Australia’s Wind Power Calamity: Canberra’s Government Tells Households to Rug-Up with Blankets

“I received a pamphlet from the ACT government on energy-­saving tips. For winter it featured a picture of a family all in overcoats and beanies, huddled under an electric blanket.”

ELITE green, climate eco-loons; taking you back to the stone-age, one windmill at a time. Literally!

Btw, what’s with the “electric” blanket?! A bit much?


Yes, they’re 100% renewable: how many would you like?

The ACT government did something that every bunch of green-left ideologically driven lunatics are programmed to do: it set a 90% Renewable Energy Target.

The ACT government is in a joint venture power retailing business with Australia’s ‘Enron’ aka AGL, ActewAGL; and, in an effort to satisfy its costly vanity project, went far and wide to sign up new wind power projects in NSW, South Australia and Victoria.

Back in April 2014, Liberal Member for Hume, Angus Taylor called the plan, ‘corporate welfare on steroids’ and predicted rocketing power prices for the ACT (see our post here).

Residents of the nation’s capital, Canberra have just been hit by ActewAGL with a 20%, year-on-year increase in their retail power bills (so much for AGL’s guff about its push to carpet Australia in subsidised wind turbines having “no compromises to you

View original post 1,060 more words

Steyn et al. versus Mann

Climate Etc.

by Judith Curry

Some significant developments in various lawsuits involving Michael Mann

View original post 2,843 more words

Tweet of the year so far …


Screen Shot 2014-01-17 at , January 17, 12.26.09 am

Twitter / shelliecorreia: @GrumpyDenier @Ed_Miliband …

Nice one Shellie!


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  • Disaster Antarctica : Hydrocarbons Wreaking Havoc In The Southern Ocean | CACA
  • Warmists trapped by irony off Antarctica | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • McIntyre shreds Chris Turney’s excuse for having his Ship of Fools stuck in ice | Andrew Bolt Blog
  • French Polar Chief slams SpiritofMawson fiasco « JoNova
  • Professor of Climate Change, Chris Turney | NoFrakkingConsensus
  • Delingpole : On why it would be quite wrong to laugh about Prof Chris Turkey and his Antarctic Ship of Fools – Telegraph Blogs
  • The ‘Cli-Tanic’ Hot Sheet – News from the #SpiritofMawson fiasco | Watts Up With That?
  • – Bishop Hill blog – Fool in chief
  • EPIC MUST READ Mark Steyn : Global warming’s glorious ship of fools » The Spectator


Flannery still pushing alarmist bullshit

Flannery Claim : Unprecedented (October) Australian Bushfires

(Alarmist BS)

Australian Climate Madness

At least the Climate Council is not being paid for by the taxpayer, so he can say what he likes.

Mammalogist Failed End-of-the-Pier fortune teller Tim Flannery is up to his old tricks, spouting alarmist claptrap about bush fires:

In October, huge bushfires devastated communities, property and livelihoods in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. Tragically, two lives were lost. As the Climate Council’s first major report makes clear, our changing climate is increasing the chances of similar events in future.

Yes, bushfires are part of the Australian experience, but large and severe bushfires in October are unusual.

There has been considerable discussion in the media around the link between climate change and bushfires. So let’s get the facts straight.

Hot, dry conditions create conditions favourable for bushfires. Australia has just experienced its hottest 12 months ever recorded, and September 2013 was the hottest September on record. (source

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Garnaut And Flannery’s Spirtual Mentor

Flannery has time to enjoy his waterfront mansion, purchased in 2003 at the height of his alarmist sea-level-rise rants, where he once claimed sea’s would rise 8-storey’s this century. Hy-po-crite. Alarmist eco-loon.

Real Science

Long before the most recent crop of morons took charge, Dr. Hopgood was on the case.

ScreenHunter_1330 Oct. 09 17.25

31 Aug 1986 – Sea level ‘to rise metre in 60 years’

We are almost half way through his 60 year, 1,000 mm forecast – and sea level has risen zero mm near Canberra. Only 1,000 mm left to go in the next 30 years.

ScreenHunter_1332 Oct. 09 17.33

Data and Station Information for EDEN

View original post

Three Years Left Until “A Catastrophe Of Our Own Making.”

