Why Wind Power is the Greatest Economic & Environmental Fraud in History
Posted: October 31, 2017 Filed under: BIG Government, Climate Fraud, Climate Money, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Renewables, RET, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate Change Scam, Global Warming Scam, Government grants, Green Energy, Green Energy Failure, hepburn, nebraska, renewables, Rent seekers, Simon Holmes a Court, Subsidies, taxpayer wrought, unreliables, Warren Buffett, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, wind power Leave a comment“The collusion between wind energy and government disgusts me. If the Federal Production Tax Credit for wind energy didn’t exist, you would not see another industrial wind energy turbine built. As Warren Buffet said.
“Whether they keep making electricity or not, these gigantic steel and concrete structures will be there for generations, monuments to the greed of a few in a short-sighted land rush to hurry up and get them built and collect their profits off the backs of taxpayers before Uncle Sam wises up and shuts off this gravy train.”
OTHER comments from warmist notables on unreliables:
“We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” – Warren Buffett
“Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels in the United States, China, India, or the world as a whole is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.” – James Hansen (The Godfather of global warming alarmism and former NASA climate chief)
“Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.” – Top Google engineers
When called upon the think of certainties, gravity springs to mind (at least on earth). Although, for the wind industry it does tend to deliver harsh results – see above, yet another fatal collapse, this time in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Another certainty, is that once people tackle the facts, they turn against wind power with a vengeance. Tom Brewer is a Senator from Nebraska who has not just turned on the wind industry, he is determined to destroy it. Here he is doing just that, a couple of months ago.
Brewer at the Legislature: Wind energy is testament to greed
North Platte Bulletin
Sen. Tom Brewer
22 August 2017
I went to a meeting about Wind Energy in Mitchell, S.D. this week. There, I met representatives from more than a dozen South Dakota counties, a member of the South Dakota legislature, county commissioners and nearly that many people from Nebraska.
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America’s Top Green – Michael Shellenberger – Pushes Nuclear Future & Calls Wind & Solar ‘The Worst for the Enviroment’
Posted: October 31, 2017 Filed under: Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Energy, Obama, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, Fusion, Global Warming, Global Warming Scam, Green Energy, Green Energy Failure, green energy scam, Nuclear, Renewable energy, unreliables, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a commentShock news. And, how many f*ng lives and businesses have been destroyed by useless weather-dependent windmills and solar panels for the virtue-signalling climate morons to finally get it?
In the climate alarmists’ worldwide crusade against carbon dioxide gas, only the most delusional still believe that wind and solar power add anything to their arsenal.
Australia is the only G20 country with a legislated prohibition on nuclear power generation. However, the combination of the Federal government’s new National Energy Guarantee (NEG) and the associated Emissions Obligation puts nuclear power firmly on the table.
As we have said repeatedly, nuclear power is the only stand-alone power generation source which is capable of delivering power on demand, without CO2 emissions being generated in the process. From a power retailer’s perspective, nuclear power is a source which is obviously capable of satisfying both its NEG obligation and its Emissions Obligations, were such a choice available.
When Alan Finkel put together his unicorns and pixie dust review of Australia’s renewable energy debacle, he managed to dismiss nuclear power in two short paragraphs.
Now that…
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Inconvenient: oceans continue to cool
Posted: October 28, 2017 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentFEAR not! Kevin Trenberth’s “missing heat” blob will appear at any moment and prove that your SUV drives, not only on trails, but the oceans as well!
Watts Up With That?
From the way media and climate scientists portray the global air temperature this past year, you’d think there was only one place to go – up. For example, Gavin is holding on to hope:
Next year will be interesting.
However, oceans rule the temperature of the planet, and as this most recent SST shows, there’s a lot of cool water and a clear signature of La Niña shaping up off the coast of South America:
Source: http://www.ospo.noaa.gov/Products/ocean/sst/anomaly/
Ron Clutz of Science Matters writes:
September Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) are now available, and we see downward spikes in ocean temps everywhere, led by sharp decreases in the Tropics and SH, reversing the bump upward last month. The Tropical cooling in particular factors into…
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Warmth is no Worry but Cold Kills
Posted: October 28, 2017 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentWatts Up With That?
Guest opinion by Viv Forbes
It was ice, not global warming, that killed and entombed millions of mammoths and woolly rhinos in Siberia and Alaska.
It was unrelenting cold and then ice, not global warming, that forced the Vikings out of Greenland.
It was bitter winters, not heat waves, that finally defeated the armies of Napoleon and Hitler in Russia.
Russian Winter: “Napoleon’s Retreat from Moscow” Painting by Adolph Northen/Wiki Commons.
George Washington’s army also suffered from an unusually bitter winter at Valley Forge in 1778, in the depths of the Little Ice Age.
Snowy blizzards periodically kill more cattle than heatwaves in Colorado, South Dakota and Texas.
When the Tambora volcano exploded in 1816 it spewed massive volumes of ash and “greenhouse” gases including carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. There was no global warming from the greenhouse gases, but the heat-blocking ash-filled atmosphere and a quiet sun caused “the…
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GREEN Energy – Killing The Earth To Save It
Posted: October 26, 2017 Filed under: Al Gore, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmists, Climate Fraud, Climate Money, Climatism, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Energy, Hypocrisy, Renewables, Scientific Fraud, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Al Gore, Climate Change, Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung, Eco destruction, Eco Hypocrite, Energiewende, German Wild Animal Foundation, Germany, Green Energy, Green Energy Failure, green energy scam, Indonesia, merkel, Palm Oil, Sumatra, unreliables, Wind Farms, wind power 2 CommentsEARLIER today I posted a report, via WUWT, on Al Gore’s failed “save the planet” legacy – the deforestation of pristine Sumatran rainforest, linked to palm oil production, that is making Indonesia warmer by up to 10°C !
