UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment
Posted: November 5, 2018 Filed under: Biofuels, Carbon Dioxide, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Environmentalism, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Fossil Fuels, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Biofuels, Celebrate CO2, Climate Change, Climate science, Climatism, COP24, Dominican Republic, Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Energy Security, Forests, Fossil Fuels, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Green Energy Failure, Haiti, nature, Paris Accord, PARIS Agreement, RET, Subsidies, unreliables 5 CommentsWITHOUT access to fossil fuels, every tree on the planet would have been cut down by now to provide for heating, cooking and industry.
THE greatest threat to the environment is not affluence, it is poverty.
BORDER between Haiti and Dominican Republic, a pristine example…
• ONE country embraces Fossil Fuels 🇩🇴
• THE other, signed up to the UN Paris Accord 🇭🇹
HAITI is almost 99% deforested, as they rely almost entirely on natural ‘biomass’ (wood) for domestic and industrial fuels and building materials.
ON the other side, the forests of the fossil fuel burning, eco-terrorists – the Dominican Republic – remain lush and green :
EMBRACE the UN’s draconian climate regulations by pursuing the mad rush into unreliables – wind and solar – and join Haiti in the race to energy poverty and environmental devastation.
FUEL-poverty stricken German’s are already robbing forests for wood to heat their homes in winter, unable to pay for radically priced ‘green’ energy :
“Adding More Wind And Solar Power Ultimately Raises CO2 Emissions, As More Fossil Fuel Backup Capacity Must Be Built”
GERMAN forest thievery began in 2013 when Energiewende was in its infancy.
THE Energiewende (German for energy transition) is “the planned transition by Germany to a low carbon, environmentally sound, reliable, and affordable energy supply” (wiki).
AFTER hundreds of €BILLIONS of taxpayer’s hard-earned money spent on sunshine and breezes, Germany’s Energiewende program has been exposed as a catastrophic failure, with carbon dioxide emissions higher now than in 2009, the year before massively subsidised ‘green’ energy was signed into German law!
GERMAN emissions last year were actually higher than in 2009, and have been on the rise again since 2014.
NUCLEAR power is still supplying 12% of Germany’s power. When this is finally phased out in a few years time, the country will be more reliant on fossil fuels than ever :
THE ‘green’ dream is on ice as a ‘coal frenzy’ grips Europe and unreliables lose their attraction:
With Greenpeace successfully forcing the shutdown of nuclear power, and keeping out fracking for gas, what’s left? A boom in coal. In fact, over the next two years Germany will build 10 new power plants for hard coal. Europe is in a coal frenzy, building power plants and opening up new mines, practically every month. It might sound odd that a boom in German coal is the result of Greenpeace’s political success. –Ezra Levant, Toronto Sun, 7 January 2014
RISING German Emissions – the numbers :
- ENERGIEWENDE FAIL: German CO2 Emissions Higher Now Than In 2009 | Climatism
- ADDING More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism
- IF CO2’s Your Poison, Renewable Energy Is No Antidote | Climatism
WHEN will the ideological push for symbolic, costly, unreliable, unwanted, economically and environmentally destructive ‘green energy’ end?
ALL that pain, for ZERO gain!
AUSTRALIA take note. Do not let recent history repeat.
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CHINA To Phase Out ‘Renewable’ Subsidies, Continue To Build Coal Plants
Posted: November 3, 2018 Filed under: Climatism, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Fossil Fuels, Government Grants/Funding, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Taxpayer waste, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: China, Climate Change, Climatism, coal, coal fired power, Energy, Energy Poverty, Energy Security, Fossil Fuels, Government Subsidies, Green Energy Failure, IER, NEG, RET, Solar PV, Subsidies, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” – Warren Buffett
“Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels in the United States, China, India, or the world as a whole is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.” – James Hansen (The Godfather of global warming alarmism and former NASA climate chief)
“Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.” – Top Google engineers
CHINA’S greenwashing exercise and heavily subsidised unreliables (wind/solar) experiment is coming to a grinding halt.
THE central planners in the red state know only too well that you cannot power a growing economy on sunshine and breezes.
THEY have made the wise decision to let wind and solar ‘stand alone’, turning the tap off massive government subsidies that keep the turbines spinning and the panels shiny.
MEANWHILE, they will continue building cheap, reliable, supercritical, clean coal-fried power plants to drive their growing economy, dragging even more millions out of poverty, into the middle class.
