ENSO and IOD : Mother Nature’s Climate and Bushfire Drivers

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) - Positive Phase | BOM

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) – Positive Phase | BOM

“People have been imagining that the climate is changing,
exaggerating every weather event, getting widespread press coverage,
and blaming it on man – for as long as there have been newspapers.”

–Tony Heller
Climate Change Insanity Never Changes

“It is fortunate for the community’s peace of mind
that the Commonwealth Meteorological Office exists as a
corrective to scare mongering and shameless prophecy.”

Mr. E. Bromley : Commonwealth Meteorological Office (BoM) 1923


AUSTRALIA’s highly variable climate is influenced by the broad patterns in the oceans around it and the atmosphere above it. These patterns are considered the “dominant climate and weather drivers“ according to Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology.

ENSO (El Niño–Southern Oscillation) is one of Australia and the planet’s key climate drivers, influencing extremes including devastating bushfires, “droughts and flooding rains“.

ENSO swings between three key phases – La Niña (negative), neutral (inactive) and El Niño (positive).


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Australian Climate Influences (El Niño) | BoM


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Australian Climate Influences (La Niña) | BoM



WHILE El Niño and La Niña occur in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean Dipole oscillates in the waters of the Indian Ocean, influencing climate and weather patterns of Australia and the entire planet.

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Indian Ocean climate influences (IOD) | BoM

Indian Ocean Dipole

Sustained changes in the difference between sea surface temperatures of the tropical western and eastern Indian Ocean are known as the Indian Ocean Dipole or IOD. The IOD is one of the key drivers of Australia’s climate and can have a significant impact on agriculture. This is because events generally coincide with the winter crop growing season. The IOD has three phases: neutral, positive and negative. Events usually start around May or June, peak between August and October and then rapidly decay when the monsoon arrives in the southern hemisphere around the end of spring.

Sea surface temperatures

Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures impact rainfall and temperature patterns over Australia. Warmer than average sea surface temperatures can provide more moisture for frontal systems and lows crossing Australia.

Indian Ocean climate influences (IOD) | BoM



WHILE most of the mainstream media, and ClimateChange™️ activists have juvenilely blamed trace gas Carbon Dioxide for Australia’s devastating bushfires, little to nothing has been said about ENSO and in particular the IOD.

IT doesn’t take Einstein to workout why ClimateChange™️ activists, the CO2 theory-obsessed fake news mainstream media and the extended climate-ambulance-chasing family choose to omit natural climate drivers from their doomsday rhetoric.

HOWEVER, policy makers, industry and the public must be made aware of Mother Nature’s dominant and natural climate drivers so that public funds are not misallocated and importantly so that we can identify the warning signs of drought and other extremes using ENSO and IOD to predict and prepare for future and inevitable catastrophes.


Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) - Positive Phase | BOM

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) – Positive Phase | BOM



2019 saw the lowest rainfall on record for Australia and in particular Eastern and South Eastern Australia where the devastating bushfires occurred. This coincided with “one of the strongest positive IOD events to impact Australia in recent history”, according to the BoM.

IOD Time Series | BoM

IOD Time Series | BoM


BoM goes on to state that “the IOD’s legacy of widespread warm and dry conditions during the second half of 2019 primed the Australian landscape for bushfire weather and heatwaves this summer.”

IN this case, it seems undeniable that ‘correlation does equal causation’.



Australian Rainfall Deciles 2019

Australian Rainfall Deciles 2019 | BoM


DATA-over-theory guy Willis Eschenbach from “the word’s most viewed climate and science website” – Watts Up With That? exposes who really are the “deniers” when in comes to identifying naturally occurring cycles of drought and rainfall patterns that influence Australia’s weather, climate and bushfires …

Australia Fires … And Misfires

I kept hearing so much about the Australian bushfires being the result of or driven by “climate change” or “global warming” that I thought I’d take a look at just what’s happened to the rainfall there. Here are a hundred and nineteen years of Australian rainfall.


Climate change and variability: Tracker: Australian timeseries graphs | BoM

Here’s the curious part. The earth has been undergoing a mild warming pretty steadily since 1970, about the last half-century.

But although the last couple years have been dry, the last half-century in Australia has been wetter than the previous half-century. Not dryer. Wetter. And a lot wetter.

In fact, anyone under about sixty years old has never experienced dry Australia.

Now, I mentioned this and showed this graph on Twitter, where I post as @weschenbach, and someone said something like “Well, Australia’s a big area to average. Maybe it’s wetter in the middle and less so on the coast.”

That seemed unlikely. I mean the moisture is coming in from the ocean and so the coasts are generally wetter than the outback … plus with overall more rain, the middle would have to be pretty wet.

But I’m a man for data over theory, so I went back to the same source listed above, and I got the rainfall records for New South Wales where the fires are. Here are those results.



And once again, yes, the last few years have surely been dry in NSW … but again, that’s weather. And once again, the recent half-century has been much wetter than the first half of the 20th century. Not dryer. Wetter.

Finally, forest management experts have been warning the Australian government over and over again for years that neglecting forest management and giving up on fire hazard reduction burns was piling up fuel in the bush, and that it was only a matter of time and a dry year before catastrophe struck … here’s a particularly strong warning from 2015, and it is far from the only one.

But nooo … misguided green activists wouldn’t hear of that. They protested the fire hazard reduction burns.



Hilariously, the Australian Broadcasting Commission has deleted their article on the activists’ protest because it doesn’t fit the “CLIMATE EMERGENCY!” narrative … bunch’a deceptive left-wing idiots who don’t know that the intarwebs never forget.

And when you add the incredibly high fuel load in the oily flammable eucalyptus forest to the fact that more than a dozen arsonists have been arrested for starting many of the fires, it should come as no surprise to anyone that these fires have been devastating, destructive, fatal, and horrible …

It should come as no surprise because they were warned. Clearly. Repeatedly.

Now, I live in the fire zone in California, and so I have great sympathy and compassion for those who are in the path of the fires in Australia. And our fire problem here is inter alia for the same reason—abysmal forest management practices driven by Green activists with hearts of gold and brains of oatmeal.

But those blaming it on climate change? Look, if the CO2 emissions in Australia went to zero, it might make the earth cooler by about 0.05°C by the year 2050 … call me crazy, but I don’t see Australians giving up on air travel as being a very effective fire-fighting strategy.

