IMAGINE Our Coronavirus Response Running On Windmills And Mirrors
Posted: April 29, 2020 Filed under: Climate Change, Climatism, Coronavirus, Energy, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate Change, Climatism, Coronavirus, COVID19, Energy, Energy Poverty, Energy Security, Pandemic, Solar panels, Solar PV, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power 1 Comment
IMAGINE Our Covid-19 Response Running On Windmills And Mirrors | Climatism
“Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work;
we need a fundamentally different approach.”
–– Top Google engineers
“We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms.
That’s the only reason to build them.
They don’t make sense without the tax credit.
–– Warren Buffett
“Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels
in the United States, China, India, or the world as a whole
is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.
– James Hansen
(The Godfather of AGW alarmism / former NASA climate chief)
ISN’T it a little strange that a century ago electrification and its fossil fuel source was revered and now so many despise the source but think they can just keep the electricity. No one told them you can not have your cake and eat it too, or that there are no free lunches.
GOOD read by Dr Jay Lehr …
Via PA Pundits – International :
Imagine Our Covid-19 Response Running On Wind And Solar Power
By Dr. Jay Lehr ~
UNTIL the Pandemic struck the world, the desire of the progressive political movement in the United States and much of the world was focused on ridding the planet of fossil fuels, said to be negatively altering the planet’s climate. These folks are fully convinced that the world, at its present state of technological advance, could be run entirely on renewable refuels lead by solar and wind power. They have always ignored the intermittency of these sources when the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine. While they know we have no economic method to store such energy, they assume one will come along.
It has been futile yet interesting to continue such a debate in the face of a calm period where conjecture was but an intellectual exercise. Then reality hit us all in the face with a disaster never seen in our life times. Where would the two million Covid-19 afflicted people be who depended on ventilators run by electricity from coal and natural gas be today, if they only had power from the wind and the sun. The obvious answer is that many more would be dead.
While not much good will come from this world wide tragedy, perhaps more of the people deluded by the climate change fear mongering will come to their senses. Eliminating fossil fuels to produce electricity or power automobiles would not support life as we know it today but only life as we knew it a century and a half ago. It may also be time to rename the electric cars, beloved by many, to what they really are, coal, natural gas or nuclear powered cars.
It is a mystery that virtually all the electric car owners believe their power comes magically out of a wall socket at home or a charging station on the road. The power really comes from a nearby power plant all of which burn coal, natural gas or obtain heat from nuclear fuel. Even if the plant gets some energy from local wind turbines or solar photovoltaic cells this amount is minimal. If we really want a huge increase in the number of electric automobiles on the road we must build more fossil fuel burning power plants, not more wind or solar farms.
Perhaps a little history of the electrification of our nation is in order. It was the development of our fossil fuels that made possible the greatest contribution to health and prosperity which was to make electricity affordable everywhere. In 2000 the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE) announced “the 20 engineering achievements that have had the greatest impact on the quality of life in the 20th century”. The achievements were nominated by 29 professional engineering societies and ranked by a distinguished panel of the nation’s top engineers. They ranked electrification as the number one achievement.
It powered almost every pursuit and enterprise in modern society. Aside from lighting the world, it impacted countless areas of daily life including food production and processing, air conditioning, heating, refrigeration, entertainment, transportation, communication, health care and eventually computers.
In the NAE announcement regarding electrification it stated : “One hundred years ago life was a constant struggle against disease, pollution, deforestation, treacherous working conditions and enormous cultural divides ……. By the end of the 20th century, the world had become a healthier, safer and more productive place, primarily because of this engineering achievement”.
Fossil fuels brought electricity to the homes and workplaces of billions of people around the world. Wind and solar power in anyone’s wildest dreams can never support what electricity provided us in these past 148 years since Thomas Edison built the world’s first coal fired generating plant on Pearl Street in New York City in 1882.
Part of our collective problem as to energy and electricity is that technology has past us by. We all once understood how an automobile engine worked, how a home was wired, what a fuse was. When computers and GPS and smart phones came along most of us gave up trying to understand. Many believe there really is a cloud up there keeping our data safe. So why not think electric cars reap the magic from the wall socket and the wind and sun can keep us doing all that we do. And that scientists have high tech crystal balls to tell us the climate decades from now. It should become clear as technology advanced beyond the average persons ability to comprehend, we have actually become dumber. Perhaps being rationally ignorant of things we do not need to know is okay. Unfortunately people in leadership positions are then able to lead us astray. The elimination of fossil fuels is a poor path to follow.
