ANGELA MERKEL : The New Climate Change ‘Denier’

ANGELA MERKEL - The New Climate Change 'Denier'

ANGELA MERKEL : The New Climate Change ‘Denier’ | Climatism

We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms.
That’s the only reason to build them.
They don’t make sense without the tax credit.

–– Warren Buffett

Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work;
we need a fundamentally different approach.”

–– Top Google engineers

Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels
in the United States, China, India, or the world as a whole
is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.

– James Hansen
(The Godfather of AGW alarmism / former NASA climate chief)


Hat tip @Panther_809

AFTER hundreds of €Billions of taxpayer’s hard-earned-money spent on sunshine and breezes, Germany’s Energiewende program has been exposed as a catastrophic failure, with carbon dioxide emissions higher now than in 2009.

SKYROCKETING ‘green energy’ power prices have decimated Germany’s once proud industrial heartland and unleashed a globally-familiar pattern of rampant energy poverty throughout the nation.



THE solution to the monumental mess? Install actual cheap, reliable and clean energy – HELE coal-fired power …

New German Coal Plant Could Threaten Merkel’s Final Climate Push - Bloomberg

New German Coal Plant Could Threaten Merkel’s Final Climate Push – Bloomberg


AND, before the CO2-centrics lose their collective minds, understand that HELE, supercritical coal plants guarantee an automatic 30% reduction in CO2 emissions.

A far, far better result than Germany’s efforts under the 1/2 trillion Euro Energiewende debacle!

BUT wait, there’s more …




WHY not just install more windmills and mirrors to reduce power prices to alleviate energy poverty and resuscitate a German industry on life-support?

LOGICAL heads know the answer to that one.


UPDATE : Must Read

An excellent, thorough analysis of Germany’s all-renewable nightmare. Essential reading for anyone wanting other countries to follow down this drain …


Merkel’s Madness: €7,6 Trillion For Germany’s Climate Project – Iowa Climate Science Education



ENERGIEWENDE-fail Related :


STATE Of The Climate Report :

ORIGINS Of The ClimateChange™️ Scam :


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TRUMP’S America Records The Lowest CO2 Emissions In 70 Years!


AHH the delicious irony!

GLOBAL WARMING theory obsessed Germany (along with most of the gullible West) has spent upwards of ONE TRILLION €EUROS, of other people’s money, on unreliable energy – wind and solar – under the disastrous Energiewende program, only to undergo the biggest coal-fired power expansion in her history, because unreliables are unreliable…

MEANWHILE, “evil”, “planet killer”, “air polluting”, “climate denier”, “racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, misogynist, blah blah blah” Donald J Trump has just overseen the lowest emissions of “carbon pollution” (CO2) in 70 years!


CO2 emissions | Statistical Review of World Energy | Energy economics | BP


MORE of the hilarious irony via WUWT :

CO2 Emissions Lowest in Seven Decades In Trump’s America

“We suspect you won’t hear too much about this from the liberal mainstream media, or the environmental movement, or even Al Gore,” says “But, according to the  latest energy report from The Energy Information Administration (EIA), under President Trump, per-capita carbon dioxide emissions are now the lowest they’ve been in nearly seven decades.”


Even more interesting is the fact that US carbon emissions dropped while emissions from energy consumption for the rest of the world increased by 1.6%, after little or no growth for the three years from 2014 to 2016.

The U.S. emitted 15.6 metric tons of CO2 per person in 1950. After rising for decades, it’s declined in recent years to 15.8 metric tons per person in 2017, the lowest measured levels in 67 years.


CO2 Emissions Lowest in Seven Decades In Trump’s America | Watts Up With That?


DON’T expect the lamestream media to report on this staggering reality any time soon ever…

IMAGINE the red-faces if they, just for once, honestly reported that spending TRILLIONS of €EUROS, of other people’s money, on unreliable energy – wind and solar – was actually increasing emissions, where fracking for natural gas (a “dirty” fossil fuel) was dramatically lowering them! Read the rest of this entry »

CUT The Subsidies and ‘Green’ Jobs Instantly Vanish: 80,000 German Solar Workers Sacked

“We’re told “clean” energy is a viable and cost effective. But cut the government subsidies, and 97 percent of investors vanish…!”

UNRELIABLES, the great scam within the scam crumbling under the weight of its own BS.


(Do feel for the 80,000 now unemployed – sucked in by the lies and blatant falsehoods spread by climate change zealots – politicians, ‘green’ lobby groups and sycophant lamestream, fake news media)


‘Green’ job promises nothing more than hot air.

Remember all those stories about the wind & solar industries providing millions of groovy, well-paid ‘green’ jobs – as secure as Fort Knox? No?

Sure, you’ll hear those pitching RE promise loads of ‘sustainable’ jobs, as they wail about dreaded ‘uncertainty’ – causing bankers to baulk and investors to flee; and as they demand (with menaces) that governments maintain essential, massive and endless subsidies until the end of time.

But, this is the same crowd who tell us that the ‘transition’ to nature’s wonder fuels is ‘inevitable’ and that they’re not really getting any subsidies at all.