Humanity is sitting on a time bomb. If the vast majority of the
world’s scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a
major catastrophe that could send our entire planet’s climate system
into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods,
droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have
ever experienced – a catastrophe of our own making.

– Al Gore (2006)
An Inconvenient Truth


ACCORDING to Al Gore we have just three years left “to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet’s climate system into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weatherfloodsdroughtsepidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced – a catastrophe of our own making.”

Since those words of wisdom in 2006, Al has been setting a fine example on how best to prevent thermageddon…

Tom Nelson’s  research shows what ManBearPig has been actively doing to help save us from “a catastrophe of our own making.”

Where’s Al Gore now?

Obviously, Al Gore’s personal “carbon footprint” is massive. As I dug deeper into Gore’s own energy use, even I was surprised at the extent of the absolutely cartoonish gap between his words and his actions.Remember, Al doesn’t think that you should have the right to make your own hallway light bulb choice.Some recent stops on Gore’s travel schedule (which some are calling his “con-trail”):November 4, 2010–Trinidad and Tobago
October 28, 2010–Gothenburg, Sweden
October 5, 2010–New York
October 4, 2010–Mexico
August 4, 2010–Mexico
July 22, 2010–San Diego
June 28, 2010–San Diego
Late June, 2010-London
May 5, 2010–Beverly Hills
May 5, 2010–Chicago
May 3, 2010–Singapore
April 30, 2010–Philippines
April 29, 2010–Johannesburg, South Africa
April 27, 2010–New York (afternoon)
April 27, 2010–Chicago (morning)
April 26, 2010–Denver
April 24, 2010–Italy
April 22, 2010–Montreal
April 8, 2010–North Carolina
March 27, 2010–Nevada
March 26, 2010–Brazil
March 4, 2010–Oslo
February 27, 2010–Phoenix
February 25, 2010–Cupertino
February 22, 2010–Las Vegas
January 27, 2010–San Francisco
January 16, 2010–Boston
January 14, 2010–New York
December 14, 2009–Copenhagen
December 7, 2009–Washington, DC
November 24, 2009–Toronto
November 19, 2009–Portland, Oregon
November 14, 2009–Boca Raton, Florida
November 9, 2009–San Rafael, CA
November 3, 2009–New York
October 27, 2009–Dubai
October 21, 2009–Beijing
October 16, 2009–Virginia
October 14, 2009–Argentina
October 9, 2009–Madison, Wisconsin
October 1, 2009: Washington, DC
September 28, 2009: Mexico
September 25, 2009–New Jersey
Sept 23, 2009–Pittsburgh
Sept 22, 2009–New York
Sept 19, 2009–San Francisco
Sept 18, 2009–Indianapolis
August 10, 2009–Las Vegas, Nevada
July 11-13, 2009–Melbourne, Australia
July 7, 2009–Oxford, England
June 16, 2009–Seattle
June 3, 2009: New York
May 24, 2009–Copenhagen, Denmark
April 28, 2009–Tromso, Norway
April 24, 2009–Washington, DC
April 23, 2009–Berkeley, California
April 3, 2009–Las Vegas
April 2, 2009–Salt Lake City
April 1, 2009–Chicago
March 30, 2009–Boston
March 27, 2009–New York
March 26, 2009–Tennessee
March 13, 2009–London
March 6, 2009–Santa Barbara
February 25, 2009–Cupertino, CA
February 23, 2009–Washington, DC
February 13, 2009–Chicago
February 12, 2009–Los Angeles
February 2, 2009–San Francisco
January 30, 2009–Davos, Switzerland
January 28, 2009–Washington, DC
January 20, 2009–Washington, DC
January 13, 2009–Philadelphia
December 11, 2008–Poland
December 9, 2008–Chicago
November 20, 2008–New York City
November 14, 2008–Seoul, South Korea
November 7, 2008–San Francisco
October 24, 2008–Seattle
October 22, 2008–Cambridge, Massachusetts
October 15, 2008–Stockholm
October 13, 2008–Aalsmeer, Netherlands
October 7, 2008–Nashville (!)
October 4, 2008–Des Moines, Iowa
October 4, 2008–Minneapolis
September 27, 2008–Napa
September 27, 2008–San Jose
September 25, 2008–London
September 24, 2008–New York
August 23, 2008–Boulder, Colorado

