Tropical Cyclones and Global Warming: A Reality Check

MASTERFUL Australian tropical cyclone report by Kenskingdom exposing more of the endless lies and falsehoods disseminated by global-warming-theory-obsessed politicians, and so eagerly published without any basic fact-checking by the global-warming-theory-obsessed, taxpayer funded national broadcaster – the ABC!

ASTONISHING and reckless “denial” of the actual truth.

WHAT other climate falsehoods do politicians and the ABC tell you about climate change in order to drive their pet-agenda and push fake fixes to a fake scare?

SEE : Tropical Cyclones and Global Warming: A Reality Check | Climatism


Recently there was widespread media reporting of Queensland Emergency Services Minister Craig Crawford’s release of “a plan designed to help first responders get ready for future weather extremes.”

In the ABC Online report, these quotes from Mr Crawford are emphasised:

“There are plenty of people out there who are climate change sceptics… but the consensus is our fire seasons are getting hotter and longer and our flood and cyclone seasons are certainly getting stronger and more frequent.”

“If we’re going to have cyclones happening in parts of Queensland that they don’t normally happen right now it means that we’re going to have to expand all the areas where we have response training, capability and everything like that,” Mr Crawford said.

Cyclone seasons getting stronger and more frequent?  Cyclones happening in parts of Queensland that they don’t normally happen right now?  Time for a reality check.

The Bureau of Meteorology…

View original post 1,277 more words

MUST WATCH Weather Report : Forget The Cold! Global Warming Is Real!

ABC indoctrination - CLIMATISM

AUSTRALIA’S billion-dollar-a-year taxpayer funded public broadcaster, the ABC, is never shy pushing their CO2-centric global warming climate change agenda wherever and whenever possible.

THIS particular weather report that had to inconveniently divulge extreme cold temps that have kicked off Australia’s colder than average start to winter would make even infamous NAZI propagandist Joseph Goebbels blush!

Andrew Bolt with the rub…

Global warming has stalled, and the ABC’s weatherman must report “bitterly cold” weather in NSW and likely record low June temperatures for Broken Hill.

So he breaks off to sternly lecture any backsliders:

“Global warming doesn’t mean that cold temperatures won’t be recorded but rather that record heat temperatures will be far more common.”




ABC Weatherman Graham Creed @WeathermanABC again…

“Now on a quick side note, though, Global warming doesn’t mean that cold temperatures won’t be recorded, rather, record heat temperatures will be far more common and widespread.”

THIS statement is yet another ABC global warming climate change falsehood!

According to GCHN and ACORN-SAT data – the official data sets used by Bureau of Meteorology – annual maximum temps are ‘declining’ as CO2 increases…

However, according to GHCN and ACORN-SAT (‘adjusted’ data), the Australian temperature anomaly is, yes, increasing, but this is due to nighttime temps increasing faster than daytime temps are declining…

UHI caused by urban sprawl appears to be the most likely reason for nighttime temps up, IMO. (See link for Urban versus Rural temps station data… NO Australian Under The Age Of 40 Has Experienced Any Global Warming | Climatism)


MEANWHILE, according to the much more comprehensive and accurate NASA satellite temps, unpolluted by land-based UHI (Urban Heat Island effect)…

NO Australian Under The Age Of 40 Has Experienced Any Global Warming

ACCORDING to NASA’s MSU satellite data, there has been no warming, at all, over the continent of Australia since the record began 40 years ago…


The ABC will fight to the last to protect the warmist faith it has pushed and exaggerated and hyped and defended for years with a truly manic energy.