IER with the numbers :
China Is Expected to Phase Out Renewable Subsidies, Continue to Build Coal Plants
China’s energy regulator indicated the country will speed up efforts to ensure its wind and solar power can compete without subsidies and achieve “grid price parity” with traditional energy sources. China is encouraging renewable manufacturers and developers to drive down costs through technological innovations and economies of scale in order to phase out power generation subsidies, which have become an increasing burden on the state.
China owes about 120 billion yuan ($17.5 billion) in subsidies to solar plants despite cutting its subsidies to solar power and capping new capacity at 30 gigawatts this year—down from a 53 gigawatts in 2017—because the government is concerned about overcapacity and a growing subsidy backlog.
China’s National Energy Administration issued the draft guidelines on September 13, 2018, indicating that some regions with cost and market advantages had “basically achieved price parity” with clean coal-fired power and no longer required subsidies, and that other regions should learn from their experiences. The draft guidelines urged transmission grid companies to provide more support for subsidy-free projects and ensure they have the capacity to distribute all the power generated by wind and solar plants. Currently, China is soliciting feedback from the industry and has not given a date for implementation of the guidelines.
Coal Construction Continues
While China is putting the brakes on its renewables, it has restarted coal-fired projects that had been put on hold. Approximately 46.7 gigawatts of new and restarted coal-fired power construction has been spotted through satellite imagery. The coal-fired power plants are either already generating power or will soon be operational, increasing China’s coal-fired power capacity by 4 percent.
Coal consumption in China increased 3.1 percent in the first half of 2018 compared with the same period last year due primarily to coal-fired generation. Electricity consumption increased 9.4 percent during that period. A rebound in industrial demand for electricity and electric power shortages during the summer in some regions have made policy-makers more accepting of overcapacity from demand-responsive generation. Economic data for the first half of 2018 indicate that China’s power demand is rebounding.
Despite the change in coal-fired plant construction, overcapacity is still a problem in China. Utilization rates for coal-fired plants recovered slightly from a 50-year low in 2016, but have not even returned to 2015 levels. About half of the country’s coal-fired power plants were running at a loss in the first six months of this year due to high coal prices. Because of capacity cuts in its domestic mining sector, China’s coal imports increased, driving global prices for thermal coal that is used to generate electricity.
Thermal Generation Outpaces Renewable Generation
Despite China’s push to ensure all solar and wind production is distributed by the grid, China’s thermal electricity production (coal, natural gas, oil, and biomass) is increasing much faster than its renewable (wind and solar) electricity production. In the second quarter of 2018, wind and solar generation increased by 51 terawatt hours while thermal electricity production increased by 176.9 terawatt hours—about 3.5 times as much. Together wind and solar power represented just 21 percent of the increased power generation in the second quarter, while thermal power provided 72 percent.
China is still counting on coal to keep the lights on and keep its industrialization booming. While it has invested heavily in subsidizing its solar power industry, it realizes it cannot continue with the massive subsidies and has issued draft guidelines to phase them out. Despite having overcapacity and underutilized plants, it is continuing to construct coal-fired plants to ensure that power is available throughout the country and throughout the day.
China Is Expected to Phase Out Renewable Subsidies, Continue to Build Coal Plants – IER
THE global-warming-theory-obsessed mainstream media and unreliable-energy spruikers like Renew Economy routinely market China as the “leader in renewable energy”.
THIS is deceptive fake news and classic propaganda designed to keep unreliables afloat through endless taxpayer subsidies causing rampant energy poverty that is destroying western economies and, ironically, sending jobs, industries and ’emissions’ directly to China!
SEE also :
- ENERGIEWENDE FAIL: German CO2 Emissions Higher Now Than In 2009 | Climatism
- GREEN ENERGY FAIL : Record Australian Thermal Coal Exports | Climatism
- ADDING More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism
- GODFATHER Of Global Warming Alarmism James Hansen Admits Renewable Energy Is A “Nice Idea” Though Useless | Climatism
- Shocker: Top Google Engineers Say Renewable Energy ‘Simply won’t work’ | Climatism
PROOF : Climate ‘Scientists’ And The Media Openly Lie About Climate Change To Maintain Funding And Keep Global Warming Hysteria Alive
Posted: September 27, 2018 Filed under: Alarmist media, Antarctica, Climate science, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Fake News | Tags: Alarmism Exposed, Antarctica, BBC, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate science, Climatism, Empirical Evidence, Fake News, funding, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, Government grants, ideology, Mainstream media, Monopolistic Funding, sceptics, science, Subsidies 3 CommentsWarming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical
“The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart — Heads will roll!” – South African UN Scientist Dr. Will Alexander, April 12, 2009
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.