My best regards to everyone on a lovely clear night,


Australia Fires … And Misfires | Watts Up With That?



IN the heated and divisive days of CO2-centric catastrophism that we currently inhabit, Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, has a fundamental responsibility as the nation’s premier, government meteorological and ‘scientific’ body to douse the flames of  ‘man-made’ Climate Change hysteria by publicly explaining to policy makers, the public and to the mainstream media that completely natural and cyclical climate events are “the main climate drivers” of climate and weather extremes in Australia.

AGAIN, policy makers, industry and the public must be made aware of Mother Nature’s dominant and natural climate drivers so that public funds are not misallocated and importantly so that we can identify the warning signs of drought and other extremes using ENSO and IOD to predict and prepare for future and inevitable catastrophes.

THEY would also do well to quell the apocalyptic fantasies being instilled by ClimateChange™️ activists and teachers into our most vulnerable – our children – leading to all manner of psychological disorders and outbreaks of genuine fear and distress …

The poor children were absolutely terrified. “We are gonna die! I don’t want to die!” screamed one little child during a propaganda session on “climate” forced on 2nd and 3rd graders at a public school in Toronto.

CHILDREN Of The Ignorant : New Zealand Schools To Terrify Children About The ‘Climate Crisis’ | Climatism



BACK in 1923, when scientists behaved like scientists, the BoM, then known as the Commonwealth Meteorological Office prided itself on existing as a corrective to scare mongering and shameless prophecy.” 

“It is fortunate for the community’s peace of mind that the Commonwealth Meteorological Office exists as a corrective to scare mongering and shameless prophecy.” – Mr. E. Bromley

11 Aug 1923 - NOT A RECORD WINTER - Trove

11 Aug 1923 – NOT A RECORD WINTER – Trove

BOY, are we praying for a return to the measured days of 1923, well before ClimateChange™️ hysteria trumped reason and dissenters called to be lynched!



BOM notes that ENSO is “the dominant climate / weather driver”. And they would be correct. To think that windmills and solar panels, or handing over billions of our hard-earned money to the U.N., or shutting down one more coal-fired power station can effect ENSO is at best unscientific, at worst, insanity writ large.

IF the climate activists and their media sycophants were serious about ’emissions’ and their effect on climate and weather, they would be glueing themselves to the pavement, outside the embassies of China instead of de-industrialising Australia and sending jobs and ’emissions’ back to…China.

THE fact that they are not, proves without a doubt that ClimateChange™️ has absolutely nothing to do with the ‘environment’ or “Saving the Planet”, rather, everything to do with an unhealthy lust for power, control and the advancement of deadly socialism.

DON’T take my word for it, you only have to read Greta Thunberg’s the UN’s very own words on exactly what the “Climate Crisis” is really all about …

“the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all.” – Why We Strike Again by Greta Thunberg

TEAM GRETA Admits Climate Change Has Nothing To Do With The Environment | Climatism

WE are yet to be told what system would replace capitalism. However, one does not have to read far into the history of the environmental movement to work out which form of actual “oppression” they would prefer.



MANY complex climate and weather factors lead to catastrophic bushfires. In my opinion, mankind does play a huge roll in the fires. Arson, the criminal build-up of dry fuel loads and poor forest management have greatly exacerbated Australia’s latest bushfire ‘crisis’.

WHILE Australia is set to have a Royal Commission following this season’s devastating bushfires that burnt over ten million hectares, levelled ~2000 homes and killed ~30, don’t expect to see the ENSO, IOD, arson or fuel-load management playing a lead roll. The climate ambulance chasers will use the enquiry – the 58th since 1939 – to push their ruinous deindustrialisation ClimateChange™️ agenda.

AS the excellent Viv Forbes predicts, the RC will merely …

“provide a grandstand for the Climate Rebellion Mob who will get starring roles on ABC/Fairfax. Big business will probably promote a carbon tax to fight bushfires while foresters and land owners will hardly be heard.” 

Government by Enquiry | Viv Forbes Saltbush Club

Government by Enquiry | Saltbush Club

IF the coverage and commentary we’ve seen from the mainstream media, CO2 theory-obsessed politicians and Hollywood elites is anything to go by, then Forbes would be spot-on. A sad indictment on the 24/7 news cycle and social media times that we currently inhabit where the press and influencers instinctively default to blaming ‘man-made climate change’ for every and any weather event regardless of the actual science, underlying data or reference to history.

ACTIVISM at its most lazy and dangerous that will only lead to further loss of life, destruction of infrastructure and the decimation of plants and wildlife when the inevitable bushfires return.



via Bureau of Meteorology :

Understanding ENSO


Understanding the Indian Ocean Dipole


AUSTRALIAN Bushfire History Links :

SEE also :


STATE Of The Climate Report :


ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

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Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps!

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Thank You! Jamie.

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‘END OF SNOW’ UPDATE : Natural Snow Depth In Australia The Highest In Two Decades

'END OF SNOW' UPDATE - Natural Snow Depth In Australia The Highest In Two Decades

Heaviest snow in years expected over WA’s Stirling Ranges this weekend as cold blast hits – ABC News

SNOWFALL will become “A very rare and exciting event…
Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
Dr David Viner Senior scientist, climatic research unit (CRU)

“Good bye winter. Never again snow?” – Spiegel (2000)

“Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms” – IPCC (2001)

“End of Snow?” – NYTimes (2014)


WEATHER is, of course, not climate.

WE are keenly reminded of this fact by our global warming climate change hysterical friends ‘if’ a significant snow event or cold blast is reported on the media.

THOUGH, do keep in mind the “End-Of-World” prophecies declared by our same friends every time a two-day heat wave (in summer) is reported, on repeat, throughout the mainstream media.

THE rules are simple – cold equals weather, hot equals climate!


SKIING in Australia takes place in the high country of the states of New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, as well as in the Australian Capital Territory (Canberra), during the southern hemisphere winter. The season varies between ski fields and years, starting from mid June and ending mid October. The past three years have seen extended seasons across most higher altitude resorts.

THE 2019 ski season started early after the heaviest May snow in decades across Australia’s east coast.

WHILE most of the regular season since then has been ‘regular’, the latter half has been anything but, with the past two weeks seeing record snow dumps.


SNOWY Hydro have been measuring weekly natural snow depths at three locations the Snowy Mountains of NSW since the 1950’s. Their highest measuring site is at Spencers Creek (1,830m elevation) near Charlotte Pass.

