WAR!! Another Climate Change Falsehood Blown Away By ‘Real’ Science

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How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

EVERYONE is familiar with the “climate change caused the Syrian war” meme that invaded the climate lexicon in another attempt to ping man-made global warming climate change as the root cause of anything and everything that is bad in the world.

CLIMATE CHANGE helping to create ISIS was listed as #49 on the The Lid‘s “official list,” of stupid things global warming enthusiasts have blamed on their failed theory:

  1. The Arab spring
  2. Incredible shrinking sheep,
  3. Invasion of jellyfish in the Mediterranean
  4. Surge in fatal shark attacks
  5. Boy Scout tornado deaths,
  6. Severe acne,
  7. Global conflict,
  8. Beer tasting different,
  9. Suicide of farmers in Australia,
  10. Bigger tuna fish,
  11. Fish shrinkage
  12. Longer days,
  13. Shorter days,
  14. Collapse of gingerbread houses in Sweden,
  15. Cow infertility,
  16. UFO sightings in the UK,
  17. Rise in insurance premiums,
  18. Heroin addiction
  19. Bear attacks in Japan 
  20. Frigid Cold Winters in Great Britain
  21. Cancer
  22. Death from heart disease, diabetes, stroke, respiratory disease and even accidents,
  23. Homicide, suicide
  24. Water -borne disease outbreaks
  25. Heavier, wetter snowstorms treacherous for travel and ambulation, 
  26. Lyme disease, swarms of allergy-inducing, stinging insects, along with mosquitoes and devastating pine bark beetle infestations and the spread of forest and crop pests  
  27. 40,000 dead crabs
  28. Shorter, higher pitched frog mating calls
  29. Unrest in the Middle East.
  30. Screwed-up love making,
  31. The Japanese earthquake-tsunami,
  32. Horrible rash of tornadoes in southeast United States,
  33. Extended severe allergy seasons, Lyme disease, malaria or dengue fever, trauma, depression, high blood pressure and heart disease,
  34. Eye Disorders.
  35. Increased threat of wars, violence and military action against the UK. 
  36. Migration of possibly rabid Vampire bats from Mexico, 
  37. Extreme weather, disappearing islands and less productive workdays
  38. Giant Snakes
  39. Armed robbery, prostitution, and drug abuse in Ghana,  will make you go nuts,
  40. The rise of terrorist group Boko Haram 
  41. Caused the Seychelles snail to go extinct (its alive and well), 
  42. Rock Snot
  43. Increase anxiety, fear and depression
  44. Expensive Olives
  45. No more red-haired people, women will become pear-shaped,  incontinent, impotent bald guys with extra hair growing from his toes. 
  46. Global Cooling
  47. The Sinking of The Titanic 
  48. Illegal Immigration  
  49. ISIS

COLOURLESS, odourless, tasteless, non-reactive, trace gas and plant food ‘carbon dioxide’ as the cause of ISIS and the Syrian war was qualified by the usual suspects – Prince Charles, Leo DiCaprio, Al Gore, the Obama admin, Former Secretary of State John Kerry, the climate-theory obsessed mainstream media and of course, the authority that matters most – academia…

CHARLES B. Strozier Professor of History, The City University of New York; and Kelly A. Berkell Attorney and research associate, Center on Terrorism at John Jay College of Criminal Justice believe that ISIS formed because of a severe drought in Syria from 2006-2010 and that drought happened because of—you guessed it—Climate Change.

As the Obama administration undertakes a highly public, multilateral campaign to degrade and destroy the militant jihadists known as ISIS, ISIL and the Islamic State, many in the West remain unaware that climate played a significant role in the rise of Syria’s extremists. A historic drought afflicted the country from 2006 through 2010, setting off a dire humanitarian crisis for millions of Syrians. Yet the four-year drought evoked little response from Bashar al-Assad’s government. Rage at the regime’s callousness boiled over in 2011, helping to fuel the popular uprising. In the ensuing chaos, ISIS stole onto the scene, proclaimed a caliphate in late June and accelerated its rampage of atrocities including the recent beheadings of three Western civilians.
While ISIS threatens brutal violence against all who dissent from its harsh ideology, climate change menaces communities (less maliciously) with increasingly extreme weather.

How Climate Change Helped ISIS | HuffPost

BEING a ‘historian’, one would think that prof. Strozier would be aware that Syria has experienced drought before…

IN the 1930’s, Yo-Yo’s were to blame:

Yo-Yo Ban - Blamed for Syria Drought 1933

23 Jan 1933 – YO-YO BANNED IN SYRIA Blamed For Drought By Mosl…

IN the 1870s, Syrian drought had something to do with Christian imperfection:


16 Jul 1870 – MOSQUITOES.

LATEST science refutes global warming/drought claims:

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Little change in global drought over the past 60 years | Nature


2018 – The ‘Streetlight Effect’

A new study from the University of Melbourne, the Georg Eckert Institute and Freie Universität has found several problems with research related to assessing the propensity for war amid environmental changes due to ‘global warming’.

THE study, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, found such research suffers from “a streetlight effect.”

“We demonstrate that research on climate change and violent conflict suffers from a streetlight effect,” reads the study. The “streetlight effect” is when researchers search for answers where it’s easiest, instead of where the right answer might be.

“Further, studies which focus on a small number of cases in particular are strongly informed by cases where there has been conflict, do not sample on the independent variables (climate impact or risk), and hence tend to find some association between these two variables,” reads the study.

Linking global warming to violent conflict became in vogue after Syria erupted in violence in 2011. Researchers quickly began suggesting the drought that wreaked havoc on rural Syria served as a spark for civil war.

