UNRELIABLES Rip-Off: Despite $4 Billion in Annual Subsidies, Wind & Solar Delivers a Trivial 2% of Australia’s Power Demand
Posted: April 30, 2018 Filed under: Australia, BIG Government, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Taxpayer waste, Unreliables | Tags: Climate Change, Energy, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Green Energy, Green Energy Failure, NEG, Renewable energy, RET, solar, Solar panels, Solar PV, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power 1 Comment“Ex-Nationals senator Ron Boswell wrote in “The Australian” today, (19 April 2018), making the point that the RET is failing us and forcing electricity prices through the roof, putting ordinary folk in energy poverty and destroying businesses.
Total renewable MWh for the period and the associated subsidies are:
• Wind: 74,100,000 at $80/MWh = $5.93 billion.
• Hydro: 245,800,000 at $80/MWh = $19.7 billion
• Large PV: 614,000 at $40/MWh = $24.5 million.
• Small PV: 25,300,000 at $40/MWh = $1 billion.The total extra cost to consumers is about $27 billion for 9% of the total consumption.”
BASED solely on output and reliability, without massive subsidies and government intervention, there would be no unreliable-energy ‘revolution’ to pad the egos of the climate-theory-obsessed, virtue-signalling politicians.
PRIVATE investors will not go near large-scale wind and solar. The German’s are learning this, hard and fast, right now >> http://joannenova.com.au/2018/04/bloodbath-in-the-german-solar-industry-without-subsidies-80000-solar-jobs-are-gone/
EXPECT more ‘green’ energy meltdowns as the subsidy crutch dries up.
In any bargain, those stumping up their own cash, tend to ask what they’re getting in return. When it comes to the billions in subsidies thrown at windmills and solar panels, the answer is: not much.
Including domestic, rooftop solar annual subsidies to wind and solar add up to a staggering $4 billion. The cost of which is added directly to retail power bills. The greatest government mandated rort in the history of the Commonwealth, started in 2001 and runs until 2031.
Now, the value minded might forgive the scale and duration of that forced ‘largesse’, if there were a commensurate increase in the output said to be drawn from nature’s wonder fuels, sunshine and breezes. Except, as David Bidstrip points out, the combined contribution of wind and solar generation to Australia’s energy demand remains risible, and little more than a rounding error.
Money for nothing
Catallaxy Files
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IF CO2’s Your Poison, Renewable Energy Is No Antidote
Posted: April 29, 2018 Filed under: Carbon Dioxide, Climatism, CO2, Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Fossil Fuels, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, CO2, Energiewende, Energy, Energy Poverty, environment, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Green Energy, Renewable energy, renewables, RET, Solar panels, Solar PV, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power 3 CommentsATMOSPHERIC Physicist, MIT Professor of Meteorology and former IPCC lead author Richard S. Lindzen, examines the politics and ideology behind the demonisation of essential trace gas and plant fertiliser, carbon dioxide. A by-product of hydrocarbon energy production that “has a kind of fundamental attractiveness to bureaucratic mentality” and remains the grand patsy and key driver of the climate crisis industry…
“For a lot of people including the bureaucracy in Government and the environmental movement, the issue is power. It’s hard to imagine a better leverage point than carbon dioxide to assume control over a society. It’s essential to the production of energy, it’s essential to breathing. If you demonise it and gain control over it, you so-to-speak, control everything. That’s attractive to people. It’s been openly stated for over forty years that one should try to use this issue for a variety of purposes, ranging from North/South redistribution, to energy independence, to God knows what…”
“CO2 for different people has different attractions. After all, what is it? – it’s not a pollutant, it’s a product of every living creature’s breathing, it’s the product of all plant respiration, it is essential for plant life and photosynthesis, it’s a product of all industrial burning, it’s a product of driving – I mean, if you ever wanted a leverage point to control everything from exhalation to driving, this would be a dream. So it has a kind of fundamental attractiveness to bureaucratic mentality.”
FOR years, unreliable-energy advocates have repeatedly claimed that wind turbines and solar panels are essential to the fight against carbon dioxide emissions and catastrophic climate change. Here’s the reality: Wind turbines and solar panels are nothing more than token gestures to the folly of green madness.
THE proliferation of renewables unreliables over the past decade has not, and will not, result in statistically significant reductions in global carbon dioxide emissions. That point can easily be proven by analysis of the country that has poured more money into ‘green’ energy than any other – Germany…
Germany Proves That Burning Money On Green Energies Does Not Reduce CO2 Emissions…”Bitter Result”
Germany Proves That Burning Money On Green Energies Does Not Reduce CO2 Emissions … “Bitter Result”
As we have been hearing recently, global CO2 emissions continue their steady climb, despite the trillions of dollars committed to green energy sources worldwide and efforts to curb CO2 emissions.
