FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’
Posted: September 26, 2018 | Author: Jamie Spry | Filed under: Climatism, Communism, Ecofascism, Environmentalism, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Agenda, IPCC, ORIGINS OF THE GLOBAL WARMING SCAM, Politics, Pseudo-Science, Religion, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC | Tags: BBC, Censorship, Climate Change, Climatism, Communism, COP24, Environmentalism, Global Warming, Mainstream media, Politics, pseudoscience, Science and Environment, Socialism, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC |9 Comments“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?”
– Maurice Strong,
founder of the UN Environment Programme
“I envisage the principles of the Earth Charter to
be a new form of the ten commandments.
They lay the foundation for a sustainable
global earth community.“
– Mikhail Gorbachev,
co-author of The Earth Charter
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
GLOBAL WARMING aka climate change has long abandoned any connection it has with actual science. It is an ideology. A religion. Australia’s former Prime Minister Tony Abbott likening it to, “socialism masquerading as environmentalism“.
NOBEL Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever…
“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.”
PULITZER Prize-winning syndicated columnist, the late and great Charles Krauthammer, articulated the motivation behind modern environmentalism. A movement using the threat of environmental disaster to limit the use of energy, destroy capitalism and advance socialism…
“There’s no greater social power than the power to ration. And, other than rationing food, there is no greater instrument of social control than rationing energy, the currency of just about everything one does and uses in an advanced society.”
THE mainstream media has been complicit in frantically promoting ruinous climate change alarmism while ‘denying’ any dissenting opinions of the 30+ year-old ‘science’ promulgated by the IPCC – The UN’s (pseudo) scientific body created to advance their stated, one-world government agenda under the guise of “Saving The Planet”.
THE clues to the real agenda of climate change keep rolling in. Harry Wilkinson writes an excellent fact-checking piece on the BBC’s latest internal, totalitarian guidance to not air any dissenting views on climate change.
THIS quote sticking out like the proverbial ‘sore thumb’ as evidence of the global warming climate change political farce that is rapidly destroying western economies and western civilisation…
“The father of the two-degree target, veteran climate alarmist Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, has admitted the number is entirely fabricated: ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’. He nonetheless celebrates its cynical effectiveness at motivating international political action.“
BBC’s climate change ‘facts’ are fiction
ByHarry Wilkinson
In order to avoid giving ‘false balance’ to the climate alarmists at the BBC, I thought it would be a good idea to fact-check their new internal guidance on climate change. This is their totalitarian memorandum aimed at stamping out free scientific discourse, on the basis that certain facts are established beyond dispute.
The problem is that these aren’t, and the BBC is guilty of repeatedly failing to describe accurately the nuances of climate science and the degree to which certain claims are disputed.
The crucial paragraph reads:
‘Most climate scientists regard a rise of 2 degrees C as the point when global warming could become irreversible and the effects dangerous. At current rates, we are on track for a rise of more than 3-4 degrees C by the end of the century.’
There are so many things wrong with this short statement.
That global warming can be somehow ‘irreversible’ is pure propaganda; the climate has always been changing and it always will. The briefing later describes the idea of catastrophic tipping points as a ‘common misconception’, so they have comically failed their own test right at the start.
A temperature rise of more than two degrees is not inherently dangerous either. The majority of economic impact studies put the cost of climate change by the end of the century at between 1.5% and 3% of world GDP, but these studies often make the inaccurate assumption that either no or little adaptation will take place.
In contrast, even the IPCC has admitted (p.15) that the cost of reducing emissions (‘mitigation’) to meet the 2oC target may be up to 4% of world GDP in 2030, 6% in 2050 and 11% in 2100.
These numbers do not incorporate the benefits of reducing our emissions, which are primarily the avoided costs of climate change. But given that a certain amount of warming is already ‘baked in’, it looks almost certain that this ‘mitigation’ will actually be far more expensive than not doing anything. If warming actually turns out to have a positive effect, the gamble will have failed even more spectacularly.
The IPCC has openly admitted that its cost forecasts come with incredibly optimistic assumptions that immediate mitigation takes place in all countries, that there is a single global carbon price, and that there are ‘no additional limitations on technology relative to the models’ default technology assumptions’. With no carbon capture and storage (CCS), they predict the total mitigation cost rises by a staggering 138%. The bad news is that CCS is currently failing to deliver, and few now expect it to play a significant role in reducing emissions.
