“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.
Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.
“The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart — Heads will roll!” – South African UN Scientist Dr. Will Alexander, April 12, 2009
TAKEN in Tucson, AZ Jan 1st, 2019 New Years day near Saguaro National Park, just east of Tucson.
RARE snow in Tucson – usually gets just a dusting of snow, not inches, maybe once every 2 years.
Photo Credit: Jon P Peterson
SEE more incredible weather pictures of the day @ …
Weather Picture of the Day | Weather events from around the world served daily
“It’s never too cold for Fete des Neige!”
– Christine Muschi | Montreal Gazette
BEING careful not to confuse ‘weather’ with ‘climate’, even though our warmist friends have no problem finding a direct link between heatwaves and ‘climate change’, every summer, there’s no escaping the irony of cancelling a snow festival due to extreme cold in the era of the “Hottest Year Evahh“!
THE extreme irony highlighted by a support comment from Christine Muschi of the Montreal Gazette, before the cancellation – “It’s never too cold for Fete des Neige…”!
Fête des neiges debuts in deep freeze | Montreal Gazette
ORGANISERS disagree with Christine’s optimism and have cancelled the event on Sunday due to extreme cold and snow conditions :
“Although the majority of the Fête’s activities can be held despite difficult winter conditions, blowing snow, freezing cold, wind gusts and dangerous roads are all factors that have influenced our decision,” François Carier, director of marketing, business development and communications at Parc Jean-Drapeau, said in a statement.”
While you were sleeping: Fête des neiges disrupted by titular snow | Montreal Gazette
CBC with the story on today’s cancellation :
The annual Fête des neiges at Parc Jean-Drapeau is cancelled today due to the extreme cold and winter storm warning.
This is the first time in 10 years that activities for the winter festival have been cancelled due to weather, according to a statement from François Cartier, director of marketing and communications for the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau.
Cartier said that the decision was made in an effort to maintain the safety of the public as well as employees and volunteers who make the festival possible.
The events, which run until Feb. 10, will restart Saturday Jan. 26.
This is the 36th edition of the Fête des neiges.
Freezing, snowy weekend in store for much of southern Quebec
Environment Canada issued a winter storm warning for the greater Montreal area and predicted as much as 20 or 25 cm of snowfall though Sunday.
Temperatures are expected to dip as low as -35 C (with windchill) and the weather agency is warning that there is a frostbite risk.
Montreal’s Fête des neiges cancelled due to extreme cold weather | CBC News
MEANWHILE, Justin Trudeau and environment minister Catherine McKenna campaign for a Carbon Tax to stop ‘Global Warming’ or ‘Climate Change’, or something…
HOW does wrecking your economy with a #CarbonTAX and then redistributing $307 to ‘families’ stop bad weather??
YOU #climate-theory-obsessed buffoons are so dumb. 🤦♂️
WHAT’s wrong with the ‘climate’ or the weather anyway? https://t.co/OWmn4lqydl#CDNpoli #onpoli #BCpoli #Auspol https://t.co/sqASw1Wcyq
— JWSpry 🇦🇶 (@JWSpry) January 19, 2019
‘NOTHING to see here’ according to the global warming theory-obsessed mainstream media.
KEEP in mind their golden rule:
Coldest Montreal Snowstorm for a Century and the Mainstream Media’s Embarrassing “Explain-Away” – Electroverse
Meteorologists and historians believe that this weekend’s baptism by snow could actually have been the coldest snowstorm experienced by Montrealers in a century, reads amontreal.ctvnews.caarticle from Jan 20.
Sunday’s high held below -15C all day and snow accumulation was expected to exceed 25cm.
According to the Twitter account YUL Weather Records, the last time Montreal experienced a similar snowstorm was Jan 16, 1920. On that day, a total of 30.2 cm of snow fell, and the daytime high reached -19.4C.
By 3pm on Sunday it was already Montreal’s 2nd snowiest Jan 20th since records began in 1872:
With a 3pm snow total of 18cm, today is #Montréal's 2nd snowiest Jan 20th since records began in 1872. pic.twitter.com/FA9kThZG39
— YUL Weather Records (@YUL_Weather) January 20, 2019
And it was a similar story in nearby Ottawa:
Coldest snowstorm in more than 100 years expected tomorrow. Temperatures are expected to stay below -15°C with up to 20cm of snow. The last time that happened in #Ottawa was February 8th, 1895 when we received 45.7cm of snow with a daytime high of -17.8°C (0°F). #OttNews pic.twitter.com/0DMFkFgZAf
— YOW Weather Records 🎄 (@YOW_Weather) January 19, 2019
Environment Canada advised people to postpone “non-essential travel” until conditions improve, which may not be for a couple of days.
