POLAR BEAR Habitat Update: Abundant Sea Ice Across The Arctic, Even In The Barents Sea

  • “Arctic summers ice-free by 2013” (BBC 2007)
  • “Could all Arctic ice be gone by 2012?” (AP 2007)
  • “Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?”(National Geographic 2007)
  • “Imagine yourself in a world five years from now, where there is no more ice over the Arctic” – Tim Flannery (2008)
  • “North Pole could be ice-free in 2008” – Mark Serreze (New Scientist 2008)
  • “Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014” (USA Today 2009)
  • “Arctic expert predicts final collapse of sea ice within 4 years” (Guardian 2012)
  • “Say Goodbye to Arctic Summer Ice” (Live Science 2013)
  • “Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist” (The Guardian 2013)
  • “Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013” (Sierra Club 2013)
  • “Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’” – Peter Wadhams (The Guardian 2016)

DIRE predictions of an “ice-free” Arctic have remained popular on the climate change fear-mongering circuit, owing to the psychological and political currency of all things melting and not least the emotional relevance applicable to the fate of the Arctic’s most famous resident and ‘global warming’ mascot – the polar bear.

CLIMATE DUD-PREDICTIONS : ‘Ice-Free’ Arctic Prophesies By The ‘97% Consensus’ And Compliant Mainstream Media | Climatism


Abundant ice in Svalbard, East Greenland and the Labrador Sea is excellent news for the spring feeding season ahead because this is when bears truly need the presence of ice for hunting and mating. As far as I can tell, sea ice has not reached Bear Island, Norway at this time of year since 2010 but this year ice moved down to the island on 3 March and has been there ever since. This may mean we’ll be getting reports of polar bear sightings from the meteorological station there, so stay tuned.

Walking bear shutterstock_329214941_web size

Sea ice extent as of 11 March 2019, from NSIDC Masie:

masie_all_zoom_4km 2019 March 11

Much of the ice that was blown out of the Bering Sea early in the month has returned and ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence on the East Coast of Canada is the highest its been in years, threatening to impede ferry traffic between Nova…

View original post 456 more words

JAPAN ACKNOWLEDGES THE GLOBAL WARMING ‘PAUSE’ : Sanctions 35 New Coal Power Plants Added To The 100 Currently Operational


Sushi, Sake, and Coal: Japan’s Peculiar Response to the Climate Conundrum » BarbWire

“The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming
at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.”

– Kevin Trenberth, National Center For Atmospheric Research, USA (2009)

“Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the
tropical troposphere … This is just downright dangerous.”
– Peter Thorne, Hadley Centre, Met Office, UK (2007)


THE Japanese government has identified and acknowledged the current ~20 year-long global warming “pause” or “hiatus”. The (inconvenient) atmospheric phenomenon that has been the subject of much research and debate in peer-reviewed scientific journals for many years now.

BASED on data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the government has justified the expansion of its global-leading, ultra-supercritical HELE coal-fired power plant technology both domestically and abroad.

PRIME MINISTER Abe has sanctioned the addition of 35 new coal power plants to the 100 currently operational.

“Japan’s use of coal is not justified exclusively on the basis of the country’s nuclear debacle. The heart of the reason is Japan’s climate.

For the past three decades, there has been no significant warming in its major cities.”


CLIMATE Scientist Vijay Jayaraj reports (Climatism attachments, bolds added) :

Sushi, Sake, and Coal: Japan’s Peculiar Response to the Climate Conundrum

We all know that the Japanese love their sushi. Japan is also famous for sake, a rice wine unique to the country. Lately, the Japanese have shown unrestrained love for a commodity that is increasingly demonized by climate groups: coal.

Global warming alarmists blame coal for causing dangerous global warming. But the Japanese beg to differ. They have revived their love affair with coal. Why? That’s an interesting story.

Soon after the Fukushima nuclear incident, public sentiment towards nuclear energy became hostile. Many organizations, including foreign non-profits, called for the closure of nuclear plants on fears of future mishaps.

The Fukushima plant was outdated and less safe than Japan’s other, modern nuclear plants. Yet, the impact of the Fukushima disaster (in which no one died from radiation exposure) remains fresh in people’s minds, and the nation was not ready to defend the operations of other nuclear plants.

The Japanese government caved in to the pressure and closed many nuclear plants. By 27 March 2012, Japan had only one out of 54 nuclear reactors operating. As a result, the country was forced to seek alternative sources of energy generation.

The Japanese understood that renewable sources like wind and solar could not provide stable and affordable electricity, at least not in the magnitude necessary to meet peak energy demands of Japan’s power-guzzling cities.