ADD to that the senseless destruction of ‘carbon-sequestering’ trees, with the enormous loss of pristine rainforest threatening endangered animal species like the majestic Sumatran elephant…
Video summary of the EGU press release, ‘Deforestation linked to palm oil production is making Indonesia warmer’.
ACROSS the other side of the world, in Germany, Armageddon-Al’s other “save the planet” eco-fantasy – industrial wind turbines – are causing just as devastating a blow to Europe’s once uncorrupted countryside…
WHILE watching this video produced by Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung (German Wild Animal Foundation), that is being shown in 50 cinemas across Germany today, ask yourself one simple question:
- IF “Greens” (Al Gore et al) love nature, why aren’t they more concerned about carpeting pristine landscapes with industrial wind turbines?
German text translation : “No wind power plants in forests! Support German Wildlife Foundation!”
Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung – YouTube – YouTube
H/t to Michael Miersch for the video link and translation! @MMiersch
Related :
- UNRELIABLE Energy – Wind and Solar – A Climate Of Communism | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
- WIND TURBINES Are Neither Clean Nor Green And They Provide Zero Global Energy | Climatism
- Al Gore Praises “Climate Leader” South Australia | Climatism
- Adding More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism
- THE $Trillion Windmill Industry Is The Greatest Scam Of Our Age | Climatism
- @AlGore Your ‘Save The Planet’ Legacy – Palm Oil – Is Making Indonesia Warmer! | Climatism
Eco-Blowback – Images of Industrial Wind-turbines :
Mutiny in the Land of Wind Turbines | Spiegel Online
@AlGore Your ‘Save The Planet’ Legacy – Palm Oil – Is Making Indonesia Warmer!
Posted: October 26, 2017 Filed under: Al Gore, Alarmism, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist Godfathers, Biofuels, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes | Tags: Al Gore, Alarmism, Climate Change, deforestation, Global Warming, Indonesia, Palm Oil Leave a commentTHE title of James Delingpole’s epic must read, sums it up perfectly…
“Killing the Earth to Save it: How Environmentalists are Ruining the Planet, destroying the economy and stealing your jobs.”
Watts Up With That?
WUWT readers may recall Al Gore’s failed Goldman Sachs palm oil fantasy and the subsequent train wreck. Now, it gets even worse. Deforestation to make palm oil plantations is causing the very thing Al Gore rails against – warming of the climate.
Deforestation linked to palm oil production is making Indonesia warmer by up to 10°C !
In the past decades, large areas of forest in Sumatra, Indonesia have been replaced by cash crops like oil palm and rubber plantations. New research, published in the European Geosciences Union journal Biogeosciences, shows that these changes in land use increase temperatures in the region. The added warming could affect plants and animals and make parts of the country more vulnerable to wildfires.
Palm oil is the most widely used vegetable oil in the world, appearing in the ingredients’ list of many consumer goods, from chocolate…
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Death of the polar bear as climate change icon validates Mitch Taylor’s skepticism
Posted: October 25, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Arctic, Climate Alarmism, Fact Check, Failed Climate Models, Polar Bears, Sceptics, Uncategorized | Tags: Alarmism Exposed, arctic, Climate Change Scam, failed climate models, Global Warming Scam, nature, Polar Bears, sceptics, science, Scientific Method, Sea Ice, Susan Crockford Leave a comment“It’s now clear that Mitch Taylor was right to be skeptical of sea ice models based on pessimistic climate change assumptions…”
EXCELLENT. Great post SC 🐻
You could call it karma — the death of the polar bear icon after the shameful hubris of polar bear experts back in 2009.
That year, the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group booted 20-year member Mitch Taylor out of their organization, explaining that his skeptical views on human-caused global warming were “extremely unhelpful” to their polar bear conservation agenda.
Said chairman Andrew Derocher in his email to Taylor: “Time will tell who is correct.”
It’s now clear that Mitch Taylor was right to be skeptical of sea ice models based on pessimistic climate change assumptions; he was also right to be more optimistic than his PBSG colleagues about the ability of polar bears to adapt to changing sea ice conditions (Taylor and Dowsley 2008), since the bears have turned out to be more resilient than even he expected.
Fat polar bears — not starving ones — dominate photos taken in…
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Lies and Manipulation: The Sorry State of Global Climate Alarmism
Posted: October 24, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism, Environmentalism, Extreme Weather, Fact Check, Failed Climate Models, Fake News, Global Temperature, Green Agenda, Politics, Pseudo-Science | Tags: Activist Media, Alarmism, Alarmism Exposed, Climate Change, climate models, Eco-Politics, Fake News, fear-mongering, Global Warming Scam, Global Warming Scare, India, Politics, Scare Mongering Leave a comment“It is impossible to save a planet that is not dying, and it is a disgrace to lead people into false fears concerning climate change.”
GREAT read from a non-climate-elitists (a normal persons) perspective…
Watts Up With That?
Guest opinion by Vijay Jayaraj
As a citizen of a third-world country, I bring a different perspective about climate change from that held by most people in wealthy countries. While they fret about possible tenth-of-a-degree changes in global average temperature, I think about how a billion of my fellow Indians and I will obtain the food, water, health care, and other things we need that our richer neighbors take for granted.
So we puzzle when we observe climate alarmists on a scaremongering crusade following the recent hurricanes in the Atlantic. They saw hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria as providing another opportunity to blame climate change. Indeed, they tend to hold human-driven climate change guilty for the occurrence of any natural disaster.
But this is common only in the mainstream media. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a leading authority on climate-change science and policy, admits in its assessment reports…
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