May 19, 2008–Israel
May 18, 2008–Pittsburgh
May 4, 2008–Ohio
May 3, 2008–Philadelphia
May 2, 2008–New York
April 18, 2008–Nashville
April 15, 2008–Geneva
April 11, 2008–San Francisco
April 8, 2008–Iceland
April 7, 2008–Faroe Islands
April 5, 2008–Montreal
March 18, 2008–New York
March 15, 2008–India
March 12, 2008–Poland
March 11, 2008–Geneva
March 1, 2008–Monterey, California
February 14, 2008–New York City
January 31, 2008–Atlanta
January 24, 2008–Switzerland
January 22, 2008–Sweden
January 19, 2008–Park City, Utah
Dec 13, 2007–Bali
Dec 12, 2007–Frankfurt
Dec 12, 2007–Stockholm
Dec 7, 2007–Norway
November 30, 2007–London
November 20, 2007–The Turks and Caicos Islands
November 19, 2007–New York
November 6, 2007–New York
October 26, 2007–Spain
October 25, 2007–France
October 12, 2007–Palo Alto, California
October 5, 2007–Pacific Palisades, California
Sept. 25, 2007–New York
Sept. 19, 2007–Australia
Sept. 16, 2007–Los Angeles
August 26, 2007 San Francisco
August 26, 2007 Los Angeles
August 26, 2007 Nashville
August 9, 2007–Hong Kong
July 9, 2007–New Jersey
July 9, 2007–Washington, DC
July 3, 2007–London
June 20, 2007–South Africa
June 12, 2007–Istanbul
June 3, 2007–Denver
May 29, 2007–Washington, DC
May 24, 2007–New York City
May 23, 2007–San Francisco
May 22, 2007–Beverly Hills
May 11, 2007–Argentina
April 17, 2007–Nashville
April 13, 2007–New York
April 3, 2007–San Jose
April 2, 2007–Arizona
March 29, 2007–Oslo
March 22, 2007–Montreal
March 12, 2007–London
March 7, 2007–Brussels
February 25, 2007–Hollywood
February 6, 2007–Madrid
January 28, 2007–New York City
January 20, 2007–Century City, California
January 18, 2007–London
January 15, 2007–Tokyo
Note that this is only a partial list.For example:

Gore is a businessman these days —— sitting on the boards of Apple Computer Inc. and Current TV, the cable and satellite channel he started with investor Joel Hyatt —— “and those take him (to the Bay Area) pretty regularly for board meetings and the like,” said his spokeswoman, Kalee Kreider.

When he’s not in a fossil fuel-powered jet, maybe Gore is relaxing in one of these three homes:

[Al and Tipper] have a new multimillion-dollar home in a tony section of Nashville and a family home in Virginia, and have recently bought a multimillion-dollar condo at the St. Regis condo/hotel in San Francisco.

A video of Gore taking a private jet is here.

A related article is here, entitled “Gore home’s energy use: 20 times average”.

  • 2007: Shortly after ManBearPig won the Nobel Prize for his alarmist movie “An Inconvenient Truth”, a British High Court Judge attacked nine key errors of the movie labelling it ‘alarmist’, ‘exaggerated’ and ‘political’.
  • The judge had stated that, if the UK Government had not agreed to send to every secondary school in England a corrected guidance note making clear the mainstream scientific position on these nine “errors”, he would have made a finding that the Government’s distribution of the film and the first draft of the guidance note earlier in 2007 to all English secondary schools had been an unlawful contravention of an Act of Parliament prohibiting the political indoctrination of children. Conveniently, the movie now requires 77 pages of supporting documentation to be shown in any UK classroom.
  • 2013: In classic ‘do-what-I-say-not-what-I-do’ hypocrisy, “The Face of Clean Energy” sold his ‘CurrentTV’ company to Al Jazeera Qatari OIL barons for $500 million!
  • Al Gore profits from the tobacco industry Al Gore: Tobacco Hypocrite 
  • About Those Tobacco Connections…



MUST SEE VIDEO : Al Gore climate hysteria : Prime time : SunNews Video Gallery


  • Al Gore’s enduring climate con 
  • Al Gore, carbon hypocrite – Toronto Sun
  • Inconvenient History of Climate ‘Tipping Point’ Warnings
