Despite ‘green dreams’, EIA report projects fossil and nuclear fuels provide 83% of total world energy in 2040

FROM the department of reason trumps symbolic gestures to the climate gods …

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin

The latest EIA 2017 IEO report projects world energy consumption to increase by 28% from 2015 through 2040.


Non OECD countries (the developing nations-China, India, etc.) account for about 84% of this increased energy use with non OECD Asia making up the majority of this energy use growth.


Significant growth (43%) in natural gas use is projected in meeting the worlds total energy increase through 2040.


Petroleum and other liquid fuels use growth (18%) continues but at a slower pace than natural gas.


Coal energy use is projected to be stable during this period with declines in China offset by increased use in India.


Renewables (hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, other) is the fastest growing energy source with wind, solar and natural gas supplying most of the electricity sector growth.


Renewables are projected to supply 31% of world electricity generation in 2040 the same as coal…

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President Trump trolls the global warmers – hilarity ensues


However! Lest we forget – verse 1, chapter 1 of the warmist bible according to Gaia:

Hot = Climate
Cold = Weather

Watts Up With That?

For those who follow the cult-like world of Anthropogenic Global Warming promoters, this has to be the Tweet of the year. What’s fun about it, is not just the way President Trump frames the missive and pokes a jab at the Paris Accord, but the reactions to it. Of course many of the same people who are calling it a wide variety of things (stupid, irresponsible, anti-science, etc.) are the very same people who promote short term heat waves as “proof” of human caused climate change getting worse.

Reading some of the responses in the Twitter feed…

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Record Breaking Winter Cold? Don’t Worry, the Climate Explainers Have it Covered

“Even this week’s cold weather is probably being caused at least in part by global warming, said Jonathan Overpeck, a climate scientist at the University of Michigan.”

BUT wait, there’s more! …

“So what happens if global temperatures take a real plunge for a sustained period? Don’t worry, the explainers have that one covered as well – James Hansen, former NASA GISS Director, published a paper which suggests global warming will trigger a short ice age in the near future…”

ERGO, no! There is no “weather or climate shift [that could] cast doubt on the dominance of that wicked little trace molecule.”

HOT, cold, wet, dry, snow, drought, flood, heatwave, blizzard – it’s ALL “global warming” aka “climate change” aka “climate disruption” and it’s ALL your fault!


Watts Up With That?

Graph from p3768 of J. Hansen et al.: Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms. Graph from p3768 of J. Hansen et al.: Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms.

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

Does record breaking winter cold cast doubt on climate predictions of milder winters? Could ANY weather or climate shift cast doubt on the dominance of that wicked little trace molecule? Apparently not, according to leading climate explainers.

It’s cold outside, but that doesn’t mean climate change isn’t real

Sammy Roth, USA TODAY Published 5:13 p.m. ET Dec. 28, 2017

This week’s cold snap has brought record-low temperatures, freezing rain and heavy snow to much of the United States. But 2017 is still on track to be the second- or third-hottest year ever recorded globally — and scientists say climate change is to blame.

Even this week’s cold weather is probably being caused at least in part by global warming, said Jonathan Overpeck, a climate scientist at the University of Michigan.

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Wind Farms In England Only Supply 2% Of Power

NOT to mention the shocking admission by the wind industry chief that England is not even windy enough! 🤦‍♂️

“Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences.” – Robert Louis Stevenson


By Paul Homewood

Wind turbines near the village of Bothel in Cumbria.


Anyone who lives in England knows just how ubiquitous wind farms now are across the countryside.

So it might come as a surprise to learn just how little power they actually produce.

The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy has now published the detailed data for 2016. It shows that onshore wind farms in England produced only 5.7 TWh, out of a total generation in England of 241.8 TWh.

In other words, the princely amount of 2%.

Can anybody say it has been worth all of the bother?

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China urges miners to increase high-grade coal supplies for heating

RATHER telling when the likes of the Guardian lambasts China’s absurd move to ramp up coal-fired power to ensure the wellbeing of their most vulnerable, demonising “dirty” (lifesaving) coal without a single mention of unreliables to stop the supposed rot. Cowards.


By Paul Homewood

Oh, the joys of central planning!

From Reuters:


BEIJING (Reuters) – China has urged coal miners to increase high-grade coal supplies to ensure heating fuel for winter, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said in a statement on Tuesday.

The statement comes after the central government scaled back its plan earlier this month to convert northern cities to natural gas from coal for heating, because provinces across China had warned of gas shortages.

The NDRC asked miners to put more high-grade coal projects into operation “as soon as possible”.

Coal-fired power plants are also encouraged to increase their thermal coal stockpiles and upgrade their equipment to reduce emissions.