The most economical and safe solution was coal. Contrary to popular belief and the mainstream media, coal is not as polluting as you might think.

Moreover, coal is a tried and tested source of energy, guaranteeing superior-quality, stable output to meet the energy demands of modern cities and industries.

With the development of “clean coal technology,” coal combustion now results in fewer contaminants and more energy, making it far superior to the combustion plants of previous decades.

HELE ultra-supercritical coal power plant

HELE (High Energy Low Emissions) Ultra-Supercritical Coal Power Plant

So, Japan went against the tide and embraced coal with both arms.

It now employs the most advanced and safest coal combustion technology available on the planet, becoming a leading manufacturer and exporter of clean coal technology.

But Japan’s use of coal is not justified exclusively on the basis of the country’s nuclear debacle. The heart of the reason is Japan’s climate.

For the past three decades, there has been no significant warming in its major cities.

Data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) clearly indicates that there has been no significant deviation in the monthly average temperature between 1998 and 2018. The period between is of special importance to the Japanese government.

As per the climate doomsday theorists, temperatures should have displayed a strong warming trend as the manmade carbon dioxide emissions increased exponentially.

But the temperature levels failed to display any warming trend. That flies in the face of the notion that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration levels control temperature over the island nation—or, for that matter, the world.

Last week, Sapporo recorded its coldest day in 40 years. In fact, winter in Japan had no warming trend from 1986 to 2018, with the January monthly mean temperature anomalies displaying a cooling trend. If anything, there has been a cooling trend in Japan between 1998 and 2018.

So, the reason for Japanese embrace of coal is pretty clear: no significant warming, coupled with the post-Fukushima anti-nuclear hysteria.

No country would want to reduce its emissions when its monthly average temperatures are actually decreasing. It is for this reason that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe refuses to stay true to the hasty anti-coal commitments he made at the UN’s international climate summits.

Instead of discouraging the use of coal, Japan is increasing its dependency on coal. Abe has sanctioned the addition of 35 new coal power plants to the 100 currently operational. The country is also encouraging its Asian neighbors and other developing countries to purchase its clean coal technology.

The Japanese response to the anti-coal establishment, besides being bold, accurately reflects climate reality. Japan understands the need to prioritize the domestic energy needs over faulty, pseudo-scientific forecasts of climate doom.

The lack of warming, however, is not limited to Japan. Satellite temperature measurements (between 1979 and January 2019) show no significant warming in the earth’s atmosphere during the past 19 years.

Other countries should emulate Japan’s example, especially in the developing world. Domestic energy needs are far too important to be slain on the altar of global warming hysteria.

Sushi, Sake, and Coal: Japan’s Peculiar Response to the Climate Conundrum » BarbWire

Vijay Jayaraj

Vijay Jayaraj (M.Sc., Environmental Science, University of East Anglia, England), is Research Associate for and Contributor for Developing Countries, for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation. He lives in Chennai, India.

FOLLOW Vijay on Twitter : @vjxxvj



REFRESHING to see government energy policy being driven by empirical evidence and real-world data, and NOT by fear, hysteria, mainstream media climate change advocacy and alarmism or politically-driven, CO2-centric, UN IPCC climate models.

BRAVO Japan for standing up to the climate groupthink bullies and misanthropic eco-activists. Instead, supporting their industry and citizens by providing them with cheap, abundant and clean (HELE) coal-fired power technology to advance and maintain their world-renowned pristine environment, civic cleanliness, health and wealth!

“The Japanese response to the anti-coal establishment, besides being bold, accurately reflects climate reality. Japan understands the need to prioritize the domestic energy needs over faulty, pseudo-scientific forecasts of climate doom.”


PIC of Kinkaku-ji Palace Kyoto from my recent family trip to ‘pristine’ HELE powered Japan!

IF you haven’t been to Japan – GO! Incredible people, culture and country…

Jamie Japan Trip - Kinkaku-ji Royal Palace Kyoto - Jan 2019

Jamie Japan Trip – Kinkaku-ji Royal Palace Kyoto – Jan 2019 (iPhone 8 – No filter!)


SEE also :

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CLIMATISM : 2019 State Of The Climate Report

CLIMATISM - State Of The Climate 2019.png

CLIMATISM – 2019 State Of The Climate Report

CONTRARY to popular thinking and clever marketing, there is no “consensus” on the theory of dangerous man-made climate change. Too many variables exist within the climate system to allow for certainty of future scenarios.

