On Earth Day, shots fired at building housing leading climate skeptic scientists

The radical, intolerant, violent Left…
“When some people cannot argue facts, they resort to violence to get their way. It doesn’t matter that we don’t “deny global warming”; the fact we disagree with its seriousness and the level of human involvment in warming is enough to send some radicals into a tizzy.”

As Marc Morano correctly notes: imagine the outrage if Michael Mann’s office was shot at during a “sceptics” march!

A disturbing development, though sadly not surprising as the radical Left elevates its violent oppression, worldwide, to any dissenting belief that doesn’t fit with its own.

Watts Up With That?

Via email from Dr. Roy Spencer:

Shots fired at Christy/Spencer building

FYI, apparently sometime after a March for Science went past our building at UAH, 7 shots were fired and hit the floor John Christy is on. (I’m in a different part of the same building). No witnesses. I’m assuming late night Saturday or Sunday.

It seems pretty obvious this was a message being sent. If fired from a pistol, all shots hitting the same floor seems to suggest deliberate aim.

I doubt any media have covered it yet. I doubt the police have even written a report yet. From what I’ve heard, it sounds like the police believe the shots were fired from a passing car, and some shell casings were recovered, as well as fragments of bullets inside the building. You can quote me.

The office of the state climatologist (Dr. John Christy) is in building 7


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2 Comments on “On Earth Day, shots fired at building housing leading climate skeptic scientists”

  1. tallbloke says:

    Oh well, if it’s open season on sceptics, then we should tool up and return fire.

    Liked by 1 person

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