Related :

“Hottest Year Evahhh” Meme Related :

  • “HOTTEST YEAR EVAH” Claims Tell Us More About Global Warming PR Than Actual Science | Climatism
  • The “HOTTEST YEAR EVAH” Meme Exposed | Climatism
  • Understanding The “Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism
  • “The Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism
  • More “Hottest Year Evah” Nonsense | Climatism

Climate Science Related :

  • 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism
  • THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
  • WORLD Leading Authority : Climate and Sea Level Science Is A “Quasi Religion” Hijacked By An Activist Agenda | Climatism
  • THE “97% Consensus” Meme Further Discredited By 97 New Papers Supporting A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm | Climatism
  • THE Guardian Spewing Out More Man-Made Sea Level Rise Vomit | Climatism

Climatism Hot Links :

Global Cooling Related :

  • IT’S Official : Global Warming Alarmists Have No Credibility On Anything Climate Change | Climatism
  • Mother Nature Not Behaving As Climate Scientists Expected | Climatism
  • LIFE Inside The Global Warming Bubble | Climatism
  • HOTTEST Arctic Ever? Arctic Climate Change Fairytales vs. Reality | Climatism
  • ARCTIC Temperatures Plunge! (Don’t expect mainstream media to cover it) | Climatism
  • LIVING Life With “Atmosphere Cancer” | Climatism
  • 8 INCHES Of Catastrophic Global Warming Cooks Dutch Canals | Climatism
  • SNOWFALL Will Become “A Very Rare And Exciting Event…” | Climatism

Origins Of The Global Warming Scam :


PLEASE Tip The Climatism Jar To HELP Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Click link for more info…TQ!!! Jamie.

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GREAT BARRIER REEF Hysteria : Exaggerated Claims And Blatant Falsehoods, Designed To Spread Fear And Belief In A Man-Made Climate Apocalypse


IT hasn’t been the best start to the year for the global warming doom industry. Three consecutive Beast From The East’s caused by super-cold Arctic air have resulted in 48,000 non-heat related deaths in the UK alone, as the 2017/18 Northern Hemisphere mega-winter rages on, well into spring.

THE ‘extreme’ cold has seen Iguanas frozen solid in Florida, alligators in a state of cryogenic freeze, sharks washed up in Cape Cod “stranded due to cold shock”, the coldest Super Bowl on record, Niagara Falls frozen over, a thermometer in the world’s coldest village breaking as temperatures plunge to -62C, the lowest temperature ever recorded in Bangladesh, frozen crops creating a food crisis in Europe, even a mass die-off of sea creatures as UK ocean temps plunged 1-3 degrees centigrade, cold temperatures smashed across Saskatchewan’s central and south regions in the spring of April, and the list of non-heat ‘extremes’ goes on.

RECORD cold temperatures have dumped unprecedented amounts of the white fluffy stuff that was, by now, meant to be “a very rare and exciting event”, something that Children just aren’t going to know what (snow) is”. Dr Viner’s “thing of the past” covered all 50 states in North America, with rare falls experienced in Rome, Monaco, the Sahara desert and the first snow in 50 years dusting Southern Morocco. And, it’s been a rough old winter for Gavin Schmidt’s NASA GISS Temp New York office – home of the Hottest Year(s) Evah sausage factory – with the city that never sleeps experiencing its “fifth consecutive season that at least 30 inches of snow has fallen” with CNN reporting It’s official: NYC hasn’t seen snow like this in 130 years“!


IN what appears to be another well-timed, and well-orchestrated plan to thaw out the inconvenient noise of the brutal NH winter still raging deep into Spring, the mainstream media, in concert with the climate crisis industry, has wheeled out an old favourite that always guarantees a juicy headline and an eco-emotional response – The “Death” of The Great Barrier Reef…

A new study, published in Nature by serial reef alarmist Prof Terry Hughes, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University, examines the link between the level of heat exposure from the 2015/16 super El Niño, “resulting in coral bleaching and ultimately coral death.“

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Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages | Nature


A TASTE of this morning’s mainstream media reef hysteria following the Hughes et al release: Read the rest of this entry »

THE Great Barrier Reef Lie – Climate Scientists’ Scaremongering Trashed By Mother Nature


NOT SO FAST! Great Barrier Reef starts to recover after severe coral bleaching, survey of sites between Cairns and Townsville shows | ABC online

THE farcical scaremongering by global warming activists about the “dying” reef has cost Australians jobs and money:

Three surveys conducted in Britain, China, and the United States, have shown citizens in those countries – when the situation is raised with them – say that they are concerned that the world-renowned reef is under severe threat. And many would reconsider visiting as a result…

GreatBarrierReefAn estimated 175,000 fewer tourists could visit Australia if the bleaching persists and worse if the [claimed] damage becomes permanent. 