“There is another storm that may be heading our way for the middle of the week, so we expect more snow,” warned Michelle Fleury, a meteorologist with Environment Canada.
For the full article from montreal.ctvnews.ca,click here.
A recently published NYTimes article desperately tries to explain-away the brutal cold gripping the Northern Hemisphere this winter with a painfully stupid, logic-lacking argument.
According to the article, we can expect further disruptions to the polar vortex due to Global Warming. Yes, that’s right, a complete tune-change, but Global Warming now means more record snow and cold during the winter.
An incredible flip, and one clearly driven by the multitude of cold-weather records tumbling across the continents along with the above-average Snow Mass the Northern Hemisphere has maintained all winter.
The irritating thing is that this slimy bullshit will likely fly with those that can’t be bothered, or simply don’t have the time, to do any digging.
“We’d better just believe what the NYTimes says.
After all, they have such a stellar track record on this topic…
Forty years ago, a NYTimes headline read ‘International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere’:
Forty years ago, the @nytimes blamed the Polar Vortex on global cooling and increasing Arctic ice.
Now they say the exact opposite – the Polar Vortex is caused by global warming and decreasing Arctic ice.
"All the #FakeNews, unfit to print"https://t.co/lxOUscq761 pic.twitter.com/e4AXL8QvLd
— Steve Goddard (@SteveSGoddard) January 20, 2019
The Polar Vortex used to be evidence that a new ice age is setting in. Now apparently it is evidence that the Earth is burning up, writes Steve Goddard on his website realclimatescience.com.
It pains me to link it, but here is the NYTimes article in question, entitled Brace for the Polar Vortex: It May Be Visiting More Often.
I can hear it being cited during many a heated family debate — the AGW alarmists new ace-in-the-hole to explain away the encroaching Grand Solar Minimum.
But the truth is out there:
Arctic Sea Ice continues to trend thicker — link.
Total Snow Mass for the NH is well-above the 30-year average — link.
Global Average Temperatures continue to fall — link.
And it has nothing to do with increasing CO2 heating the planet, it’s all the result of our sun beginning its latest shut down (relatively) which past cycles suggest is due.
Research (linked below) shows blocking persistence increases when solar activity is low, causing weather patterns to become locked in place at high and intermediate latitudes for prolonged periods of time.
During a solar minimum, the jet stream’s usual Zonal Flow (a west–east direction) reverts to more of a Meridional Flow (a north-south direction) — this is exaggerated further during a Grand Solar Minimum, like the one we’re likely entering now, and explains why regions become unseasonably hot or cold and others unusually dry or rainy, with the extremes lasting for an extended period of time.
Mikhaël Schwander, et al, 2017 — “The 247-year-long analysis of the 11-year solar cycle impact on late winter European weather patterns suggests a reduction in the occurrence of westerly flow types linked to a reduced mean zonal flow under low solar activity. Based on this observational evidence, we estimate the probability to have cold conditions in winter over Europe to be higher under low solar activity than under high activity.”
We’ve known the mechanisms for decades, as this article from 1975’s Science Mag would indicate, but as they contradict the modern political Global Warming agenda they’re conveniently forgotten:
Back in the fall of 2018, Texas was reported to be ‘out-snowing’ Fairbanks, Alaska.
The story was twisted by the mainstream media to somehow prove AGW, however the phenomenon is exactly the pattern we’d expect to see during a Grand Solar Minimum.
Looking at NASA’s own Maunder Minimum Temperature Reconstruction Maps, some regions actually warm during periods of global cooling — the Arctic, North Atlantic and Alaska being the main ones (although ‘warm’ to the Arctic, for example, is still well-below freezing — there’s no melt):
NASA – Temp Change 1680-1780
Alaska may have had a slow start to winter but the Northern Hemisphere as a whole certainly didn’t.