THIS doesn’t deter the $2,000,000,000,000 US per year (2 Trillion) Climate Crisis Industry who manufacture catastrophic climate scenarios (pushed far enough into the distant future as to not be held accountable) with a guarantee of climate calamity unless their utopian ‘green’ dreams are realised.

BUOYED by their recent House Congress win in the 2018 mid-term elections, the hard-Left of the American Democrat party, led by pinup-socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have doubled-down on their pet global warming theory, proposing the radically-dystopian climate agenda, a Green New Deal.

ACCORDING to PJMedia, the Green New Deal will cost approximately $49.109 Trillion in the first ten years, enough to fund Trump’s border wall 8,616 times over.

FOR all the economic pain and social upheaval that inevitably ensues when draconian climate policy is enacted, it is only fair and reasonable for the taxpayer to ask one simple question about a climate which demands so much of their hard-earned money – “what is broken?”.

THE best way to answer this is to look at the current state of a set of common environmental metrics and analyse their relationship with carbon dioxide – the colourless, odourless, tasteless trace gas at the centre of the supposed “climate crisis”.


  • EXTREME WEATHER (Heatwaves, Cyclones, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Drought, Floods)
  • SNOW

IN the interests of “cherry-picking”, there are a myriad of environmental metrics that make up the climate system. The examples cited for the purpose of this report are the more common associations picked up by the press and interest groups to facilitate climate change discussion and ‘debate’.

*THE empirical evidence featured in this post is taken from the latest data supplied by government scientific agencies and peer-reviewed studies. Hyper and direct links supplied per sample.




ARCTIC SEA-ICE EXTENT (September 2018)

MINIMUM sea-ice extent has been trending up over the past decade. The EXACT opposite of what the press and ‘97% experts’ have been telling you :


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut | September Minimum Extent



ARCTIC sea-ice extent is very close to the 1981-2010 median:


Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center


Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center

ARCTIC sea-ice extent is essentially unchanged since January 2006:


Spreadsheet      Data



THE area of the Arctic covered with thick sea ice has greatly expanded over the past eleven years:


2008   2019

SO far this month, ice volume gain has seen a record high:


Jan Arctic Sea-Ice Volume gain historic

AND January 9 Arctic sea ice volume has been increasing for over a decade:


Spreadsheet    Data

*Support data Via Real Climate Science

MINIMUM sea-ice volume has been rising since 2007:


@KiryeNet キリエ on Twitter : “The Arctic has been refreezing for 12 years…minimum sea ice volume has been rising since 2007”



ARCTIC temperatures correlate almost perfectly with ocean circulation cycles, and show no correlation with atmospheric CO2 levels.


Reykjavik, Iceland Temperatures Vs. The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation



CLIMATE ‘experts’ describe these record large increases in ice as an unprecedented meltdown:


“Arctic meltdown” search

SEE also : CLIMATE DUD-PREDICTIONS : ‘Ice-Free’ Arctic Prophesies By The ‘97% Consensus’ And Compliant Mainstream Media | Climatism

* Read the rest of this entry »

GREAT BARRIER REEF SCIENTIST : Coral Can Take The Heat, Unlike ‘Experts’ Crying Wolf

CRYING WOLF - Great Barrier Reef - CLIMATISM

Crying Wolf : Great Barrier Reef Alarmism | CLIMATISM

“THE journalists come up and they’re not interested in what the truth is. They’re only interested in finding out where the ‘dead’ reef is. And when people who work right up and down the reef can’t actually take them to a single place that is going to suit their dooms-day story, then we sort of need a bit of balance…”
Paul Talbott : GBR Tourist operator


STRAIGHT-TALKING former James Cook University marine geophysicist Professor Peter Ridd has been an outspoken critic of the relentless tide of fear-mongering, misinformation and anti-science hysteria advanced by climate change activists concerning the health of the Great Barrier Reef.

IN June of 2016, Ridd made the headlines after suspecting something was wrong with photographs being used to highlight the apparent rapid decline of the Great Barrier Reef:


The ABC used a photo of reef bleaching on Flowerpot Rock in American Samoa in stories about the Great Barrier Reef.

AFTER attempting to blow the whistle on the bogus pictures, Ridd was censured and subsequently sacked by James Cook University. (Ridd is currently suing JCU)

After a formal investigation, Professor Ridd was found guilty of “failing to act in a collegial way and in the academic spirit of the institution”!

