RENT SEEKER’S NIRVANA : Ultra-Rich Pocket $Billions in Wind & Solar Subsidies at Our Expense
Posted: July 29, 2018 Filed under: Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate science, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Government grants, Green Energy Failure, green energy scam, NEG, Renewable energy, Rent seekers, RET, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, unreliables, wealth redistribution, wealth transfer, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power, Wind Turbine Syndrome Leave a comment“AT present, the combined subsidies to wind and solar exceed $4 billion a year, and the number of permanent jobs generated is completely trivial; the instant the subsidies go, so do the jobs briefly ‘created’: Cut the Subsidies and ‘Green’ Jobs Instantly Vanish: 80,000 German Solar Workers Sacked.
“The reason that we’re still talking about this nonsense is all political.
And the reason that it’s political is because there’s money in it. Serious money.
Being able to sell a product with no inherent value, takes audacity; but it can be done.
Here’s how: …”
The hundreds of $billions paid in subsidies to intermittent wind and solar constitute the largest wealth transfer in economic history.
In Australia, the Federal Government’s Large-Scale RET gouges $60 billion from power consumers over the life of the scam, and redirects it to such worthy outfits as AGL and our favourite whipping boys, Infigen. In the history of the Commonwealth, no other single industry subsidy scheme comes anywhere near it in value.
When motor manufacturers, General Motors Holden and Toyota put their hands out for a measly $500 million to maintain their Australian operations, then PM, Tony Abbott told them would “not chase them down the road waving a blank cheque at them“.
A mere half $billion would have saved something like 20 or 30,000 jobs across the sector.
At present, the combined subsidies to wind and solar exceed $4 billion a year, and the number of…
View original post 1,948 more words
SIMON HOLMES À COURT @simonahac Is A Fraud : #HepburnWind Ripping Off The Taxpayer And Destroying Livelihoods, One Virtue-Signalling Wind Turbine At A Time
Posted: July 26, 2018 Filed under: Australia, Climate Money, Climatism, Eco-Activists, Fact Check, Global Warming Zealots, Government Grants/Funding, Green Energy, Renewables, Taxpayer waste, Unreliables, Wind Farms, Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS) | Tags: climate, criminal, Government grants, Hepburn Wind, infrasound, NEG, RET, Simon Holmes a Court, Taxpayer Billions, Taxpayer waste, wind power, Wind Turbine Syndrome Leave a commentHEPBURN WIND – Balance Sheet 2017
Sales : $571,630
Taxpayer Subsidies (Large-scale Generation Certificates) : $ 625,015
NUFF said.
H/t @LoneOzWolf
SOME Of Simon’s Innocent Victims :
ALL they wanted was a peaceful life in the beautiful Hepburn region. Then Simon Holmes à Court came to town with his virtue-signalling, symbolic ‘energy’, industrial wind turbine monstrosities.
NOW, their once innocent and idyllic lives are forever ruined.
WACTH the (genuine) tears and distress…
SEE also : Simon Holmes à Court – Wind Weasel | Climatism
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- THE Great Global Warming “Pause” | Climatism
- GLOBAL WARMING THEORY CHECK : Global Temps Continue Century-Record Plunge, Despite Rising Emissions! | Climatism
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- THE SUN : Climate Changer, Climate Driver, Climate Disruptor | Climatism
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
- THE Orwellian Era Of @NASA Climate Pseudoscience | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
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SUBSIDISED Wind & Solar Driving Australian Power Prices Through the Roof
Posted: July 26, 2018 Filed under: Australia, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate Change, Craig Kelly MP, Energy Poverty, Fossil Fuels, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Government grants, Government Subsidies, Green Energy Failure, NEG, Nuclear, Renewable energy, RET, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, unreliables, wind, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“And with an environment like that, we have some of the highest power prices in the world. It would be like the Eskimos having some of the most expensive ice per kilo bag at the service station, ridiculous. Like the Saudis having the world’s most expensive petrol, ridiculous. And here we are in Australia. Well, you know the story…”
Power prices matter: and they matter most to society’s poorest and most vulnerable.
In less than a dozen years, Australia went from enjoying the cheapest power in the world, to suffering the world’s most expensive.