As linked to earlier, Total Snow Mass for the NH, excluding the mountains, is comfortably sitting well-above the 30 year average:
Total NH Snow Mass — Latest Observation Jan 19, 2019
Our climate is cyclic, never linear — driven mainly by the sun.
History is repeating.
The cold times have returned.
Click here for more on the Grand Solar Minimum and how the resulting increase in Galactic Cosmic Rays contribute to global cooling. GSM
Coldest Montreal Snowstorm for a Century and the Mainstream Media’s Embarrassing “Explain-Away” – Electroverse
❄️ SNOW will become “A very rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” – Dr. Viner CRU (2000)
❄️ “Milder winter temps will decrease heavy snowstorms” IPCC (2001)
❄️ “Resorts could lose 1/4 of snow in 15 years” – CSIRO (2003)
❄️ “Alps Under Threat” THE AGE (2005)
❄️ “End of Snow?” NYTimes (2014)
AND, for the “global warming = more moisture in the air” enthusiasts, don’t forget that you need *cold* air to make snow.
Snow in Bavaria [image credit: BBC] It seems that rumours of the end of snowy European winters have been greatly exaggerated. Countries as far south as Greece have been badly affected.
Winter storms have killed several people across Europe, including in Germany, reports DW.com.
While conditions have improved in some parts, meteorologists predict it’s just the calm before the next storm.
The cold fronts are expected to continue through the weekend, meaning more snow could be on the way. Picture: Getty. | 9NEWS
THE “Global Warming” that Northern Hemisphere climate alarmists have been in an apoplectic seizure about, has reached Australia with devastating results…
H/t Pure Climate Skeptic
Via 9NEWS :
Parts of Australia recording lowest winter temperatures and most snow in years
By Ben Domensino Weatherzone • Weatherzone meterologist
Australians have been shivering across the country this winter, but a cold air mass combined with clear skies and light winds caused the mercury to really plummet last night.
A slow-moving high pressure system will continue to cause notably cold mornings across much of central, southern and eastern Australia during the next three days, leading to widespread frost and fog each morning until Sunday.
Some southern parts of the Northern Territory and a few places in southwest Queensland had their coldest morning in three to seven years.
Temperatures across Australia have been plummeting as the brunt of winter sweeps across the country in the form of multiple cold fronts. Picture: Getty.
After a night of steady cooling, the temperature in Queensland town of Thargomindah dropped to a low of 0.2 degrees just before 7am today – the site’s coldest morning since 2012.
Nearby, Ballera Gas Field’s 1.6 degrees was also its lowest temperature in seven years.
Across the border, it was the coldest morning in three years for the Northern Territory’s Jervois, which recorded a low of -0.2 degrees and Daly Waters felt a chilly 3.9 degrees.
The low temperatures have created ideal conditions for snowfall, with many parts in the Australian alps receiving more snow than recent years. Picture: Getty.
This morning’s frosty start comes a day after some areas of NSW registered their lowest temperature in more than a decade yesterday.
A low of -2.6 degrees at Fowlers Gap was its coldest start since 2006.
The cold temperatures has also seen the natural snow depth in Australia’s alps getting close to one metre in some areas.
Snowy Hydro reported a natural snow depth of 94.7cm at Spencers Creek on today, which is a 19cm increase from last week and a new high point for 2018.
In parts, the natural depth of snow that has fallen is beginning to reach around a metre deep. Picture: Getty.
Based on historical records stretching back to the 1950s, the average snow depth at Spencers Creek in the middle of July is around one metre.
The earliest date that a measurement above one metre has been recorded at Spencers Creek was 148.8cm on May 9th 1960.
At the other end of the scale however, the 2006 and 1982 snow seasons didn’t feature any readings above one metre at the site.
The peak snow depth in Australia’s alps typically occurs in late August or early September, although it can vary quite a bit from year to year.
The cold fronts are expected to continue through the weekend, meaning more snow could be on the way. Picture: Getty.
The peak depth during 2017 was in late September and in 2016 it didn’t happen until October.
Looking ahead, a pool of cold air will cause light snow showers in the alps tomorrow, before dry weather returns on the weekend.
A pair of cold fronts are also likely to bring follow-up snowfalls at the start of next week, possible nudging the natural base above one metre for the first time this season.