His crime was to encourage questioning of two of the nation’s leading reef institutions, the Centre of Excellence for Coral Studies and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, on whether they knew that photographs they had published and claimed to show long-term collapse of reef health could be misleading and wrong.” Graham Lloyd – The Australian – 11 June 2016

SIMILAR totalitarian treatment was dished out by free-thinking James Cook University to the late and great Bob Carter, a former JCU adjunct Professor. Carter was a world renowned climate change expert and sceptic. His crime – speaking outside the permitted doctrine of global warming climate change.


PROFESSOR RIDD writes an ever insightful and eye-opening piece on the reef in today’s Australian.

RIDD comments on the recent backtracking by Scientists from James Cook University who just published a paper on the bleaching and death of corals on the Great Barrier Reef and were surprised that the death rate was less than they expected…


Coral can take the heat, unlike experts crying wolf


Scientists from James Cook University have just published a paper on the bleaching and death of corals on the Great Barrier Reef and were surprised that the death rate was less than they expected, because of the adaptability of corals to changing temperatures.

It appears as though they exaggerated their original claims and are quietly backtracking.

To misquote Oscar Wilde, to exaggerate once is a misfortune, to do it twice looks careless, but to do it repeatedly looks like unforgivable systemic unreliability by some of our major science organisations.

The very rapid adaptation of corals to high temperatures is a well-known phenomenon; besides, if you heat corals in a given year, they tend to be less susceptible in the future to overheating. This is why corals are one of the least likely species to be affected by climate change, irrespective of whether you believe the climate is changing by natural fluctuations or because of human influence.DSC100583096

Corals have a unique way of dealing with changing temperature, by changing the microscopic plants that live inside them. These microscopic plants, called zooxanthellae, give the coral energy from the sun through photosynthesis in exchange for a comfortable home inside the coral. When the water gets hot, these little plants effectively become poisonous to the coral and the coral throws them out, which turns the coral white — that is, it bleaches.

But most of the time, the coral will recover from the bleaching. And here’s the trick: the corals take in new zooxanthellae, that floats around in the water quite naturally, and can selectselecting different species that are better suited to hot weather.

Most other organisms have to change their genetic make-up to deal with temperature changes — something that can take many generations. But corals can do it in a few weeks by just changing the plants that live in them.

They have learned a thing or two in a couple of hundred million years of evolution.

The problem here is that the world has been completely misled about the effects of bleaching by scientists who rarely mention the spectacular regrowth that occurs. For example, the 2016 bleaching event supposedly killed 93 per cent, or half, or 30 per cent of the reef, depending on which headline and scientist you want to believe.

However, the scientists looked only at coral in very shallow water — less than 2m below the surface — which is only a small fraction of all the coral, but by far the most susceptible to getting hot in the tropical sun. 1493256728125

A recent study found that deep-water coral (down to more than 40m) underwent far less bleaching, as one would expect. I estimate that less than 8 per cent of the Barrier Reef coral died. That might still sound like a lot, but considering that there was a 250 per cent increase in coral between 2011 and 2016 for the entire southern zone, an 8 per cent decrease is nothing to worry about. Coral recovers fast.

But this is just the tip of the exaggeration iceberg. Some very eminent scientists claim that bleaching never happened before the 1980s and is entirely a man-made phenomenon. This was always a ridiculous proposition.

A recent study of 400-year-old corals has found that bleaching has always occurred and is no more common now than in the past. Scientists have also claimed that there has been a 15 per cent reduction in the growth rate of corals. However, some colleagues and I demonstrated that there were serious errors in their work and that, if anything, there has been a slight increase in the coral growth rate over the past 100 years.

This is what one would expect in a gently warming climate. Corals grow up to twice as fast in the hotter water of Papua New Guinea and the northern Barrier Reef than in the southern reef. I could quote many more examples.

This unreliability of the science is now a widely accepted scandal in many other areas of study and it has a name: the replication crisis. When checks are made to replicate or confirm scientific results, it is regularly found that about half have flaws. This is an incredible and scandalous situation, a view shared by the editors of eminent journals and many science institutions. A great deal of effort is going into fixing this problem, especially in the biomedical sciences, where it was first recognised.whitsundays-seaplane

But not for Barrier Reef science. The science institutions deny there is a problem and fail to correct erroneous work. When Piers Larcombe and I submitted an article to a scientific journal suggesting we needed a little additional checking of Great Barrier Reef science, the response from many very eminent scientists was that there was no need. Everything was fine. I am not sure if this is blind optimism or wilful negligence, but why would anybody object to a little more checking? It would cost only a few million dollars — just a tiny fraction of what governments will be spending on the reef.