The Obama administration considered global warming a national security threat, and top officials often repeated the claim that violence in Syria, and the rise of ISIS, stemmed from climate factors.

Al Gore Wrong About Climate And Conflicts | The Daily Caller

CLIMATE realists/sceptics called it right again. Don’t expect an apology or correction from the mainstream media, Hollywood, the Obama administration, Prince Charles, the UN, academics or Leo DiCaprio for misleading you on global warming climate change, yet again.


PLEASE donate to Climatism to help keep the good fight alive!

No matter the amount, your donation is greatly appreciated. You WILL make a difference. The less time spent finding money, the more time we have to fight the alarmists.

Much appreciated, Jamie

Jamie - Climatism fight

Jamie – Climatism author & founder.

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Related :

  • Prince Charles Blames Climate Change For War In Syria | Climatism
  • CLIMATE “Deniers” Were Right – Island Nation Growing, Not ‘Sinking’ With Sea Level Rise! | Climatism
  • WORLD Leading Authority : Climate and Sea Level Science Is A “Quasi Religion” Hijacked By An Activist Agenda | Climatism
  • TOP 10 Climate Change Lies Exposed | Climatism

See also :

  • CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
  • Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
  • EXTREME WEATHER Propaganda – The Pathway To Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
  • NASA “Sea Level Rise” Fraud | Climatism
  • Understanding The “Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism

Leo Hitches A Ride Again!

“Act On Climate” “Climate Action” “Science Says So” “Climate March” “Moral Issue Of Our Time” blah blah blah 🤦‍♂️


By Paul Homewood

ScreenHunter_1783 Jan. 08 18.01


Top hypocrite Leo’s been at it again, flying back to LA by private jet from his Aspen skiing holiday. That should really help fight global warming!

Air miles: Environmentalist

The usual excuse was given:

But if he was truly serious, he would be giving his buddies an earful about using such carbon spewing transport, and not encouraging their behaviour.

And if he was really serious, there is always the bus!



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Alan Carlin: None of the climate alarmist apocalypses have occurred or are even possible

“The alarmists’ 12 apocalyptic predictions have proved uniformly wrong. That’s zero percent correct.”

WITH so much of the public’s money spent (Trillion upon trillions) on “Climate Change” aka “Global Warming” aka “Climate Disruption” aka “Climate Crisis”, any sane person would naturally conclude that there is an actual “Climate Crisis”.

HOWEVER, outside of overheated U.N. climate models and daily hysteria from the sycophant lamestream media, there is still no tangible “Climate Crisis”.

THE name change from “global warming” to “climate change” is perhaps the biggest giveaway. Owing to the peer-reviewed, scientific fact that the planet stopped warming around 20 years ago.


ENTER “climate change” – hot, cold, wet, dry, flood, drought, blizzard – it’s all your fault and you and your “unsustainable” lifestyles are ‘changing’ the weather – whatever that means.

AND, what is the mythical perfect climate that alarmists want? What if we stop ALL hydrocarbon based energy tomorrow and there’s a hurricane next year? Or what happens if Australia has a heatwave? How many days should it last? How much less or more rain is better if we get serious and live in caves? Will the weather be eternally idyllic for modern cave-dwelling?

WILL the pontificators of the media driven climate hysteria; DiCaprio, Al Gore, Obama, Bill Nye, The Pope et al live in caves too?

CLEARLY they won’t. But why not? After all, there is a genuine “climate crisis” right? Or at least they tell us that there is. Everyday.

EITHER way, cave or no cave, Leonardo DiCaprio’s new island development is a serious death trap according to what he preaches atop the U.N. pulpit. Whoever advised him to build on an island when sea levels are meant to rise by 10-100 feet by 2100 according to experts like Leo.

MAYBE, just maybe he’s lying his ass off to feed the biggest scientific fraud ever perpetrated upon mankind.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Earth and climate – an ongoing controversy
Lack of predictive success is a strong warning sign that something is amiss in the world of climate science in general and its modelling in particular.

The climate alarmists have long tried to sell their apocalyptic scam by claiming that their policies will avoid catastrophic increases in global temperatures, writes Alan Carlin.

The Daily Caller has recently inventoried some of the widely publicized such climate apocalypses predicted over the last 30 years by examining 12 of them.

The alarmists’ 12 apocalyptic predictions have proved uniformly wrong. That’s zero percent correct.

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Leonardo DiCaprio is a Complete Idiot

Brilliant 4:29s – Lifestyles of the rich and hypocritical…

Green Jihad

Aren’t you just sick and tired of being lectured about your lifestyle by mega-rich celebrities?

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Dismal ratings for DiCaprio’s Global Warming Epic ‘Before the Flood’ – beaten by ‘Bubble Guppies’

People have wised up to the global warming scare. They are sick and tired of being lied, exaggerated and lectured to, especially by those who pontificate from 30,000 feet up.

Watts Up With That?


The weekend ratings are out, and they aren’t good news for Leonardo DiCaprio’s Global Warming Epic ‘Before the Flood‘, which we reviewed yesterday on WUWT. Showbuzz Daily has listed the top 150 TV and Cable programs for the weekend, and in ‘the hottest year ever’, discussing the ‘most important topic ever’, Before the Flood came in at #61 for the weekend.


Ironically, the kids show “Bubble Guppies” beat it at #53. Ouch.

Perhaps this snoozer didn’t do so well because of the stellar cast of characters?


I mean, who wouldn’t want to tune in and have a jet-setting actor-millionaire, a government handout beneficiary, a Pope, the globe-trotting Secretary of State, the lame-duck president, the ‘Horndog-in-Chief” and the leader of the U.N. come on for 96 minutes and berate you for doing things like driving your car, eating hamburgers, and just not caring enough about the planet like they…

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