DON’T expect to read why Australia is experiencing record cold temps and record snow in recent years from those ‘in the know’ like BoM, CSIRO or any other Government ‘science’ department.
THEY are only interested in hot temperatures to promote “The Hottest Year Evahhh“ meme and guarantee more of your hard-earned money keeps flowing to their global warming climate change cause through skyrocketing green-energy costs and carbon taxes (NEG).
UPDATE (16 July 2018)
Via 9NEWS :
Coldest morning in 60 years for parts of the east coast
A cold snap has delivered some of the chilliest temperatures in decades to parts of Australia’s east coast, with more frosty mornings to come.
Both Parkes and Cowra in New South Wales have set new all-time coldest minimum temperature records today with the mercury dropping to -6.6 and -5.8 degrees respectively. Both sites opened back in 1958.
Winter wonderland in the Sunshine State- Queensland’s southeast woke to very chilly minimums. (9NEWS)
READ the *cold* records blown away here…
Cold weather Australia Brisbane Sydney Melbourne | 9NEWS
UPDATE (16 July 2018)
HERALD SUN’S Andrew Bolt with more analysis on the RECORD COLD slamming Australia and the Arctic!…
But when it’s record cold, the news reports don’t mention global warming:
A cold snap has delivered some of the chilliest temperatures in decades to parts of Australia’s east coast, with more frosty mornings to come.
Both Parkes and Cowra in New South Wales have set new all-time coldest minimum temperature records today with the mercury dropping to -6.6 and -5.8 degrees respectively. Both sites opened back in 1958.
Dubbo’s low of -6.0 degrees was its coldest night in 78 years while Lithgow’s -9.3 degrees was the coldest it has been since 1972.
As I’ve said repeatedly, we have far more to worry about should the planet cool instead:
Sanderlings, red knots and ruddy turnstones failed to breed this year along the Arctic island’s east coast due to record snow cover
With epic ‘cold’ weather events like this, it really is as if the more the global warmies yell “Hottest Year Evah”, the more Mother Nature flips them the bird!
Watts Up With That?
You think we had a bad winter here in the USA? Look at Japan where they have walls of snow 56 feet tall (almost the height of a 6-story building).
There’s an avalanche of tourists coming to the Tateyama to see the walls of snow.
This spectacular mountain route, reopened on Sunday after being closed for five months during the winter, expects to receive a million visitors.
The Tateyama Kurobe Alpin Route is a major tourist attraction in Japan.
These large white walls are located in Murodo, at the highest point of the route at an altitude of 2,450 meters and are known as “yuki no otani”.
Although The Guardian’s George Monbiot waxes famously excitable over anything he can blame on global warming, he got carried away even more than usual last week. As Britain suffered from blizzards and a deep freeze, he noted a recent spike in temperatures in the Arctic, taking them up to 63F (35C) above average. “This is more than just a temperature anomaly,” he tweeted, “it is an off-the-scale event. Why is the Arctic meltdown not headline news in every paper?”
It did not take long for our expert friend Paul Homewood, on his blogNotalotofpeopleknowthat,to track down one answer to that question. He published a graph and charts from the Danish Meteorological Institute showing a similar temperature spike in 1976 which also brought March snow to Britain.
Far from being “crazy”, “weird” and “unprecedented”, as is claimed by various scientists…
Hasn’t he changed his tune since admitting that catastrophic climate predictions are great for the reinsurance business:
From a previous post:
Climate change alarmism is big business for ‘reinsurance’ billionaire Warren Buffett. But he doesn’t believe in it:
– Warren Buffett: “The public has the impression, because there has been so much talk about climate, that the events of the last ten years have been unusual…they haven’t!
– Warren Buffett: “We’ve been remarkably free of hurricanes in the last five years [Now eleven years or 4003 days]. If you’ve been writing hurricane insurance it’s been all profit.”
– Warren Buffett: “I love apocalyptic predictions, because … they probably do affect rates…”
– Warren Buffett: “we get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them.”
Warren Buffet has repeated his inconvenient message from last year, that climate has not affected his insurance business – though he is concerned about future climate change.
Warren Buffett says global warming is not impacting the way Berkshire writes insurance
Tom DiChristopher
Monday, 27 Feb 2017 | 3:34 PM ET
Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett on Monday said he has not yet seen sufficient evidence that climate change is affecting weather events to a degree that would make him change the way his conglomerate’s insurance businesses write policies.