THE latest readings have been impressive. Record-breaking, in fact …

ACCORDING to Elders weather:

The natural snow depth at Spencers Creek was 202.7cm this week. This is the earliest date for a depth of two metres to be measured at Spencers Creek in 15 years. 

It’s also an increase of 77.5cm from last week and, impressively, the third weekly increase of more than 70cm so far this season. This is a new record for Spencers Creek. Prior to 2019, there had only ever been two weekly depth increases 70cm or more in any one season, with data available back to 1954.

While there have been some long periods without any significant snow this season, when it has snowed, it’s been exceptional in a historical context.

Elders Weather


WITH more snow on the way this weekend for Australia’s ski fields, natural snow depth could reach its deepest level in two decades …

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Deep snow at Australia’s ski fields | The Weekly Times



WITH ‘unexpected’ snow over the past four years boosting historical averages across Australia’s ski fields, the big question still remains: Is Australia’s premier science body, the CSIRO, and the Ski industry willing to retract their ‘end of snow’ predictions?

A 2003 CSIRO report, part-funded by the ski industry, found that resorts could lose a quarter of their snow by 2020 …

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CSIRO Research Publications Repository – Climate change impacts on snow in Victoria

By 2020, the average annual duration of snow-cover decreases by between five and 48 days; maximum snow depths are reduced and tend to occur earlier in the year; and the total area covered in snow shrinks by 10-40%

CSIRO Research Publications Repository – Climate change impacts on snow in Victoria


THE “97% Consensus Of Experts” AGREED, TOO!

IN 2000, climate expert Dr David Viner of the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) assured us that :

Snowfall will become “A very rare and exciting event…
Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
Dr David Viner Senior scientist, climatic research unit (CRU)

SNOWFALL Will Become “A Very Rare And Exciting Event…” | Climatism

SNOWFALL Will Become “A Very Rare And Exciting Event…” | Climatism


IN 2001, the UN IPCC predicted diminished snowfalls as human CO2 increased, claiming that “milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms” due to the activities of mankindpersonkind…


IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

THEY also forecast “warmer winters and fewer cold spells, because of climate change…”





2000 : a prediction from Professor Mojib Latif of Germany’s GEOMAR Heimholtz Centre for Ocean Research…

“Winters with strong frosts and lots of snow like we had 20 years ago will no longer exist at our latitudes.” – Professor Mojib Latif

2000 : Spiegel…

“Good bye winter. Never again snow?”

2004 : Mark Lynas told us…

“Snow has become so rare that when it does fall – often just for a few hours – everything grinds to a halt. In early 2003 a ‘mighty’ five-centimetre snowfall in southeast England caused such severe traffic jams that many motorists had to stay in their cars overnight. Today’s kids are missing out . . . Many of these changes are already underway, but have been accelerating over the last two decades. Termites have already moved into southern England. Garden centres are beginning to stock exotic sub-tropical species, which only a few years ago would have been killed off by winter…” – Mark Lynas

2005 : Christopher Krull, Black Forest Tourism Association / Spiegel

Planning for a snowless future: “Our study is already showing that that there will be a much worse situation in 20 years.”

2005 : George Monbiot on climate change and snow…

Winter is no longer the great grey longing of my childhood. The freezes this country suffered in 1982 and 1963 are – unless the Gulf Stream stops – unlikely to recur. Our summers will be long and warm. Across most of the upper northern hemisphere, climate change, so far, has been kind to us…

2006 : Daniela Jacob of Max Planck Institute for Meterology, Hamburg …

“Yesterday’s snow… Because temperatures in the Alps are rising quickly, there will be more precipitation in many places. But because it will rain more often than it snows, this will be bad news for tourists. For many ski lifts this means the end of business.”

Less Snow and Drier Summers in German Forecast | Germany| News and in-depth reporting from Berlin and beyond | DW | 30.04.2006

2006 : The Independent‘s somber editorial admonished us that the lack of snow was evidence of a “dangerous seasonal disorder”…

The countryside is looking rather peculiar this winter. It seems we have a number of unexpected guests for Christmas. Dragonflies, bumblebees and red admiral butterflies, which would normally be killed off by the frost, can still be seen in some parts of the country . . . Some might be tempted to welcome this late blossoming of the natural world as a delightful diversion from the bleakness of this time of year. But these fluctuations should be cause for concern because it is overwhelmingly likely that they are a consequence of global warming . . . all this is also evidence that global warming is occurring at a faster rate than many imagined…

2007 : BBC “One Planet Special”…

“It Seems the Winters of Our Youth are Unlikely to Return” presenter Richard Hollingham … speaks to climate scientists to get their views. Their conclusion? In the words of the BBC, they all give “predictions of warmer winters, for UK & the Northern Hemisphere”.

2007 : Schleswig Holstein NABU

“Ice, snow, and frost will disappear, i.e. milder winters” … “Unusually warm winters without snow and ice are now being viewed by many as signs of climate change.”

2007 : Western Mail (Wales Online) … article, entititled “Snowless Winters Forecast for Wales as World Warms Up” quotes one of the global warming movement’s key figures, Sir John Houghton, former head of the IPCC and former head of the UK Met Office…

Former head of the Met Office Sir John Houghton, who is one of the UK’s leading authorities on climate change, said all the indicators suggest snowy winters will become increasingly rare He said, “Snowlines are going up in altitude all over the world. The idea that we will get less snow is absolutely in line with what we expect from global warming.”

2007 : Die Zeit

“First the snow disappears, and then winter.”

2008 : Another prediction

A study of snowfall spanning 60 years has indicated that the Alps’s entire winter sports industry could grind to a halt through lack of snow…. In some years the amount that fell was 60 per cent lower than was typical in the early 1980s, said Christoph Marty, from the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research in Davos, who analysed the records. ”I don’t believe we will see the kind of snow conditions we have experienced in past decades,” he said.

