GREAT BARRIER REEF Hysteria : Exaggerated Claims And Blatant Falsehoods, Designed To Spread Fear And Belief In A Man-Made Climate Apocalypse
Posted: April 19, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Alarmism, Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Australia, Climatism, Coral Bleaching, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Fake News, Flannery, Government Grants/Funding, Great Barrier Reef, Oceans, Propaganda, Pseudo-Science, Tim Flannery | Tags: ABC, Activist Media, Alarmism, Beast From The East, Climate Change, Climate science, Coral, Coral Bleaching, Fake News, Global Warming, Global Warming Alarmism, Government Funding, Government grants, Great Barrier Reef, James Cook Uni, JCU, Mainstream media, nature, Oceans, Polar Vortex, Professor Peter Ridd, Professor Terry Hughes, science, Science and Environment | 2 CommentsIT hasn’t been the best start to the year for the global warming doom industry. Three consecutive “Beast From The East’s“ caused by super-cold Arctic air have resulted in 48,000 non-heat related deaths in the UK alone, as the 2017/18 Northern Hemisphere mega-winter rages on, well into spring.
THE ‘extreme’ cold has seen Iguanas frozen solid in Florida, alligators in a state of cryogenic freeze, sharks washed up in Cape Cod “stranded due to cold shock”, the coldest Super Bowl on record, Niagara Falls frozen over, a thermometer in the world’s coldest village breaking as temperatures plunge to -62C, the lowest temperature ever recorded in Bangladesh, frozen crops creating a food crisis in Europe, even a mass die-off of sea creatures as UK ocean temps plunged 1-3 degrees centigrade, cold temperatures smashed across Saskatchewan’s central and south regions in the spring of April, and the list of non-heat ‘extremes’ goes on.
RECORD cold temperatures have dumped unprecedented amounts of the white fluffy stuff that was, by now, meant to be “a very rare and exciting event”, something that “Children just aren’t going to know what (snow) is”. Dr Viner’s “thing of the past” covered all 50 states in North America, with rare falls experienced in Rome, Monaco, the Sahara desert and the first snow in 50 years dusting Southern Morocco. And, it’s been a rough old winter for Gavin Schmidt’s NASA GISS Temp New York office – home of the “Hottest Year(s) Evah” sausage factory – with the city that never sleeps experiencing its “fifth consecutive season that at least 30 inches of snow has fallen” with CNN reporting “It’s official: NYC hasn’t seen snow like this in 130 years“!
IN what appears to be another well-timed, and well-orchestrated plan to thaw out the inconvenient noise of the brutal NH winter still raging deep into Spring, the mainstream media, in concert with the climate crisis industry, has wheeled out an old favourite that always guarantees a juicy headline and an eco-emotional response – The “Death” of The Great Barrier Reef…
A new study, published in Nature by serial reef alarmist Prof Terry Hughes, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University, examines the link between the level of heat exposure from the 2015/16 super El Niño, “resulting in coral bleaching and ultimately coral death.“

Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages | Nature
A TASTE of this morning’s mainstream media reef hysteria following the Hughes et al release: Read the rest of this entry »
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