anyone with a harsh word to say about wind power. However…

View original post 5,039 more words

GREENLAND Ice Cap Sees 2nd Year Of Above Average Growth

HUGE expansion in the Greenland ice sheet, despite record and rising CO2 emissions and climate models to the contrary. Yet, the mainstream media and “97%” of climate ‘scientists’ remain silent, in resolute “denial”. Mother Nature’s a bitch!


By Paul Homewood


It appears that the melt season has just about finished on the Greenland ice cap, and for the second year running ice accumulation has been way above normal.


Nearly all of the country has seen this accumulation:


Meanwhile climate alarmists continue to ignore the facts:


View original post

HOTTEST YEAR EVAHH : Fourth-Warmest Year on Record? The Devil’s in the Details


“A man does not sin by commission only, but often by omission.”
―Marcus Aurelius

“Deception by an omission of the truth is as bad as a lie.”
― Jennifer Chiaverini


CLAIMS of the “hottest year ever” tell us more about climate change marketing and PR than they do, actual science.

IN our schizophrenic, 24 hour news cycle and the era of internet clickbait, it serves the Climate Crisis Industry and those invested in man-made climate alarmism to produce headlines of “the hottest year ever” in order to push their political and ideological agenda…

THE Guardian’s Dana Nuttercelli is no stranger to pushing the ideological wheelbarrow of “hottest year evahh” hysteria…

2017 was the hottest year on record without an El Niño, thanks to global warming | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian

2017 was the hottest year on record without an El Niño, thanks to global warming | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian


THANK god for old-school meteorologists like Weatherbell’s Joe Bastardi, who cut through the cheap, lazy, clickbait alarmism to provide a scientific understanding of what really makes up “hottest year ever” claims such that we can use this knowledge to better predict weather and climate, rather than simply feeding the global warming hysteria beast for political, moral and financial gains.

BIG Joe dissects the “hottest year” meme in a great piece out of the The Patriot Post that shows the devil really is in the detail …


Fourth-Warmest Year on Record? The Devil’s in the Details

Joe Bastardi · Jul. 30, 2018

I continue to examine the idea that relatively minute increases in water vapor brought on by cyclically warmed oceans are the reason for the earth’s warming. But the way warming is portrayed must be looked at closely. It is very real and adds to forecast problems, but as far as the hysteria you see whipped up in relation to mankind’s self-destructing, it’s just that to me — hysteria.

Let’s assume 2018 is the fourth-warmest on record. Most people live between 70°N and 70°S.


NCEP Temp Anomaly

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CLIMATE SCIENCE : Who Are The Real “Deniers”?


“There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”
“Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.”
“I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.” 
– THE late, great Michael Crichton

ONE of the biggest problems with the “climate change” debate today is that so many have been irresponsibly and irreparably brainwashed by political memes; “the science is settled” and that there is a “consensus of scientists” who know with “97%” certainty that humans are destroying the planet thanks to their excessive lifestyles and ‘frivolous’ use of cheap, reliable energy – fossil fuels.

THIS mantra has become so widespread and ‘believed’ that it has unfortunately robbed many of individual sense and reason and the ability, desire or need to investigate objectively information pertaining to the issue.

THEY are then no better than a cheerleading member of a herd protected by the belief system of the mob. A position demanded by the authority where enquiry is discouraged, thus discovery and advancement in knowledge and in ‘science’ is quashed!


A CLASSIC CASE IN POINT (repeated over and over and over again, everyday on social media):

MEET, anonymous “RetroBacklash“, Read the rest of this entry »