KILLING THE EARTH TO ‘SAVE’ IT : Rainforest Trees Cut Down To Make Way For Industrial Wind Turbines

Old-growth trees cut down for windfarm transmission corridor - CLIMATISM.png

Old-growth trees cut down for windfarm transmission corridor (Pic Source : The Australian)

“IF this had have been a transmission line connecting a coal power station,
 these far left brainwashed climate change believing nutters,
would have been there in their thousands.”
– John Clarkson


H/t @JohnClarksonGSM  @MRobertsQLD

IN the good old days of ‘Greenism’, genuine environmentalists rallied against the wanton destruction of pristine flora and fauna.

IN the twisted age of Global Warming Climate Change hysteria, real environmentalists are failing us in the face of a global religion that has allowed the development of supposed ‘planet-saving’ ‘renewables‘ that wilfully destroy forests, animals and pristine environments. 

IN the latest example of ‘Green’ eco-hypocrisy, 200 year-old rainforest trees have been cleared to make way for wind ‘farm’ transmission lines in Tasmania’s Tarkine.

THE obvious question is a simple one: Where are the @Greens or @Greenpeace or @GretaThunberg when pristine landscapes and old-growth rainforests are being destroyed to satisfy the whims and superstitions of Global Warming Climate Change catastrophists and EU elites?

MATTHEW DENHOLM exposes the latest eco-hypocrisy that seems to haunt consistently the globalist climate change do-gooders…


Old-growth trees cut down for windfarm transmission corridor




Rainforest trees 200 years old have been cleared to make way for a wind farm transmission line in Tasmania’s Tarkine, prompting claims of green “hypocrisy”.

Myrtle and sassafras trees were among those felled along a 10.5km corridor widened for transmission lines associated with the $280 million, 112 megawatt wind farm at Granville Harbour, in Tasmania’s remote northwest.

Special species timber advocate Andrew Denman, who discovered the felled trees, said it raised concerns about environmental impacts, wastage of high-value timber and wind power’s “green” credentials.

He estimated that some of the felled trees, highly valued in specialty timber production, were 200 years old, given they typically grow at 0.3cm a year and were 60cm in diameter.

With more wind farms planned for Tasmania, including another in the northwest requiring a 170km transmission line, he believed any further clearing, if it must occur, should be co-ordinated to ensure timber was not wasted. “With much of the special timbers in short supply … there could have been a more co-ordinated effort in utilising it to make sure that timber was going to a sawmiller in a timely manner so it could be processed and not wasted,” said Mr Denman, a boatbuilder.

While not critical of the wind farm proponent, whom he did not doubt had complied with regulatory requirements, he understood clearing for electricity infrastructure was exempt from the Forest Practices Code, which seeks to mitigate impacts on keys species.

He believed it was hypocritical of the Greens to oppose “sustainable” harvesting of rainforest timbers while backing the Granville Harbour wind farm and, by implication, associated logging of such trees. “An old-growth tree is an old-growth tree,” Mr Denman said. “Why is it acceptable to cut it down for a transmission line but not acceptable to cut it down sustainably and regenerate that area and put it to good use?”

A Greens spokeswoman said while the party was a “strong supporter of renewable energy”, it “consistently opposed logging or clearing within reserves”.

The wind farm’s website says the transmission line, providing power to the grid at the Reece Dam, was being handled by state-owned TasNetworks.

A spokeswoman for project developer Granville Harbour Operations said it required all works to comply with approvals. “These impose clear procedures and requirements on us and our contractors to mitigate and manage environmental impacts, including impacts to native vegetation,” she said.

TasNetworks said its widening of an existing transmission corridor was “considered optimal”. “It reduced the extent of clearing required to connect the wind farm to the electricity distribution network,” a spokesman said.


Matthew Denholm is a multi-award winning journalist with 25 years’ experience. For the past decade, he has been Tasmania correspondent for The Australian, and has previously worked for a variety of newspaper an… Read more


SEE also :



STATE Of The Climate Report :

IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :



ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

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Delingpole: Exposed – the Liberal astroturfers behind the global warming scare

“Global warming, it becomes clear, is primarily a left-wing political issue, not a scientific one. Green is the new red.”


CLIMATE alarmists don’t care about the environment or “the science” behind climate, at all. What drives the modern ‘environmentalist’ is power, virtue-signalling, self-loathing, anti-capitalism, Malthusianism, anarchy, control and obscene amounts of public money for those with skin in the game.

