Newsweek Disgracefully Links the Mt Everest Tragedy to Rising CO2
Posted: April 30, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentWatts Up With That?
Guest essay by Jim Steele, Director emeritus Sierra Nevada Field Campus, San Francisco State University and author of Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism
Its hard to tell if we are witnessing mass climate hysteria, or just loathsome fear mongering to promote a political agenda, but it is oh so predictable, and oh so sickening. Every weather event and every tragedy is now due rising CO2. To paraphrase Dr. Viner, “natural storms and earthquakes are now just a thing of the past”. With the help of a few alarmist scientists, the media bombards us with the meme that “Everything is caused by rising CO2.” Today the Seth Bornstein prize for yellow climate journalism goes to Newsweek.
Last August they tried to infect our psyche’s suggesting the horrific Ebola outbreak was a function of rising CO2 writing, “Ebola and Climate Change: Are Humans Responsible for the Severity…
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New UAH Lower Troposphere Temperature Data Show No Global Warming for More Than 18 Years
Posted: April 30, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentWatts Up With That?
Guest Post by Bob Tisdale
Dr. Roy Spencer introduced the updated and much corrected UAH atmospheric temperature data in his blog post Version 6.0 of the UAH Temperature Dataset Released: New LT Trend = +0.11 C/decade. The new temperature anomaly data for the lower troposphere, mid troposphere and lower stratosphere are presently in beta form for comment. That is, they’re not official…yet. I suspect the update will not go over well with the catastrophic-anthropogenic-global-warming crowd. Links to the version 6.0 beta data are at the bottom of Roy’s post, which also contains a detailed discussion of the updates. So if you have questions, please ask them at Roy Spencer’s blog through the above link. This post is a simple data presentation.
The version 6.0 beta temperature anomaly data for the lower troposphere used in this post are here.
In this post, we’ll take a quick look at the…
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Response Time Of Climate Scientists Identified
Posted: April 29, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
Seven years ago, I wrote this article in The Register
Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered • The Register
Walt Meier and Mark Death Spiral Serreze got hysterical over this and started trashing “breathtakingly ignorant” me all over the Internet. I went back and forth with NSIDC people for years pointing out how ridiculous their forecasts and analysis is.
Seven years and tens of millions of dollars later, climate scientists finally begin to figure it out.
Research Highlight: Arctic Sea Ice Loss Likely To Be Reversible | Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
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Making (non)sense of climate denial
Posted: April 29, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment“It is clear from all this that Cook et al. are UNFCCC/IPCC ideologues. There is nothing wrong per se with ideology; it is the ideologues that are the problem – absence of doubt, intolerance of debate, appeal to authority, desire to convince others of the ideological “truth”, and a willingness to punish those that don’t concur. They need to look in the mirror and understand their own motivated reasoning.” ….
Climate Etc.
by Judith Curry
See update
I’m wondering how we can inoculate ourselves and broader public from the latest nonsense from John Cook: an online MOOC Making Sense of Climate Denial.
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Al Gore On The Money
Posted: April 28, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment
The RSS satellite crisscrosses the entire planet 24 hours a day, measuring the temperature of the lower troposphere. – The area where global warming is supposed to be measured.
RSS does not measure homogenised, Urban Heat Island surface temperatures measured by thermometers five feet from the asphalt. i.e. NASA’s GISS temp.
1976 : CIA Warned That Global Cooling Will Bring Drought, Starvation, Social Unrest And Political Upheaval
Posted: April 28, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentC.I.A. 1976 : Global cooling will cause “social unrest.”
Global Warmed America 2015 : #BaltimoreRiots
Real Science
MAJOR world climate changes were under way that would cause economic and political upheavals “almost beyond comprehension”, an internal report of the Central Intelligence Agency has warned the US Government.
“The new climatic era brings a promise of famine and starvation to many areas of the world”, the report warns.
Its basic premise is that the world’s climate is cooling and will revert to conditions prevalent between 1600 and 1850 — when the earth’s population was less than 1,000 million and its rural, pre-industrial era civilisations were largely capable of feeding themselves.
A return to cooler temperatures in today’s fragile, . interdependent global economic structure would mean that India, China and the Soviet Union’ — among other northern hemisphere nations — will be hard pressed to feed their populations.
The report notes that’ “the change of climate is cooling some significant agricultural areas and causing drought in others. If, for example, there, is a northern…
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Barack Obama – The Cyclone Expert
Posted: April 27, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
President Obama burned a few hundred thousand gallons of jet fuel last week, to warn Floridians they would be hit by more hurricanes, unless they had faith in his $29 billion/year junk science based religion.
The data shows the exact opposite of what the great prophet Obama claims. As CO2 has increased, the frequency of Florida hurricanes has dropped 60% since the 1870’s. They are currently experiencing their longest period on record without a hurricane strike.
HURDAT Re-analysis
Similarly, the frequency of US hurricane strikes has plummeted.
Major (category 3-5) hurricane strikes have also declined, and the US is experiencing the longest period on record without a major hurricane strike.
By supporting Obama’s mindless fact-free religion, climate scientists and newspapers disgrace both science and journalism.
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Eric Steig Gets 27 Million Pinocchios
Posted: April 27, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
[Update : comment from Eric Steig]
For the record, I never said anything of the sort. It’s best to avoid publishing quotes, unless you have first hand evidence that the quote is correctly attributed. I agree with you that such claims about there being “a 1-in-27 million chance” that Earth’s record hot streak is natural are stupid. I’d appreciate your correcting or deleting this blog post of yours, seeing as there is a 100% chance you are misquoting me!
There is less than a 1-in-27 million chance that Earth’s record hot streak is natural
Eric Steig, a professor at the University of Washington, told Mashable that satellite data’s main flaw is that it doesn’t tell us much about the changing climate where we live — that is, at the surface.
“We live on the surface, and the surface temperature…
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Climategate: Phil Jones Evidence
Posted: April 26, 2015 Filed under: Climategate | Tags: Climategate 3 Comments‘Scientist’ Phil Jones’ comment to the UK Parliamentary Enquiry into Climategate 2009 :
“I’ve obviously written some awful emails, and I fully admit that..” – Phil Jones (*Still* the Director of the UK’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU)
Prof Phil Jones gives startling evidence to the UK Parliamentary Inquiry into Climategate about his behavior and scientific standards brought to light by his leaked emails.
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Leonardo DiCaprio’s enhanced carbon footprint hypocrisy
Posted: April 26, 2015 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentGreen Jihad
It never ceases to amaze me when Hollywood liberals expect people to do as they tell them or when they endorse or campaign for certain issues but, when it comes down to it, don’t practice what they preach. The UK Daily Mailrecently reported that Hollywood movie star and environmentalist extraordinaire Leonardo DiCaprio has flown his personal jet six times between New York and Los Angeles totaling about $200,000 in private travel during April and May 2014.
The news cam about when hackers obtained information via the Sony corporate records leak resulting in the movie The Interview being released in which Wikileaks obtained the documents and made them public. As it turns out, somehow DiCaprio’s travel records are kept in Sony databases. Worst part about it, Sony was the one who picked up cost of the plane including catering and car service at DiCaprio’s departure and arrival destinations. This despite…
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