TWISTERS Missing From Tornado Alley
Posted: April 27, 2018 Filed under: Extreme Weather | Tags: climate, Climate Change, CO2, Extreme Rainfall, Global Warming, Mother Nature, science, Science and Environment, Tornado Alley, Tornadoes, Weather Leave a comment“WHERE are they this year?
This year has been possibly the quietest tornado season in recorded history. Kansas and Oklahoma would expect to see close to 19 tornadoes between the start of the year and now, with around 13 or 14 in April alone.But this April, there hasn’t been one!”
Mother Nature, flipping the bird at garbage-in-garbage-out climate models and the extreme weather parrots!
Tallbloke's Talkshop
Location of tornado alley and related weather systems [credit: Dan Craggs @ Wikipedia]
‘Extreme weather’ doomsayers must be scratching their heads over this. Nothing to see here – move along.
In a twist that would ruin the storyline to the Wizard of Oz, the USA’s ‘Tornado Alley’ has been strangely quiet this year, says BBC Weather.
In fact, if there are none reported in Oklahoma or Kansas on Thursday, 2018 will officially be the quietest start to the tornado season in both states …on record!
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