Events such as Hurricane Sandy have raised concerns that global warming is increasing the intensity and frequency of so-called superstorms.
“I have not seen anything yet that would cause me to change the way we look at evaluating quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes by atmosphere. Now, that may happen some day,” he told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”
“So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems…” Tim Flannery 2007
“This planet is on course for a catastrophe.
The existence of Life itself is at stake.”
– Dr Tim Flannery,
Climate Council
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull meets flood victims. Picture: ADAM TAYLOR
Column – How warming extremists rule our universities | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt :
A LINE has been crossed now Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is telling massive porkies about the Tasmanian floods.
It’s time to declare war on global warming extremists.
I don’t mean war on Turnbull, himself. He’s just parroting popular untruths. No, I mean war on the extremists who feed him his falsehoods — the alarmists, Marxists and other Leftists who have seized control of our universities and punished the few academics who still dare challenge them.
Last week, Turnbull inspected the flood damage in Tasmania and, in just one widely reported comment, said three false or misleading things that hype the global-warming scare.
Tasmanians “have never seen as much water move as quickly as this,” he claimed.
“Certainly, larger and more frequent storms are one of the consequences that the climate models and climate scientists predict from global warming.”
Falsehood one: Tasmania actually suffered worse floods in 1929, when 22 people were killed after 500mm of rain was dumped in just three days over Burnie and Ulverstone.
Remembering the 1929 Launceston floods
(1929 Flood Insert via Climatism)
Falsehood two: Climate experts, in fact, used to claim we’d face droughts, not floods. Climate Council chief Professor Tim Flannery in 2007 famously warned: “Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems.”
Falsehood three: Most climate scientists haven’t predicted more or larger storms at all.
In fact, in its latest report, the biggest group of climate scientists, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, admitted there was very little confidence in such claims.
In the report’s own words: there was “low confidence in observed trends in small-scale severe weather phenomena such as hail and thunderstorms” and “low confidence regarding the sign of trend in the magnitude and/or frequency of floods”.
As for “heavy precipitation” of the kind just seen in Tasmania, the IPCC conceded that in areas “such as southern Australia and western Asia — there is evidence of decreases”.
That’s less heavy rain, not Turnbull’s more.
But as I say, what does Turnbull really know about global warming, other than that it’s fashionable to be an alarmist?
The real problem is this: name one university academic — a single climate scientist, physicist, meteorologist or historian — who publicly pointed out Turnbull was wrong. Most seem only too happy with such fearmongering.
True, there are a few brave sceptics left in academia. But they know the danger of speaking out, now the militant Left is so powerful in our universities and so hostile to debate.
The latest evidence: the threatened sacking of marine scientist Professor Peter Ridd, who has long warned that alarmist scientists were exaggerating the alleged damage done by global warming to the Great Barrier Reef, and getting big grants for it.
Ridd has been censured by James Cook University and threatened with the sack for “failing to act in a collegial way” by exposing this alarmism.
He’d wickedly pointed out that the Centre of Excellence for Coral Studies and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority had published misleading photographs
of coral reefs near Stone Island — one taken in the late 19th century and the other in 1994 — which they’d claimed showed healthy coral had vanished.
As Ridd noted, there was no way of knowing if the photographs were of the same place, and coral cover could vary wildly in the same area. Nor could anyone know why coral seen in the 1800s was gone a century later.
Ridd could also have added that a new survey from the Australian Institute of Marine Science of 12 reefs off Townsville has found coral cover on 11 had recovered since Cyclone Yasi, and seven of the reefs had more coral now than 30 years ago.
But how crazy is his punishment? Since when did querying the claims of a fellow academic amount to a crime against “collegiality”?
This smacks of enforcing group think with threats of dismissal. Don’t universities do debate any more?
Seems not.
Reef whistleblower censured by James Cook University – The Australian
The Great Great Barrier Reef Swindle: A Note from Peter Ridd – Jennifer Marohasy
Professor Peter Ridd has challenged the system of scientific peer review in relation to claims made about the health of the Great Barrier Reef – ABC
(Prof. Peter Ridd links added by Climatism)
Flood waters rage through Cataract Gorge in Launceston. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE
In 2013, Professor Bob Carter, the retired head of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at this same James Cook University, was dumped as an adjunct (unpaid) professor for what he believed was his internationally recognised work in exposing global-warming scares.