A unique and fundamental difference, IMO, between climate change sceptics or realists, and climate change alarmists is that sceptics must absorb alarmist ‘science’ and corresponding media releases in order to provide a broad understanding of both sides of the debate. Objectivity and oversight can then be carried out, where the mainstream media will not, by detecting errors, exaggerations and even outright lies that exist within the masses of human-induced climate change information disseminated by the CO2-centric legacy media.
THIS is not a scientific observation, though it is quite accurate when you assess the complete lack of knowledge by climate alarmists to the vast body of climate science contradicting global warming dogma. The story or finding that best fits the alarmists catastrophic narrative qualifies, everything else is outlawed.
THIS is problematic as it foments a culture of groupthink where objectivity is heresy, scepticism is “denial” and questions are forbidden. In this environment, scientific discovery and advancement is stifled, debate is (intentionally) shut down, truth and reason an unnecessary evil.
THANKFULLY there are a growing number of dedicated and unpaid sceptics or climate realists across many different forums and mediums who are questioning what is all-too-often demanded as fact or the accepted view of the (bogus) “97% consensus”.
TRUTH seekers working in their free time are doing what the post-modern mainstream media will not do any more – question dogma, authority and the preferred wisdom of the day using little more than empirical data, common sense and reason.
Paul Homewood of the excellent site Not A Lot Of People Know That is one of the many truth seekers successfully calling out the pseudoscience and misinformation that riddles the field of climate ‘science’.
THIS recent post is a classic example of a typical BBC environmental article prefaced wth “climate change” that is completely shredded by Homewood using nothing more than ’empirical data, common sense and reason’…
Hotter, Colder – It’s Still Your Fault!
By Paul Homewood
h/t Dave Ward
Emerging from the ice for a brief growing season every Antarctic summer, the lush green mosses of East Antarctica are finally succumbing to climate change.
That is according to a study of the small, ancient and hardy plants – carried out over more than a decade.
This revealed that vegetation in East Antarctica is changing rapidly in response to a drying climate.
The findings are published in the journal Nature Climate Change.
“Visiting Antarctica, you expect to see icy, white landscapes,” said lead scientist Prof Sharon Robinson from the University of Wollongong, in Australia. “But in some areas there are lush, green moss beds that emerge from under the snow for a growing period of maybe six weeks.”
While West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula are some of the fastest warming places of the planet, East Antarctica has not yet experienced much climate warming, so the scientists did not expect to see much change in the vegetation there.
“But we were really surprised when we saw how fast it was changing,” Prof Robinson said.
East Antarctica, the researchers say, has become colder, windier and drier due to the combined effects of climate change and ozone depletion.
Read all:
Climate change kills Antarctica’s ancient moss beds – BBC News
So, apparently, global warming now means the East Antarctic is getting colder!!
The research was undertaken near Casey Station, the Australian research centre. They have been recording temperatures since 1989, and there is no evidence of temperatures either going up or down:
‘GREEN’ ENERGY POVERTY: Volunteer Knitters In High Demand As Soaring Power Prices Leave People Cold
Posted: September 16, 2018 Filed under: Australia, Climatism, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Unreliables | Tags: auspol, Australia, Climate Change, Climatism, Elderly, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Grand Solar Minimum, Green Energy, Green Energy Failure, green energy scam, grid instability, LRET, Power prices, Renewable energy, RET, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, UN, unreliables, Volunteer Knitters, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, wind power 1 Comment“WE were the cheapest electricity market in the world, and now we’re one of the dearest. It’s insanity that this has occurred in a market that is so well-blessed in resources.”
― Alan John Moran (Australian columnist and Economist)
“WE have some of the highest power prices in the world. It would be like the Eskimos having some of the most expensive ice per kilo bag at the service station, ridiculous. Like the Saudis having the world’s most expensive petrol, ridiculous. And here we are in Australia…” – STOP THESE THINGS
AUSTRALIA’S once key economic advantage and proud boast of having the cheapest power prices in the world has been sacrificed at the altar of global warming climate change by its politicians’s obsession with global warming theory. An anti-coal agenda, coupled with a mad rush into large-scale UNreliable ‘energy’ sources – wind and solar – punctuating the dilemma.