But the truth will out eventually. The scare stories about the Barrier Reef started in the 1960s, when scientists first started work on it. They have been crying wolf ever since. But the data keeps coming in and, yes, sometimes a great deal of coral dies in a spectacular manner, with accompanying media fanfare. It is like a bushfire on land — it looks terrible at first, but it quietly and rapidly grows back, ready for the scientists to peddle their story all over again.

Peter Ridd was, until fired this year, a physicist at James Cook University’s marine geophysical laboratory.

Coral can take the heat, unlike experts crying wolf | The Australian


SEE also :

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ARCTIC SEA-ICE EXPLOSION : Largest Increase In November Sea Ice Volume On Record

Polar Bears Nunavut

Lots of Ice, Lots of Bears!

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart — Heads will roll!” – South African UN Scientist Dr. Will Alexander, April 12, 2009


“BABY it’s cold outside”!

ANOTHER week, another dose of political correctness gone mad as CBC radio pulled the Christmas classic from their line-up claiming that the 1940s holiday song promotes rape culture.

THAT’s not the only thing that the PC brigade and their climate comrades would probably like to pull from the records …

IT’s not even winter yet in the Northern Hemisphere, and we’ve already witnessed a multitude of record cold events set :


ARCTIC sea-ice, refusing to suffer ‘missing out syndrome’, setting its own ‘inconvenient’ record …

via Tony Heller’s Real Climate Science :

Largest Increase In November Sea Ice Volume On Record

The increase in Arctic sea ice volume during November was the largest on record.


spreadsheet  data

November snow cover was the largest on record in North America.


Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

And it was the fourth coldest November on record in the US.





Meanwhile, our leading experts are warning that we are burning up and Arctic ice is disappearing.


Arctic search

Largest Increase In November Sea Ice Volume On Record | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog


No Trend In Arctic Sea Ice Extent Or Volume

1980 was an anomalously high (sea ice extent) year

– Walt Meier NSIDC

Claims that Arctic sea ice is disappearing are patently false. There has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent since the start of MASIE records in 2006.


data   spreadsheet

There also has been no trend in Arctic sea ice volume since 2006.


data    spreadsheet

According to the world’s leading climate scientist, the Arctic is already ice-free.


The Argus-Press – Google News Archive Search

No Trend In Arctic Sea Ice Extent Or Volume | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog


NOT the kind of weather / climate that we should expect, or were led to believe, in the CO2-centric, Orwellian era of “The Hottest Year Evahh”!

••• Read the rest of this entry »

NC SNOW STORM : Governor Declares State of Emergency

Screen Shot 2018-12-09 at 11.16.02 pm

NC snow: Governor Cooper declares State of Emergency ahead of winter weather | abc11.com

Governor Cooper on Friday declared a State of Emergency for all 100 counties as North Carolina prepares for a major winter storm expected to hit the state starting Saturday.


As North Carolina prepares for a winter storm Gov. Roy Cooper calls “the real thing,” Cooper has activated the National Guard and plans to declare a state of emergency.

Cooper said at a briefing Friday that the impacts from the weekend storm will vary across the state, with forecasters calling for up to 18 inches of snow in the mountains and possible flooding at the coast. He says a storm of this magnitude is rare so early in the season.

NC gov calls winter storm ‘the real thing’; activates National Guard | WYFF4


Snow in NC: Timeline of snow storm pushing through Raleigh

NC snow - Where the winter weather is and what areas it's hitting next | abc11.com

NC snow – Where the winter weather is and what areas it’s hitting next | abc11.com



  • NO major networks are covering this. In the age of “man-made Global Warming” hysteria, mainstream media prefer “hot” stories to “cold” ones.
  • IT’s called “weather”. Which is correct. But, if this were a State of Emergency declared for a “heatwave”, it would be all over the mainstream media, on repeat, labeled “climate” and blamed on mankind’s gasses (as happens every summer nowadays).
  • MAJOR snowstorms are becoming more frequent globally as CO2 rises. The exact opposite of what the “97% consensus” promised us.
  • IT’s not even Winter in the US, yet!



SNOW : Setting The Record Straight | Climatism



Major winter storm - More than 400,000 lose power - Ice Age Now

Major winter storm – More than 400,000 lose power – Ice Age Now

More than 247,000 customers in North Carolina were without power Sunday afternoon, more than 82,000 in South Carolina, and another 75,000 in Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. Parts of Georgia also saw outages.

The mercury is forecast to drop to 23 F (-5 C) overnight in Winston-Salem, not the best of times to be without power.

“North Carolina is in the cold, icy grip of a mammoth winter storm,” North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper said at a news conference. “Enjoy the beauty but respect the danger. Don’t be fooled. This storm is treacherous.”

The National Weather Service warned that the snowfall would continue until Monday, with the heaviest amounts in northwest North Carolina and southern Virginia. More than a foot (30 cm) of snow had already fallen on parts of North Carolina and Virginia  by Sunday afternoon.

Parts of western North Carolina had already been hit with 14 to 15 inches of snow, making it impossible for snow-clearing crews to get to some areas.

“Winter storm warnings are in effect from northeast Georgia to central Virginia,” the NWS said in its advisory. “Expect near-impossible travel conditions.” This is a “major” winter storm.




Major winter storm – More than 400,000 lose power – Ice Age Now


SNOW related :

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PEER-REVIEWED SCIENCE : The Medieval Warm Period Was Indeed Global And Warmer Than Today

THE Medieval Warm Period - A global Phenomenon - CLIMATISM

The Medieval Warm Period – A Global Phenomenon

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world
– Christine Stewart,
fmr Canadian Minister of the Environment

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President UN Foundation


WHEN prosecuting the case for “unprecedented” man-made Global Warming, the first thing you need to make sure of is that no recent climate era was as warm or warmer than the present, even if that means having to rewrite the past to fit your narrative.

THE Medieval Warm Period, also known as the Medieval Climate Optimum (due to conditions favoured for crops, life and civilisation to thrive) existed a short time ago in the climate record, from c. 950 to c. 1250., and has remained a thorn in the side, ever since, for today’s Global Warming Climate Change activist movement.


IN the 1990 IPCC report, the Medieval Warm Period was much warmer than the late 19th century:




THE IPCC’s 1990 report dives deeper into the reality of the Medieval Warm Period and provides an insight into the cause of these warming periods:

“This period of widespread warmth is notable in that there is no evidence that it was accompanied by an increase of greenhouse gases.

IPCC WG1 Report 1990 (p202)


BY the 2001 IPCC report, the Medieval Warm period disappeared and became much cooler than the late 20th century:


Mikey Mann Hockeystick


BY pure coincidence, in the year 1995 the IPCC made a decision to make the Medieval Warm Period disappear:

David Deming Senate Testimony

David Deming Senate Testimony


YOUTUBE clip of Dr David Deming’s US Senate testimony on the “disappearance” of the Medieval Warm Period (see 01m:50s) :

Video of Dr David Deming’s statement to the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on December 6, 2006. Dr Deming reveals that in 1995 a leading scientist emailed him saying “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period”. A few years later, Michael Mann and the IPCC did just that by publishing the now throughly discredited hockey stick graph.

IN case you missed it…

“I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.””

The existence of the MWP had been recognized in the scientific literature for decades. But now it was a major embarrassment to those maintaining that the 20th century warming was truly anomalous. It had to be “gotten rid of.””

Statement of Dr. David Deming | U.S. Senate Committee



ACCORDING to multiple lines of “peer-reviewed science”, the Medieval Warm Period was indeed ‘global’ and was as warm, if not warmer than today.

CLICK here for excellent interactive map of clickable peer-reviewed MWP studies in both North and Southern Hemispheres :

THE Medieval Warm Period - A global Phenomenon - CLIMATISM

THE Medieval Warm Period – A Global Phenomenon



THERE is absolutely nothing unusual about today’s so-called Global Warming aka Climate Change.

LOOK at how many periods of warmth our planet has enjoyed during the past 10,000 years alone.

CIVILISATIONS flourished during those warm periods (“climate optimums”), and collapsed when they ended.

DID humans cause the Minoan warm period of about 3,300 years ago?

DID humans cause the Roman warm period of about 2,100 years ago?

DID humans cause the Medieval warm period of about 1,000 years ago?

WHAT about all of those other warm periods? Should we blame Fred Flintstone, perhaps?


via @BigJoeBastardi | Twitter

IF the downward trend in temperature of the past 3,300 years continues, we could be in a heap of trouble. While our leaders keep on wringing their collective hands over global warming, we could be blindsided by an ice age.

ALL this talk about human-caused global warming is sheer nonsense, if not downright fraud. The record shows that both periods of warmth – and periods of cold – hit our planet with almost consistent regularity.

* Read the rest of this entry »

GLOBAL Temperature Drops By 0.4°C In Three Years

Mother Nature, yet again, doing her best to bury the failed global warming theory. Mainstream media silent, of course…

SEE also :


By Paul Homewood

From David Whitehouse:


In a press release the World Meteorological Organisation said,

The main message was echoed by others, such as the BBC.