The Guardian also reported on the problems in China earlier this month:

While middle class Beijingers breathe the cleanest air in recent winters, in Zhuozhou, a small city 20 minutes by train from Beijing’s downtown, residents are…

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Australian Base Load Electrical Power – Week Ending 23rd December 2017

“Dirty” fossil fuels still doing ~80% of the heavy lifting.

Unreliables (wind and solar) making up about 6-10% of total base load, despite billions upon billions spent!? Cough, cough, ahem.

Merry Christmas all!

PA Pundits - International

By Anton Lang ~

This is the continuing Post, where each Saturday, I will detail the power consumption for the Base Load in Australia for the previous week. This will show what is actually meant by the term Base Load, and that is the minimum daily power consumption at its lowest point. Power consumption never falls below this point.

Here in Australia, that level of power is 18,000MW.

The Bayswater Coal Fired Power Plant In New South Wales

This data I have collated below is for this last week, and is for the five States connected to the Australian grids, every State east of the Western Australian border, and here I will show that data for each of those five States, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania.

As you can see from these numbers, that huge amount of power is being supplied mainly by coal fired…

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Snowfall on Alaska mountains has doubled – climate change blamed

SNOW will become “a very rare and exciting event.” “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” – Dr David Viner (CRU, 2000)

“The End of Snow?” NY Times (2014)

‘Settled science’…

Watts Up With That?

From DARTMOUTH COLLEGE and the “snowfalls are a thing of the past” department.

Unprecedented findings strengthen connections between winter storms and tropical waters

HANOVER, N.H. – December 19, 2017 – Snowfall on a major summit in North America’s highest mountain range has more than doubled since the beginning of the Industrial Age, according to a study from Dartmouth College, the University of Maine, and the University of New Hampshire.

The research not only finds a dramatic increase in snowfall, it further explains connections in the global climate system by attributing the record accumulation to warmer waters thousands of miles away in the tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans.

The research demonstrates that modern snowfall in the iconic Alaska Range is unprecedented for at least the past 1200 years and far exceeds normal variability.

“We were shocked when we first saw how much snowfall has increased,” said Erich Osterberg, an assistant…

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Spread the warmth this Christmas

POLITICIANS and global elites mad with global warming theory are destroying economies and hurting, even killing, the poor and most vulnerable…

Tallbloke's Talkshop

The Paris Climate Treaty, the UK Climate Change Act, the US CO2 endangerment finding. These misconceived policies decided on by scientifically ignorant and socially cocooned politicians KILL people. Far more people die of cold and cold related illnesses than suffer from heat-stroke. As the effects of these policies bite harder on personal finances, we need to look after those vulnerable people in our communities who cannot afford to heat their homes, or don’t even have a home to heat.

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Australia’s Electricity Markets On A Rollercoaster

“Electricity prices have gone up in the last year because of the closure of the Hazelwood and Northern coal plants, which have been squeezed by subsidised wind and solar. As a result, supply has tightened thus forcing up wholesale prices.

It is richly ironic of course that the aforesaid renewables have benefitted very nicely as a consequence.”

Excellent summary of Australia’s totally idiot man-made electricity disaster…


By Paul Homewood

h/t TomO

From ABC in Australia:


Electricity prices are set to fall across the country over the next two years, offsetting this year’s price increase.

Key points:

  • Electricity prices will start to fall from mid-2018
  • Prices rose by 11 per cent this year
  • AEMC warns of instability and blackouts if new systems are not managed efficiently

The Australian Energy Market Commission said the price drop will happen as variable wind and solar generation comes online, which is paid for by the Government’s Renewable Energy Target.

Nationally, prices rose almost 11 per cent this year, but with the extra supply from wind and solar, the commission predicts that will be offset by a 12 per cent fall over the following two years.

The AEMC’s annual report on price trends provides an overall picture of factors driving electricity prices for households in each state and territory.

AEMC chairman John…

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Global Agricultural Boom: A million Thanks To Climate Change

“Global agricultural production suffered only during cold periods, including the Little Ice Age, which ended around the late 18th or early 19th century.

Since the 1800s, the earth has been warming — returning to levels ideal for crop production. It is remarkable that the mainstream media can claim that temperatures are killing crops when they have actually contributed to exponential growth of crop yields.”

A rather unwelcome message for the anti-CO2, misanthropic environmental movement.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Planting rice [image credit: BBC]
As the report concludes: ‘Both global warming and carbon dioxide have benefitted plant growth, and both are important contributors to the success of modern civilization.’

Global cereal (grain) production has reached record levels in 2017, says The GWPF.

Credit for the increase usually goes to agrochemicals and other advanced agricultural technology. However, there are two other key contributors — carbon dioxide and climate change.

World cereal production for 2017 is projected to reach 2,613.3 million tons, 5.8 million tons above 2016’s level and nearly one-fourth higher than 2008’s. Despite population growth, production per capita rose 13 percent over the last decade, from 0.31 to 0.35 tons per person.

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