2012 :


John Clarkson (@JohnClarksonGSM) | Twitter

Enjoy snow now . . . by 2020, it’ll be gone | The Australian

2014 : the global warming theory-obsessed New York Times touted “The End of Snow?”…

The truth is, it is too late for all of that. Greening the ski industry is commendable, but it isn’t nearly enough. Nothing besides a national policy shift on how we create and consume energy will keep our mountains white in the winter — and slow global warming to a safe level. screenhunter_314-feb-07-11-00

This is no longer a scientific debate. It is scientific fact. The greatest fear of most climate scientists is continued complacency that leads to a series of natural climatic feedbacks…”

(Climatism bolds)

The End of Snow? – The New York Times

2017 : The Age’s resident global warming catastrophist Peter Hannam signalled the end of snow…

Snowy retreat: Climate change puts Australia's ski industry on a downhill slope

Snowy retreat: Climate change puts Australia’s ski industry on a downhill slope | The AGE

Australia’s ski resorts face the prospect of a long downhill run as a warming climate reduces snow depth, cover and duration. The industry’s ability to create artificial snow will also be challenged, scientists say.

Snowy retreat: Climate change puts Australia’s ski industry on a downhill slope | The AGE



NOW, of course, climate ‘scientists’ are trying to dig themselves out of snow that’s kept falling …

Looking back at 65 years’ worth of statistics, Environment Canada’s senior climatologist David Phillips noted that since 1948, winter temperatures in the prairie regions have increased by an average of four degrees Celsius… Ironically, warmer weather can mean greater snowfall. “As we warm up, we may see more moisture, we may see more moist air masses, and therefore we could very well see more snow rather than less snow, because the air masses are going to be more moist and so therefore you’re going to be able to wring out more snow than you would be if it was dry air,” Phillips said.


UNFORTUNATELY for CO2-centric climatologists like David Phillips, attempting to ‘dig’ themselves out of their “end of snow” dud-predictions, you need cold air to make snow!

VETERAN Boston meteorologist Barry Burbank explains …

“Interestingly, some scientists have stated that increasing snow is consistent with climate change because warmer air holds more moisture, more water vapor and this can result in more storms with heavy precipitation. The trick, of course, is having sufficient cold air to produce that snow. But note that 93% of the years with more than 60″ of snow in Boston were colder than average years. The reality is cooling, not warming, increases snowfall.

Will The Snowiest Decade Continue? – CBS Boston



LISTEN to what the ‘experts’ promised you back then. Because, if they got it wrong then, how can you trust what they are foretelling today or tomorrow? The answer is you cannot, because they have no idea what long-range conditions Mother Nature is going to serve up in such a “chaotic” and complex system as our climate.

AND, most importantly, does the CSIRO and “97% of all climate experts” still stand by their ‘end of snow’ predictions? Or is their alarmist sophistry simply more global warming climate change fear-mongering based on CO2-centric ideology, eco-religious dogma and overheated UN IPCC and CSIRO climate computer models that do not accord with observed reality?

IN parting, keep in mind how the Climate Change theory-obsessed mainstream media sells you snow in the era of Global Warming theory-madness


UPDATE : 25, AUGUST 2019

AS seen on Sky News Australia’s “Outsiders”. The most watched, daily, Sky news program…



SEE also :


  • Heaviest snow in years expected over WA’s Stirling Ranges this weekend as cold blast hits – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
  • Kangaroos In The Snow | Elders Weather

STATE Of The Climate Report :

IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :



ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps!

Click link for more info…

Thank You! Jamie.

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OPEN Letter To The Bureau Of Meteorology : Climate Extremes – The “Federation Drought” 1895-1902

THE Federation Drought - Open Letter To BoM - CLIMATISM

THE Murray River (Australia’s longest) was dry for six months in 1902.

TO whom it may concern,

CC: Josh Frydenberg (Australian Minister for the Environment & Energy)

Last year I contacted you in regards to updating 7 years of missing tropical cyclone data on the BoM record.

August 16, 2017

Dear BoM,

I have been a keen observer of weather and climate for well over a climate point (42 years)!

The chaotic system of climate and “climate change” is ever fascinating. Though, today the ‘chaos’ has been replaced by an unhealthy polarization of “the science”, all too often determined by belief, politics and ideology. Sadly, dogma has trumped empirical evidence, corrupting the scientific method.

That said, I am seeking from you an updated version of the cyclone trends graph which ends at 2011. The BoM site has excellent data up to 2017 to complete the series. Is there a reason why the data has not been translated to the current graph? I would be happy to work on getting it up to date if resources are limited!

As a start, there is a written record from 2012-2015 here: http://www.bom.gov.au/cyclone/history/index.shtml

However, this record does not quite match the said graph 1969 – 2011. Methodology for what qualifies the graphed record would be appreciated.


Jamie Spry (Melbourne, Australia)

Graph showing the number of severe and non-severe tropical cyclones from 1970–2011 which have occurred in the Australian region. Severe tropical cyclones are those which show a minimum

Graph showing the number of severe and non-severe tropical cyclones from 1970–2011 which have occurred in the Australian region. Severe tropical cyclones are those which show a minimum central pressure less than 970 hPa.

OPEN Letter To The Bureau Of Meteorology – Tropical Cyclone Trends | Climatism

TO your credit, communication was swift and missing data promptly updated to 2016/17:

Graph showing the number of severe and non-severe tropical cyclones from 1970-2017 which have occurred in the Australian region. Severe tropical cyclones are shown here as those with a m

Graph showing the number of severe and non-severe tropical cyclones from 1970-2017 which have occurred in the Australian region. Severe tropical cyclones are shown here as those with a minimum central pressure less than 970 hPa.


I write to you today seeking access to valuable historical information you once had on your website pertaining to historical “extremes”, namely the devastating 7 year “Federation Drought” 1895-1902…

THE page is no longer available:

BOM – Australian Climate Extremes-Drought

Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 7.41.20 am

Bureau of Meteorology – The page you requested was not found on this server


ORIGINAL content of Australia’s important climate change history has been thankfully saved in the WayBackMachine and sent to me by Apafarkas Agmánd:

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BOM – Australian Climate Extremes (WayBackMachine)

Drought. The word evokes images of barren fields, dying stock, and water holes and reservoirs drying to cracked mud. Shrivelled hopes, failed crops, and often economic ruin are its trademarks.

Drought is also part and parcel of life in Australia, particularly in the marginal areas away from the better-watered coasts and ranges. drought near GunnedahOf all the climatic phenomena to afflict Australia, drought is probably the most economically costly: major droughts such as that of 1982/83 can have a major impact on the national economy. Moreover, apart from crop failure and stock losses, droughts set the scene for other disastrous phenomena, such as fires, dust-storms, and general land degradation.

