Green Energy Fiasco

“In the meantime, Germany’s CO2 emissions have been rising, and thus consumers are not really getting anything for the massive amounts of money.”

So much pain for so little gain.

Not to mention the CO2 emitted from China and India to manufacture all those ‘green’ industrial windmills.


By Paul Homewood

In an energy news round up:

GWPF carry a report from Germany’s Wirtschaft Woche:


Because of the boom of renewable energy, more and more wind turbines have to be switched off. The reason is power overloading. The network operators must turn down electricity generated from windmills when their power threatens to clog the network. Originally, this was intended only as an emergency measure. The operators of wind and solar parks, however, are being subsidised for electricity that is not produced.

For the grid operator Tennet alone, these costs added EUR 329 million in 2015 – two and a half times as much as in the previous year. The other network operators 50Hertz, Amprion and EnBW had a combined cost of 150 million euros, according to a survey of Wirtschaftswoche among the four network operators in Germany.

No surprise then that electricity in Germany is more expensive…

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Atlantic Ocean Cooling

The AO has flipped.

The flip matches RSS / UAH TLT atmospheric satellite data which shows slight global cooling trend since 2002 (ex 2016 El Niño)

‘Global Cooling’ ? Hmmm. Gavin et al will be working overtime in the NASA GISS tampering factory to maintain their fabricated ‘warning’ trend!

Science Matters

Most oceanographers have noted quasi-60-year cycles in warming and cooling of the oceans, with offsets between Pacific and Atlantic.  Thus it has been expected that early this century the oceanic temperature regime should shift from the warming phase that dominated the 1980s to 2000.

Paul Dorian at Vencore Weather has an excellent post (here) showing how this cooling regime is in process in the Atlantic.  By several measures, the cooling is evident and likely to be a long term (decadal) phenomenon.

From his Overview:

In general, the Atlantic Ocean experienced a cold phase from the early 1960’s to the mid 1990’s at which time it flipped to a warm phase and that has continued for the most part ever since. The current warm phase; however, is now showing signs of a possible long-term shift back to colder-than-normal sea surface temperatures (SST) and this could have serious implications on…

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No, Greenland Is Not Melting Down

Greenland gains 500 Gigatons of ice since September, has one “warm” day, so New Scientist and NOAA go into climate change “death spiral” mode !

H/t @AndyOz2


By Paul Homewood

h/t Malcolm Bell


Malcolm drew my attention to this article in New Scientist:

After record low amounts of sea ice across the Arctic Ocean last winter, spring has begun with an unprecedented early melt of land ice on Greenland.

Temperatures soaring above 10 °C caused more than a tenth of the island’s vast ice sheet to start melting on Monday and Tuesday this week, says Ruth Mottram of the Danish Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen.

Previously, the earliest melting recorded over more than a tenth of Greenland was on 5 May 2010, Mottram said. Normally, significant melting does not begin there until at least mid-May.

The melt was driven primarily by weather fronts bringing warm air and heavy rain from the Atlantic Ocean to the south of the island, she says.

Meteorological records dating back to 1873 show temperatures this week are a record high for the…

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Polar bear habitat update end of April 2016: Plenty of sea ice for feeding

Global Warming alarmists media and activist groups; BBC, Sierra Club, National Geographic, Al Gore assured us that the Arctic would be ice-free by now.
You were lied to and Arctic sea ice is doing just fine:

You Were Lied To About Arctic Sea Ice Disappearing

Leonardo DiCaprio and those same alarmist media outlets and activist groups also preach the dire fate of the cuddly Polar Bear to push their man-made global warming agenda. This is also a lie.

Arctic sea ice and those cuddly polar bears are doing just fine.

“Polar bears consume 2/3 of all the food they need for the year during April-June and so far, ice conditions are looking just fine.”


So, here we are near the end of the first month of the Arctic spring and there is still more ice than usual off Labrador and conditions in the Barents Sea are improving daily. The fear-mongers can blather all they like about the potential risks of bears swimming in summer – but spring is the critical seasonas far as sea ice is concerned for polar bears and all polar bear biologists know it. Polar bears consume 2/3 of all the food they need for the year during April-June and so far, ice conditions are looking just fine.

Cambridge Bay_we re OK_from Joe Prins

There is enough ice where there needs to be ice for polar bears to gorge themselves on new-born ringed and bearded seals – and that’s really all that matters. More ice off Labrador means more hunting ground for the Davis Strait polar bears that depend on the tens of thousands of young…

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SCIENCE : 230 Years Of Blaming White Men For Climate Change

Not much has changed in 230 years. Climate superstition still reigns supreme.

Why? Because, deep within human nature there are certain types of people who yearn for catastrophe, they yearn to have significance in their lives believing that theirs is the time when the chickens are coming home to roost and everything is going to go tits up.

Real Science

Australia has been experiencing droughts and floods since it was first discovered by Captain Cook.

“there is little doubt that Australia is subject to long periods during which dry seasons prevail, and again, intervals of some years, in which there is a prevalence of floods” – 1868

Aborigines said that the climate used to be perfect, but was ruined by the white men.

