CLIMATE CRISIS UNEARTHED : Adelaide’s Temperature Rose Above 38°C Fourteen Times In January (1908)

Calling It a Crisis and Covering It Like One - Public Citizen

Calling It a Crisis and Covering It Like One – Public Citizen

“PEOPLE have been imagining that the climate is changing,
exaggerating every weather event, getting widespread press coverage,
and blaming it on man – for as long as there have been newspapers.”
– Tony Heller
Climate Change Insanity Never Changes

“IT is fortunate for the community’s peace of mind
that the Commonwealth Meteorological Office [BoM] exists as a
corrective to scare mongering and shameless prophecy.”
Mr. E. Bromley : Commonwealth Meteorological Office (BoM) 1923


DEEP within human nature there are certain types of people who yearn for catastrophe. They yearn to have significance in their lives believing that theirs is the time when the chickens are coming home to roost and everything is going to go tits up.

THE biggest selling environmental books in history, predict the mass destruction of the planet. Rachel Carson’s 1962 international bestseller “Silent Spring” predicted mass cancer from plant pesticides and DDT. Population freak, Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 book “The Population Bomb”, argued on Malthusian lines that population explosion would mean mass starvation around the world. People buy this stuff. They lap it up and books like this sell in droves, in a way that more reasonable books that say “hang on, lets look at the facts”, don’t.

MORE than half a century on, we still ‘yearn for catastrophe’. The perpetrator, still, ‘evil’ mankind.

The Earth has cancer
and the cancer is Man
– Club of Rome
(Eco consultants to the U.N.)

THIS time around; “Climate Catastrophe, “Climate Armageddon”, “Climate Crisis”, “Climate Emergency” and every other hyperbolic descriptor of climate and weather are all blamed on mankind’s excesses, chiefly its production of trace gas carbon dioxide – the byproduct of around ninety per cent of all global energy production.



ATMOSPHERIC Physicist, former MIT Professor of Meteorology and IPCC lead author Richard S. Lindzen, examines the politics and ideology behind the CO2-centricity that fuels the ClimateChange™️ agenda.

LINDZEN’s enlightening summary goes to the very heart of why Carbon Dioxide has become the centre-piece of the ‘global’ climate debate :

“For a lot of people including the bureaucracy in Government and the environmental movement, the issue is power. It’s hard to imagine a better leverage point than carbon dioxide to assume control over a society. It’s essential to the production of energy, it’s essential to breathing. If you demonise it and gain control over it, you so-to-speak, control everything. That’s attractive to people. It’s been openly stated for over forty years that one should try to use this issue for a variety of purposes, ranging from North/South redistribution, to energy independence, to God knows what…”





WITH a clearer understanding of why colourless, odourless, trace gas and plant-food carbon dioxide is demonised as “carbon pollution” by the zero-emissions-zealots, let’s wind back the clock to gain some historical perspective into the relentless bombardment of “Hottest Evahh” and “unprecedented” hyperbole that dominates the lexicon of the lazy mainstream media, deliberately fanning the flames of  ClimateChange™️ hysteria.

OVER the weekend, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney endured two days of January summer weather, prompting the usual suspects to default into extreme rhetoric mode.

Heatwave - Humidity so bad in Melbourne it will feel more like Darwin |

Heatwave – Humidity so bad in Melbourne it will feel more like Darwin |

NOTE to author : Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology defines a “heatwave” as “unusually hot conditions over a period of four days.”

THE “heatwave” that South-Eastern Australia just endured, lasted two days. A cool change arrived in Adelaide yesterday and Melbourne last night, ending the “Darwin” like climate…where humidity in Melbourne maxed at a mere 45% on Friday. Darwin’s relative humidity for January averages 71%. Wrong, wrong and deceptive again, the mainstream media.



IN 1908, when CO₂ was at “safe” levels, Adelaide experienced fourteen days of temperatures over 38°C (101.9°F minimum) in the month of January. The average temperature over these fourteen days was 142°C (107.3°F).

WHAT is even more astonishing is that the extreme month of heat was split into two mega-heatwaves lasting six days for the first and seven days for the second.

A cool change separated the two, though this would have brought little comfort to the population who endured the extended heatwaves without the luxury of AC!

THERE was little respite in February with another four-day heatwave delivering temps again over 100°F.





WITH current global CO₂ levels pushing an “unprecedented” (blah, blah…) 411 ppm it would track that heatwaves should be longer and hotter during the hottest month of the Australian year – January – and temps significantly higher. That is if CO₂ is doing its job properly.