ANTHROPOGENIC “climate change”, and the control of carbon dioxide (energy) has deep roots in a radical, yet gravely misguided campaign to reduce the world’s population, IMO.

A misanthropic agenda engineered by the environmental movement in the mid 1970’s, who realised that doing something about “global warming” would play to quite a number of its social agendas.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

A look behind the curtain shows climate-related campaigning is sometimes just a front for the machinations of American party politics, the goal being to undermine the Trump agenda.

In order to drain the swamp, President Trump must first destroy the global warming Green Blob, says James Delingpole at Breitbart News.

This is the only logical conclusion to be drawn from a series of data leaks and Freedom of Information (FOI) revelations exposing the relationship between left wing campaigners and the great climate change scam.

Global warming, it becomes clear, is primarily a left-wing political issue, not a scientific one. Green is the new red.

These leaks show how rich liberal backers—left-wing institutions like the Rockefeller Foundation, eco hedge-fund billionaires like Tom Steyer, and the various socialistic Geek Emperors of Silicon Valley—are funneling millions of dollars into sock-puppet environmental organizations both to undermine Trump’s economic agenda and to finance his…

View original post 170 more words

In Australia, faulty BoM temperature sensors contribute to “hottest year ever”

“I don’t believe in conspiracies of silence except when it comes to Harvey Weinstein and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.”

“…the Bureau can give us a hottest winter on record, even when there are record snow dumps in the Alps, and record numbers of frosts on the flats.”

BOMBSHELL report from the ever-persistent pit bull down under, Dr Jennifer Marohasy, exposing yet more fraudulent warming bias from Australia’s corrupt Bureau of Meteorology…

Watts Up With That?

More hot days — or “purpose-designed” temperature sensors at play?

Guest essay by Dr. Jennifer Marohasy, republished from the Australian Spectator with permission from the author.

I don’t believe in conspiracies of silence except when it comes to Harvey Weinstein and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

For some time, weather enthusiasts have been noticing rapid temperature fluctuations at the ‘latest observations’ page at the Bureau’s website. For example, Peter Cornish, a retired hydrologist, wrote to the Bureau on 17 December 2012 asking whether the 1.5 degrees Celsius drop in temperature in the space of one minute at Sydney’s Observatory Hill, just the day before, could be a quirk of the new electronic temperature sensors. Ken Stewart, a retired school principal, requested temperature data for Hervey Bay after noticing a 2.1 degrees Celsius temperature change in the space of one minute on 22 February 2017.

In both cases, the Bureau assured…

View original post 1,046 more words

WHY Greenpeace Despises Its Co-Founder – Patrick Moore PhD

It doesn’t matter what is true,
it only matters what people believe is true
– Paul Watson,
co-founder of Greenpeace

Climate Change will result in a catastrophic global sea level
rise of seven meters. That’s bye-bye most of Bangladesh,
Netherlands, Florida and would make London the new Atlantis
– Greenpeace International

Rainbow warrior fossil fueling up.jpg

What … No Biofuel?


Patrick Moore (born 1947) is a Canadian activist, and former president of Greenpeace Canada. Since leaving Greenpeace, Moore has criticized the environmental movement for what he sees as scare tactics and disinformation, saying that the environmental movement “abandoned science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism.” (Wikipedia)

A MUST SEE 5 mins by Patrick Moore PhD, on the “man-made climate change” scam…


Dr Moore Related :

  • Confessions of a ‘Greenpeace Dropout’ to the U.S. Senate on climate change | Climatism
  • MUST READ Greenpeace founder delivers powerful annual lecture, praises carbon dioxide – full text | Climatism
  • Think You Know Greenpeace? Look Again | Climatism
  • Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | C;imatism
  • Patrick Moore: Greenpeace has made itself the sworn enemy of all life on Earth | Climatism
  • MUST SEE : GREENPEACE Co-Founder – No Evidence Global Warming Is Caused By Humans | Climatism

STANFORD Universities Paul Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Black Africans To Fight Climate Change

Paul Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Black Africans To Fight Climate Change CLIMATISM

The Evening News – Google News Archive Search

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University


STANFORD University and The Royal Society’s resident population freak and climate catastrophist Paul R. Ehrlich recently featured as a guest on ABC Australia’s popular “Q and A” current affairs hour.