POLITICAL and bipartisan appeasement to the UN-climate-gods, over its own citizens, has come at a major cost to Australian businesses and households now exposed to some of the highest power prices in the world – South Australia – officially the highest
MASSIVE subsidies afforded to unreliables via the $3BILLION per annum RET have driven cheap coal-fired power out of business and made electricity a luxury the very poor cannot afford in winter – and all this sacrifice will make zero difference to the climate.
AUSTRALIA’S Chief Scientist, and warming enthusiast, Alan Finkel admitted in 2017
Even if Australia ended all emissions from cars, power stations, factories and cows, the difference to the climate would be “virtually nothing”.
But, damage to the economy would be devastating.
AUSTRALIAN ENERGY SUBSIDIES 2015/16 – LRET (Large Scale Renewable Energy Target)
BAEeconomics : MCA-renewables-subsidies-8Jan2017-2
Fossil Fuel Subsidies:
- $63 Million (2% of subsidy share)
- FF’s supply ~80% of Australia’s electricity requirements.
Unreliables Subsidies (Wind and Solar):
- $2.9 BILLION (98% of subsidy share)
- Unreliables supply max ~10% of Australia’s electricity requirements, depending on weather conditions.
BAEeconomics : MCA-renewables-subsidies-8Jan2017-2
SEE now what their panic-making has inspired – symbolic global warming schemes that have hurt us infinitely more than any slight, and most probably beneficial, global warming ever could…
Volunteer knitters in high demand as soaring power prices leave people cold
A national army of knitters is in desperate need of more volunteers to help them meet the growing demand for winter woollies.
Knit One Give One (KOGO) founder Ros Rogers said the organisation has already donated more than 55,000 items this year.
“The need has gone up, definitely,” she said.
“This year we’re having trouble keeping up with the demand for two reasons; we’re becoming better known so people are asking for us, but the other thing is that there’s just more demand.
“We’re not even talking necessarily about the homeless, or people sleeping rough — we’re talking about families who can’t afford to run their heating.”
Knitters benefit as much as recipients
The group, which started in 2004, has more than 5,000 knitters on their database, but some of those are knitting groups — meaning the number of individual knitters is estimated to be much higher.
Ms Rogers said they get feedback from volunteers and recipients who both benefit from the process.
“That’s one of the things that I love about KOGO, it gives a lot of people a way to give back to the community, people who wouldn’t otherwise, so the knitters get as much out of it,” she said.
“Occasionally we’ve had a letter from a homeless person.
“We got one email from a homeless lady which was very heart-wrenching, telling us how difficult her situation was and how a blanket from us was so heartwarming, not just the actual physical warmth, but the emotional warmth.”
“Even if people have got heating, they can’t afford to run it, so they need the warm clothes or the blankets.”
Volunteer knitters in high demand as soaring power prices leave people cold – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
AS unreliable-energy-obsessed Australian State governments cheer as they blow up their last remaining coal-fired power stations, the rest of the sane/smart World secures its real-energy future with a massive ramping up of cheap, efficient baseload coal-fired power technology…
THIS is the grim reality of what life looks like under the totalitarian rule of the feel-good ‘Greens’. The “zero-emissions” zealots who want to force us backwards down the energy ladder to the days of back-breaking human, animal and solar power.
JUST as socialist central planning failed miserably before it was replaced by free market economies, green central planning will have to be discarded before Australia will see a return to energy security and competitive pricing.
H/t @MRobertsQLD
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UNRELIABLE Energy’s Dirty Dozen: 12 Reasons Why Chaotically Intermittent & Heavily Subsidised Wind & Solar Power Make No Sense
Posted: August 28, 2018 Filed under: Fact Check, Government Grants/Funding, Green Energy, Pal-Review, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: carbon dioxide emissions, climate, Climate Change, Climatism, CO2 Sensitivity, Fact Check, Global Warming, Government grants, NEG, Paris Accord, Peer Review, RET, Subsidies, weather dependant, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power, Wind Turbine Syndrome Leave a commentBRILLIANT ‘peer-reviewed’ list of 12 unequivocal reasons why weather-dependent wind and solar ‘power’ is guaranteed to wreck your economy and your livelihood…
ALWAYS like to highlight point 4 in debate with proponents of unreliables…
4. Renewable Energy Becomes More Costly The More It Is Deployed … Renewable Energy Expansion Ensures More Fossil Fuel Installation Is Necessary As Backup
IN other words, the more windmills or solar panels, the more *emissions!