Denuded earth and dry watercourses during drought near Gunnedah, in the normally well-watered Namoi Valley region of New South Wales (photo courtesy of the NSW Dept of Land and Water Conservation).

Why is Australia drought prone?

Australia is prone to drought because of its geography. Our continent sits more or less astride the latitudes of the subtropical high pressure belt, an area of sinking, dry, stable air and usually clear skies. The far north and south of the country come under the influence of reasonably regular rain-bearing disturbances for at least part of the year, and the east coast is watered reasonably well by moisture from the Tasman and Coral Seas. However over most of the country rainfall is not only low, but highly erratic.

Many, but by no means all, droughts over eastern and northern Australia accompany the El Niño-Southern Oscillation phenomenon, which typically lasts about a year, as in 1982/83. Droughts in the western areas and over much of the interior normally have different causes. Nevertheless, on some occasions (such as 1914 and 1994) El Niño-related droughts may extend across virtually the entire country. On such occasions, the economic and livestock losses are exacerbated

hand-feeding sheep in NSWHand-feeding sheep in western New South Wales during the extended drought in Queensland and New South Wales during the 1990s
(photo c/o the Fairfax Photo Library).

Long-term droughts

Over much of the country, droughts can extend over several years, relieved only by brief, transitory rains. Indeed, probably the most damaging type of drought is when one or two very dry years follow several years of generally below-average rainfall. The “Federation drought” of the late 1890s through 1902 is an example, as is the more recent 1991-95 drought in Queensland, northern New South Wales and parts of central Australia. Over still longer time-scales, Australia’s rainfall history features several periods of a decade or longer that seem to have been distinctly “drought prone”. For instance, the mid to late 1920s and the 1930s were a period of generally low rainfall over most of the country, continuing through most of the 1940s over the eastern states. A similar dry spell occurred in the 1960s over central and eastern Australia. During these low rainfall periods, not every year is dry; it is just that rainfall in most years is below the long-term average, and there are often runs of years with recurrent drought. Thus in the late 1930s-40s major droughts occurred over eastern Australia in 1937-38, 1940-41, and 1943-45.

The 1990s saw formal Government acknowledgement that drought is part of the natural variability of the Australian climate, with drought relief for farmers and agricultural communities being restricted to times of so-called “exceptional circumstances”. In other words, the agricultural sector was expected to cope with the occasional drought, and relief would be available only for droughts of unusual length or severity.

BOM – Australian Climate Extremes (WayBackMachine)


AS Eastern Australia suffers through another awful drought, it is important that the public is educated into the causes of long-term drought such that appropriate action can be taken, as noted by the Australian Government in the 1990’s, The 1990s saw formal Government acknowledgement that drought is part of the natural variability of the Australian climate, with drought relief for farmers and agricultural communities being restricted to times of so-called “exceptional circumstances”

EDUCATION and understanding of the “land of sweeping plains,/Of ragged mountain ranges,/Of droughts and flooding rains.”[2] helps to eliminate spurious claims of human-induced climate change as the cause of drought, all-too-often used by the mainstream media to push a political agenda or ideology.

SUCH wistful activism encouraging a misallocation of funds in a vain attempt to “stop” climate change with precious public money awarded to wind farm, solar panel corporations and power companies, rather than fund drought mitigation schemes (dams) and to aid farmers through tedious times that will always occur naturally, regardless of Australia or the world’s carbon dioxide output.

* Read the rest of this entry »

GLOBAL WARMING Batters Australia! Record Winter Lows And The Most Snow In Years

The cold fronts are expected to continue through the weekend, meaning more snow could be on the way. Picture- Getty. CIMATISM

The cold fronts are expected to continue through the weekend, meaning more snow could be on the way. Picture: Getty. | 9NEWS

THE “Global Warming” that Northern Hemisphere climate alarmists have been in an apoplectic seizure about, has reached Australia with devastating results…

H/t Pure Climate Skeptic

Via 9NEWS :

Parts of Australia recording lowest winter temperatures and most snow in years

Ben Domensino Weatherzone • Weatherzone meterologist


By Ben Domensino Weatherzone • Weatherzone meterologist

Australians have been shivering across the country this winter, but a cold air mass combined with clear skies and light winds caused the mercury to really plummet last night.

A slow-moving high pressure system will continue to cause notably cold mornings across much of central, southern and eastern Australia during the next three days, leading to widespread frost and fog each morning until Sunday.

Some southern parts of the Northern Territory and a few places in southwest Queensland had their coldest morning in three to seven years.

Temperatures across Australia have been plummeting as the brunt of winter sweeps across the country in the form of multiple cold fronts. Picture- Getty.

Temperatures across Australia have been plummeting as the brunt of winter sweeps across the country in the form of multiple cold fronts. Picture: Getty.

After a night of steady cooling, the temperature in Queensland town of Thargomindah dropped to a low of 0.2 degrees just before 7am today – the site’s coldest morning since 2012.

Nearby, Ballera Gas Field’s 1.6 degrees was also its lowest temperature in seven years.

Across the border, it was the coldest morning in three years for the Northern Territory’s Jervois, which recorded a low of -0.2 degrees and Daly Waters felt a chilly 3.9 degrees.

The low temperatures have created ideal conditions for snowfall, with many parts in the Australian alps receiving more snow than recent years. Picture- Getty.

The low temperatures have created ideal conditions for snowfall, with many parts in the Australian alps receiving more snow than recent years. Picture: Getty.

This morning’s frosty start comes a day after some areas of NSW registered their lowest temperature in more than a decade yesterday.

A low of -2.6 degrees at Fowlers Gap was its coldest start since 2006.

The cold temperatures has also seen the natural snow depth in Australia’s alps getting close to one metre in some areas.

Snowy Hydro reported a natural snow depth of 94.7cm at Spencers Creek on today, which is a 19cm increase from last week and a new high point for 2018.

In parts, the natural depth of snow that has fallen is beginning to reach around a metre deep. Picture- Getty.

In parts, the natural depth of snow that has fallen is beginning to reach around a metre deep. Picture: Getty.

Based on historical records stretching back to the 1950s, the average snow depth at Spencers Creek in the middle of July is around one metre.

The earliest date that a measurement above one metre has been recorded at Spencers Creek was 148.8cm on May 9th 1960.

At the other end of the scale however, the 2006 and 1982 snow seasons didn’t feature any readings above one metre at the site.