Looking at countries individually, Germany, a self-designated “leader” for carbon free energies, saw its equivalent CO2 greenhouse gas emissions in 2017 fall only a measly half a percent. Read the rest of this entry »
TWISTERS Missing From Tornado Alley
Posted: April 27, 2018 Filed under: Extreme Weather | Tags: climate, Climate Change, CO2, Extreme Rainfall, Global Warming, Mother Nature, science, Science and Environment, Tornado Alley, Tornadoes, Weather Leave a comment“WHERE are they this year?
This year has been possibly the quietest tornado season in recorded history. Kansas and Oklahoma would expect to see close to 19 tornadoes between the start of the year and now, with around 13 or 14 in April alone.But this April, there hasn’t been one!”
Mother Nature, flipping the bird at garbage-in-garbage-out climate models and the extreme weather parrots!
Tallbloke's Talkshop
Location of tornado alley and related weather systems [credit: Dan Craggs @ Wikipedia]
‘Extreme weather’ doomsayers must be scratching their heads over this. Nothing to see here – move along.
In a twist that would ruin the storyline to the Wizard of Oz, the USA’s ‘Tornado Alley’ has been strangely quiet this year, says BBC Weather.
In fact, if there are none reported in Oklahoma or Kansas on Thursday, 2018 will officially be the quietest start to the tornado season in both states …on record!
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U.S. Olympians Head To Capitol Hill In Bid To “Salvage” Winters From Climate Change
Posted: April 26, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Alarmism, Climatism, CO2, Empirical Evidence, Extreme Weather, Fact Check, Fake News, Snow Pack, Sustainability | Tags: Alarmism, Capitol Hill, Climate alarmists, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate science, Congress, David Wise, empirical data, Fake News, global cooling, Global Warming, Jessie Diggins, Maddie Phaneuf, Mainstream media, Olympic Winter Games, Olympics, Paralympic Winter Games, Paralympics, Pyeongchang, snow, Snow Pack Data, Spring, Stacey Cook, Virtue-Signalling, Winter Leave a comment“The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read.
The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think.
The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is;
he confuses it with feeling.”
– Thomas Sowell
Five U.S. Olympians will be on Capitol Hill Wednesday to brief lawmakers on how climate change is impacting winter sports and recreation.
“We still have a chance to be able to kind of salvage whatever is left of our winters, and kind of get back to a more sustainable way of life,” said Arielle Gold, who won a bronze in the halfpipe snowboard event in the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics — and will be on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.
Gold — along with cross country skier Jessie Diggins, freestyle skier David Wise, biathlete Maddie Phaneuf and alpine skier Stacey Cook — are expected to highlight climate solutions they’d like to see implemented.
A recent study by a team of researchers, led by the University of Waterloo, found that climate change poses a threat to the Winter Olympics — and that by the end of the century, only eight of 21 sites that have hosted the Winter Olympics in the past will have temperatures low enough to host again unless greenhouse gases emissions significantly drop.
“The climate in many traditional winter sports regions isn’t what it used to be, and fewer and fewer places will be able to host the Olympic Winter Games as global warming accelerates,” Daniel Scott, a professor at Waterloo, said in a January news release on the study.
The Paralympics is also particularly vulnerable, according to researchers.
“The traditional scheduling of the Paralympic Winter Games, approximately a month after the Olympic Winter Games, poses additional climate challenges as temperatures are warmer and the probability of rain instead of snowfall increases in most of the host locations,” Scott said.
The briefing Wednesday follows the introduction of House Resolution 825, which supports policies addressing the causes and effects of climate change and recognizes its impact on outdoor recreation.
U.S. Olympians head to Capitol Hill in bid to “salvage” winters from climate change | CBS News
NO doubt these graphs were presented to Congress, as evidence, by the CO2-complainants…
CLIMATE ACTIVIST : If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?
Posted: April 25, 2018 Filed under: Alarmist media, Climatism, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Fake News, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: auspol, Climate Change, Climatism, Energiewende, energy policy, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Green Energy, Mainstream media, media bias, Michael Shellenberger, Renewable energy, renewables, solar, Solar panels, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a commentINFORMATIVE piece written not by a climate change “denier” but by energy and environment expert Michael Shellenberger – a democrat and climate change activist, no less.
ALWAYS refreshing reading Shellenberger’s work and commentary on twitter. Like Bjorn Lomborg, the other well-known ‘warmist’, they both provide reasoned analysis of environmental issues, focusing on costs and outcomes of climate and energy policy, rather than blind ideology so common in mainstream media environmental reporting that only poisons and polarises the debate leading to unnecessary alarmism resulting in overarching climate policy and misguided allocation of public money.
Shellenberger concludes…
This is a problem of bias, not just energy illiteracy. Normally skeptical journalists routinely give renewables a pass. The reason isn’t because they don’t know how to report critically on energy — they do regularly when it comes to non-renewable energy sources — but rather because they don’t want to.
That could — and should — change. Reporters have an obligation to report accurately and fairly on all issues they cover, especially ones as important as energy and the environment.
A good start would be for them to investigate why, if solar and wind are so cheap, they are making electricity so expensive.
Read on here…
If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?
ECONOMIC Fantasy: Battery ‘Solution’ to Intermittent Wind & Solar Would Cost $Trillions
Posted: April 24, 2018 Filed under: Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Battery Storage, Climate science, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, solar, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, Taxpayer Billions, Taxpayer Funded, taxpayer trillions, Taxpayer waste, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“Those fantasists claiming that we’re heartbeat away from running entirely on sunshine and breezes, need to keep up the line about giant batteries being the simple solution to a glaring problem. Except, that they will never put a number on what their purportedly quick and simple fix might cost. And that’s because the number is in the many $trillions, as detailed by Francis Menton below.”
AND on the third day BILLIONS became TRILLIONS! Taxpayers hard-earned money sacrificed at the alter of “climate change” all to try to create some kind of perfect climate nirvana.
It took the proletariat a nanosecond to work out that wind power can, and will never, work as a meaningful power generation source.
Graphs like the one above – depicting the entire output of every wind turbine connected to Australia’s Eastern Grid (spread across four states, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia) – quickly gave the game away.
Challenged with the inherent unreliability and obvious intermittency of wind power, those pushing it have been reduced to chanting mantras about mega-batteries saving the day.
The way they tell it, it’s as if they simply left grid-scale battery storage off their shopping lists – like some muddle-headed shopper returning home without milk and bread – and all they needed to do was pop back to the shops to collect some.
A bargain struck by economic vandals: $150,000,000 for 4 minute’s power.
The world’s largest battery cuts a lonely figure in a paddock…
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THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria
Posted: April 24, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmist media, Alarmist Predictions, Arctic, Climate History, Climatism, Global Cooling, Global Warming, Government Grants/Funding, UN | Tags: Alarmism, arctic, Arctic Sea Ice, CIA, climate activism, Climate Change, Climate science, Climatism, death spiral, Global Cooling Scare, Global Warming Scare, Ice Age Scare, John Holdren, Mainstream media, nature, NCAR, New York Times, Newsweek, Polar Bears, science, Science and Environment, Sea Ice, Stephen Schneider, United Nations 9 CommentsCLIMATE change alarmists conveniently ‘deny’ the existence of the 1970’s “global cooling” scare because such panic, a mere 40 years ago, threatens the legitimacy of the current “global warming” scare.
HOWEVER, climate experts and government agencies of the day were indeed warning of impending climate doom and that we must take immediate “action” to avoid catastrophe.
SOUND familiar?
WARMING alarmists rebut the 1970’s global cooling scare with claims that the phenomenon wasn’t “peer-reviewed” or that a “consensus” of “97%” of “scientists” didn’t agree. However, it doesn’t take Einstein to realise that the fashionable eco-scare of the day was indeed very real…
IN 1976 the CIA warned the cooling climate would bring – “drought, starvation, social unrest and political upheaval” :
C.I.A. WARNINGFrom a correspondent in WashingtonMAJOR world climate changes were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.
“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world”, the report warns.
The report, which contends that the Climate changes began in 1960, is based on a study by Mr Reid Bryson of the University of Wisconsin.
Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.
The report, which- was concerned with possible political and economic threats the United States could expect from such drastic events, said the starvation and famine would lead to social unrest and global migration of populations.
