CLIMATE ACTIVIST : If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?
Posted: April 25, 2018 Filed under: Alarmist media, Climatism, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Fake News, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: auspol, Climate Change, Climatism, Energiewende, energy policy, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Green Energy, Mainstream media, media bias, Michael Shellenberger, Renewable energy, renewables, solar, Solar panels, unreliables, Wind Energy, Wind Farms, wind power Leave a commentINFORMATIVE piece written not by a climate change “denier” but by energy and environment expert Michael Shellenberger – a democrat and climate change activist, no less.
ALWAYS refreshing reading Shellenberger’s work and commentary on twitter. Like Bjorn Lomborg, the other well-known ‘warmist’, they both provide reasoned analysis of environmental issues, focusing on costs and outcomes of climate and energy policy, rather than blind ideology so common in mainstream media environmental reporting that only poisons and polarises the debate leading to unnecessary alarmism resulting in overarching climate policy and misguided allocation of public money.
Shellenberger concludes…
This is a problem of bias, not just energy illiteracy. Normally skeptical journalists routinely give renewables a pass. The reason isn’t because they don’t know how to report critically on energy — they do regularly when it comes to non-renewable energy sources — but rather because they don’t want to.
That could — and should — change. Reporters have an obligation to report accurately and fairly on all issues they cover, especially ones as important as energy and the environment.
A good start would be for them to investigate why, if solar and wind are so cheap, they are making electricity so expensive.
Read on here…
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