UNFORTUNATELY for ClimateChange™️ “doomers” Adelaide max temps have been well below average for January with only three days above 38°C (101.9°F) and no consecutive days of ‘heatwave’.

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Monthly Weather | AccuWeather

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Monthly Weather | AccuWeather

Screen Shot 2020-02-01 at 11.06.02 am

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Monthly Weather | AccuWeather

MELBOURNE has been about average for January. With only two days above 38°C (101.9°F)



A recent tweet that compared January 2020 Adelaide max temps to those in January 1908, prompted this post.

ONE angry troll responder noted, “Wow so you presented two data points & drew a conclusion! Very scientific- did u get a science degree from a cornflakes packet???”.

SHE is right, two data points don’t necessarily ‘draw a conclusion’.

HOWEVER, just imagine if any capital city in the world, today, had two consecutive heatwaves in one month – with one lasting six days and the other, seven days with temps averaging  42°C (107.3°F) ?

THE mainstream media would have apoplexy, and @alison_rixon along with her Extinction Rebellion mates and GretaThunberg™️ in tow would be glueing themselves to the nearest sidewalk, demanding big employers be shut down, whilst pleading for global communism in order to stop the “CLIMATE CRISIS!”.



“The study of History
is the beginning of wisdom.”

— Jean Bodin

AN area of great success for climate change realists, in the process of hitting back against dangerous and costly ClimateChange™️ alarmism and mainstream media eco-hysteria has been in the area of historical referencing. Comparing past climate and weather events to present ones.

CLIMATE sceptics are denounced as “deniers” for daring to use the past to nullify hysterical claims of the present or even the modelled future. ‘How dare’ anyone refute claims by ‘leading scientists’ that current conditions are “unprecedented”!

THE master of historical referencing has ‘historically’ been @Tony Heller aka Steve Goddard over at Real Climate Science. I urge you to checkout his excellent and powerful work. You will even get a good laugh, too! A very clever scientist, environmentalist and humanitarian.

YE shall know the truth and the truth shall make you [and your power bills] free.  


SEE also :


STATE Of The Climate Report :


ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps, heaps!

Click link for more info…

Many thanks, Jamie.

(NB// The PayPal account linked to “Climatism” is “Five-O-Vintage”)Donate with PayPal



GREEN ‘ENERGY’ FAIL : Victorian’s Sweat Through A Great Green Hoax

green energy fail - vic blackouts - climatism

UNreliables – F A I L

“Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.” – Top Google engineers

“We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” – Warren Buffett

“Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels in the United States, China, India, or the world as a whole is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.” – James Hansen (The Godfather of global warming alarmism and former NASA climate chief)


VICTORIA and South Australia, the two southern Australian states who have taken the most ambitious reckless and ruinous position on UNreliables – wind and solar – were put to the test yesterday as temperatures soared into the 40’s. The result was a perfect failure on the two basic metrics of ‘1st-world’ energy supply – cost and reliability.

VICTORIAN wholesale prices surged to $14,500 per megawatt hour, where prices used to average less than $40 per megawatt hour…


SOME 200,000 Victorian’s didn’t have the ‘pleasure’ of paying $14,500 / MWh, instead they were supplied blackouts, brownouts and load-shedding as the chronic undersupply of ‘real’ power – fossil fuels – was realised…

“More than 200,000 Victorian households had their power cut off yesterday in a bid to protect the state’s energy system from shutting down, as the Andrews government was forced to admit there was not enough power to keep up with soaring demand in sweltering summer heat.”

200,000 homes go dark as heat rises, electricity cut off | The Australian


AFTER tens of $BILLIONS spent on symbolic ‘green energy’ – wind only managed to supply a pathetic 4.2% and solar (on a hot, sunny day) 11.4% of demand at 1:30PM as temperatures peaked at 42.8C…

melbourne power outages- homes still without power after grid fails in record heat | herald sun

Melbourne power outages: Homes still without power after grid fails in record heat | Herald Sun


ANDREWS government was forced to admit there was not enough power to keep up with soaring demand…

1500 MW of vital coal-fired baseload power unable to be called upon when needed most after the energy-vandals of the current Labor (socialist) government forced the shut-down of the Hazlewood coal-fired power plant in 2017.

SEE : Victorian power bills soar after Hazelwood coal plant closure | SMH


“DIRTY” Fossil Fuels (Diesel And Gas) To The Rescue, Again!

ONE of the twisted ironies of the insane ‘green’ energy revolution is that it’s always “dirty” fossil fuels that come to the rescue of weather-dependent UNreliables.

MORE wind and solar doesn’t fix the fatal dependency on intermittent sunshine and breezes, rather the exact thing that they are designed to replace does – “dirty” coal and gas!

“South Australia’s controversial diesel generators – introduced by former Premier Jay Weatherill as a response to the state’s 2016 blackout – were also called on for the first time. Power was initially sent to supply-short Victoria, as the grid struggled to cope following the loss of over 1500 megawatts of baseload coal and gas generation from some of the nation’s largest suppliers this week.”

AEMO taps emergency energy powers after a unit at AGL’s Liddell coal-fired power plant fails | The Australian

SEE : DIESEL – Keeping South Australia’s Lights On Til The Next Election! | Climatism


UNRELIABLES advocates bang-on on about “wind and solar now cheaper than fossil fuels”. This may be true when they are generating at full capacity, when the wind is blowing just right and the sun is shining. But, as the old sailors say “the wind is free, but everything else costs money.”

“EVERYTHING else” being the energy duplication and 24/7/365 backup costs associated with hydrocarbon energy – coal and gas. Dispatchable energy that is either supplying baseload or idling while wind and sun conditions are favourable for supply. And of course the massive cost to the consumer of green energy subsidies that are necessary to keep wind and solar competitive.



Mother Nature stepped in where the UNreliables-obsessed Labor government’s failed ‘green’ energy could not…

“A cool change that swept across Melbourne about 2pm dropped the temperature 12C in 30 minutes, easing demand for power and bringing an end to load-shedding outages in the ensuing hour.”

200,000 homes go dark as heat rises, electricity cut off | The Australian


ANDREW BOLT on yesterdays green ‘energy’ fiasco – a taste of things to come as global warming theory-obsessed Australian governments pander the U.N. climate gods and install more economy, grid and job destroying UNreliables…



Lily D’Ambrosio, Victoria’s warmist Minister for Energy, in 2017 claimed Labor was helping to “deliver affordable, sustainable and renewable energy”.

All three promises were broken yesterday.

Affordable? Victoria actually had wholesale power prices hit $14,500 per megawatt hour – when prices used to average less than $40.

Sustainable? Wind power generators on Thursday delivered a feeble 3.8 per cent of the state’s power, thanks to fickle winds. They could not deliver when needed most.

Reliable? Victoria – which helped drive the giant Hazelwood coal-fired generator out of business – ran short of electricity in the heat wave, and suffered blackouts that hit 200,000 homes and premises, even after it ordered big power users like the Portland smelter to shut down.

Why does Victoria, sitting on hundreds of years of supply of coal and big gas reserves, have an electricity system that can no longer deliver enough electricity?

Why? Because it bought the great global warming scare, and spent billions on unreliable green power instead of on a steady generator that would pump out all the power we need – and when we need it. It made coal-fired generators unprofitable, and told vast untruths about the great future of green power.

And for what? For pure symbolism. No cuts Australia makes to emissions will affect global warming, which has turned out to be nothing like the catastrophe that was predicted.

Global warming politicians are causing far more damage than global warming is every likely to. Yet who dares call them out?



“For forty years Australia had cheaper and more reliable energy than this, and it was powered by what four letter word?” –JoanneNova

BUT, here is the ultimate craziness – all the money, all the wrecking of views, all the lost jobs through higher electricity prices and all the blackouts – all the pain for nothing. The apparent effect on global temperatures so incredibly small, nobody would notice.

INSANITY on stilts.

H/t @LaborFAIL


SEE also: 

U.N. Energy Poverty / Climate Hoax related :



STATE Of The Climate Reports :

IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :



ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Thanks to all those who have donated and continue on a monthly cycle! Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps!

Click link for more info…

Thank You! Jamie.

Donate with PayPal


SUMMER Causes Climate Change Hysteria

Climate Change Panic CLIMATISM

AFTER a brutally cold 2017/18 winter that witnessed record cold and snowfall across most of the Northern Hemisphere and snow again reaching all 50 states of the US, climate ambulance chasers have been eager to jump on recent heatwaves that have hit parts of the US and Europe…

Deadly heat waves to become more common - CNN

Deadly heat waves to become more common – CNN


ROY Spencer, PhD meteorologist with 40 years experience cools down the predicted hysteria with a healthy dose of stubborn facts and historical records that show nothing unusual about the latest ‘summer’ heatwaves…


Summer Causes Climate Change Hysteria

Read the rest of this entry »

SYDNEY Autumn Heatwaves Are Not Uncommon

heat wave ahead.jpg

WITH the mercury topping 38C in Sydney over the weekend (hottest in 78 years), the usual climate ambulance chasers will be sharpening the lead and filling ink wells to inscribe “climate change” “global warming” on their “extreme weather” report cards, feeling morally-bound to fashionably link mankind’s activities to the follies of nature.

HOWEVER, heatwaves and fires in Sydney during autumn months are not uncommon, even when CO2 was at ‘safe’ levels…

(2018 atmospheric CO2 levels are currently at ~400 ppm)


24 March 1899

1899 CO2 = 295 ppm

Screen Shot 2018-03-19 at 7.42.20 am.png


A heat wave reaced Sydney to-day, causing the thermometers to register 90.4deg. in the shade. This heat, though much less than was recently recorded in the southern capitals, was far more enervating, owing to the huge percentage of moisture in the atmosphere. Mr. Russell says that only a dozen times in the history of the colony has a higher March temperature been recorded in Sydney, and if the lateness of the month is taken into account, to-day’s heat will go very close to constituting a record. In the evening a cool change set in from the south.
24 Mar 1899 – HEAT WAVE IN SYDNEY. – Trove

Read the rest of this entry »

DIESEL – Keeping South Australia’s Lights On Til The Next Election!

SA Green Energy.jpeg

South Australia’s green utopia – burning 80,000 litres of diesel every hour, everyday to cover up its renewables debacle!


WHAT do you do when you submit to the deep-green climate faith, blow up all your baseload coal-fired power stations, disconnect from the National grid and become reliant on intermittent, weather-dependent, unreliable green energy – wind and solar?

YOU buy $360 million worth of diesel generators and hope that burning 80,000 litres of petrochemicals every hour, everyday will prevent summer blackouts ahead of your next state election.

THOSE blackouts, which occur when the total demand for electricity exceeds supply, occurred three times last summer.


Blackout Blues: Wind Power Obsession Makes South Australia an International Joke | Climatism

BUT, aren’t petrochemicals, like diesel, the same “dirty” fossil fuels that climate catastrophists scarify us for indulging in, claiming that their use will fry the planet? #LeaveItInTheGround, #BigOilShill, #DivestFossilFuels – a few of the propagandised euphemisms bandied around by eco-activists.

SO, that question again – what’s the point of the billion dollar, taxpayer funded, unreliable energy (wind and solar) experiment?

FOR the Jay Weatherill’s of the planet, one could only assume that it’s a moral blend of “Save the Planet” virtue, mixed with “Save the Planet” virtue. It certainly has nothing to do with sense or reason, or being “green”…

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Weatherill’s 80,000 litres of diesel an hour solution to SA energy crisis | The Australian

Generators the Weatherill government is buying to prevent blackouts this summer ahead of the March state election will use 80,000 litres of diesel an hour.

The fleet of generators, currently being shipped from Europe to South Australia, have been used for temporary generation around the world. But those behind the South Australian energy security project, costing taxpayers more than $300 million, yesterday could not say if the generators had ever been used as part of a permanent solution.

In a major revision to his $550m go-it-alone energy plan, Premier Jay Weatherill last week announced nine “state-of-the-art” gen­erators providing up to 276 megawatts would be purchased to provide back-up power for the next two summers.

Weatherill’s 80,000 litres of diesel an hour solution to SA energy crisis | The Australian



AS part of the government’s $550 million go-it-alone energy plan, the Premier, along with Tesla’s subsidy-sucking vampire Elon Musk, announced in July that Tesla would build a $200 million 100MW giant battery pack to store energy for when the wind don’t blow or when the sun don’t shine…

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Elon Musk’s Tesla to build SA’s giant battery | Adelaide Now

BUT, this week, in a blow to Jay Weatherill’s “bromance” with Mr Musk, the US tech billionaire’s Tesla has slammed the South Australian government’s planned energy security target and warned it is not representative of the state’s leadership on renewable energy.

ANALYSIS of Tesla’s (toxic) battery pack by Paul Homewood estimates that it “could have enough battery storage to replace wind power for a whole minute, should the wind stop.”

Other analysts suggest that the battery is still only big enough to keep a town of just 13,000 homes going for 24 hours!

IS Elon hedging his grandiose claim of Tesla saving South Australia from complete energy meltdown? Sounds a lot like it. Ouch.



JUST as socialist central planning failed miserably before it was replaced by free market economies, green central planning will have to be discarded before South Australia will be able to see a return to energy security and erase its name from the unenviable title of having the “highest power prices in the world.”

UNTIL big government backs off, taxpayers will continue to pay billions of dollars more for fake fixes to a fake catastrophe.

“My sympathies to all the South Australians who didn’t vote for this.” Jo Nova.

Climatism concurs, Jo!


H/t to Miranda Devine

SA Power Crisis Related :

  • IT’S OFFICIAL : South Australia Has The World’s Highest Power Prices! | Climatism
  • THE Twisted Irony of Deep-Green Energy Policy (RET) | Climatism
  • POLITICIANS Mad With Global Warming Theory Are Destroying The Economy And Hurting The Poor | Climatism
  • $14,000 per MWh – the price South Australia Pays for Renewables Madness | Climatism
  • ‘Unreliable’ Power Australia – Steven Marshall Should Have Listened And Blown Up A Wind Farm | Climatism
  • South Australia Blackout Report : Green Energy Failure | Climatism
  • When The Wind Don’t Blow, The Lights Don’t Glow! | Climatism
  • Doomed to the Dark Ages: No Solution for South Australia’s Wind Power Blackouts | Climatism
  • ‘Unreliable’ Power Australia – Green Hypocrites Exposed By South Australia Storm | Climatism
  • How green power has killed South Australia | Herald Sun
  • Blackout Blues: Wind Power Obsession Makes South Australia an International Joke | Climatism
  • Elon’ll Fix It! | Climatism

See Also :

  • THE $Trillion Windmill Industry Is The Greatest Scam Of Our Age | Climatism
  • Wind Power Chaos Promises to Deliver Mass Summer Blackouts Across Australia | Climatism
  • Hazelwood Power Plant Closing 31st March – Currently Delivering More Power Than Every Wind Plant In Australia | Climatism
  • The Renewable Energy Target: useless, expensive, mad | Herald Sun
  • Adding More Solar And Wind Power ‘Doubles’ CO2 Emissions | Climatism

Wind Power Chaos Promises to Deliver Mass Summer Blackouts Across Australia

“With the closure of Victoria’s Hazelwood plant in April, Victorians are going to get a taste of what their South Australian neighbours have been living with for years: routine load shedding and mass blackouts.”

The mind boggles for SA who are going to incur more mass blackouts, if that’s possible, with the closure of Hazlewood which provided 25% of SA baseload power. Backup coal-fired power from Victoria, on demand, when the wind stopped blowing or it was night time and the SA solar panels went to bed.

It’s gonna be one hell of a summer in southern Australia. Actual lives are now at risk thanks to reckless, feckless, feel-good “global warming” policies ! 🔥


The only businesses which are bouncing along in South Australia are those selling portable diesel generators, candles and LED headlamps.

The sort of staple items you might find on a Doomsday Prepper’s list. However, in Australia’s so-called wind power capital, BYO and DIY power and lighting are everyday essentials.

SA’s vapid Premier, Jay Weatherill pretends that he has everything under control. Australia’s Energy Market Operator clearly thinks otherwise.

AEMO warns of more blackouts
The Australian Financial Review
Mark Ludlow and Angela MacDonald-Smith
15 June 2017

Australia is at risk of more blackouts next summer despite new initiatives from energy regulators and governments, according to forecasts from the Australian Energy Market Operator.

The AEMO report to be released on Thursday also warns the looming gas shortage – which resulted in Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declaring an “energy crisis” – could still occur if too much gas was exported overseas.

With federal…

View original post 711 more words

An Effective Strategy By The Climate Mafia

Real Science

By switching from global warming to “climate change” they now blame every weather event on humans, and lack of action by politicians.

This provides a mechanism to blackmail politicians. Any weather event like Hurricane Sandy or a hot summer in Australia is now used to pummel local politicians, few of which have the knowledge or integrity to withstand the pressure.

That is why a knowledge of climate history is so important, and why I have devoted thousands of hours to studying it. Politicians need to be aware of and be able to cite specific weather events from the past, in order to counter the the endless claims of climate change and unprecedented weather.

The world is following the same path of ignorance as in the 16th century, when 30,000 people were burned at the stake for “cooking the weather.”

View original post

Shock news : Australia has always had heatwaves

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation

This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake
– Dr Tim Flannery,
Climate Council


With the 2014 Australian summer afoot, the usual band of climate criminals have been jumping on the ‘Global’ warming fear-train, drumming up support for their ailing global warming climate change cause. A cause which mother nature has severely battered in recent months and indeed over the past 16 years.

Tim Flannery’s privately formed “Climate Council” has led the alarmist charge, spewing out the usual catastrophic weather reports, blaming evil human carbon dioxide pollution emissions on any summer induced bush-fire, hot day or heat-wave that unseasonably rolls through Australia in summer.

Global warming sympathetic media outlets, in particular the ABC, regularly cite Flannery’s dire prognostications, whilst omitting valuable climate history. Historical information which tells us that Australian heatwaves are far from ‘unprecedented’. In fact, newspaper reports dating back to the late 1800’s depict heatwaves of at least equal intensity as present day systems. The only difference being, the blistering Australian heatwaves of the 1800’s existed when CO2 was at 280PPM and not today’s 398PPM.

Viv Forbes provides a good summary via WattsUpWithThat »

Australian heatwaves are nothing new

Posted on January 20, 2014

Guest essay by Viv Forbes


No doubt we will hear how the current heatwaves in Australia are “unprecedented” and evidence of dangerous man-made global warming.

They are neither “global” nor “unprecedented”.

In the great heatwave of 1896, with nearly 200 deaths, the temperature at Bourke did not fall below 45.6 degC for six weeks, and the maximum was 53.3 degC. Bushfires raged throughout NSW and 66 people perished in the heat.

In 1897, Perth had an 18 day heatwave with a record of 43.3 degC. Other heatwaves were reported at Winton, 1891, Melbourne 1892, Boulia 1901, Sydney 1903, Perth 1906 and so on.

Why don’t we hear of these severe heatwaves from the past? Simple – the government Bureau of Meteorology conveniently ignores all temperature records before 1910.

However, that does not excuse our media for neglecting the written records such as these preserved in newspapers of the past.

Could it be that both the BOM and some of the media are still trying to preserve the ailing global warming scare?



via Real Science

January, 1858 Adelaide Heatwave Was 11 Degrees Warmer Than The 2014 Mann-Made Heatwave

Posted on January 18, 2014

In January, 1858 Adelaide had nine consecutive days over 100F, topping out at 116.3.

ScreenHunter_1976 Jan. 17 22.41


The graph below compares that to the “record heatwave” during the last nine days in Adelaide. The 1858 heatwave averaged 11 degrees warmer, with every day of the heatwave hotter than the corresponding day this year.  CO2 was 280 PPM at the time.

ScreenHunter_1983 Jan. 18 06.43

Weather History for Adelaide, Australia | Weather Underground




Fewer heatwaves for 9 million Australians in Sydney, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne –”thank CO2″!

Let’s play the Heatwaves PR game. If CO2 had an effect we’d see a significant increase in the rate of global warming over the decades since WWII, the models would work, and climate scientists would be able to predict our climate. Since none of that is true, those with a political agenda have to clutch at noisy but marketable extremes instead. Apparently even a half-true, noisy, non-causal link is good enough for post-modern scientists. Read on…


Australia Heatwave Related :

  • Longest Heatwave In History Was 90 Years Ago. Worst Heatwave Was 100 Years Ago | Real Science
  • Sydney Was Over 100 Degrees 10 Out Of 15 Days In The 1905-1906 Heatwave | Real Science
  • January, 1896 – Darling River Had 13 Days Over 120 Degrees | Real Science
  • January, 1896 : Another Station On The Darling River Hit 130 Degrees | Real Science
  • 1889 – January 16 Was The Hottest Day In Australia’s History – Just Not This Century | Real Science
  • January, 1939 : Record Heat And Fires In Australia | Real Science
  • Eight reasons the Australian heatwave is not “climate change” « JoNova
  • Get Headlines! How to find a heatwave in five easy steps « JoNova

Australia Climate Related :

  • RSS Shows No Warming In Australia | CACA
  • Europe’s Green Energy Basket Case Is Tim Flannery’s Dream | CACA
  • Shock News : Before The Commodore Australia Had Droughts | CACA
  • Shock News : Australia’s Carbon Tax Has Killed Jobs And Destroyed Nation’s Competitiveness | CACA
  • Claim: Humans behind record Australian heat, research shows | CACA
  • Sydney Almost As Warm As 100 years Ago | CACA
  • Australia’s record hottest 12 month period? Junk science say the Satellites | CACA
  • Mystery black-box method used to make *all new* Australian “hottest” ever records « JoNova
  • Australia’s Angry Hot Summer was hot angry hype– satellites show it was average « JoNova
  • Claim : Unprecedented Australian Bushfires | CACA
  • Australia’s Climate Comm: Propaganda Unit Blinded By Ideology | CACA
  • Claim: Ocean Acidification Is Climate Change’s ‘Equally Evil Twin’ | CACA
  • Shock News : Australia’s Climate Has Never Been Stable | CACA
  • Shock News : NSW Fires Have Nothing To Do With Global Warming | CACA
  • Sea-level rises are slowing, tidal gauge records show (Sydney) | CACA
  • Global Warming Deaths To Quadruple By 2050 | CACA
  • BOM – Climate Education – Australian Climate Extremes
  • Drought in Australia a natural phenomenon (Great AU Drought Resource)

Climatism Hot Links :

  • Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | CACA
  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • Establishing Propaganda Is Vital For Climate Action | CACA
  • Driessen : A Climate of Fear, Cash and Correctitude | CACA
  • UN Climate Chief Says Communism Is Best To Fight Global Warming | CACA
  • Global Warming Was Never About Science. It Was Always About Power And Money | CACA
  • ‘Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life’ | CACA
  • The Great Global Warming Climate Shift | CACA
  • Judith Curry : Senate EPW Hearing on the President’s Climate Action Plan | CACA
  • Europe’s Green Energy Basket Case Is Tim Flannery’s Dream | CACA

Quote Source – The Green Agenda

Australia’s record hottest 12 month period? Junk science say the Satellites

This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake
– Dr Tim Flannery,
Climate Council

The only way to get our society to truly change is to
frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe
– emeritus professor Daniel Botkin

The data doesn’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations
on the data. We’re basing them on the climate models
– Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation



Australia’s record hottest 12 month period? Junk science say the Satellites

Another round of government-funded PR went out a couple of weeks ago, across the obedient Pravda-media. It told us about another meaningless “record” that was probably not a record, and wouldn’t tell us whether man-made warming was the cause, even if it was. Not a single journalist had the wherewithal, nous or intellectual honesty to search the Internet looking for a different point of view. Though, in their defense, how could they have guessed that Prof David Karoly wouldn’t know about the UAH satellite program to measure temperatures? (It has only been running since 1979.)

This below, are the 12 month averages over Australia by satellite. Graphed at Kens Kingdom by Ken Stewart, with no doctorate in climatology and no government funds.

In the troposphere over Australia it was a hot year but not a record.

For the third time this year we’ve been hit with claims of a “hottest ever” record that doesn’t tell us anything about the climate, but does reveal a lot about the sick state of government funded science, corrupted, decrepit, and so far from being scientific it might as well be run by Greenpeace.  If the government stopped funding climate science entirely, climate research might speed up.

The “hottest” headlines are science-marketing

  1. Again, for the third time, the more accurate, more comprehensive satellites show it was a hot year, but was probably not a record. Satellite data shows we didn’t have a hot angry summer. Man-made emissions were probably not to blame for the hot angry summer we didn’t have. And now apparently we also haven’t quite had the “hottest” 12 month period since 1910 either, but the hottest since 2010. (But what’s a hundred years between friends?)
  2. Again, for the third time, the “records” depend on mystery methods that can’t be replicated. This time the records appear to be based on ACORN data, supposedly the highest quality we have. This is the dataset we were told had neutral adjustments  — an equal number of positive and negative changes. But inexplicably (yet again) somehow those neutral changes increase the trend. (Define neutral?) Who would have guessed that thermometers in the 1920s and 30s were overestimating temperatures and nobody noticed for decades after the fact? (Lucky that got fixed, eh!) Handily for record-makers, the BOM have more than one dataset — if it’s not a record in one, it might be in the other? The angry summer records depended on AWAP data that are not published in full either, and subject to different mystery-black-boxadjustments. Back in 1910 that set has a mere 16 temperature stations on a continent of 7 million square kilometers. (No there can’t possibly be anything to hide in those undisclosed methods can there?)
  3. Again, for the millionth time, even if it is the hottest for a century, it doesn’t mean anything about the cause. To state the bleeding obvious: all causes of warming cause warming. The world started warming up in the 1700′s, long before CO2, the trend was the same in the 1870s as it was in the 1980s. None of that fits the man-made- emissions graph of CO2. Ergo, CO2 didn’t have much effect, if any. The climate models can’t tell us what caused the warming to start 2-300 years ago, they don’t work on 20 year, 2000 year or 200,000 year scales. They don’t work on local, regional or global scales. They don’t work on vertical atmospheric scales. They don’t work.

The need for constant “record” headlines (despite the conflicting data) is the mark of an effective lobby group, but it isn’t the mark of careful impartial scientist.

The satellite data shows it was not a record

There are thousands of measurements coming in from satellites that criss cross the nation day and night covering every corner of the land. This data came out within a few days of the propaganda pieces published all over the country, but the “scientists” at The University of Melbourne couldn’t wait, indeed, they were in such a rush you’d think there was an election on, and dare I say, that getting out an inaccurate message before the vote, was more important than waiting a few days to get the science right?

The satellite measured TLT (meaning Tropospheric Lower Temperature) more accurately shows what the bulk atmosphere above the Australian land-mass is doing – which is the quantity that is most directly related to greenhouse gas impacts. Indeed the models tell us that the rate of warming should be larger in the mid to upper troposphere than at the surface. In other words, if CO2 caused the warming, it would turn up in these satellite records before we saw it in the surface charts.

Some of the propaganda

  • “Australia’s warmest 12-month period on record” [BOM]
  • “Warm winter caps nation’s hottest year“
  • The Conversation proves its worth as a government funded outlet: happy to print any old science as long as it’s bad enough.

The Conversation includes this gem of reasoning from David Karoly:

“However, attributing a single event or a record to human activities isn’t easy. But last year Hurricane Sandy put the spotlight on climate change and extreme weather.”

In other words, long trends don’t matter, ignore decadal averages, the current drought in hurricanes, forget global compilations of energy that show that storms are not getting worse, throw all your history out the window. If there is ever a bad storm anywhere in the world, it is our fault. Straight from the playbook of the witchdoctors of neolithic times. Send Karoly some conch shells.

Donate to connect-a-scientist to the World Wide Web

I ask again, as I did in June, if the satellites showed that the last Australian year was a record hot temperature, would Sophie Lewis and David Karoly have left that data off the paper, and entirely out of their calculations, and removed all mention of them from their press releases? (Climatism Emboldened)

As I said then:

The peer reviewed, comprehensive, [hottest ever] Lewis and Karoly paper does not contain the words “satellite”,  or “UAH”. Lewis and Karoly apparently do not know about the UAH satellite program yet, otherwise they surely would have emailed John Christy or Roy Spencer (as we did) to ask for the data. We can only hope that they get enough government support, more funding, and better education in future so that they may discover what unpaid volunteers figured out on the Internet for free 3 months ago. Frankly it is shameful that the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science is not connected to the world wide web and has not trained staff to use “google”.

Since the Uni of Melbourne don’t seem to have web access, perhaps someone can do them a favor and send them this in snail-mail so they can finally find out about the University of Huntsville Alabama? I’m sure John Christy would be happy to post them a printout of the UAH Australian data. I can relay messages if Prof Karoly would like.

Luckily my email goes all the way to America.


Related posts:

  • Mystery black-box method used to make *all new* Australian “hottest” ever records
  • Not the hottest ever summer for most Australians in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane. Not “extreme” heatwaves either.
  • How well did that 50 degree forecast work out for the BOM?
  • Eight reasons the Australian heatwave is not “climate change”
  • Australia – was hot and is hot. So what? This is not an unusual heatwave
  • Extreme heat in 1896: Panic stricken people fled the outback on special trains as hundreds die.

Thanks to Ken, Ed, Chris, and all the independent BOM audit team and to John Christy for the data.



This guy rips the Bureau Of Meteorology “Hottest Ever Year”  false claims to shreds:

Screen Shot 2014-01-08 at , January 8, 8.52.58 pm

Bureau overheat figures by 4 degrees! (2013 was not Australia’s hottest year on record)

January 6th, 2014 at 04:13pm

The Bureau Of Meteorology released a statement on Friday which claimed that 2013 was Australia’s hottest year on record, with an average temperature of 23 degrees which, according to them, is 1.2 degrees above the long-term average. The numbers just didn’t quite seem right to me as 23 degrees seems like a an average maximum temperature, simply because of the massive areas of the country which struggle to reach 23 degrees during the day for much of the year, and that overnight lows don’t spend much time hovering as high as 23 degrees in much of the country for much of the year. Continue Reading »


Australia Climate Related:

  • RSS Shows No Warming In Australia | CACA
  • Claim: Humans behind record Australian heat, research shows | CACA
  • Australia’s Climate Comm: Propaganda Unit Blinded By Ideology | CACA
  • Claim: Ocean Acidification Is Climate Change’s ‘Equally Evil Twin’ | CACA
  • Shock News : Southern Queensland Almost As Warm As 1940 | CACA
  • Sydney Almost As Warm As 100 years Ago | CACA

Climatism Links:

  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • Scientists talking about no warming
  • Peer into the Heart of the IPCC, Find Greenpeace | CACA
  • UN-Settled Science
  • 44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum | CACA
  • 97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | CACA
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide
  • A cooling consensus
  • Modelling Climate Alarmism
  • GLOBAL WARMING THEORY – Circular reasoning at its best
  • Obamaclimate and Europe’s Green Energy Basket-Case | CACA

July, 1936 – 12,000 Dead From The Heat In One Week

Life at CO² below 310 ppm – July, 1936

Real Science

The summer of 1936 was by far the hottest summer in US history

ScreenHunter_467 Sep. 11 22.56

Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

The EPA reports the same thing

Heat waves occurred with high frequency in the 1930s, and these remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S. historical record  (see Figure 1).

Stations listed below

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