Likewise the Guardian:

It all goes to show how temperature data can be misrepresented if you don’t show the temperature data itself.

Fig 1 is the HadCRUT4 monthly global temperature from the UK Met Office.

As you can see a graph tells a very different story. The past decade has a climate change contribution but what elevates the past four years above the previous ones is an El Nino event, the strongest one on record. As we have said many time before an El Nino is not a climatic phenomenon, it is weather. What’s more, after its peak in 2016 the global temperature has fallen by around 0.4° C. The past four years being the warmest on record is true, but it has…

View original post 349 more words

BEFORE Mann Made Climate Change, Chicago Was Buried Under A Mile Of Ice

Thickness Of Ice Sheets 20,000 Years Ago - CLIMATISM

Thickness Of The Ice Sheets Compared With Modern Skylines

THE Laurentide Ice Sheet was a massive sheet of ice that covered millions of square kilometers, including most of Canada and a large portion of the northern United States.

THE last advance covered most of northern North America between 95,000 and 20,000 years ago.

THIS ice sheet was the primary feature of the Pleistocene epoch in North America, commonly referred to as the ice age. It was up to 2 mi (3.2 km) thick in Nunavik, Quebec, Canada.

PRIOR to the intervention of humans – when the climate was ‘stable’ – Chicago was buried under a mile of ice :

Before Mann Made Climate Change | Real Science

Before Mann Made Climate Change | Real Science


The maximum extent of glacial ice in the north polar area during the Pleistocene period included the vast Laurentide ice sheet in eastern North America.



IN order for glaciers and ice sheets to form, they require lots of snow to fall.

FOR most of this Century, the planet has seen a significant uptick in fall and winter snowfall during some extremely cold winters :


Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab


Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

utgers University Climate Lab -- Global Snow Lab (Fall NH)

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab (Fall NH)

Rutgers University Climate Lab -- Global Snow Lab (Eurasia Fall)

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab (Eurasia Fall)


CLIMATE CHANGE alarmists blame the increase in snowfall on man-made Global Warming!

TAKE the Guardian’s resident climate ‘expert’ George Monbiot :



THIS is how a non-activist (real) expert explains the record snowfalls that have persisted over the past decade :


“INTERESTINGLY, some scientists have stated that increasing snow is consistent with climate change because warmer air holds more moisture, more water vapor and this can result in more storms with heavy precipitation. The trick, of course, is having sufficient cold air to produce that snow. But note that 93% of the years with more than 60″ of snow in Boston were colder than average years. The reality is cooling, not warming, increases snowfall.” – Veteran meteorologist Barry Burbank

Will The Snowiest Decade Continue? « CBS Boston

Will The Snowiest Decade Continue? « CBS Boston

Record Snow Decade - CBS Boston

Record Snow Decade – CBS Boston

Will The Snowiest Decade Continue? « CBS Boston



ELECTROVERSE – the excellent site “Documenting Earth Changes As We Enter A Grand Solar Minimum” reports on this weeks record snowfalls in Chicago. Snowfalls that demonstrate Mother Nature is doing her best to not only bury the failed Global Warming theory, but to perhaps return The Windy City to the Pleistocene epoch and the era of the mile-high Laurentide ice sheet!


This Week Saw one of the Worst November Snowstorms to Ever Hit the Chicago Area – Electroverse


“One of the largest November storms on record dumped as much as 13 inches (33 cm) of snow on the Chicago area Sunday into Monday,” says the Chicago Tribune.

The storm, which all by itself made this the sixth-snowiest November in Chicago history, jammed the morning commute.

It forced the cancellation of more than 1,200 flights.

It shut hundreds of schools.

And it knocked out power to more than 340,000 homes and businesses.

For the full article from the Chicago Tribune, click here.

But AGW meant less snow, right? That’s what we were told?

Well we’re watching yet another narrative shift as the reality changes — the first was the re-branding of Global Warming to Climate Change, and the latest is that a warming world means we should now expect more snowfall, not less.

That’s right, apparently our baking planet will now witness more record cold temperatures, blizzards and early season snow.

I call bullshit.

And I call you a moron if you’re buying this tripe, because it’s so obviously the sun.

We’ve known the mechanism for decades, as this article from 1975’s Science News explains:

Meridional Circulation

Meridional Circulation

It’s all cyclical.

And as our star continues its decline into this next Grand Solar Minimum, a cooling globe will become ever-more apparent — and ever-harder for the UN to cover up.

But they’ll no doubt give it a bash, they’ve been doing it for decades after-all.