The polls, which surveyed the attitudes and awareness of 1000 people in each market, found potential visitors were concerned over the state of the reef, which in turn could feed into them deciding to visit other Australian attractions or to go to places other than Australia entirely.

The finding suggests the tourism businesses and related local economies adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef, could suffer the loss of 10,000 jobs and that the Australian economy could lose as much as $1 billion per year in overseas income.

The reef supports an estimated 70,000 jobs in the tourism and related sectors and accounts for a significant proportion of Australia’s tourist income.

BACK in May, the UK’s Telegraph printed more hysterical Reef alarmism, as evidenced by hysterical climate ‘scientists’ :

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Great Barrier Reef is damaged beyond repair and can no longer be saved, say scientists | The Telegraph UK

SEPTEMBER 2017 – Mother Nature trashes the alarmist GBR climate “science” :

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Great Barrier Reef starts to recover after severe coral bleaching, survey of sites between Cairns and Townsville shows – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

WHERE the hysteria began :

Great Barrier Reef: scientists ‘exaggerated’ coral bleaching

There is growing scientific conflict over bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. Picture: Tourism Queensland

There is growing scientific conflict over bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. Picture: Tourism Queensland | The Australian

Activist scientists and lobby groups have distorted surveys, maps and data to misrepresent the extent and impact of coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, – according to the chairman of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Russell Reichelt.

A full survey of the reef ­released yesterday by the author­ity and the Australian Institute of Marine ­Science said 75 per cent of the reef would escape unscathed.

Dr Reichelt said the vast bulk of bleaching damage was confined to the far northern section off Cape York, which had the best prospect of recovery due to the lack of ­onshore development and high water quality.

Full story : Great Barrier Reef: scientists ‘exaggerated’ coral bleaching | The Australian

THE doom sayers really should apologise. But, of course, none will come forth, as the worst any Reef or climate change alarmist can ever be accused of for dangerous and costly scaremongering is an excess of “Save the planet” virtue.

TO tell preposterous untruths in this ‘good’ cause is not just forgivable but a sign of superior morality. The bigger the whopper the more you must really care. This is the sad, costly, destructive and repetitive story of ‘Climate Crisis Inc.’


See also :

Great Barrier Reef Expert : Don’t Trust Climate Alarmists

Related :

  • Aussie Coral Reef Rises from the Dead | Climatism
  • Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching! | Climatism
  • Great Barrier Reef Expert : Don’t Trust Climate Alarmists | Climatism

Great Barrier Reef scare related :

  • Great Barrier Reef in near pristine condition: dive boat operators | Climatism
  • “Dying” Reef Actually Growing | Climatism
  • Great Barrier Reef Scaremongers Risk 10,000 Jobs | Climatism
  • Expert: Scientists exaggerated coral bleaching story | Climatism
  • Flannery Plumbs Fresh Depths Of Doom On Australia’s Great Barrier Reef | Climatism
  • Climate Change Australia – The Great Barrier Reef Is Dead? What Warmist Writes This Falsehood? | Climatism
  • Not Dead Yet: Great Barrier Reef Coral Cover Up 19 Per Cent In Three Years | Climatism
  • Where’s The Sorry For That Great Barrier Reef Scare? | Climatism
  • UNESCO ‘Green’ Lights The Reef – Activists Exposed As Liars And Frauds | Climatism

FAKE NEWS ALERT : ABC Beating Up Perth Sea-Level-Rise Fails To Mention The Land Is Sinking


Via Warwick Huges | Errors in IPCC climate science :

The ABC reports – Perth’s Kwinana Freeway will be permanently flooded by 2100, oceanographer warns

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PHOTO: The report estimates the freeway will flood at least four times a year by 2050. (ABC TV)

In 2012 I blogged To understand Perth sea-levels is a complex issue – much of the Perth plain has subsided in recent decades…

Recent media publicity around a “State of Australian Cities” reporthas beaten up claims that Perth sea-levels are rising at three times the global average, or near 10mm per year. A matter that Federal Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese described as “disturbing and extraordinary”. Chris Gillham shows that the claims in the State of Australian Cities report re Perth sea level rise are over-hyped.
This chart fom a 2010 WA Govt planning report shows long term sea level changes at Fremantle.