The peak snow depth in Australia’s alps typically occurs in late August or early September, although it can vary quite a bit from year to year.

The cold fronts are expected to continue through the weekend, meaning more snow could be on the way. Picture- Getty. CIMATISM

The cold fronts are expected to continue through the weekend, meaning more snow could be on the way. Picture: Getty.

The peak depth during 2017 was in late September and in 2016 it didn’t happen until October.

Looking ahead, a pool of cold air will cause light snow showers in the alps tomorrow, before dry weather returns on the weekend.

A pair of cold fronts are also likely to bring follow-up snowfalls at the start of next week, possible nudging the natural base above one metre for the first time this season.

© Nine Digital Pty Ltd 2018


DON’T expect to read why Australia is experiencing record cold temps and record snow in recent years from those ‘in the know’ like BoM, CSIRO or any other Government ‘science’ department.

THEY are only interested in hot temperatures to promote The Hottest Year Evahhh meme and guarantee more of your hard-earned money keeps flowing to their global warming climate change cause through skyrocketing green-energy costs and carbon taxes (NEG).



UPDATE (16 July 2018)

Via 9NEWS :

Coldest morning in 60 years for parts of the east coast

A cold snap has delivered some of the chilliest temperatures in decades to parts of Australia’s east coast, with more frosty mornings to come.

Both Parkes and Cowra in New South Wales have set new all-time coldest minimum temperature records today with the mercury dropping to -6.6 and -5.8 degrees respectively. Both sites opened back in 1958.

Winter wonderland in the Sunshine State- Queensland's southeast woke to very chilly minimums. (9NEWS)

Winter wonderland in the Sunshine State- Queensland’s southeast woke to very chilly minimums. (9NEWS)

READ the *cold* records blown away here…

Cold weather Australia Brisbane Sydney Melbourne | 9NEWS


UPDATE (16 July 2018)

HERALD SUN’S Andrew Bolt with more analysis on the RECORD COLD slamming Australia and the Arctic!…


But when it’s record cold, the news reports don’t mention global warming:

A cold snap has delivered some of the chilliest temperatures in decades to parts of Australia’s east coast, with more frosty mornings to come.

Both Parkes and Cowra in New South Wales have set new all-time coldest minimum temperature records today with the mercury dropping to -6.6 and -5.8 degrees respectively. Both sites opened back in 1958.

Dubbo’s low of -6.0 degrees was its coldest night in 78 years while Lithgow’s -9.3 degrees was the coldest it has been since 1972.

As I’ve said repeatedly, we have far more to worry about should the planet cool instead:

Sanderlings, red knots and ruddy turnstones failed to breed this year along the Arctic island’s east coast due to record snow cover



Read the rest of this entry »

MUST WATCH Weather Report : Forget The Cold! Global Warming Is Real!

ABC indoctrination - CLIMATISM

AUSTRALIA’S billion-dollar-a-year taxpayer funded public broadcaster, the ABC, is never shy pushing their CO2-centric global warming climate change agenda wherever and whenever possible.

THIS particular weather report that had to inconveniently divulge extreme cold temps that have kicked off Australia’s colder than average start to winter would make even infamous NAZI propagandist Joseph Goebbels blush!

Andrew Bolt with the rub…

Global warming has stalled, and the ABC’s weatherman must report “bitterly cold” weather in NSW and likely record low June temperatures for Broken Hill.

So he breaks off to sternly lecture any backsliders:

“Global warming doesn’t mean that cold temperatures won’t be recorded but rather that record heat temperatures will be far more common.”




ABC Weatherman Graham Creed @WeathermanABC again…

“Now on a quick side note, though, Global warming doesn’t mean that cold temperatures won’t be recorded, rather, record heat temperatures will be far more common and widespread.”

THIS statement is yet another ABC global warming climate change falsehood!

According to GCHN and ACORN-SAT data – the official data sets used by Bureau of Meteorology – annual maximum temps are ‘declining’ as CO2 increases…

However, according to GHCN and ACORN-SAT (‘adjusted’ data), the Australian temperature anomaly is, yes, increasing, but this is due to nighttime temps increasing faster than daytime temps are declining…

UHI caused by urban sprawl appears to be the most likely reason for nighttime temps up, IMO. (See link for Urban versus Rural temps station data… NO Australian Under The Age Of 40 Has Experienced Any Global Warming | Climatism)


MEANWHILE, according to the much more comprehensive and accurate NASA satellite temps, unpolluted by land-based UHI (Urban Heat Island effect)…

NO Australian Under The Age Of 40 Has Experienced Any Global Warming

ACCORDING to NASA’s MSU satellite data, there has been no warming, at all, over the continent of Australia since the record began 40 years ago…


The ABC will fight to the last to protect the warmist faith it has pushed and exaggerated and hyped and defended for years with a truly manic energy.


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  • “HOTTEST YEAR EVAH” Claims Tell Us More About Global Warming PR Than Actual Science | Climatism
  • The “HOTTEST YEAR EVAH” Meme Exposed | Climatism
  • Understanding The “Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism
  • “The Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism
  • More “Hottest Year Evah” Nonsense | Climatism

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  • 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
  • THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
  • WORLD Leading Authority : Climate and Sea Level Science Is A “Quasi Religion” Hijacked By An Activist Agenda | Climatism
  • THE “97% Consensus” Meme Further Discredited By 97 New Papers Supporting A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm | Climatism
  • THE Guardian Spewing Out More Man-Made Sea Level Rise Vomit | Climatism

Climatism Hot Links :

Global Cooling Related :

  • IT’S Official : Global Warming Alarmists Have No Credibility On Anything Climate Change | Climatism
  • Mother Nature Not Behaving As Climate Scientists Expected | Climatism
  • LIFE Inside The Global Warming Bubble | Climatism
  • HOTTEST Arctic Ever? Arctic Climate Change Fairytales vs. Reality | Climatism
  • ARCTIC Temperatures Plunge! (Don’t expect mainstream media to cover it) | Climatism
  • LIVING Life With “Atmosphere Cancer” | Climatism
  • 8 INCHES Of Catastrophic Global Warming Cooks Dutch Canals | Climatism
  • SNOWFALL Will Become “A Very Rare And Exciting Event…” | Climatism

Origins Of The Global Warming Scam :


PLEASE Tip The Climatism Jar To HELP Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Click link for more info…TQ!!! Jamie.

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TOP 10 Climate Change Alarmist Myths Unearthed : #1 DROUGHT

CLIMATE CHANGE Alarmist Myths Unearthed DROUGHT Climatism Camel

“CLIMATE alarmism is a gigantic fraud: it only survives by suppressing dissent and by spending tens of billions of dollars of public money every year on pseudo-scientific propaganda.” – Leo Goldstein



EXCESSIVE or exaggerated alarm about a real or imagined threat is fundamental in driving the human CO2-induced global warming climate change narrative.

THE most popular climatic and weather-related events, as marketed by the Climate Crisis Industry, fall well within the bounds of natural variability. So, in order for such events to make the headlines, attract taxpayer funding for ‘research’, and advance the misanthropic, man-made climate change agenda, they must be accompanied by inflated language, an urgent tone, imagery of doom, and in many cases, fraudulent data.

IN this series we take an objective/sceptical look at ten of the more popular metrics used by warming alarmists to push the CAGW (catastrophic anthropogenic global warming) narrative, testing the veracity of the all-too-often wild and alarmist claims associated with each…

CLIMATE CHANGE Alarmist Myths Unearthed 3


DROUGHT related mainstream media disaster-porn taps into human emotions with the aim of coercing the casual observer into a belief that mankind’s minuscule addition of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere is the root cause of catastrophic climate change disasters…

East Africa Drought Famine | World Vision

Pic source: East Africa Drought and Famine | World Vision

Drought and Heat, Worsened by Humans, Help Fuel California Fires | NBC

Drought and Heat, Worsened by Humans, Help Fuel California Fires | NBC


The Man-Made California Drought - House Committee on Natural Resources

The Man-Made California Drought – House Committee on Natural Resources

“WHIPLASH” – new emotive climate-speak!

Man-Made Climate Change Will Give California Whiplash Between Drought, Floods

Man-Made Climate Change Will Give California Whiplash Between Drought, Floods

BLAME Donald Trump

Opinion | As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die of It - The New York Times

Opinion | As Donald Trump Denies Climate Change, These Kids Die of It – The New York Times



Little change in global drought over the past 60 years | Nature

Little change in global drought over the past 60 years | Nature

* Read the rest of this entry »

“HOTTEST YEAR EVAH” Claims Tell Us More About Global Warming PR Than Actual Science

heat wave in the city and hand showing thermometer



THE “Hottest Year Ever” meme is just one in a long line of marketing techniques used by Climate Crisis Inc. to make you believe the world is burning up.

HOW much of these claims are scientific, versus, pure-propaganda designed to heighten alarm on a publicly waning issue – catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW)? A *theory* whose veracity is becoming increasingly questioned by contradictory science, real-world observations and growing public and media awareness of the disturbing trend of temperature data manipulation by our most ‘trusted’ scientific agencies.

THE brilliant Paul Driessen nails it in a foreword to an excellent post on WUWT by Dr. Tim Ball and Tom Harris – “Overheated claims on temperature records

Overheated claims on global temperature records

Foreword by Paul Dreissen

Over and over, we are confronted with claims that last month or last year was “the warmest on record.” Each claim is accompanied by dire warnings that the alleged new records portend “unprecedented” chaos for wildlife, humans and planet.

Virtually never do these scary press releases mention:

  • That the supposed change is mere hundredths of a degree higher than previous measurements.
  • Never do they admit that the margin of error in these measurements is far greater than the supposed increase.
  • Never do they suggest that a little more warmth would be infinitely better than a colder world, with less arable land and shorter growing seasons.
  • And most certainly, never do they admit to the massive deficiencies in the system that supposedly tracks Earth’s temperature … and
  • Always blames any increases on humans and fossil fuels.

This article by Dr. Tim Ball and Tom Harris points out all these highly relevant but often (deliberately) ignored realities.

(Climatism bullets/bolds)

READ the excellent Ball / Harris article here…


PLEASE Tip The Climatism Jar To Help Keep The Good Fight Alive! TQ…

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Related :

  • The “HOTTEST YEAR EVAH” Meme Exposed | Climatism
  • Understanding The “Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism
  • “The Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism
  • More “Hottest Year Evah” Nonsense | Climatism

In Australia, faulty BoM temperature sensors contribute to “hottest year ever”

“I don’t believe in conspiracies of silence except when it comes to Harvey Weinstein and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.”

“…the Bureau can give us a hottest winter on record, even when there are record snow dumps in the Alps, and record numbers of frosts on the flats.”

BOMBSHELL report from the ever-persistent pit bull down under, Dr Jennifer Marohasy, exposing yet more fraudulent warming bias from Australia’s corrupt Bureau of Meteorology…

Watts Up With That?

More hot days — or “purpose-designed” temperature sensors at play?

Guest essay by Dr. Jennifer Marohasy, republished from the Australian Spectator with permission from the author.

I don’t believe in conspiracies of silence except when it comes to Harvey Weinstein and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

For some time, weather enthusiasts have been noticing rapid temperature fluctuations at the ‘latest observations’ page at the Bureau’s website. For example, Peter Cornish, a retired hydrologist, wrote to the Bureau on 17 December 2012 asking whether the 1.5 degrees Celsius drop in temperature in the space of one minute at Sydney’s Observatory Hill, just the day before, could be a quirk of the new electronic temperature sensors. Ken Stewart, a retired school principal, requested temperature data for Hervey Bay after noticing a 2.1 degrees Celsius temperature change in the space of one minute on 22 February 2017.

In both cases, the Bureau assured…

View original post 1,046 more words

Met Office Falsify Data To Prove “Hottest Bank Holiday”

YET another example of why – sadly – government climate agencies, like the UK Met Office, BoM, CSIRO, NASA and NOAA, who have been captured by the radical environmental movement, cannot be trusted on anything “climate change” or “global warming” or whatever name beats their PR departments alarmist drum the hardest.


By Paul Homewood



This is quite an amazing piece of evidence that the UK Met Office are actively involved in defrauding the public.

The above tweet was published early this morning, forecasting the day’s weather (Aug 28th).

Note that the record to beat was 28.3C.

A few hours later they triumphantly sent this tweet:



Miraculously, the previous record temperature dropped by 1.1C!

Is it surprising that nobody trusts official Met Office data any more?

The lengths that the Met Office, NOAA, GISS etc go to in order to distort the truth should surprise none of us now.