21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING – Trove
BARACK Obama’s former ‘science’ czar, John Holdren, feared a new “Ice Age” : Read the rest of this entry »
REALITY Check: Nunatsiavut Wildlife Manager Says Polar Bears Not Starving, Public Misinformed
Posted: April 23, 2018 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Arctic, Fact Check, Fake News, Polar Bears, Propaganda, Religion | Tags: Activist Media, Alarmism, arctic, Climate Change, climate lies, Fake News, Global Warming, Mainstream media, Nat Geo, National Geographic, Polar Bears, propaganda, Science and Environment 2 Comments“Goudie points to one post he saw recently from National Geographic that showed what appeared to be a starving polar bear, but in reality was an animal that was sick.”
NAT Geo pops up again with another blatant falsehood designed to deceive its audience. 100+ years building a publication of reputation and integrity only to have it destroyed in as little as a decade thanks to a religious zeal to the doctrine of CAGW.
REAFFIRMS the old adage that reputation takes a long time to build but can be destroyed overnight.
RIP Nat Geo. Viva La Polar Bears!
Watts Up With That?
Inconvenient rebound in polar bear numbers.
Polar bears not starving, says Nunatsiavut wildlife manager
Geoff Bartlett · CBC News
One of the people who oversees an Indigenous hunt of polar bears says the population is doing well, despite heart-wrenching photos online suggesting some bears are starving.
Every year, the Nunatsiavut government awards polar bear licences to Inuit hunters living in the northern Labrador settlement area.
The Inuit set a quota of 12 polar bears this winter. Nunatsiavut wildlife manager Jim Goudie said all 12 were taken within the first seven days of the season.
Goudie said it’s just the latest evidence that polar bears are on the rebound in northern Canada — a trend he said officials have been recording for years.
“There are lots of signs of bears,” he told CBC Radio’s Labrador Morning. “Lots of bears and a continuation of what we’ve seen over the last three or four years.”
The Nunatsiavut hunt takes place over an area stretching from Cape…
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EXCLUSIVE: Bringing the stunning hypocrisy of a climate conference out into the open
Posted: April 23, 2018 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment“Follow the money, because that’s really all climate change policy, sustainability, and science seems to be about these days.”
Spot-on Anthony. Great investigative post exposing the serial eco-hypocrites. Though, not sure how “Exclusive” it is owing to your disturbingly true observation that “there is a constant merry-go-round of academic conferences scheduled all over the world every year which they are required to attend to maintain their academic status – and also to get free vacations, of course. There are dozens of conferences like this every year, year after year, all over the planet, all similarly purposeless and unnecessary – part of the endless academic gravy train of grants and free travel.”
WAY to go Eric and Co…!
Watts Up With That?
Some hypocritical findings after attending a climate conference at the University of California at Berkeley
UC Berkeley is just a short drive away, about three hours.
We are often told by the “holier than thou” types who lecture us on the evils of modern energy consumption that we should travel less, reduce our use of fossil fuels, have less children or no children, and suggesting we even kill ourselves for the betterment of the planet.
However, these same people don’t seem to practice what they preach. First, let’s set the stage. For example Eric Holthaus, who is meteorologist and staff writer for Grist (formerly Slate) wailed that he will have a vasectomy to prevent population growth.
Then he said, kids are OK while telling the world how “fucked up it is”, and announces his first child with this tweet:
He’s now reportedly got two children and is…
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IT’S Been A Bad Winter All Over – Snow In Japan 56 Feet High!
Posted: April 22, 2018 Filed under: Global Cooling, Snow Pack, Weather | Tags: climate, Climate Change, Cold Sun, global cooling, Japan, Maunder Minimum, Science and Environment, snow, Snow Pack Data, Winter Leave a commentINCREDIBLE!
With epic ‘cold’ weather events like this, it really is as if the more the global warmies yell “Hottest Year Evah”, the more Mother Nature flips them the bird!
Watts Up With That?
You think we had a bad winter here in the USA? Look at Japan where they have walls of snow 56 feet tall (almost the height of a 6-story building).
There’s an avalanche of tourists coming to the Tateyama to see the walls of snow.
This spectacular mountain route, reopened on Sunday after being closed for five months during the winter, expects to receive a million visitors.
The Tateyama Kurobe Alpin Route is a major tourist attraction in Japan.
These large white walls are located in Murodo, at the highest point of the route at an altitude of 2,450 meters and are known as “yuki no otani”.
Source: http://www.lugaresdenieve.com/?q=es/noticia/alud-turistas-tateyama-para-ver-paredes-nieve-17-metros-altura
It has been a rough winter full of snow all over the northern hemisphere, as this newest NOAA-20 satellite image shows:
With stunning clarity and unsurpassed detail, the newest polar orbiting satellite in the NOAA fleet, NOAA-20, took this image of…
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