The State of Australian Cities report concentrates on shorter term more sensational trends in the last 20 years but omits to quote recent research measuring rapid subsidence of large areas of the Perth coastal plain.
A 2012 paper – Anthropogenic land subsidence in the Perth Basin: challenges for its retrospective geodetic detection – says subsidence at Gnangara for the 14 years 1997-2011 has averaged 4.6mm per year – see Table 1 below.

In recent decades subsidence has been worsened by increased drawdown ground water for Perth water supplies – a process which has eased post 2005.

This online chart shows CGPS readings from the Hillarys tide gauge installation and indicates steady sinking of ~3mm per year 2006-2012. There are no CGPS readings I can find from Fremantle.

Hillarys has CGPS data from 1997 and Featherstone et al say those data – “…are not in a form that can be readily analysed in a short time frame, particularly because of the multiple equipment changes that make the time series very discontinuous.” Other published versions of the Hillarys CGPS data quote a 1998-2009 subsidence averaging just over 5mm per year. Watson PJ – Is There Evidence Yet of Acceleration in Mean Sea Level
Rise around Mainland Australia?
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2011
Featherstone et al 2012 discuss surveying to detect level changes and say – “There is some scope for detecting subsidence in the Perth Basin if levelling is repeated now or sometime in the future. However, the costs are likely to be prohibitive.”
I fail to see how a few repeat levelling traverses from the Darling Ranges to the coast costing what ? – a few $million ? – should be beyond the wealth of a First World nation like Australia. Apparently some traverses were carried out in the 1980’s.
There is no shortage of Govt grant monies to waste on shonky Greenhouse inspired “research”.
Tide gauges and harbours are often located in places where the crust is sinking due to say sedimentation from a river. Any harbour structure attached to piles will slowly sink into the muddy substrate over the decades – factors like traffic vibration, a century of ships banging into piles – all can contribute to piles sinking. Dock areas where tide gauges tend to be installed are often the sites of reclaimed land, Auckland is an example. This tends to quietly settle for decades which can confound tide gauge data. At Fremantle 150 years of urbanization – including storm-water drainage direct to the sea – can lower ground water levels and cause subsidence – quite apart from deliberate ground water harvesting.

To understand Perth sea-levels is a complex issue – much of the Perth plain has subsided in recent decades | Errors in IPCC climate science


See also :

  • NASA “Sea Level Rise” Fraud | Climatism

An Open Letter to an Alarmist Shill

Professor Bran Cox. Another ‘influencial’ public figure ingratiated into the fashionable, virtue-signalling and ever-lucrative world of “Climate Crisis Inc.”

And he had the perfect audience and forum to spout his activist-NASA derived climate propaganda within the gushing walls of the (their) ABC’s “QandA” echo chamber.

A PhD should know better.

Watts Up With That?

On September 9, 2016, Quadrant Online published the following open letter from Graham Woods to Brian Cox. Grahan Woods is an Australian PhD.

By cellanr - Prof Brian Cox, CC BY-SA 2.0, By cellanr – Prof Brian Cox, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Dear Brian,

I’d appreciate your response to this email, which deals with your recent appearance on the ABC’s Q&A program.

First, I want to make it clear that, where you’re concerned, I’m not a ‘vexatious invigilator’. My wife and I (each with an earned PhD) have watched most of your TV programs, and have been struck by their intellectual clarity and your unassuming personal style (as well as by your BMI: we’re high-level wellness devotees). With that said, we both have serious misgivings about your recent appearance on Q&A.

No pronouncement that enjoys an audience has zero social consequences, and the more prominent the pronouncer the more significant the consequences are likely to be. Your…

View original post 679 more words

STANFORD Universities Paul Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Black Africans To Fight Climate Change

Paul Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Black Africans To Fight Climate Change CLIMATISM

The Evening News – Google News Archive Search

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University


STANFORD University and The Royal Society’s resident population freak and climate catastrophist Paul R. Ehrlich recently featured as a guest on ABC Australia’s popular “Q and A” current affairs hour.