But this latest piece of fraud really does take the biscuit, as  many commenters have spotted.



View original post

THE “Blizzard Of Oz” That Wasn’t Meant To Be

Blizzard of Oz.jpg

Australian snowfields rejoice after ‘Blizzard of Oz’ turns slopes into winter wonderland

via ABC.net.au

It’s been dubbed “the Blizzard of Oz”, and powder hounds could not be happier.

Australia’s ski resorts in the Snowy Mountains, in New South Wales, and Victoria’s Alpine National Park were covered with the white stuff this morning after both reported the best falls of the season at the weekend.

More than 1.15 metres of snow has been dumped at Thredbo from Friday morning to 6:00am today.

Blizzard of Oz1.jpgPHOTO: More than 1.15 metres of snow has been dumped at Thredbo. (Instagram: @_carlyt) Blizzard of Oz2.jpg

PHOTO: Mt Hotham, in Victoria’s Alpine National Park, looked more like Europe at the weekend. (Instagram: @sarahwhite2017)Blizzard of Oz3.jpgPHOTO: The snow at Falls Creek. (Instagram: @fallscreek)

Australian snowfields rejoice after ‘Blizzard of Oz’ turns slopes into winter wonderland – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

BUT, wasn’t ‘snowfall’ meant to be “a very rare and exciting event.” And, that “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” ?

Those expert predictions made back in 2000 by esteemed climatologist Dr David Viner of the UK’s CRU (Climate Research Unit):

From the Independent’s most cited article: “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past” by Charles Onians:

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become “a very rare and exciting event”.

“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.

THE Independent has since removed the article! The page used to look like this:


The original article:


Link now boots back to their homepage.

Our friends at WUWT have preserved the entire article as a PDF for posterity:

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past – The Independent (PDF)

In fairness, perhaps the good Dr Viner was colluding consulting with the virtuous partners of climate catastrophe expertise – the UN IPCC who, as well, predicted diminished snowfalls as human CO2 increased…


IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001 – Complete online versions | GRID-Arendal – Publications – Other


IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Australia’s “premier” scientific government organisation, the (warmist) CSIRO, jumped on the “end of snow” bandwagon in August 2003:

Simulations of future snow conditions in the Australian alpine regions were prepared for the years 2020 and 2050…


The low impact scenario for 2020 has a minor impact on snow conditions. Average season lengths are reduced by around five days. Reductions in peak depths are usually less than 10%, but can be larger at lower sites (e.g. Mt Baw Baw and Wellington High Plains).

The high impact scenario for 2020 leads to reductions of 30-40 days in average season lengths.  At higher sites such as Mt Hotham, this can represent reductions in season duration of about 25%, but at lower sites such as Mt Baw Baw the reduction can be more significant (up to 60%)…

We have very high confidence (at least 95%) that the low impact scenarios will be exceeded and the high impact scenarios will not be exceeded.


(Page Not Found – LOL !)

In 2014, the New York Times signalled “The End of Snow”:ScreenHunter_314 Feb. 07 11.00

The End of Snow? – NYTimes.com



Winter Northern Hemisphere snow extent is trending upwards, and 2017 was amongst the highest on record, despite rising CO2 emissions and the “Hottest Year Evah” thing:

Screen Shot 2017-08-07 at , August 7, 4.07.56 PM

Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab

AND as for the expert predictions of the CSIRO, who assured us of the end of snow by 2020/2030…

Australia’s snowfields have been overdosed by snow over the past decade.

In fact, SH snow extent is increasing as global CO2 rises – the exact opposite of what you were told by all those experts

2016 – Extended season:


Heavy snow forecast for the Australian Alps despite ski season ending a month ago

2017 – THE “Blizzard Of Oz” ! :

Blizzard of Oz4.jpg

Blizzards close in on Melbourne, floods hit South Australia | The Australian

WHEN will those expert scientists, esteemed government agencies and respected mainstream media outlets who peddle the fake global warming catastrophe, spreading scientific falsehoods with impunity, be held to account? Or at least admit they got it wrong?

That “science” certainly ain’t “settled”.


UPDATE – August 8, 2017

Emergency services warn of avalanches in Victoria’s alpine region

Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at , August 8, 8.45.01 AM.png

Click to Play…

EMERGENCY services have issued an avalanche warning for Victoria’s alpine region as tourists have been urged to avoid skiing, snowboarding, or hiking in remote areas.

Warmer weather and strong wind is expected to increase the risk of avalanches at Mt Bogong, mt feathertop, Mt Buller, Mt Hotham and Falls Creek today.

Victorian alpine region: avalanche warning issued for skiers, snowboarders | Herald Sun

DO hope SMH’s (Fairfax media) resident global warming catastrophist Peter Hannam has received this alert, if he plans to visit Australia’s ski fields. The one’s that he and those expert scientists say won’t be around much longer thanks to you and your SUV…

Snowy retreat: Climate change puts Australia’s ski industry on a downhill slope

Peter Hannam Peter Hannam

August 5 – Last week’s fake news – Sydney Morning Herald

Australia’s ski resorts face the prospect of a long downhill run as a warming climate reduces snow depth, cover and duration. The industry’s ability to create artificial snow will also be challenged, scientists say.

Snowy retreat: Climate change puts Australia’s ski industry on a downhill slope


UPDATE September 8 :

Perisher Ski Resorts elated with #BlizzardOfOz3…

More Than 130cm of Snow – Best in 17 years!



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  • EXTREME WEATHER Expert: “World Is Presently In An Era Of Unusually Low Weather Disasters” | Climatism
  • The Great “Extreme Weather” Climate Change Propaganda Con | Climatism
  • Understanding The “Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism

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  • Why CSIRO and BoM Cannot Be Trusted On Anything “Climate Change” | Climatism
  • CSIRO Censoring Their Own Climate Research | Climatism
  • Wash-out: Warmist Bureau’s Drought Prediction Fail | Climatism
  • The Science is Settled : “Children Just Aren’t Going To Know What Snow Is” | Climatism
  • Aussie CSIRO Predicts the End of Wheat Yield Gains | Climatism
  • Shock News 1923 : Meteorological Office Exists as a Corrective to Scare Mongering | Climatism
  • How they tried to fool you about the rain | Herald Sun
  • It’s Time To Declare War On Global Warming Extremists | Climatism