(*If harmless CO2 emissions have been brainwashed into you as being the enemy within, that is.)
It takes a special brand of delusion to believe that the world can run on sunshine and breezes. For wind and sun worshippers, disastrous examples like South Australia – where mass blackouts and load shedding have become the new normal – require not just practiced delusion but a form of self-flagellating stoicism, as well. Oh, almost forgot to mention, that RE superpower suffers the world’s highest power prices. And it reached that infamous status after it blew up its last coal-fired power plant.
The wind industry has had more than 30 years to get its act together. It was built on subsidies and wouldn’t last a minute without them. But, still, there are plenty happy to roll out the excuses and plead for more of the same.
When STT kicked off in December 2012, it was hard to find anyone with a harsh word to say about wind power. However…
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WORLD’S Most Expensive Joke: $2 Trillion Squandered on Wind & Solar (So Far)…
Posted: August 4, 2018 Filed under: Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Taxpayer waste, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, Climate Change Hoax, Climate Change Scam, Climatism, Global Warming, Global Warming Hoax, Global Warming Scam, Government grants, Green Energy Failure, Renewable energy, Rent seekers, solar, Solar PV, Subsidies, Taxpayer Funded, Taxpayer waste, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“The data is further evidence that dilute and unreliable sources of energy like solar and wind cannot replace coal and other fossil fuels and will not lead to significant reductions in carbon emissions.”
AND, as a result of the reckless and ruinous “Save The Planet” pursuit of weather-dependent, intermittent, costly, symbolic, novelty sources of non-energy – wind and solar…
“Coal grew one percent in 2017 — its first growth since 2013…”
The point, if there was one, of throwing hundreds of $billions in subsidies at wind and solar was to slash emissions of carbon dioxide gas. Taxpayers and power consumers who are on the receiving end of the bill for all this environmental piety would, after almost 20 years, be entitled to ask just how much bang they’re getting for their buck?
The short answer is: not much.
STT leaves the battle over carbon dioxide gas to others.
Our view is pretty simple: if a naturally occurring beneficial trace gas, essential for all life on earth, really is killing the planet, then there is only one available solution. And that’s nuclear power.
In 2018, if a climate alarmist is still waging war on CO2 (although he’ll call it ‘carbon’) and not talking about nuclear power, you know you’re dealing with a deluded crank.
One character who’s still pretty fired up…
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RENT SEEKER’S NIRVANA : Ultra-Rich Pocket $Billions in Wind & Solar Subsidies at Our Expense
Posted: July 29, 2018 Filed under: Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate science, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Government grants, Green Energy Failure, green energy scam, NEG, Renewable energy, Rent seekers, RET, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, unreliables, wealth redistribution, wealth transfer, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power, Wind Turbine Syndrome Leave a comment“AT present, the combined subsidies to wind and solar exceed $4 billion a year, and the number of permanent jobs generated is completely trivial; the instant the subsidies go, so do the jobs briefly ‘created’: Cut the Subsidies and ‘Green’ Jobs Instantly Vanish: 80,000 German Solar Workers Sacked.
“The reason that we’re still talking about this nonsense is all political.
And the reason that it’s political is because there’s money in it. Serious money.
Being able to sell a product with no inherent value, takes audacity; but it can be done.
Here’s how: …”
The hundreds of $billions paid in subsidies to intermittent wind and solar constitute the largest wealth transfer in economic history.
In Australia, the Federal Government’s Large-Scale RET gouges $60 billion from power consumers over the life of the scam, and redirects it to such worthy outfits as AGL and our favourite whipping boys, Infigen. In the history of the Commonwealth, no other single industry subsidy scheme comes anywhere near it in value.
When motor manufacturers, General Motors Holden and Toyota put their hands out for a measly $500 million to maintain their Australian operations, then PM, Tony Abbott told them would “not chase them down the road waving a blank cheque at them“.
A mere half $billion would have saved something like 20 or 30,000 jobs across the sector.