Back in 1989 the UN came out with this: “entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.

“Governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.

“As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations.”

Just how many dire tipping points and deadlines have passed since 1989, and how many more need to come and go before populations fully wake?

It’s an epic fraud.

The sun is again shutting down.

Prepare for the cold times.


For the full UN 1989 AGW article, click here.

This Week Saw one of the Worst November Snowstorms to Ever Hit the Chicago Area – Electroverse


“It’s an epic fraud. The sun is again shutting down. Prepare for the cold times.”

UNFORTUNATELY, we at Climatism agree. Substantial real-world evidence points toward global cooling, not global warming, as the overheated UN climate models shamelessly foretell:

Climate Models are a Joke « JoNova

Climate Models are a Joke « JoNova




“Winter Is Coming”

GET prepared…



GLOBAL Temperature Drops By 0.4°C In Three Years


SEE also :

GSM related :

Read the rest of this entry »

INCONVENIENT : Arctic Sea Ice Extent Enters The Mean Zone!

ARCTIC Sea-Ice Extent Enters 1981-2000 Mean - CLIMATISM

ARCTIC Sea-Ice Extent At ‘Normal’ Levels

MOTHER NATURE has dealt another blow to the credibility of the Climate Crisis Industry, with its favourite ‘canary in the coal mine’ and harbinger of doom – Arctic sea-ice – going AWOL on Global Warming Climate Change alarmists…

THE latest data from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) shows sea-ice extent hitting the 1981-2000 ‘normal’ range:

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut

Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


IS that the collision of excess Arctic sea-ice or the gnashing of activists teeth making that awkward and un’deniable’ sound?! Ouch.



ALL that ‘inconvenient’ ice is thick, multi-year and going nowhere fast…

DMI Modelled ice thickness

DMI Modelled ice thickness



THERE has been no trend in Arctic sea ice extent over the last 12 years:

FLAT trend in Arctic sea-ice extent visible over the last 12 years of the satellite record:


Sea Ice Index | National Snow and Ice Data Center



COMPARE the latest real-world data to what the “97% of experts” and sycophant mainstream media have been spinning to you for years, driven by CO2-centric UN climate models, politics, ideology and government grants :

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

North Pole could be ice free in 2008 | New Scientist

Dealing with Arctic tipping points - Stockholm Resilience Centre.png

Dealing with Arctic tipping points – Stockholm Resilience Centre

Arctic ice melt could trigger uncontrollable climate change at global level | Environment | The Guardian

Arctic ice melt could trigger uncontrollable climate change at global level | Environment | The Guardian

Gore- Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 | USA TODAY

Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014 | USA TODAY

Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point | New Scientist

Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point | New Scientist

BBC NEWS | Science:Nature | Arctic ice 'is at tipping point'

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic ice ‘is at tipping point’

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastroph – scientist | The Guardian

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastroph – scientist | The Guardian

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada

Why Arctic sea ice will vanish in 2013 | Sierra Club Canada


WILL the mainstream media report on the uptick in Arctic sea-ice that has brought extent to ‘normal’ levels, confounding past reporting? Not a chance. They are too heavily invested in Global Warming hysteria to bother informing you of truths.

WHAT else do the mainstream media and government funded scientific bodies not tell you in regards to ‘inconvenient’ climate information that contradicts their political, ideological and grant-driven agendas?


UPDATE 25 Nov, 2018

Arctic Ice Keeps Coming

Despite the feverish reporting that last summer was hell, and that hot is now the “new normal,” the Arctic ice man is hard at work.  In reality, Arctic ice is spreading everywhere.  The image below shows how quickly Hudson Bay froze over in recent days.

Hudson Bay freeze over

Baffin Bay in the center next to Greenland is extending south and added 250k km2.  Hudson Bay on the left added 700k km2, now at 73% of maximum, with both east and west coastlines freezing all the way down into James Bay.

Chukchi is closing in.  On the right side Kara

On the Eurasian side, on the left margin Chukchi is closing in.  On the right side Kara has added 300k km2 of ice extent, now at 85% of maximum

The graph below shows 2018 is now exceeding the 11-year average after being down in October.

2018 is now exceeding the 11-year average

MASIE is showing  10.8M km2 ice extent, 400k km2 greater than the average for day 327, Nov. 23.  SII is slightly lower, while 2007 is almost 500k km2 lower. In fact, in the past decade, only two years, 2013 and 2015, had more ice than 2018 at this date.

Arctic Ice Keeps Coming | Science Matters


ARCTIC Sea-Ice Expansion related :

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