NOAA’s temperature control knob for the past, the present, and maybe the future – July 1936 now hottest month again
Posted: June 30, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a comment“You can’t get any clearer proof of NOAA adjusting past temperatures.”
Watts Up With That?
Two years ago during the scorching summer of 2012, July 1936 lost its place on the leaderboard and July 2012 became the hottest month on record in the United States. Now, as if by magic, and according to NOAA’s own data, July 1936 is now the hottest month on record again. The past, present, and future all seems to be “adjustable” in NOAA’s world. See the examples below.
Josh has been busy again and writes at Bishop Hill with a new cartoon:
The temperature adjustments story has been brewing for weeks principally due to the many posts at ‘RealScience’ but taken up by others, for example, Paul Homewood, see here and here. Judith Curry has a great post about it here, as does Anthony here.
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Antarctica sets new record for sea ice area
Posted: June 30, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentAre there only ‘computer models’ for things that ‘melt’ and things that ‘heat up’? Or do climate experts have a model that correctly predicted record Antarctic sea ice growth?
Watts Up With That?
The sea ice surrounding Antarctica, which, as I reported in my book, has been steadily increasing throughout the period of satellite measurement that began in 1979, has hit a new all-time record high for areal coverage.
The new record anomaly for Southern Hemisphere sea ice, the ice encircling the southernmost continent, is 2.074 million square kilometers and was posted for the first time by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s The Cryosphere Today early Sunday morning.
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June 27 Global Sea Ice Area Fourth Highest On Record – Highest Since 1996
Posted: June 30, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentReal Science
Nobel Laureate Albert Arnold Gore Jr. said there was a 75% chance the Arctic would be ice free this summer, but in fact we have seen quite the opposite.
The amount of sea ice on Earth is 4th highest on record for the date, and the highest since 1996.
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The scientific method is at work on the USHCN temperature data set
Posted: June 29, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized 1 CommentSceptics “eat crow” ~ Science, discovery, truth, integrity and reason the big winners.
Bravo Mr Watts…and Mr Heller.
Will the Global Warming zealotry; NASA, NOAA, USHCN, Gavin, Mosher et al come to the table, or will the usual dose of denial, obfuscation and pal-reviewed-reasoning win the day?
Watts Up With That?
Temperature is such a simple finite thing. It is amazing how complex people can make it.
– commenter and friend of WUWT, ossqss at Judith Curry’s blog
Sometimes, you can believe you are entirely right while simultaneously believing that you’ve done due diligence. That’s what confirmation bias is all about. In this case, a whole bunch of people, including me, got a severe case of it.
I’m talking about the claim made by Steve Goddard that 40% of the USHCN data is “fabricated”. which I and few other people thought was clearly wrong.
Dr. Judith Curry and I have been conversing a lot via email over the past two days, and she has written an illuminating essay that explores the issue raised by Goddard and the sociology going on. See her essay:
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NOAA’s “Hottest Month” Claims Are Unscientific
Posted: June 29, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized Leave a commentNOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT
By Paul Homewood
It’s not that I’m particularly prescient, but today’s headlines, prompted by the latest NOAA press release, rather substantiates the point I was making last week.
The Telegraph (and no doubt many other outlets) report:
Driven by exceptionally warm ocean waters, Earth smashed a record for heat in May and is likely to keep on breaking high temperature marks, experts have said.
May’s average temperature on Earth of 15.54 degrees Celsius was the warmest since records began in 1880, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
So let’s recap:
NOAA’s own figures give an error margin for their figures of +/- 0.07C. When this is allowed for, May 2014 statistically joins an eight-way tie as the hottest May, all since 1998. The other years being:
1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2012, and 2013.
Statistically, their claim of the “hottest month” does not hold water.
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Who Is Steven Goddard?
Posted: June 27, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized 1 CommentBravo Mr Heller, and thank you for exposing the ‘raw’ climate truth, with all the wit, candour and precision that has made Mr Steven Goddard and “Real Science” such an honest and reliable source.
Real Science
My name is Tony Heller. I am a whistle blower. I am an independent thinker who is considered a heretic by many people on both sides of the climate debate.
I live in Columbia, Maryland – an amazing city where I can ride my bicycle everywhere through the forest, and never need to get in a car.
I am a lifelong environmentalist. I testified at my first Congressional subcommittee hearing at age 15 in Kanab, Utah, in support of a wilderness area – very close to the one which President Obama recently set aside. I worked to get the Clean Air Act passed. I worked as a volunteer wilderness ranger for two summers in the Cibola and Santa Fe National Forests in New Mexico. I worked on the Safety Analysis Report for DOE’s nuclear waste disposal site in New Mexico. I probably have the smallest electricity bill in Columbia, Maryland…
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NASA Is Constantly Cooling The Past And Warming The Present
Posted: June 27, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized 1 CommentReal Science
Over the past 15 years, NASA and NOAA have turned a long term US cooling trend into a warming trend. But it is even worse than that, because almost every year they make the past cooler and the present warmer.
The animation below starts at the 1999 version, and progresses through 2013 – showing how they year after year tweak the measured cooling data to create the appearance of a warming signal – which does not exist in the thermometer data.
What is really ugly about this is that they overwrite the data in place, don’t archive the older versions, and make no mention of their changes on the web pages where the graphs are displayed. There should be prominent disclaimers that the actual thermometer data shows a 90 year cooling trend in the US, and that their graphs do not represent the thermometer data gathered by tens of thousands of Americans…
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Daily Mail Compares Obama’s Climate Propaganda Vs. Real Science
Posted: June 27, 2014 Filed under: Uncategorized 1 CommentReal Science
Barack Obama took aim Wednesday night at Republicans who have blocked global warming legislation, saying they ‘pretend’ they ‘don’t read’ science. But the president ignored the latest claims that threaten to destroy the U.S. climate change movement.
As he tries to rally public support around new White House rules aimed at coal-burning power plants, however, the president hasn’t yet addressed a brewing scandal in the scientific community.
Global warming specialists inside the scientific community are buzzing about revelations first made Friday, which show how the the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s official graph of historical U.S. surface temperatures records has been quietly altered for years.
The damning graphs published on the ‘Real Science’ blog by Steven Goddard, the nom de plume of a self-described ‘lifelong environmentalist’ with graduate-level scientific credentials.
They show the impact of replacing the real measurements with computer-generated estimates, in an alleged scheme to de-emphasize temperature readings from…
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