At present, the combined subsidies to wind and solar exceed $4 billion a year, and the number of…
View original post 1,948 more words
SUBSIDISED Wind & Solar Driving Australian Power Prices Through the Roof
Posted: July 26, 2018 Filed under: Australia, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate Change, Craig Kelly MP, Energy Poverty, Fossil Fuels, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Government grants, Government Subsidies, Green Energy Failure, NEG, Nuclear, Renewable energy, RET, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, unreliables, wind, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“And with an environment like that, we have some of the highest power prices in the world. It would be like the Eskimos having some of the most expensive ice per kilo bag at the service station, ridiculous. Like the Saudis having the world’s most expensive petrol, ridiculous. And here we are in Australia. Well, you know the story…”
Power prices matter: and they matter most to society’s poorest and most vulnerable.
In less than a dozen years, Australia went from enjoying the cheapest power in the world, to suffering the world’s most expensive.
In the last three years power prices have risen at double-digit rates: 20 to 24% last year and 13 to 20% the previous year in those states chasing renewable energy Nirvana: Subsidised Wind & Solar Driving Out-of-Control Power Prices: Business Hit With 24% Hike
It’s not just the $4 billion a year in subsidies and grants to wind and solar that are sending power prices through the roof – the subsidies in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates are added directly to retail power bills: Ticket to Oblivion: Australia’s $60bn Wind & Solar Subsidy Gravy Train Rolls Until 2031
The chaotic and intermittent delivery of wind and solar wreaks havoc to the orderly marketing of…
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CUT The Subsidies and ‘Green’ Jobs Instantly Vanish: 80,000 German Solar Workers Sacked
Posted: May 17, 2018 Filed under: Energiewende, Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Propaganda, Renewables, RET, Solar, Taxpayer waste, Unreliables | Tags: Climate Change, Climate Change Hoax, Climate Change Scam, Energiewende, Germany, global cooling, Global Warming Hoax, Government Funding, Government grants, Green Energy, Green Energy Failure, green energy scam, renewables, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, unreliables Leave a comment“We’re told “clean” energy is a viable and cost effective. But cut the government subsidies, and 97 percent of investors vanish…!”
UNRELIABLES, the great scam within the scam crumbling under the weight of its own BS.
(Do feel for the 80,000 now unemployed – sucked in by the lies and blatant falsehoods spread by climate change zealots – politicians, ‘green’ lobby groups and sycophant lamestream, fake news media)
‘Green’ job promises nothing more than hot air.
Remember all those stories about the wind & solar industries providing millions of groovy, well-paid ‘green’ jobs – as secure as Fort Knox? No?
Sure, you’ll hear those pitching RE promise loads of ‘sustainable’ jobs, as they wail about dreaded ‘uncertainty’ – causing bankers to baulk and investors to flee; and as they demand (with menaces) that governments maintain essential, massive and endless subsidies until the end of time.
But, this is the same crowd who tell us that the ‘transition’ to nature’s wonder fuels is ‘inevitable’ and that they’re not really getting any subsidies at all.
There are a few inescapable truths: cut subsidies to wind and solar power and the jobs those ‘industries’ have ‘created’ evaporate like snow in Summer. Funny about that!
Bloodbath in the German solar “industry” — without subsidies 80,000 solar jobs are gone
Jo Nova Blog
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ECONOMIC Fantasy: Battery ‘Solution’ to Intermittent Wind & Solar Would Cost $Trillions
Posted: April 24, 2018 Filed under: Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Battery Storage, Climate science, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, solar, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, Taxpayer Billions, Taxpayer Funded, taxpayer trillions, Taxpayer waste, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a comment“Those fantasists claiming that we’re heartbeat away from running entirely on sunshine and breezes, need to keep up the line about giant batteries being the simple solution to a glaring problem. Except, that they will never put a number on what their purportedly quick and simple fix might cost. And that’s because the number is in the many $trillions, as detailed by Francis Menton below.”
AND on the third day BILLIONS became TRILLIONS! Taxpayers hard-earned money sacrificed at the alter of “climate change” all to try to create some kind of perfect climate nirvana.
It took the proletariat a nanosecond to work out that wind power can, and will never, work as a meaningful power generation source.
Graphs like the one above – depicting the entire output of every wind turbine connected to Australia’s Eastern Grid (spread across four states, NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia) – quickly gave the game away.
Challenged with the inherent unreliability and obvious intermittency of wind power, those pushing it have been reduced to chanting mantras about mega-batteries saving the day.
The way they tell it, it’s as if they simply left grid-scale battery storage off their shopping lists – like some muddle-headed shopper returning home without milk and bread – and all they needed to do was pop back to the shops to collect some.
A bargain struck by economic vandals: $150,000,000 for 4 minute’s power.
The world’s largest battery cuts a lonely figure in a paddock…
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