JCU caves in to badgering and groupthink — blackballs “politically incorrect” Bob Carter « JoNova (Link added by Climatism)
But even more shocking was the scandalous campaign to ban world-renowned political scientist Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist.
The University of Western Australia and Flinders University had each told the Abbott government they were interested in a grant to host Lomborg’s Copenhagen Consensus think tank, to debate economic policies.
But staff and students at both universities mutinied, attacking Lomborg for having warned that much of the trillions of dollars spent to fight global warming made little difference.
The academics’ union — the National Tertiary Education Union — should have defended an academic’s right to question orthodox thinking.
Instead, it circulated a petition demanding Lomborg be banned for “downgrading the importance to the world of climate change mitigation”.
The UWA caved first to these new witch-hunters, and then the new Turnbull Government canned the planned funding for Lomborg’s centre.
Bjorn Lomborg on the despicable campaign by group-thinking academics to shut down his proposed centre at the University of Western Australia (Link added by Climatism)
But note this contrast: this same academics’ union that silences warming sceptics will fight to defend Marxists — ideologues who subscribe to a totalitarian creed that inspired the murder of tens of millions of people. Last week, NTEU members even formed a guard of honour for one of their union delegates, avowed Marxist academic Roz Ward, to welcome her back to work at La Trobe University.
The university had suspended Ward after she demanded that our “racist” flag have its Union Jack replaced with the red ensign of socialism, claiming this dragged into disrepute Ward’s taxpayer-funded Safe Schools program, which itself teaches children to think gender is “fluid” and to imagine themselves dating someone of their own sex.
But the university backed down after legal threats and protests from the NTEU, which then issued a press release crowing it had defeated “the Australian Right”, responsible for “screeching sloganeering and fearmongering around action on climate change”.
Now the NTEU is defending yet another Marxist academic and warming alarmist, journalism professor Martin Hirst, sacked by Deakin University after warning a commerce student who challenged his foully abusive tweets: “So are you happy to fail commerce?”
So it’s hardly Turnbull’s fault that he just goes with this warming flow, as set for him by professional alarmists and Marxists embedded in their university fortresses.
Why would he challenge this group think when he’d just get smashed anyway by the ABC — another powerful bastion of group think that refuses to let a single conservative or warming sceptic host any of its main current affairs shows?
You want Turnbull to think for himself on global warming? To take on the Leftist academic establishment and their media goons?
You ask too much. It takes a man or woman of guts and brains to stand up to them, and this country is critically short of such heroes.
Column – How warming extremists rule our universities | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt
Climatism comment :
Some Monday mirthness with the “quote of the millennium” from professional climate change alarmist ‘Tim Flannery’ :
Ship of Hypocrites: Burn Some Carbon With Tim Flannery | Climatism
Professional Climate Alarmist “Tim Flannery” Related:
Flannery Plumbs Fresh Depths Of Doom On Australia’s Great Barrier Reef | Climatism
Climate Change Australia – Tim Flannery’s Climate Council Vanishes An Inconvenient Woman | Climatism
Shock news : Australia has always had heatwaves | Climatism
When will Flannery admit he was wrong? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Al Gore’s ‘nine Inconvenient Untruths’ – Telegraph
Climate Commission’s latest report slammed as ‘environmental activism’ « Australian Climate Madness
MUST READ : Warmism’s bellowing dinosaurs — Quadrant Online
Landline – 11/02/2007: Interview with Professor Tim Flannery . ABC
EPIC Must Read Interview : Flannery vs Bolt transcript – Herald Sun
Flannery Claims Global Action On Carbon Will Make No Difference To Global Temps For “1000” Years! MTR today, March 25 | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
ALARMISM MUST READ : The warmists’ straw man: “We never said it wouldn’t rain” | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Flannery sacked | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
No thanks for Flannery at end of climate career | Herald Sun
Flannery’s green investment in deep strife | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Through the years Tim Flannery did indeed develop a reputation on climate change | The Australian
Shock News : Before The Commodore Australia Had Droughts | Climatism
Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, trumpeted by the global warming alarmist ABC, are claiming Adelaide’s projected 4 day heatwave, will break a record.
Bureau of Meteorology senior forecaster Matt Collopy said that “four days greater than a record of 40C in Adelaide has never happened in December since records began in 1887”.
Adelaide heatwave forecast for December 2015: Four days over 40C on its way | AdelaideNow
However in 1932, Adelaide endured 7 consecutive days with the mercury rising beyond 100F (104F = 40C).
ADELAIDE, Dec. 31. — Today was the seventh consecutive day in which the temperature went over the century. The maximum today was 103.4 degrees (40 degrees C). Seven days with the thermometer over 100 degrees is easily a record for December but is two days short of the record for months other than December; for in January ,1858, and again in February and March, 1872, there were nine days in succession in which the glass recorded the century. The “weather man” said to-day that he expected the conditions to get worse before they got better.
Carbon Dioxide “Carbon Pollution” concentration at the time was 310 parts per million. CO2 levels today are around 400ppm.
Related :
January 1908 : Adelaide’s Temperature Rose Above 38°C Fourteen Times | Climatism
Australian Heatwave History :
Shock news : Australia has always had heatwaves | Climatism
81 Years Ago Today : Severe Global Warming Strikes West Australia | Climatism
February 1889 : Another Exceptionally Severe Heat Wave | Climatism
24 More Die In Record Heatwave – Melbourne 46°C | Climatism
Terrible Week-Long Heat Wave : 41°C in the Shade and 71°C in the Sun | Climatism
Shock News 1923 : Meteorological Office Exists as a Corrective to Scare Mongering | Climatism
Shock news : Australia has always had heatwaves | Climatism
Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.
“Global warming-at least the modern nightmare version – is a myth. I am sure of it and so are a growing number of scientists. But what is really worrying is that the world’s politicians and policy makers are not.” – David Bellamy, Daily Mail, July 9, 2004
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.
Matt Ridley’s excellent piece in the The Times …
The sceptics are right. Don’t scapegoat them
Matt Ridley
Last updated at 12:01 AM, February 17 2014
There is no evidence, Mr Miliband, Lord Stern and others, that our floods and storms are related to climate change.
In the old days we would have drowned a witch to stop the floods. These days the Green Party, Greenpeace and Ed Miliband demand we purge the climate sceptics. No insult is too strong for sceptics these days: they are “wilfully ignorant” (Ed Davey), “headless chickens” (the Prince of Wales) or “flat-earthers” (Lord Krebs), with “diplomas in idiocy” (one of my fellow Times columnists).
What can these sceptics have been doing that so annoys the great and the good? They sound worse than terrorists. Actually, sceptics have pretty well all been purged already: look what happened to Johnny Ball and David Bellamy at the BBC. Spot the sceptic on the Climate Change Committee. Find me a sceptic within the Department of (energy and) Climate Change. Frankly, the sceptics are a ragtag bunch of mostly self-funded guerrillas, who have made little difference to policy — let alone caused the floods.
What’s more, in the row over whether climate change is causing the current floods and storms, the sceptics are the ones who are sticking to the consensus, as set out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — you know, the body that the alarm-mongers are always telling us to obey. And it is the sceptics who have been arguing for years for resilience and adaptation, rather than decarbonisation.
Mr Miliband says: “This winter is a one-in-250-year event” (yet it’s nothing like as wet as 1929-30 if you count the whole of England and Wales, let alone Britain) and that “the science is clear”. The chief scientist of the Met Office, Dame Julia Slingo, tells us “all the evidence” suggests that climate change is contributing to this winter’s wetness. (Why, then, did she allow the Met Office to forecast in November that a dry winter was almost twice as likely as a wet winter?) Lord Stern, an economist, claimed that the recent weather is evidence “we are already experiencing the impact of climate change”. [For a thorough debunk of Lord Stern’s comments on the global position, see below.]
All three are choosing to disagree with the IPCC consensus. Here’s what the IPCC’s latest report actually says:
“There continues to be a lack of evidence and thus low confidence regarding the sign of trend in the magnitude and/or frequency of floods on a global scale.”
Here’s what a paper published by 17 senior IPCC scientists from five different countries said last month:
“It has not been possible to attribute rain-generated peak streamflow trends to anthropogenic climate change over the past several decades.”