There are a few inescapable truths: cut subsidies to wind and solar power and the jobs those ‘industries’ have ‘created’ evaporate like snow in Summer. Funny about that!

Bloodbath in the German solar “industry” — without subsidies 80,000 solar jobs are gone
Jo Nova Blog

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GREEN ENERGY FAIL : €Trillions Spent On #Unreliables In Europe Yet Emissions Keep Rising!

EU CO2 Emissions JOSH - Report card GWPF

Europe’s Green Failure: CO2 Emissions Rising | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) (pic @Cartoonsbyjosh)


CLIMATE change bedwetters love to trash Donald Trump for pulling out of the failed Paris Climate Treaty designed to lower CO2 emissions that are apparently causing dangerous global warming climate change.

HE has been labeled a “planet killer” amongst a plethora of standard smear and slime attacks aimed at anyone who dares question the veracity and motives of the $1.5TRILLION Climate Industrial Complex.

Donald Trump seems happy to destroy the planet. Only China and India can save us now | The Independent

Donald Trump seems happy to destroy the planet. Only China and India can save us now | The Independent

Did Donald Trump Just Make the Planet Hotter? - The Atlantic

Did Donald Trump Just Make the Planet Hotter? – The Atlantic


WHERE Trump is 100% correct and the climate bedwetters 100% wrong is that US emissions have been falling, largely thanks to the shale gas boom.

US Carbon Dioxide Energy emissions

EIA: U.S. Carbon Emissions Fall Again in 2017, ‘Mainly’ Because of Natural Gas | EIA

THE graph climate alarmists and unreliable-energy rent seekers don’t want you to see:


WHY on earth would Trump sign up to an economy and job-destroying Paris ‘deal’, when the two biggest ‘polluters’ on the planet – China and India – get a free pass to burn unlimited emissions until 2030?!

AND, why would Trump sign up to the latest UN wealth redistribution scam when Europe, the epicentre of punitive climate change policy and green energy madness, fail to meet their own emissions ‘commitments’ despite spending trillions of €uros of other peoples’ money on failed ‘green’ energy?


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CO2 emissions from energy use for 2017 published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

Eurostat2018 - CO2 Emissions - Climatism

Source: Eurostat



URELIABLE-energy propagandists claim that wind, solar and other weather-dependent ‘energy’ sources will “Save The Planet” by lowering plant-food (CO2) emissions. But, the opposite is, in fact, occurring…


ONE inconvenient reason for the rise in emissions, that you won’t hear reported on MSM news, ever, is because…

“Adding More Wind And Solar Power Ultimately Raises CO2 Emissions, As More Fossil Fuel Backup Capacity Must Be Built”

Source : IF CO2’s Your Poison, Renewable Energy Is No Antidote | Climatism


CLIMATE bedwetters need to take a deep, hard look at themselves through the epicentre of green central planning and draconian climate change policy overreach – Europe – where despite spending literally trillions of €uros, of other peoples’ money, on unreliable-energy – wind and solar – emissions have been rising, not falling! Read the rest of this entry »

Regrets: Fritz Vahrenholt – German RE Pioneer Demands End to Chaotic Wind Power Push

“And when there is little wind, the expansion does not help, as electricity production then remains close to zero. It is like the foolish acts by the people of Schilda (Schildbürger) who tried to carry sacks of light into the windowless town hall.“

CIVILISED humans abandoned unreliables – windmills – centuries ago, for obvious reasons. They only work when the wind is not too heavy, not too light, but, just right. Even then, not at the exact time when you want your lights on.

TO repeat a technological failure in mankind’s history is either insanity or simply an opportunistic and greedy Climate Crisis Industry taking full advantage of “save the planet” virtue-signalling in a panic-driven ‘climate’ where literally trillions of dollars of taxpayers money is up for grabs in the form of massive government subsidies. Or both.

WHY wouldn’t one yell “GLOBAL WARMING” when such lucrative cash incentives, that avoid all scrutiny in the name of “saving the planet”, are literally blowing in the wind for the deceitful to corrupt?

END green central planning and the massive government subsidies for unreliables and see just how quickly the renewables sector comes crashing down to earth…


Fritz Vahrenholt: finally sits down to a banquet of consequences.

If the tech savvy Germans can’t make wind and solar power work, no one can.

The Germans love cobbling together endless, guttural syllables to create nouns longer than the Autobahn.

‘Energiewende’ roughly translates as ‘energy transition’, which Germans have taken to mean a new path with energy. Germans were told that instead of coal and nukes, they’d run on sunshine and breezes, as if by magic.

Except that it didn’t quite pan out that way.

Germany has policies in place that will squander close to €1 trillion in subsidies ladled out to wind and solar.

Years ago, its brains trust determined to shutter its safe and reliable fleet of nuclear power plants by 2022; hypocritically, Germany still imports plenty of nuclear generated electricity from France and will do for decades to come.

Coupled with its push kill off its nuclear…

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GREEN ENERGY FAIL : “We’ll Burn Coal Till The 2040s” – German Minister

Screen Shot 2018-03-07 at 4.19.20 am.png

German minister: we’ll burn coal till the 2040s

AFTER spending upwards of a trillion Euros of taxpayers money on the disastrous Energiewende program, all but destroying Germany’s industrial heartland and causing widespread energy poverty to consumers and businesses alike, ideologically green-agressive Germany is giving up on its mad rush into unreliable ‘energy’ – wind and solar – undergoing the biggest coal-fired power expansion in her history…

Read the rest of this entry »

Fool’s Paradise: Germany’s Renewable Policy an Economic & Environmental Disaster

“Energiewende – CO2 emissions are rising, not falling as promised and predicted.

If “saving” the planet is – as we are repeatedly told – all about reducing man-made emissions of an odourless, colourless, naturally occurring trace gas, essential for all life on earth – then German energy/environmental policy has manifestly failed. And what an expensive failure it is.”

NUFF said.


Merkel plays Head Jester: but Germans aren’t laughing.

Germany has long been held up as the poster child for wind and solar power, but the picture is now more tragedy, than triumph.

In Germany, around €130 billion has already been burnt on renewable subsidies; currently the green energy levy costs power consumers €56 million every day. And, the level of subsidy for wind and solar sees Germans paying €20 billion a year for power that gets sold on the power exchange for around €2 billion.

Squandering €18 billion a year on power – which Germans have in abundance from meaningful sources – has them asking the fair and reasonable question: just how much power are they getting for the €billions that they’ve thrown – and continue to throw at wind and solar? The answer – at a piddling 3.3% – is: NOT MUCH.

For Germans, that would all be miserable…

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ENTIRE German village demolished to make way for coal mining

DEAR German “Greens”, who played a major government and activist role in phasing out (CO2-free) nuclear energy, via Fukushima hysteria, and implementing the economic and environmental disastrous #Energiewende, I repeat to you again – “careful what you wish for”!


By Paul Homewood


A 19th century church in Germany was demolished this week to make way for coal mining.

St Lambertus Cathedral – a church known by locals as Immerather Dom – in Immerath, a tiny farming village northwest of Cologne, was razed to the ground on Tuesday.

The double-spired church, thought to have been built between 1880 and 1890, was torn down in the latest step in energy company RWE’s demolition of the entire village in a bid to expand its access to the region’s lignite supply.

St Lambertus Church (pictured) was torn down by RWE Power to make way for coal mines despite protests from Greenpeace

Perhaps instead of lecturing Donald Trump, our climate conscious MPs should be complaining to Mrs Merkel.

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GERMANY Becomes The New Poster Child For Climate Change Hypocrisy

““Do as I say, but don’t pay attention to what I actually do” is the trademark of climate change policy. The Trump administration took a different approach and told it like it is: Paris is a costly, meaningless non-solution.”


PA Pundits - International

By Nicolas Loris ~

Climate hypocrisy is nothing new.

Celebrities cruise around the world in their private jets, eating filet mignon while telling you to pack a salad and bike to work to reduce your carbon footprint.

So, color me not at all surprised that Germany, a vocal critic of the U.S.’ decision to exit the Paris climate accord, is preparing to abandon its 2020 climate targets.

Strong economic growth is a critical reason why Germany is very likely to miss its target.

A leaked document from Germany’s Environmental Ministry projected the country will miss its carbon emissions goal under the Paris climate accords by 8 percent without additional action. (Photo: iStock Photos)

Germany has an aggressive plan to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2020. Last November, a leaked document from the country’s Environmental Ministry projected the country would miss the…

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Germany’s ‘Green’ Dream Turns Nightmare: Merkel’s Plans for Wind Powered Future in Tatters

“Its skeptical stance on climate and green energy issues has sent shock-waves through Germany’s political establishment who fear they can no longer afford to appease the Greens without losing further support among their traditional voter base,” Peiser wrote.

“Without the development of new pragmatic policies and a forceful defence of a cheap energy strategy in face of a rapidly fading (and ageing) green movement, Germany is unlikely to free itself from the green shackles that are hindering technological and economic progress, never mind political stability,” Peiser added.

IT’S a vastly different world lived by the average taxpayer than that of the virtuous green climate elite, when the power bill is referred to as “second rent”.


Dashed hopes and bitter disappointment seem all that’s left of Germany’s, hell-for-leather rush to renewables. STT keeps focusing on Germany (and South Australia) for obvious reasons: if you present yourself as a renewable energy ‘superpower’, expect your critics to have a field day when you fail.

In Germany and South Australia their respective renewable energy failures come across like $2 cologne: stinky and impossible to ignore. Here’s another take on the disaster in Germany from the Daily Caller.

Germany’s Green Energy Dream Is In Danger Of Falling Apart
Daily Caller
Michael Bastasch
20 November 2017

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s attempt to form a new government failed on Monday, marking the first time in decades that majority political parties have been unable to form a governing coalition.

If no coalition forms, Germany may be forced to hold new elections. But one casualty of Germany’s ongoing political crisis could be the country’s…

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