In the last three years power prices have risen at double-digit rates: 20 to 24% last year and 13 to 20% the previous year in those states chasing renewable energy Nirvana: Subsidised Wind & Solar Driving Out-of-Control Power Prices: Business Hit With 24% Hike
It’s not just the $4 billion a year in subsidies and grants to wind and solar that are sending power prices through the roof – the subsidies in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates are added directly to retail power bills: Ticket to Oblivion: Australia’s $60bn Wind & Solar Subsidy Gravy Train Rolls Until 2031
The chaotic and intermittent delivery of wind and solar wreaks havoc to the orderly marketing of…
View original post 2,355 more words
GLOBAL WARMING HYSTERIA : Suicide A Climate Change Solution
Posted: July 22, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Australia, BIG Government, Climatism, Club Of Rome, Eco-Activists, Ecofascism, Energy Poverty, Environmentalism, Fossil Fuels, Global Temperature, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Ideology, IPCC, Population Control, Propaganda, Pseudo-Science, Religion, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC | Tags: Activism, AEMO, agriculture, Alarmism, Beyond Blue, Chris Kenny, Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, club of rome, Crops, Ecofascism, Energy, Energy Poverty, fear-mongering, Food, Fossil Fuels, Global Warming, Global Warming Scam, Global Warming Scare, IPCC, Medicine, NEG, Population, Prosperity, RET, solar, Suicide, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, Unreliabes, Virtue-Signalling, wind Leave a comment“Articles, tweets and interviews that deliberately lob personal tears into the public domain sound the alarm bells of sanctimony..”
― Chris Kenny
FIRSTLY, apologies for the use of “suicide” in the heading to all those who have been directly or indirectly affected by such a horrible and tragic event. I can personally sympathise.
THAT said, the use of the threat of “suicide” by those pushing the global warming climate change agenda is indicative of the desperate, dishonest and disrespectful lengths that climate activists will go to in order to drive their latest fashionable eco-scare.
AUSTRALIAN columnist Chris Kenny with some much needed perspective, clarity and reason to parlay the constant rhetoric of climate change doom and gloom that the Climate Crisis Industry relies on in an attempt to remain relevant…
(Links, Graphs and Bolds added by Climatism)
Stop the hand-wringing, humankind will adapt and prosper
WHEN people go public with private tears I am immediately suspicious. Not that I am against tears; as a physical reaction to emotion they are a fact of life best controlled in some circumstances but uncontrollable in others.
But articles, tweets and interviews that deliberately lob personal tears into the public domain sound the alarm bells of sanctimony. Telling the world about your saltwater reaction to this or that is perhaps the epitome of virtue-signalling.
“I cried two times when my daughter was born,” was the opening line in a New York Times piece this week. Those sanctimony warning bells rang loud. It was by Iraq veteran, English professor and climate alarmist Roy Scranton, promoting a new book of essays on war and climate change titled We’re Doomed. Now What? And yes, he claims to have shed tears for the planet.
“First for joy, when after 27 hours of labour the little feral being we’d made came yowling into the world, and the second for sorrow, holding the earth’s newest human and looking out the window with her at the rows of cars in the hospital parking lot, the strip mall across the street, the box stores and drive-throughs and drainage ditches and asphalt and waste fields that had once been oak groves. A world of extinction and catastrophe, a world in which harmony with nature had long been foreclosed. My partner and I had, in our selfishness, doomed our daughter to life on a dystopian planet, and I could see no way to shield her from the future.”
Where to start with such inanity? Perhaps with the good news. Max Roser’s work for Oxford University’s Our World in Data project shows that two centuries ago, 90 per cent of the global population lived in extreme poverty and now, even though the population has grown from less than one billion people to about 7.5 billion, those proportions have completely reversed so that only 10 per cent of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty.
* Read the rest of this entry »
USA – June 1933 Was Hottest
Posted: July 20, 2018 Filed under: Extreme Weather, Fact Check, Global Temperature, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Heat Wave, NASA, NOAA, UHI, USA | Tags: Adjustments, Climate Change, Data Tampering, Extreme weather, GHCN, Global Warming, NOAA, Science and Environment, UHI, USA, USA Temperatures Leave a comment“And by hottest i mean Maximum Temperature. Globalists use Average Temps because minimums are skyrocketing because of UHI.”
THIS is such an underestimated, ‘inconvenient’ and non-reported fact about average global temps as well, in particular land-based GHCN/NOAA station data polluted by UHI.
INSTEAD of ‘adjusting’ out the 1-3C differences between urban and rural station data in the latter half of 20th century raw data, agencies like NASA GISS are cooling the past, namely the as warm 1930’s as seen in the US T-max temps in this post. The exact opposite of the adjustments that they should be making to correct UHI caused by urban sprawl.
NOT hard to understand why Govt agencies like NASA GISS wipe out the hot 1930’s and leave the UHI polluted current temps – because there would be no man-made “global warming” aka “climate change” problem if todays temps are the same, if not cooler, than the extreme 1930’s temps before human emissions could have had any significant effect on climate.
NASA adjustment examples here: GLOBAL WARMING THEORY CHECK : Global Temps Continue Century-Record Plunge, Despite Rising Emissions! | Climatism
sunshine hours
And by hottest i mean Maximum Temperature. Globalists use Average Temps because minimums are skyrocketing because of UHI.
Minimums for USA at bottom of this post.
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ARCTIC Ice Hockey Stick
Posted: July 19, 2018 Filed under: Arctic, Empirical Evidence, Hockey Stick, Satellite Data, Science | Tags: arctic, Arctic Sea Ice, climate, Climate Change, Climatism, Dud Predictions, global cooling, Global Warming, Hockey Stick, Mother Nature, nature, Science and Environment, Sea Ice Leave a commentMOTHER NATURE, once again, not complying with the prognostications and computer models of the Climate Crisis Industry!
Science Matters
Update July 18, 2018
No one knows how long this divergence of surplus ice will persist, but for now 2018 Arctic ice extent resembles a hockey stick. Presently the ice is 525k km2 above 11 year average (2007 to 2017 inclusive) and ~1M km2 greater than 2007. More detailed report from July 14 below.
In June 2018, Arctic ice extent held up against previous years despite the Pacific basins of Bering and Okhotsk being ice-free. The Arctic core is showing little change, perhaps due to increased thickness (volume) as reported by DMI.
The image above shows ice extents on day 195 (July 14) for years 2007, 2012, 2017 and 2018. Note this year ice is strong on both Russian and N. American sides. Beaufort Sea and Canadian Archipelago are solid. E. Siberian and Chukchi Seas are also solid, despite early melting in Bering Sea. Hudson and Baffin bays still have…
View original post 224 more words
CHEMISTRY Teacher Lays Out the Facts | CO2 Can Not Cause Global Warming
Posted: July 18, 2018 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, CO2, Fact Check | Tags: Atmosphere, Atmospheric Sciences, carbon dioxide emissions, chemistry, Climate Change Hoax, Climate Change Scam, Climate science, Climatism, CO2, Global Warming, Global Warming Hoax, Global Warming Scam, Global Warming Scare, science, Science and Environment, The Climate Guy 5 CommentsSOUNDS far too simple to be true. It must be wrong, racist or a conspiracy theory…
TIME To Give Up Your Phones And Gadgets, If You Care About ‘Saving The Planet’!
Posted: July 18, 2018 Filed under: Alarmists, Carbon Dioxide, Climatism, CO2, UNFCCC | Tags: Amazon, Apple, carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, Climatism, CO2, Computer Servers, Data Storage, Digital Devices, Fossil Fuels, Gadgets, Global Warming, iPhone, Netflix, Renewable energy, Samsung, Smart Phones, The Guardian, unreliables Leave a commentNO reason to doubt the figures presented by John Harris of The Guardian on how much energy is required to run your iPhone and digital gadgets. So, if you really, really care about “Saving The Planet”, then it’s time to give up all those CO2-belching devices!
WHEN times get tuff, let the words of Obama-the-great sooth your digitally-deprived soul – “no challenge poses a greater threat to our future and future generations than a change in climate”…
“Submerged countries, abandoned cities, fields that no longer grow. Political disruptions that trigger new conflicts, leaving more floods of desperate people seeking sanctuary in nations not their own.” – Obama
IF Barry’s soothing cadence fails, then just try to “think of the children!”
Our phones and gadgets are now endangering the planet
Opinion John Harris // The Guardian
The energy used in our digital consumption is set to have a bigger impact on global warming than the entire aviation industry.
It was just another moment in this long, increasingly strange summer. I was on a train home from Paddington station, and the carriage’s air-conditioning was just about fighting off the heat outside. Most people seemed to be staring at their phones – in many cases, they were trying to stream a World Cup match, as the 4G signal came and went, and Great Western Railway’s onboard wifi proved to be maddeningly erratic. The trebly chatter of headphone leakage was constant. And thousands of miles and a few time zones away in Loudoun County, Virginia, one of the world’s largest concentrations of computing power was playing its part in keeping everything I saw ticking over, as data from around the world passed back and forth from its vast buildings.