“The aborigines say that the climate has undergone this change since white-man came in country. “Old-hands” speak positively of creeks, constantly running streams, in their early days” – 1846

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13 Oct 1868 – THE CLIMATE OF AUSTRALIA. – Trove

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11 Mar 1846 – ON THE CHANGE OF CLIMATE. – Trove

I prepared this visualization to help readers understand the difference between natural droughts and man-made drought.

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California drought : San Jose Mercury New

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“Climate Hustle” Demolishes Climate Alarmism

Is “dangerous manmade climate change” merely the greatest overheated environmentalist con-job and shell game ever devised to advance the Big Green anti-energy agenda?

The only thing more certainly ‘yes’ in answer to this question is death and (carbon) taxes!

CANNOT wait to see “Climate Hustle”!!

PA Pundits - International

Be sure to see this movie Monday, May 2 – during its one-night nationwide engagement

Driessenprofile2By Paul Driessen ~

Without presenting it to the U.S. Senate, as required by the Constitution, President Obama has signed the Paris climate treaty. He is already using it to further obligate the United States to slash its fossil fuel use, carbon dioxide emissions, and economic growth … control our lives, livelihoods, living standards, and liberties … and redistribute our wealth. Poor, minority, and working class families will suffer most.

hustleChina, India, and other “developing” economies are under no such obligation, unless and until it is in their interest to do so. For them, compliance is voluntary – and they cannot afford to eliminate the fossil fuels that supply 85% of all global energy, generate some 90% of developing nations’ electricity, and will lift billions of people out of abject poverty. That’s why these countries…

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State of the Climate: 10 years after Al Gore declared a ‘planetary emergency’ – top 10 reasons Gore was wrong

Hard data and empirical evidence – “The Science” – proves once again that the threat of man-made CO2 induced catastrophic global warming is the biggest scientific scam in history.

With the subsequent trillions of dollars that has gone in to fund, support and feed the beast, it is quite possibly the biggest heist / scam of all time.

We really are a bunch of eco-suckers, living in an age of collective madness.

Dangerous times we inhabit.

Watts Up With That?

gore-10yearsAs I pointed out a couple of weeks ago, ten years ago today, Al Gore said we had only a decade left to save the planet from global warming. But Earth and humanity has been doing just fine since then.

People that know money over at Investor’s Business Daily, said that “We Know Al Gore’s Been Running A Global Warming Racket” and listed five ways they ascertain this, I’m going to list those, embellish them, and add a few of my own. IBD writes:

While preening at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2006 during the premiere of his “An Inconvenient Truth” fib-umentary, Gore made his grand declaration. The former vice president said, in the words of the AP reporter taking down his story, that

“unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point…

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EU drive for ‘green’ biodiesel has increased emissions, study finds 

Not to mention the devastation of SE Asian rainforests to satisfy the EU’s 10% biofuel (feel-good) mandate, in order to “save the planet” from CAGW.

Green hypocrisy at its very finest.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

For how much longer? [image credit:] For how much longer?
[image credit:]
The Telegraph reports that the the biodiesel ‘cure’ is about 1.8 times worse than the imagined carbon dioxide ‘disease’. Another own goal by misguided government-supported environmentalists.

The use of supposedly ‘green’ biodiesel to hit EU renewable energy targets has actually significantly increased greenhouse gas emissions, a new study finds.

By 2020, continued use of biodiesel derived from vegetable oil will increase total EU transport emissions by almost four per cent compared with using its fossil fuel alternative, according to analysis by Transport & Environment, a green group.

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Hump day hilarity – Told you so!

Nice one Josh.

Watts Up With That?

Josh writes: There’s been a lot of Twittering over an article in Nature Climate Change about the greening of the planet. It might not exactly be ground breaking science, it is after all something sceptics have been pointing out for some time, but it is great to see the story in Nature all the same.

But to get alarmists to admit this is good news will, I suspect, be like pulling hen’s teeth.


Cartoons by Josh

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Major New Complaint Submitted To BBC Over Climate Bias

Same story with Australia’s public broadcaster – the Leftist ABC. Its former boss Maurice Newman noting the broadcaster had been “captured” by a “small but powerful” group of people when it came to “climate change groupthink.”

Great work:

Piers Corbyn
Richard Courtney
David T C Davies MP
Philip Foster
Roger Helmer MEP
Alex Henney
Paul Homewood
Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
John Whitfield
Rupert Wyndham


By Paul Homewood

A major new and serious complaint has been sent to the Director General of the BBC, regarding the Corporation’s persistent bias in reporting of climate change issues. The complaint is a massive 163 pages long, and is a joint submission from ten complainants. In addition, there are several technical annexes, totalling 125 pages.

Below is the letter sent to the DG:


22nd April 2016

The Director General
180 Great Portland Street

W1W 5QZ.

Dear Director General,

Complaint of BBC prejudice in covering of climate change and warning of potential judicial review

We enclose a complaint from all of us about persistent partiality in the BBC’s coverage of climate change. From the outset, on the climate question the BBC has tended to reflect only one view – that of the climate science establishment who are promoting a view that man is causing significant global…

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