Global Agricultural Boom: A million Thanks To Climate Change

“Global agricultural production suffered only during cold periods, including the Little Ice Age, which ended around the late 18th or early 19th century.

Since the 1800s, the earth has been warming — returning to levels ideal for crop production. It is remarkable that the mainstream media can claim that temperatures are killing crops when they have actually contributed to exponential growth of crop yields.”

A rather unwelcome message for the anti-CO2, misanthropic environmental movement.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Planting rice [image credit: BBC]
As the report concludes: ‘Both global warming and carbon dioxide have benefitted plant growth, and both are important contributors to the success of modern civilization.’

Global cereal (grain) production has reached record levels in 2017, says The GWPF.

Credit for the increase usually goes to agrochemicals and other advanced agricultural technology. However, there are two other key contributors — carbon dioxide and climate change.

World cereal production for 2017 is projected to reach 2,613.3 million tons, 5.8 million tons above 2016’s level and nearly one-fourth higher than 2008’s. Despite population growth, production per capita rose 13 percent over the last decade, from 0.31 to 0.35 tons per person.

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One Comment on “Global Agricultural Boom: A million Thanks To Climate Change”

  1. ATTENBOROUGH : 'Climate Change Stops Plants Growing' | Principia Scientific International says:

    […] Global Agricultural Boom: A million Thanks To Climate Change | Climatism […]


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