“Q and A’s” proud boast, popular with its majority Leftist audience, is being champions of equality, compassion and to strictly condemn, name and shame those who fit a predetermined racist bent. I.e conservatives.

That said, did any panel members or audience question Ehrlich about his preference to which colour should be eliminated first?

I thought “Black-Lives-Matter” or is that simply another victomhood slogan designed by the Left to divide and silence?

Screen Shot 2016-04-24 at , April 24, 8.18.18 AM.png

GST, Gonski, Population and Diversity | Q&A | ABC TV


Stanford Universities Paul R. Ehrlich via Steve Goddard’s Real Science:

Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Africans In Order To Control His Own Neurosis



The Evening News – Google News Archive Search


Notable comments from Climate Change / Global Warming fear-monger and population freak Paul Ehrlich :

  • “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” – Malthusian, eco-alarmist Paul R. Ehrlich in The American Spectator, September 6, 1992
  • “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.” – Paul R. Ehrlich, Earth Day 1970
  • “The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s the world will undergo famines . . . hundreds of millions of people (including Americans) are going to starve to death.” – Paul R. Ehrlich (Population Bomb 1960)
  • “I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” – Paul R. Ehrlich (1969)
  • “By 1985 enough millions will have died to reduce the earth’s population to some acceptable level, like 1.5 billion people.” – Paul R. Ehrlich (1969)
  • “We’ve already had too much economic growth in the United States. Economic growth in rich countries like ours is the disease, not the cure.” – Paul R. Ehrlich. Quoted by Dixy Lee Ray in her book Trashing the Planet (1990)

Alarmist Paul R. Ehrlich now works for The Royal Society, (to bolster their credibility /sarc) ~ “Nullius In Verba”

Scan these links to learn more about Stanford Universities Paul Ehrlich, and fellow climate change catastrophists apocalyptic belief systems  :

  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
  • Opinion: CO2 is the Demon Because Malthus and Ehrlich Were Wrong About Overpopulation | Climatism
  • Shock news : The UN’s Real Agenda Is A New World Order Under Its Control | Climatism
  • Climate Change Won’t Kill You – Having No Electrical Power Will | Climatism
  • Paul Ehrlich wrong again: World Cereal Production Set To Reach Historic High | Climatism
  • Paul Ehrlich joins the Royal Society, rants on Twitter | Watts Up With That?
  • Before He Was Pushing The Global Warming Scam, Paul Ehrlich Was Pushing The Global Cooling Scam | Real Science
  • Ehrlich : Mankind To Drown In Own Flesh Before The Year 2000 | Real Science
  • Ehrlich Shock News : World Was Destroyed In The 1970’s | Real Science


PLEASE Tip The Climatism Jar To HELP Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate rationalists – you and I  – are still waiting for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Click link for more info…TQ! Jamie.

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How a warmist “expert” presents the normal as a sign of dangerous warming

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of 
scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government
Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.


via The Herald Sun – Andrew Bolt Blog : 

How a warmist “expert” presents the normal as a sign of dangerous warming


Filed under : Global warming – propaganda

How little does it take to convince even the most credentialed alarmist that the climate is changing before their horrified eyes?

Meet Professor Oppenheimer:

Michael Oppenheimer is the Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University. He is the Director of the Program in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy (STEP) at the Woodrow Wilson School and Faculty Associate of the Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences Program, Princeton Environmental Institute, and the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies.


So this Oppenheimer is flying over the Arctic, his plane emitting the kind of gasses he deplores, when he glances out of his window and OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!:


Steve Goddard points out the obvious:


And some data:



This is not a simple gotcha. It really does signify something important. How can a man so credentialed have so eagerly presented the normal as alarming?



See also :

  • Yes, there is a pause, and the Washington Post now admits it. UPDATE: But not Obama | Climatism

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  • 15 Questions Why Climate Change Is A Complete Hoax | Climatism
  • The Worst Scientific Scandal Of Our Generation | Climatism
  • The Truth About the Global Warming Agenda by Former NASA Climatologist | Climatism
  • Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
  • Climate Change Alarmism Is Big Business For Billionaire Buffett | Climatism
  • Climate Ambulance Chasing | Climatism
  • Former NASA Scientists Reject Global Warming Crisis | Cliamtism
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
  • Driessen : A Climate of Fear, Cash and Correctitude | Climatism
  • Global Warming Was Never About Science. It Was Always About Power And Money | Climatism