Isn’t it a little strange that a century ago electrification and its fossil fuel source was revered and now so many despise the source but think they can just keep the electricity. No one told them you can not have your cake and eat it too, or that there are no free lunches.
Note: Portions of this article were excerpted from Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels (CCRII: Fossil Fuels), produced by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) published by The Heartland Institute, with permission of the editors Joseph Bast and Diane Bast. The authors strongly recommend the book for a complete exposé of the fallacies behind the climate delusion.
Dr Jay Lehr contributes posts at the CFACT site. Jay Lehr is a Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition, and he is the author of more than 1,000 magazine and journal articles and 36 books.
Read more excellent articles at CFACT
(Climatism bolds)
COVID19 related :
- COVID19 : A Must Watch | Climatism
- COVID18 : 80,000 Died Of The Flu Last Winter (2018) In The USA. Highest Death Count In Decades | Climatism
- CORONA-PANIC : A Fiasco In The Making? | Climatism
- COVID-19 : A Prelude To Life Under The ‘Net Zero 2050’ Policy | Climatism
ENERGY related :
- MICHAEL MOORE : ‘Green Energy Is A Scam’ | Climatism
- SCOTLAND’S Net-Zero Forest Management Program | Climatism
- NOW That We Know Renewables Can’t ‘Save The Planet’, Are We Really Going To Stand By And Let Them Destroy It? | Climatism
- ‘GREEN’ Energy Future | Climatism
- IF CO2’s Your Poison, Renewable Energy Is No Antidote (Peer-reviewed) | Climatism
- TEAM GRETA Admits Climate Change Has Nothing To Do With The Environment | Climatism
- CADMIUM : The Toxic Problem Of Not-So-Clean Energy | Climatism
- ANGELA MERKEL : The New Climate Change ‘Denier’ | Climatism
- HOW DARE HE! United States Led Entire World In Reducing CO₂ Emissions In 2019 | Climatism
THE Climatism Tip Jar – Support The Fight Against Dangerous, Costly and Unscientific Climate Alarm
(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)
Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.
Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!
Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content.
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Many thanks, Jamie.
(NB// The PayPal account linked to “Climatism” is “Five-O-Vintage”)
SCOTLAND’S Net-Zero Forest Management Program
Posted: February 23, 2020 Filed under: Climate Change, Climatism, Environmentalism, Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Green New Deal, Renewables, Sustainability, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Agenda 21, Clashindarroch Forest, Climate Change, Climatism, Global Warming, Green Energy, Greta Thunberg, Net Zero, Net Zero 2050, Renewable energy, Scotland, unreliables, Wind Farms, wind power 2 Comments
Image of wind farm in Clashindarroch Forest (please credit Wildcat Haven)
“IF Greens love nature,
why aren’t they more concerned about
carpeting pristine landscapes with industrial wind turbines and
toxic, non-renewable solar panels?
–– ‘GREEN’ Energy Future | Climatism
“THE road to hell
is paved with good intentions.”
–– Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 – 1153)
Hat tip @JohnPisulaMBA
IN the good old days of real ‘environmentalism’, genuine ‘Greenies’ rallied feverishly against the wanton destruction of pristine flora and fauna.
WITHIN the twisted age of ClimateChange™️ hysteria, real environmentalists are failing us in the face of a globalist eco-religion that has allowed the development of supposed ‘planet-saving’ ‘renewables‘ that wilfully destroy forests, animals and pristine environments.
THE latest example of ‘Green’ eco-hypocrisy has seen more than 13.9 million trees felled in Scotland for wind development from 2000 to 2019.
NATIONAL WINDWATCH with more on the ongoing effort by nature-loving ‘environmentalists’ to reach their delusional “NetZero2050” targets …
More than 13.9 million trees felled in Scotland for wind development, 2000–2019
National Wind Watch
Scottish Forestry
16 January 2020A Scottish citizen made a freedom-of-information request, to which Scottish Forestry replied as follows:
Thank you for your request dated 26 November and received on the 5 December and the clarification dated 19 December 2019 under the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (EIRs).
You asked for:
a) the number of trees felled for all onshore wind farm development in Scotland to date.
b) the area of felled trees, in hectares, for all onshore wind farm development in Scotland to date.
I enclose some of the information you requested.
Specifically data covering renewable developments on Scotland’s national forests and lands, which is managed on behalf of Scottish Ministers by Forestry and Land Scotland. The area of felled trees in hectares, from 2000 (the date when the first scheme was developed, is 6,994 hectares [70 km², 17,283 acres]. Based on the average number of trees per hectare, of 2000, this gives an estimated total of 13.9M.
While our aim is to provide information whenever possible, in this instance the Scottish Government does not have some of the information you have requested. Namely data on renewable developments on privately owned woodlands.
Download original document: “Scottish Forestry information request 19-02646”
THIS is how the BBC and the U.N. view Scotland’s “climate change progress” …