Most of us communicate with this small and wealthy corner of the US every day. Thanks to a combination of factors – its proximity to Washington DC, competitive electricity prices, and its low susceptibility to natural disasters – the county is the home of data centres used by about 3,000 tech companies: huge agglomerations of circuitry, cables and cooling systems that sit in corners of the world most of us rarely see, but that are now at the core of how we live. About 70% of the world’s online traffic is reckoned to pass through Loudoun County.
But there is a big problem, centred on a power company called Dominion, which supplies the vast majority of Loudoun County’s electricity. According to a 2017 Greenpeace report, only 1% of Dominion’s total electricity comes from credibly renewable sources: 2% originates in hydroelectric plants, and the rest is split evenly between coal, gas and nuclear power. Dominion is also in the middle of a huge regional controversy about a proposed pipeline that will carry fracked gas to its power plants, which it says is partly driven by data centres’ insatiable appetite for electricity. Clearly, then, the video streams, digital photographs and messaging that pour out of all those servers come with a price.
Full article…
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- STOP THE MADNESS : Everything ‘Contributes To’ Climate Change Including Your Breath And Your Cat | Climatism
CO2 Related :
- THE Carbon Dioxide Word Game | Climatism
- CO2 In The Atmosphere Is Not Pollution | Climatism
- Bureaucratic Dioxide | Climatism
- China won’t classify CO2 as a pollutant in new environment law | Climatism
- Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life – Paul Driessen
CO2 – “The Stuff of Life” – Greening The Planet :
- CSIRO Censoring Their Own Climate Research | Climatism
- The global dance of carbon dioxide and spreading green flora « JoNova
- Greening the Planet and how Fossil Fuels protect world’s Flora & Fauna | Dr. Matt Ridley | Climatism
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- GLOBAL WARMING THEORY CHECK : Global Temps Continue Century-Record Plunge, Despite Rising Emissions! | Climatism
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- 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Control Knob, Enemy Of The Climate Cult | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Changer, Climate Driver, Climate Disruptor | Climatism
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(Climate sceptics still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)
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Click link for more info…TQ! Jamie.
MEMO TO THE MEDIA : Glacier Calving Is A Natural Process
Posted: July 15, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Arctic, Climate Change, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Fake News, Glaciers, Greenland, Propaganda, Uncategorized | Tags: Alarmism, Antarctica, arctic, climate activism, Climate alarmism, Climate Change, Climatism, Fake News, Glacier Calving, Glaciers, Global Warming, Greenland, Icebergs, Innaarsuit, Mainstream media, New York Times, propaganda, science, sea level rise, The Guardian 1 CommentTHE iceberg that recently calved off a Greenland glacier and spectacularly parked itself outside the tiny village of Innaarsuit has caused the usual mainstream media heads to explode with man-made global warming climate change, again, lazily fingered as the culprit in order to facilitate the CAGW brainwashing process…
“Extreme iceberg break-ups risk becoming more frequent because of climate change, some experts have warned.”
Massive iceberg threatens Greenland village as residents are evacuated | SKYnews
THE Innaarsuit Iceberg (Greenland)
THE fact that the iceberg has settled itself outside the tiny village of Innaarsuit may be of definite concern, if it decides to flip causing a tidal surge. But, to blame global warming, while not surprising from the fake news media, is dishonest to the phenomenon of glacier calving – a natural and dynamic process that’s been happening for eons.
Many glaciers terminate at oceans or freshwater lakes which results naturally[5] with the calving of large numbers of icebergs. Calving of Greenland‘s glaciers produce 12,000 to 15,000 icebergs each year alone.[6]
Ice calving – Wikipedia
CUDOS to Ella Gilbert from the British Antarctic Survey who is often asked why icebergs break away…
“It’s complicated,” she explains. “The region is clearly undergoing a lot of change but you can’t just say ‘it was the climate’. Iceberg calving is a natural process anyway. If you put more snow in at one end, it has to come out the other end as icebergs.”
The ‘monster’ iceberg: What happened next? – BBC News
THE glacier-calving process more likely reflecting the very health of a glacier.
CERTAINLY true for Greenland, from where this particular iceberg originated, where over the past 19 months more than one trillion tons of new ice has formed on the giant ice-continent’s surface.
DUE to a lot more new snow accumulating each year during the long winter, than is melting during the short summer, the surface is rapidly gaining ice, and glaciers are growing.
HOWEVER, scientists and the press (of course) report the exact opposite…
(“Global Sea-Levels” check : TOP 10 Climate Change Alarmist Myths Unearthed : #2 SEA LEVEL RISE | Climatism)
YOU can easily spot the the NYTimes‘ fake-news and brazen climate lies by checking actual government ‘data’…
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