Given the record of economic forecasts, all these predictions should be taken with a pinch of salt, but on the available evidence it appears we are sleepwalking into spending trillions of pounds to achieve only a negligible reduction in global temperatures.
The father of the two-degree target, veteran climate alarmist Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, has admitted the number is entirely fabricated: ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’. He nonetheless celebrates its cynical effectiveness at motivating international political action.
Other prominent climate scientists, such as Hans von Storch, have been much more critical of this approach. Storch reflects on how scientists have become political sermonisers in a way which damages science as a whole: ‘Unfortunately, some of my colleagues behave like pastors . . . it’s certainly no coincidence that all the mistakes that became public always tended in the direction of exaggeration and alarmism.’
The statement that we are on track for ‘more than 3-4 degrees’ is an even more blatant distortion of the scientific evidence. Earlier this year, Peter Cox of the University of Exeter announced the results of his latest study which ruled out higher levels of warming. He concluded that ‘climate sensitivity’ would be in the narrower range of 2.2-3.4oC, thus ruling out warming of 4 or 5 degrees by 2100. His voice adds to a growing consensus that climate sensitivity will be lower than previously estimated. Does the BBC now consider him a climate denier too?
Quite surreally, the document also describes the statement that ‘climate change has happened before’ as a ‘common misconception’. How much longer before the BBC renames itself The Ministry of Truth?
Estimating the current and future impacts of climate change is a complex and contested enterprise, but the BBC would rather you didn’t know. ‘The science is settled’ they say, so move on. This climate memorandum is nothing less than propaganda presented as fact by controller Fran. There is a critical debate to be had, so inquisitive people had better look elsewhere.
BBC’s climate change ‘facts’ are fiction | The Conservative Woman
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ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :
- THE Orwellian Era Of @NASA Climate Pseudoscience | Climatism
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9 Comments on “FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’”
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It is long beyond time for those of us who see through the thin veil of climate lies to continue exposing the charade for what it is. What could possibly be a worse fate than having an unelected UN rule the planet, I cringe at the thought.
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[…] FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limi… […]
It is wonderful that this site is here to provide a calm reminder that, in fact, this relentless climate fearmongering is necessary, or rather, that it mustn’t be allowed to create a global doomsday cult that campaigns against ancient, long-term natural processes that are nothing to be feared ( and won’t be stopped by holding civilisation to ransom).
Climate change should be adapted to, certainly, as all life on Earth always has, but not feared or ‘stopped’ by threatening human freedom and suggesting that human existence itself is a terrible sin, in this bizarre and illogical manner that we are seeing.
I truly don’t blame anyone for being frightened by the extreme horror stories the media spreads, such as the fictitious climate ’emergency’/’breakdown’ or similar. Fear is powerful, but it does not have to control us.
I believe that all are entitled to their own opinion and indeed would encourage anyone to look thoroughly at all available sources, then make up their own mind on this subject, with courage I their own convictions.
I believe that climate change, as properly studied without all this unscientific hype, is actually very interesting indeed and that the only constant in our climate is change. Not only on Earth, but right across the Universe on planets like ours that haven’t been discovered yet.
Furthermore- and I often feel like a bit of a lone voice when I say this, but CO2 isn’t a pollutant.
It shouldn’t be demonised – it is critical for all life on this planet, since plants can’t survive without it, and no living thing (except plants and possibly fungi?) can be truly ‘carbon neutral’ anyway without simply not being alive. We are by definition carbon based life forms, after all.
I do advocate sustainable practices, however, such as habitat conservation, recycling and things like hydrogen power, because they are sensible, not because they will stop or control climate change etc. They just make sense.
Rather a long comment, I know, but I do stand by what I believe and I do reject extremism and fear mongering, in favour of an embrace of climate change and the natural adaptation that all species, us included, must go through to live through it – and thrive.
Slight amendment to my previous comment – at the start, I meant to say It is wonderful that this site is here to provide a calm reminder that, in fact, this relentless climate fearmongering is not necessary, or rather, that it mustn’t be allowed to create a global doomsday cult that campaigns against ancient, long-term natural processes that are nothing to be feared ( and won’t be stopped by holding civilisation to ransom).
[…] FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limi… (UN IPCC) […]
[…] FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limi… (UN IPCC) […]
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