“Q and A’s” proud boast, popular with its majority Leftist audience, is being champions of equality, compassion and to strictly condemn, name and shame those who fit a predetermined racist bent. I.e conservatives.

That said, did any panel members or audience question Ehrlich about his preference to which colour should be eliminated first?

I thought “Black-Lives-Matter” or is that simply another victomhood slogan designed by the Left to divide and silence?

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GST, Gonski, Population and Diversity | Q&A | ABC TV


Stanford Universities Paul R. Ehrlich via Steve Goddard’s Real Science:

Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Africans In Order To Control His Own Neurosis



The Evening News – Google News Archive Search


Notable comments from Climate Change / Global Warming fear-monger and population freak Paul Ehrlich :

  • “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.” – Malthusian, eco-alarmist Paul R. Ehrlich in The American Spectator, September 6, 1992
  • “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.” – Paul R. Ehrlich, Earth Day 1970
  • “The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s the world will undergo famines . . . hundreds of millions of people (including Americans) are going to starve to death.” – Paul R. Ehrlich (Population Bomb 1960)
  • “I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.” – Paul R. Ehrlich (1969)
  • “By 1985 enough millions will have died to reduce the earth’s population to some acceptable level, like 1.5 billion people.” – Paul R. Ehrlich (1969)
  • “We’ve already had too much economic growth in the United States. Economic growth in rich countries like ours is the disease, not the cure.” – Paul R. Ehrlich. Quoted by Dixy Lee Ray in her book Trashing the Planet (1990)

Alarmist Paul R. Ehrlich now works for The Royal Society, (to bolster their credibility /sarc) ~ “Nullius In Verba”

Scan these links to learn more about Stanford Universities Paul Ehrlich, and fellow climate change catastrophists apocalyptic belief systems  :

  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
  • Opinion: CO2 is the Demon Because Malthus and Ehrlich Were Wrong About Overpopulation | Climatism
  • Shock news : The UN’s Real Agenda Is A New World Order Under Its Control | Climatism
  • Climate Change Won’t Kill You – Having No Electrical Power Will | Climatism
  • Paul Ehrlich wrong again: World Cereal Production Set To Reach Historic High | Climatism
  • Paul Ehrlich joins the Royal Society, rants on Twitter | Watts Up With That?
  • Before He Was Pushing The Global Warming Scam, Paul Ehrlich Was Pushing The Global Cooling Scam | Real Science
  • Ehrlich : Mankind To Drown In Own Flesh Before The Year 2000 | Real Science
  • Ehrlich Shock News : World Was Destroyed In The 1970’s | Real Science


PLEASE Tip The Climatism Jar To HELP Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate rationalists – you and I  – are still waiting for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Click link for more info…TQ! Jamie.

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Ehrlich Wanted To Poison Africans In Order To Control His Own Neurosis

Last night, Stanford Universities population freak and climate catastrophist Paul Ehrlich featured on ABC Australia’s high rating left-wing propaganda hour “QandA”. Their boast, as popular with the sanctimonious left, is being champions of equal rights and to condemn, name and shame those who utter even the slightest racist slur.

That said, did any panel members or audience question Ehrlich about his preference to which colour should be eliminated first?

Maybe “Black-Lives-Matter” is just another PC slogan?

Real Science

The Evening News – Google News Archive Search

View original post

Today’s Sea Level Fraud From NASA

NASA’s 3 feet rise in global sea level by the end of the century, seems rather conservative compared against ABC (Australia) science presenter Robyn Williams’ sea level rise forecast of 100 metres by 2100!

Whether the climate ‘science’ comes from alarmist HQ NASA, the White House, ABC or their respective regressive political parties, it holds true that if you are ‘Green’, you no longer have to tell the truth. Any falsehood or exaggeration you utter is just a sign of your commitment, not of your deceit.

Real Science

Check out this moronic headline in the LA Times

ScreenHunter_2767 Aug. 27 13.16

New satellite measurements from NASA suggest that ocean levels could rise by 3 feet or more globally by the end of the century. The question faced by scientists and policymakers is not whether oceans will rise, but how fast and by how much.