Scotland’s climate change progress ‘exemplary’ – BBC News
The shocking picture that shows how a wind farm has disfigured one of Britain’s loveliest landscapes

The site when it to be surrounded only by dramatic – and empty – hills

A price worth paying? The Braes O’Doune windfarm towers over Stirling Castle
VISUAL impact map of Scottish eco-Crucifixes…

Wind turbines ‘ruin views in most of Scotland’ | Wind Energy News
FOUR obvious questions to ask in this latest example of flagrant eco-hypocrisy :
- WHERE are the @Greens, @Greenpeace, @Peta, @ExtinctionR or @GretaThunberg™️ when pristine landscapes and old-growth forests are being destroyed to satisfy the whims and superstitions of ClimateChange™️ catastrophists and EU elites?
- IF Greens love nature, why aren’t they more concerned about carpeting pristine landscapes with industrial wind turbines and toxic, non-renewable solar panels?
- TREES are Mother Nature’s ultimate “carbon-sink”. How on earth does chainsawing millions of hectares of forest help “Save the Planet” from ‘evil’ plant food CO2?
- WHERE in the “Save the Planet” manual does it say to build 260 tonne, 250m high industrial windmills built from, steel, cement and rare earth minerals. Erect them by the thousands in pristine landscapes. Only to have them backed up 24/7/365 by fossil fuels or nukes anyway?
SEE also :
- ‘GREEN’ Energy Future | Climatism
- IF CO2’s Your Poison, Renewable Energy Is No Antidote (Peer-reviewed) | Climatism
- TEAM GRETA Admits Climate Change Has Nothing To Do With The Environment | Climatism
- CADMIUM : The Toxic Problem Of Not-So-Clean Energy | Climatism
- ANGELA MERKEL : The New Climate Change ‘Denier’ | Climatism
- HOW DARE HE! United States Led Entire World In Reducing CO₂ Emissions In 2019 | Climatism
STATE Of The Climate Report :
ORIGINS Of The ClimateChange™️ Scam :
- DRACONIAN UN CLIMATE AGENDA EXPOSED : ‘Global Warming Fears Are A Tool For Political and Economic Change…It Has Nothing To Do With The Actual Climate’ | Climatism
- CREDLIN : ‘Climate Cult’ Using Environmentalism As A ‘Trojan Horse’ For Marxism | Climatism
- TEAM GRETA Admits Climate Change Has Nothing To Do With The Environment | Climatism
- HYSTERIA MEDS : Eleven Scientific Pills To Quell The ‘Climate Crisis’ Lie | Climatism
- CLIMATE’S FATAL FLAW : ‘Greenhouse Gases Simply Do Not Absorb Enough Heat To Cause Global Warming’ | Climatism
- UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment | Climatism
- BASIC Science For Climate Scientists | Climatism
- GENESIS Of The Great Global Warming Hoax In One Minute And Ten Seconds | Climatism
- DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government | Climatism
- THE Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Scam | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE : The Unsettled Science Of “Settled” Science | Climatism
- FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’ | Climatism
- TIM FLANNERY – Professor of Dud Predictions and Climate Falsehoods | Climatism
- THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
- THE Orwellian Era Of @NASA Climate Pseudoscience | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
- TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
- “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
- The Creator, Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming – Maurice Strong | Climatism
- Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
- Sustainability is Malthusianism for the 21st Century | Climatism
- THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : Climate “Has Almost Nothing To Do With Environmental Policy.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : “Long-Term Prediction of Future Climate States Is Not Possible.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC Rewrote Temperature History To Suit Their Political Agenda | Climatism
- 100% Of Climate Models Prove That 97% Of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
- YES! The Climate Changes | Climatism
- OUR Planet Has Enjoyed 10 Warm Periods During The Past 10,000 Years | Climatism
- THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism
THE Climatism Tip Jar – Support The Fight Against Dangerous, Costly and Unscientific Climate Alarm
(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)
Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.
Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!
Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps, heaps!
Click link for more info…
Many thanks, Jamie.
(NB// The PayPal account linked to “Climatism” is “Five-O-Vintage”)
TWEET Of The Week : ‘It’s like a vegan that secretly eats meat’
Posted: June 23, 2019 Filed under: Climate Change, Climatism, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Unreliables | Tags: Climate Change, Climatism, Diesel, Electric Cars, EV's, Fossil Fuels, Global Warming, Tesla, Tweet Of The Week, Twitter, unreliables, Veganism 2 Comments
You Had One Job on Twitter: “It’s like a vegan that secretly eats meat.… “
“Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow
“Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.” – Top Google engineers
“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.” – Bertrand Russel
GOTTA love this one from tweeter You Had One Job…
- DIESEL-POWERED Climate Junket : UNreliables Confirmed As Token Gestures To The Folly Of ‘Green’ Madness | Climatism
- DIESEL – Keeping South Australia’s Lights On Til The Next Election! | Climatism
- UK’s Wind ‘Powered’ Disaster: Britain to Roll Out Thousands of Diesel Generators for 1.5GW of Wind Farm ‘Back-Up’ | Climatism
- Tasmania turns to diesel power to prevent blackouts | Climatism
- It’s absolute fantasy to think we can move to all electric cars without fossil fuels | Climatism
SEE also :
THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!
(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)
Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.
Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!
Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps!
Click link for more info…
Thank You! Jamie.
KILLING THE EARTH TO ‘SAVE’ IT : Rainforest Trees Cut Down To Make Way For Industrial Wind Turbines
Posted: June 15, 2019 Filed under: Australia, Climate Change, Climatism, Environmentalism, Environmentalists, Fact Check, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Hypocrisy, Renewables, Sustainability, Unreliables, Wind Farms, Wind Turbine Syndrome (WTS) | Tags: Australia, Climate Change, Climatism, Credlin, Eco Hell, Environmentalism, Environmentalists, Global Warming, green hypocrisy, Hypocrisy, Industrial Wind, John Clarkson, Old-growth Forests, Outsiders, Rainforest, Sustainability, Tarkine, Tasmania, TasNetworks, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power, Wind Turbine Syndrome, Windfarms 7 Comments
Old-growth trees cut down for windfarm transmission corridor (Pic Source : The Australian)
“IF this had have been a transmission line connecting a coal power station,
these far left brainwashed climate change believing nutters,
would have been there in their thousands.”
– John Clarkson
H/t @JohnClarksonGSM @MRobertsQLD
IN the good old days of ‘Greenism’, genuine environmentalists rallied against the wanton destruction of pristine flora and fauna.
IN the twisted age of Global Warming Climate Change hysteria, real environmentalists are failing us in the face of a global religion that has allowed the development of supposed ‘planet-saving’ ‘renewables‘ that wilfully destroy forests, animals and pristine environments.
IN the latest example of ‘Green’ eco-hypocrisy, 200 year-old rainforest trees have been cleared to make way for wind ‘farm’ transmission lines in Tasmania’s Tarkine.
THE obvious question is a simple one: Where are the @Greens or @Greenpeace or @GretaThunberg when pristine landscapes and old-growth rainforests are being destroyed to satisfy the whims and superstitions of Global Warming Climate Change catastrophists and EU elites?
Old-growth trees cut down for windfarm transmission corridor
Rainforest trees 200 years old have been cleared to make way for a wind farm transmission line in Tasmania’s Tarkine, prompting claims of green “hypocrisy”.
Myrtle and sassafras trees were among those felled along a 10.5km corridor widened for transmission lines associated with the $280 million, 112 megawatt wind farm at Granville Harbour, in Tasmania’s remote northwest.
Special species timber advocate Andrew Denman, who discovered the felled trees, said it raised concerns about environmental impacts, wastage of high-value timber and wind power’s “green” credentials.
He estimated that some of the felled trees, highly valued in specialty timber production, were 200 years old, given they typically grow at 0.3cm a year and were 60cm in diameter.
With more wind farms planned for Tasmania, including another in the northwest requiring a 170km transmission line, he believed any further clearing, if it must occur, should be co-ordinated to ensure timber was not wasted. “With much of the special timbers in short supply … there could have been a more co-ordinated effort in utilising it to make sure that timber was going to a sawmiller in a timely manner so it could be processed and not wasted,” said Mr Denman, a boatbuilder.
While not critical of the wind farm proponent, whom he did not doubt had complied with regulatory requirements, he understood clearing for electricity infrastructure was exempt from the Forest Practices Code, which seeks to mitigate impacts on keys species.
He believed it was hypocritical of the Greens to oppose “sustainable” harvesting of rainforest timbers while backing the Granville Harbour wind farm and, by implication, associated logging of such trees. “An old-growth tree is an old-growth tree,” Mr Denman said. “Why is it acceptable to cut it down for a transmission line but not acceptable to cut it down sustainably and regenerate that area and put it to good use?”
A Greens spokeswoman said while the party was a “strong supporter of renewable energy”, it “consistently opposed logging or clearing within reserves”.
The wind farm’s website says the transmission line, providing power to the grid at the Reece Dam, was being handled by state-owned TasNetworks.
A spokeswoman for project developer Granville Harbour Operations said it required all works to comply with approvals. “These impose clear procedures and requirements on us and our contractors to mitigate and manage environmental impacts, including impacts to native vegetation,” she said.
TasNetworks said its widening of an existing transmission corridor was “considered optimal”. “It reduced the extent of clearing required to connect the wind farm to the electricity distribution network,” a spokesman said.
SEE also :
- ‘GREEN’ Energy Future | Climatism
- UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment | Climatism
- DRACONIAN UN CLIMATE AGENDA EXPOSED : ‘Global Warming Fears Are A Tool For Political and Economic Change…It Has Nothing To Do With The Actual Climate’ | Climatism
- INCONVENIENT : ‘The World Is Literally A Greener Place Than It Was Twenty Years Ago’ – NASA | Climatism
- DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government | Climatism
- ELECTORAL POISON : All Around The Globe, The Silent Majority Are Rejecting Climate Change Hysteria And The Ruinous UNreliables Agenda | Climatism
- UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment | Climatism
- GREEN Energy Is The Perfect Scam | Climatism
- THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
- GREEN ENERGY POVERTY: Volunteer Knitters In High Demand As Soaring Power Prices Leave People Cold | Climatism
- STANFORD Universities Paul Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Black Africans To Fight Climate Change | Climatism
- FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’ | Climatism
- THE Greatest Threat To The Environment Is Not Affluence, It’s Poverty | Climatism
- JAPAN ACKNOWLEDGES THE GLOBAL WARMING ‘PAUSE’ : Sanctions 35 New Coal Power Plants Added To The 100 Currently Operational | Climatism
- ‘GREEN’ Energy Poverty : Thousands Dying Because They Can’t Afford Heating Bills | Climatism
- GREEN ENERGY POVERTY: Volunteer Knitters In High Demand As Soaring Power Prices Leave People Cold | Climatism
- DO NOT PASS GO! Seven Years Jail Time For Using Cheap Electricity In Australia | Climatism
- MEMO To Dr Joe : Cold Kills 20 Times More People Than Heat | Climatism
- POLITICIANS Mad With Global Warming Theory Are Destroying The Economy And Hurting The Poor | Climatism
- “Runaway Global Warming” Update: 48,000 Brits Dead After Worst Winter In 42 Years | Climatism
- GLOBAL WARMING Might Not Hurt, But Warming Policies Do : Former Australian PM Spells Out The Inconvenient Truth | Climatism
STATE Of The Climate Report :
IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :
- JAPAN ACKNOWLEDGES THE GLOBAL WARMING ‘PAUSE’ : Sanctions 35 New Coal Power Plants Added To The 100 Currently Operational | Climatism
- THE Great Global Warming “Pause” | Climatism
- GLOBAL Temperature Drops By 0.4°C In Three Years | Climatism
- PEER-REVIEWED SCIENCE : The Medieval Warm Period Was Indeed Global And Warmer Than Today | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Control Knob, Enemy Of The Climate Cult | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Changer, Climate Driver, Climate Disruptor | Climatism
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
- DRACONIAN UN CLIMATE AGENDA EXPOSED : ‘Global Warming Fears Are A Tool For Political and Economic Change…It Has Nothing To Do With The Actual Climate’ | Climatism
- THE Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Scam | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE : The Unsettled Science Of “Settled” Science | Climatism
- FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’ | Climatism
- TIM FLANNERY – Professor of Dud Predictions and Climate Falsehoods | Climatism
- THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
- THE Orwellian Era Of @NASA Climate Pseudoscience | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
- TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
- “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
- The Creator, Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming – Maurice Strong | Climatism
- Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
- Sustainability is Malthusianism for the 21st Century | Climatism
- THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : Climate “Has Almost Nothing To Do With Environmental Policy.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : “Long-Term Prediction of Future Climate States Is Not Possible.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC Rewrote Temperature History To Suit Their Political Agenda | Climatism
- 100% Of Climate Models Prove That 97% Of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
- YES! The Climate Changes | Climatism
- OUR Planet Has Enjoyed 10 Warm Periods During The Past 10,000 Years | Climatism
- THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism
THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!
(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)
Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.
Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!
Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps!
Click link for more info…
Thank You! Jamie.
WARREN BUFFETT Rejects All-Renewable Future With $10 Billion Bet on Oil & Gas
Posted: June 1, 2019 Filed under: Climate Change, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Baseload, Climate science, Climatism, Energy, Energy Density, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, solar, Solar panels, unreliables, Warren Buffett, wind, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a commentSTOP THESE THINGS
Australian voters just shredded the notion that the proletariat is wedded to heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar.
Labor’s Bill Shorten sought to ram a 50% Renewable Energy Target down voter’s throats; a concept which the vast majority of them duly rejected.
Sure, there were plenty of other issues that sank the Green/Labor Alliance. However, it should be remembered that 2019 was billed as the ‘Climate Change Election’, with wind and solar pitched up as the only panacea to what has now become a ‘climate emergency’.
Pundits professed, with great certitude, the notion that the Australian public just can’t get enough intermittent, unreliable and unaffordable electricity. Well, that didn’t quite pan out. Bill Shorten slunk off the political stage, a wounded and embittered hero of renewable energy zealots and rent seekers, alike.
Another part of the meme was that the markets had already turned their back on fossil…
View original post 1,112 more words
NORWICH Councillors Turn To 3-Year Olds To Advance Their Climate Change Agenda
Posted: May 23, 2019 Filed under: Climate Change, Cult Science, Ecofascism, Green Agenda, Propaganda | Tags: Agitprop, auspol, child abuse, Climate Change, Climate Change Propaganda, Climatism, England, Global Warming, Greta Thunberg, Norwich, Norwich Council, propaganda, UK 1 CommentTHE disgraceful use of children as “climate leaders” and tools of climate change propaganda, summed up by the excellent Brendon O’Neill, on his coverage of 16 year-old Greta Thunberg…
“Young people, Ms Thunberg isn’t your leader. She’s a patsy for scared and elitist adults. Don’t do as she says. Instead, refuse to panic, mock the blather about hellfire, and appreciate that mankind’s transformation of the planet has been a glorious thing that has expanded life expectancy, allowed billions to live in cities, and made it possible for even the less well-off to travel the globe.” The cult of Greta Thunberg – spiked
NOW, extend those same sentiments to “3-year old” babies … !
WE really are living in the age of climate change aka global warming insanity and wilful child abuse…
By Paul Homewood
h/t A Norwich Tory
It was bad enough listening to a 16-year old lecturing us on climate change, but now they are even indulging babies!
Around 20 home-educated youngsters from across the county, aged between three and eight years old, presented handwritten letters to City Hall councillors to express their concerns on climate change,
Mum Toyah Dye, 38, from East Runton, said the children were inspired by the recent demonstrations of the environmental movement Extinction Rebellion and also of David Attenborough’s Our Planet, which highlighted the effects of climate change in the natural world.
Ms Dye said the children were particularly struck by a scene in the series which showed walruses in Russia climbing and falling from a cliff due to the retreating sea ice.
“I was watching Our Planet with my children and the walruses made us really sad,” Ms Dye said. “So I asked my…
View original post 178 more words
Posted: May 15, 2019 Filed under: Alarmist media, Climate Change, Climatism, Eco-Activists, Ecofascism, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Religion, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: ALP, auspol, AusVotes2019, bill shorten, carbon dioxide emissions, Climate Change, Climatism, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Greens, Labor, Paul Ehrlich, Renewable energy, unreliables, Viv Forbes, WarringahVotes, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power, Zali Steggall 2 Comments“Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
GEOLOGIST Viv Forbes on what life would look like under the eco-totalitarian control of ‘zero-emissions’ zealots…
CAREFUL what you wish for!
MAY 10, 2019
via Friends of Science Calgary
Greens dream of a zero-emissions world without coal, oil and natural gas. They need to think what they wish for.
First there would be no mass production of steel without coke from coking coal to remove oxygen from iron ore. People could cut trees in forests for charcoal to produce pig iron and crude steels, but forests would soon be exhausted. Coal saved the forests from this fate.
We could produce gold and silver without using mineral hydro-carbons and with ingenuity we could probably produce unrefined copper, lead and tin and alloys like brass and bronze. But making large quantities of nuclear fuels, cement, aluminium, refined metals, plastics, nylons, synthetics, petro-chemicals and poly pipes would be impossible.
Making wind turbines and solar panels would also be impossible without fossil fuels. A wind turbine needs lots of steel plus concrete, carbon fibre and glass polymers as well as many other refined metals – copper, aluminium, rare earths, zinc and molybdenum. Solar panels and batteries need high-purity ingredients – silicon, lead, lithium, nickel, cadmium, zinc, silver, manganese and graphite – all hard to make in backyard charcoal-fired furnaces. Transporting, erecting and maintaining wind and solar farms plus their roads and transmission lines needs many pieces of diesel-powered machinery.
Every machine on earth needs hydro-carbons for engine oil, gear oil, transmission oil, brake fluid, hydraulic oil and grease. We could of course use oils from, seals, beeswax and whales for lubrication – the discovery of petroleum saved the whales from this fate.
Roads would be a challenge without oil-based bitumen. The Romans made pretty good roads out of cobble-stones (this would ease unemployment). But hard labour would not sit well with aging baby-boomers or electronic-era Millenniums.
Cars, railways, motor launches, aeroplanes, I-Phones, TV and cat-scans would be out. Horses, oxen, sulkies, wooden rowing boats, sailing ships, herbal medicine and semaphore would have a huge revival. Some wood-burning steam tractors may still work and wood-gas generators may replace petrol in some old cars.
This is the return to the “zero-emissions” world that Green extremists have planned for us.
But modern life cannot not be supported by a pre-coal/oil economy. Without reliable electricity and diesel-powered farm machinery and transport trucks, cities are un-sustainable. In Green-topia 90% of us people will need to go.
But Greens should not expect us to go quietly.
(Climatism bolds and links)
MORE Viv Forbes :
- TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism
- PANIC DENIED : Sea Levels In And Around Sydney Harbour 1886 to 2018 | Climatism
- PARIS Accord Based on Fraud | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
SEE also :
- DRACONIAN UN CLIMATE AGENDA EXPOSED : ‘Global Warming Fears Are A Tool For Political and Economic Change…It Has Nothing To Do With The Actual Climate’ | Climatism
- UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment | Climatism
- WHAT I See When I See a Wind Turbine | Climatism
- IF CO2’s Your Poison, Renewable Energy Is No Antidote | Climatism
- WHAT I See When I See a Wind Turbine | Climatism
- SCIENCE : UNreliable Nature Of Solar And Wind Makes Electricity More Expensive, New Study Finds | Climatism
- ‘GREEN’ Energy Poverty : Thousands Dying Because They Can’t Afford Heating Bills | Climatism
- GREEN ENERGY POVERTY: Volunteer Knitters In High Demand As Soaring Power Prices Leave People Cold | Climatism
- DO NOT PASS GO! Seven Years Jail Time For Using Cheap Electricity In Australia | Climatism
- MEMO To Dr Joe : Cold Kills 20 Times More People Than Heat | Climatism
- POLITICIANS Mad With Global Warming Theory Are Destroying The Economy And Hurting The Poor | Climatism
- “Runaway Global Warming” Update: 48,000 Brits Dead After Worst Winter In 42 Years | Climatism
- GLOBAL WARMING Might Not Hurt, But Warming Policies Do : Former Australian PM Spells Out The Inconvenient Truth | Climatism
- Why is one older person dying every seven minutes during the winter? | Dawn Foster | Society | The Guardian
STATE Of The Climate Report :
IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :
- JAPAN ACKNOWLEDGES THE GLOBAL WARMING ‘PAUSE’ : Sanctions 35 New Coal Power Plants Added To The 100 Currently Operational | Climatism
- THE Great Global Warming “Pause” | Climatism
- GLOBAL Temperature Drops By 0.4°C In Three Years | Climatism
- PEER-REVIEWED SCIENCE : The Medieval Warm Period Was Indeed Global And Warmer Than Today | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Control Knob, Enemy Of The Climate Cult | Climatism
- THE SUN : Climate Changer, Climate Driver, Climate Disruptor | Climatism
ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
- DRACONIAN UN CLIMATE AGENDA EXPOSED : ‘Global Warming Fears Are A Tool For Political and Economic Change…It Has Nothing To Do With The Actual Climate’ | Climatism
- THE Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Scam | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE : The Unsettled Science Of “Settled” Science | Climatism
- FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’ | Climatism
- TIM FLANNERY – Professor of Dud Predictions and Climate Falsehoods | Climatism
- THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria | Climatism
- THE Orwellian Era Of @NASA Climate Pseudoscience | Climatism
- WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism
- TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism
- CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism
- “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
- The Creator, Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming – Maurice Strong | Climatism
- Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism
- Sustainability is Malthusianism for the 21st Century | Climatism
- THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : Climate “Has Almost Nothing To Do With Environmental Policy.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC : “Long-Term Prediction of Future Climate States Is Not Possible.” | Climatism
- UN IPCC Rewrote Temperature History To Suit Their Political Agenda | Climatism
- 100% Of Climate Models Prove That 97% Of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
- YES! The Climate Changes | Climatism
- OUR Planet Has Enjoyed 10 Warm Periods During The Past 10,000 Years | Climatism
- THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism
THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!
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Thank You! Jamie.
COGNITIVE BIAS : Climate Change Alarmists Refuse To Accept ‘The Science’ That Proves Extreme Weather Events Are NOT Increasing
Posted: March 18, 2019 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Alarmist Predictions, BIG Government, Climate Alarmism, Climate History, Climatism, Cyclones, Empirical Evidence, Extreme Weather, Fact Check, Fake News, Fires, Floods, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green New Deal, Hurricanes, IPCC, Propaganda, Pseudo-Science, Science, Sea Level Rise | Tags: Agitprop, Alarmism Exposed, Climate Change, Climate Change Alarmism, Climatism, Cognitive Bias, Cyclones, drought, Empirical Evidence, Extreme weather, floods, Fox News, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, Hurricanes, Hysteria, IPCC, Mainstream media, Patrick Moore, propaganda, sea level rise, Tornadoes, UN, UN IPCC 1 Comment“WHEN the heart rules the head,
passion takes over reason.”
– Ortega y Gasset
“IT would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
― Joseph Goebbels
THE widely held belief that ‘Extreme Weather’ has become worse, as a result of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, is a tribute to the success of climate change propaganda pushed relentlessly by CO2-centric politicians and compliant mainstream media.
PROMOTING Extreme Weather is specifically designed to shift public opinion about the purported seriousness of human-induced global warming climate change, through the use of emotional imagery and dire prognostications in order for draconian and costly climate policy to be accepted and implemented with as little resistance as possible from the taxpaying public.
COGNITIVE BIAS fuelled by an era of mass hysteria, delusion, groupthink and panic has helped foster dark and far-fetched clichés of a current “climate crisis”, that is an “existential threat” which will “end civilisation by 2030”.
THANKS to the dramatic rise in personal weather recording devices – smart phones and CCTV – the sampling rate (what you see or hear directly) of Extreme Weather events, broadcast via social and mainstream media, has risen dramatically in recent years.
BUT, have actual Extreme Weather events increased in frequency or intensity? In particular, over long-term ‘climate’ scales?
THE short answer is a big fat NO! Extreme Weather events have not increased in frequency or intensity as carbon dioxide emissions have increased. In many cases the exact opposite is occurring.
THIS ‘inconvenient’ fact has been proven by empirical data and confirmed by the last two (warmist) U.N. IPCC reports on Extreme Weather: SREX (AR5) 2013 report and the latest SR15 report released August, 2018:
- SORRY ALARMISTS : The IPCC Once Again Reports Extreme Weather Events Have Not Increased | Climatism (SR15 2018)
- No steel roof required: IPCC dials back the fear of extreme weather | Climatism (SREX AR5 2013)
UN IPCC : “Low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale…likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia” – UN IPCC SR15 (2018)

Little change in global drought over the past 60 years | Nature
NO historical trend in U.S. drought as CO₂ rises :

Climate Change Indicators – Drought | Climate Change Indicators in the United States | US EPA
IN 1934, when CO₂ was at ‘safe’ levels, severe to extreme drought covered around 80% of the entire U.S. Such conditions endured for most of the decade known as the “Dust Bowl” era :

Historical Palmer Drought Indices | Temperature, Precipitation, and Drought | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
CURRENT U.S. drought conditions with CO₂ at ‘dangerous’ levels (400PPM) :

U.S. Drought Monitor
THANKS to superstitious climate kiddies wagging school, in just 3 years, California went from 97% in drought to just 1% :

Tom Bevan on Twitter: “Pretty remarkable: In 3 years, California went from 97% in drought to just 1%.… “
WHEN CO₂ was at ‘safe’ levels, droughts in California lasted for 200 years :

The Difference Between Weather And Climate | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
“There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods.” – UN IPCC SR15 (2018)
ACCORDING to the EPA, the low-CO2 1930s had (by far) the worst heatwaves in US history :

US Annual Heat Wave Index | EPA
WHEN CO₂ was at ‘safe levels’, Adelaide’s temperature climbed above 100°F, six days in a row.
ADELAIDE – March, 1940 :
- Friday – 24°C (74.4F)
- Saturday – 24°C (75.7F)
- Sunday – 28°C (81.7F)
- Monday – 34°C (93.5F)
- Tuesday – 31°C (88.4F)
- Wednesday – 35°C (94.9F)
- Thursday – 40°C (103.9F)
- Friday – 42°C (107.7F)
- Saturday – 43°C (110.1F)
- Sunday – 42°C (108.3F)
- Monday – 42°C (107.9F)
- Tuesday – 40°C (103.6F)
RECORD MARCH HEAT WAVE : Six Consecutive Days Above 100°F | Climatism
“Numerous studies towards and beyond AR5 have reported a decreasing trend
in the global number of tropical cyclones and/or the globally accumulated cyclonic energy”– UN IPCC SR15 (2018)
“There is only low confidence regarding changes in global tropical cyclone numbers under global warming over the last four decades.” – UN IPCC SR15 (2018)

Global Tropical Cyclone Activity | Ryan Maue
AUSTRALIAN tropical cyclones are declining in both intensity and frequency as CO₂ rises :
GLOBAL Hurricanes are declining in both frequency and intensity as CO₂ increases :

Global Major Hurricane Frequency | Ryan Maue

Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post
CAT 3+ U.S. Landfalling Hurricanes (per decade) declining rapidly as CO₂ emissions rise :
FLORIDA Major Hurricane Strikes – Still No Trend :

Florida Major Hurricane Strikes: Still No Trend « Roy Spencer, PhD
2018 was one of the least active US tornado years on record, despite record and rising CO₂ emissions.
AS of October, a new record low tornado count was set. The cumulative total for 2018 is 759; the previous lowest number of tornadoes for this date was 761. The SPC has records extending back 65 years.
This lack of tornadic storms in recent years should also correlate with lesser severe thunderstorm activity in general in the U.S., since the conditions which produce large hail and damaging winds are generally the same as are required for tornadoes (strong instability, plentiful moisture, and wind shear). – Roy Spencer PhD
NB// The US represents about 75 percent of the world’s recorded tornadoes.

New Record Low Tornado Count as of October 3 « Roy Spencer, PhD

Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post
THE frequency of strong to violent tornadoes is also decreasing :

Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post

Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post
THE trend is clearly down across the board. Yet why are no mainstream journalists curious about this?
NB// IPCC SR15 “Extreme Weather” report made no mention of Tornadoes. Nor, the mainstream media!
GLOBAL weather disasters/losses as a percentage of global GDP are declining as CO₂ emissions rise.
THROUGH 7 months of 2018 weather disasters as % GDP were on record (low) pace…

Weather disasters as % GDP – Roger Pielke Jr (Twitter)
NB// LOSS data does not include the two big CAT4’s that struck the US in 2018 – Florence (Sep) and Michael (Oct).
IN my opinion, the worst form of propaganda is ‘bias by omission’ – information and facts that you are ‘not’ told about, in order to keep the truth from you.
THE mainstream media has not and will not report the facts on “Extreme Weather”, as clearly laid out in the science and data above, because such facts are obviously extremely ‘inconvenient’ to their “catastrophic” man-made global warming narrative.
VITAL information central to the potential seriousness of climate change – Extreme Weather – has been purposely omitted by the mainstream media and replaced by emotions, alarmism and exaggerations in order to fit the climate-calamity narrative designed to scare you into belief and obedience.
THIS is why the global warming climate change debate has become so dangerously deceptive and dishonest. Climate truths hidden from you and replaced with a narrative far more acceptable – Hollywood-style climate hysteria based on alarmism, increased sampling rates and overheated, CO2-centric climate models that do not accord with observed reality.
DID not see either of these instructive graphs painted on a placards at any of the kiddie climate rallies last Friday. Guess they don’t fit their ‘catastrophic’ climate narrative…

Global Deaths from Climate and non-Climate Catastrophes, 1920-2018

Carbon Emissions and World Prosperity
PERHAPS the climate kids would have been wise to read and learn the words of H.L. Mencken, before being forced out by their parents and teachers to act as standard bearers of new radical eco-socialism, protected by ‘innocence’ and lack of age :
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule it.” – H.L. Mencken
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