They go on to say that blaming climate change is a politician’s cheap excuse for far more relevant factors such as “what we do on or to the landscape” — building on flood plains, farm drainage etc.
As for recent gales caused by a stuck jetstream, Dr Mat Collins, of Exeter University, an IPCC co-ordinating lead author, has revealed that the IPCC discussed whether changes to the jetstream could be linked to greenhouse gases and decided they could not. “There is no evidence that global warming can cause the jetstream to get stuck in the way it has this winter,” he says, in a statement that raises questions about Dame Julia’s credibility.
In 2012, the Met Office agreed:
“There continues to be little evidence that the recent increase in storminess over the UK is related to man-made climate change.”
So please will Lord Stern, Dame Julia and Mr Miliband explain why they are misleading the public about the science?
That consensus, by the way, has never said that climate change will necessarily be dangerous. The oft-quoted 97 per cent agreement among scientists refers to the statement that man-made climate change happens, not to future projections [and anyway it has been comprehensively discredited and described as infamous by a prominent climate scientist]. No climate change sceptic that I know “denies” climate change, or even human contributions to it. It’s a lazy and unpleasant slur to say that they do.
Sceptics say it is not happening fast enough to threaten more harm than the wasteful and regressive measures intended to combat it. So far they have been right. Over 30 years, global temperature has changed far more slowly than predicted in 95 per cent of the models, and has decelerated, not accelerated. When the sceptic David Whitehouse first pointed out the current 15 to 17-year standstill in global warming (after only 18 to 20 years of warming), he was ridiculed; now the science establishment admits the “pause” but claims to have some post-hoc explanations.
While the green lobby has prioritised decarbonisation, sceptics have persistently advocated government spending on adaptation, so as to grab the benefits of climate change but avoid the harm, and be ready for cooling as well if the sun goes into a funk. Yesterday Mr Miliband yet again prioritised carbon limits — cold comfort to those flooded from their homes. Huge sums have been spent on wind farms and bio-energy, with trivial impact on emissions. The money has come disproportionately from the fuel bills of poor people and gone disproportionately to rich people.
Given that there are about 25,000 excess winter deaths each year, adding 5 per cent to fuel bills kills far more people now than (possibly) adding 5 per cent to future rainfall totals ever would. If just a fraction of renewable energy subsidies sluiced towards wind farms by the climate secretaries Ed Miliband and Ed Davey had instead been put into flood defences, they would have done far more good.
Meanwhile, please notice that those lambasting the sceptics work for you, drawing wages from public bodies supported by the taxpayer: Lord Stern, Lord Deben, Dame Julia Slingo, Sir Mark Walport, Professor Kevin Anderson, even a spin doctor called Bob Ward, and more. Most of the sceptics operate on self-employed shoestrings and cost you nothing: Andrew Montford, David Holland, Nic Lewis, Doug Keenan, Paul Homewood, Fay Kelly-Tuncay. There is only one professional sceptic in the entire country — Benny Peiser — and he is not paid by the taxpayer.
Despite the fuss, sceptics have had little effect. Renewable subsidies for the rich grow larger every year. Jobs are still being destroyed by carbon floor prices and high energy costs. Emissions targets have not been lowered. At the very most, George Osborne and his allies may have slightly pinched the flow of funds to consultants and academics to talk about the subject. Maybe that’s what makes the great and the good so cross.
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The sceptics are right. Don’t scapegoat them. – Matt Ridley
More Matt Ridley :
Must Read : Matt Ridley – Why Nobody Ever Calls The Weather Normal
Dialing Back the Alarm on Climate Change | Climatism
A warming planet is helping humans | Climatism
Must Watch : Greening the Planet – Dr. Matt Ridley | Watts Up With That?
See also :
Must Read : Carbon Dioxide Can’t Cause Wild Weird Weather | American Thinker
Climate Ambulance Chasing | Climatism
Global Warming Did Not Cause The Storms, Says Senior Met Office Expert
South China Morning Post : People would be idiotic not to question climate science | Climatism
Establishing Propaganda Is Vital For Climate Action | Climatism
Shock news : UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity | Climatism
IPCC Failed Climate Models :
95% of Climate Models Agree: The Observations Must be Wrong « Roy Spencer, PhD
97% of climate models say that 97% of climate scientists are wrong | Climatism
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