“People need to be prepared for sea level rise,” said Joshua Willis, an oceanographer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Cañada Flintridge. “It’s not going to stop.”

Sea levels will rise, experts warn, and ‘it’s not going to stop’ – LA Times

Of course sea level is going to rise. It has been rising for 20,000 years – most of that time faster than now. Sea level will stop rising when we enter the next ice age.

Post-Glacial_Sea_Level (1)

NOAA Tide gauges indicate that global sea level will rise about four inches by 2100, not 40 inches.

ScreenHunter_2763 Aug. 27 12.31

Sea Level Trends…

View original post 39 more words

Why Does The ABC Employ Dr Karl?

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“It is a blatant lie put forth in the media that makes it seem there is only a fringe of 
scientists who don’t buy into anthropogenic global warming.” – U.S Government
Atmospheric Scientist Stanley B. Goldenberg of the Hurricane Research Division of

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.



via Herald Sun:

The ABC’s “science” guru, Dr Karl , has a severe problem in accepting the world isn’t warming as he insists. Here is just one of several examples I’ve written about before:

What Britain’s warmist Met Office actually said about warming since 1997:

The linear trend from August 1997 … to August 2012 …is about 0.03°C/decade, amounting to a temperature increase of 0.05°C over that period
What ABC science presenter Dr Karl repeatedly claims the Met said:

MET office data of static warming for last 16 years is a misconception? @JWSpry @25outsidefifty Yup, world has warmed 0.3C in last 16 years.

Dr Karl repeats his false claim:

0.3C, as MET suggests.

Reader JW Spry tries again to get ABC science presenter Dr Karl – a denier of the 16-year pause in warming – to correct a blatant error:


Yet even after being confronted with the evidence of error, Dr Karl refused to correct, acknowledge or apologise.

Totally unembarrassable, Dr Karl was at it again on the Drum yesterday, now claiming a mass beaching of walruses was evidence of global warming. Once again, he was completely wrong – and no one on the panel challenged him.

But when sceptics like me do what I’ve just done here – match warmist claims against facts, predictions against outcomes – and expose Karl-like alarmism, Dr Karl screams it’s a conspiracy. On The Drum yesterday:

I think it’s a disinformation campaign by the big carbon combustion companies.

Once again he was not contradicted.

Yet his conspiracy theory is nuts. In what way has a “carbon combustion company” influenced me when I compare Dr Karl’s crazier claims to the truth? Is Dr Karl claiming I’m using matieral supplied by such a company? That I’m corrupt, being paid by Big Carbon to lie?

Spell it out, Dr Karl. Oh, and please don’t forget to also address the actual errors I have identified in your claims.

Reader James:

On The Drum today I think even Steve Cannane was embarrassed by Dr Karl Kruszelnicki’s insistence that climate scepticism is an organised disinformation campaign by fossil fuel companies.

ExxonMobil is the world’s largest western owned oil company. Here’s what they say about climate change on their web site:

Climate policy…
Keeping in mind the central importance of energy to economies of the world, ExxonMobil believes that it is prudent to develop and implement strategies that address the risks to society associated with increasing GHG emissions.

You will find similar or more strident comments of other oil company websites. Hardly looks like the sort of campaign Dr Karl claims exists.

Why can’t he admit instead that people are able to compare statements and predictions made by alarmists to reality and draw their own conclusions?

A more important question: why does the ABC has a “science” presenter who is so shamelessly alarmist and unapologetically wrong?

The ABC is out of control.

(Dr) Karl Archived :

  • An apology, not silence, would suit warmist Dr Karl better | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • Dr Karl’s klimate krap | Climatism
  • Emerson’s response to the truth should embarrass him, alarm you | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • Dr Karl does it again. Time for the Alan Jones treatment | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • More reason for Emerson to apologise for being wrong about global warming | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • Will Dr Karl be corrected? | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • Emerson was wrong on global warming and must retract | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • In the faint hope Emerson can be educated | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • A question for Dr Karl, the warmist | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • ABC warmists admit a pause in warming the ABC wouldn’t report | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
  • ABC science unit hides the warmist decline. Time the cleaners came in | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog