Death in Tasmania: Australia Cloud Seeding Green Hydropower Disaster

“It looks like Tasmania’s green policies may have caused the death of at least one person, who died in flooding which was likely exacerbated by an unwise decision to attempt to boost an already torrential downpour.”

Greens – killing the Earth (and people) to “Save” it. Shock news.

Read this latest eco-zealot-driven doozy…

Watts Up With That?

Tasmanian devil, ferocious bad tempered carnivorous rodent, native to Tasmania. Author John Cummings,_Natural_History_Museum,_London,_Mammals_Gallery.JPG Tasmanian devil, ferocious bad tempered carnivorous rodent, native to Tasmania. Author John Cummings,_Natural_History_Museum,_London,_Mammals_Gallery.JPG

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

JoNova has discovered that just prior to recent disastrous flooding in Tasmania, Australia, desperate hydropower operators conducted a cloud seeding operation, despite there already being forecasts of torrential rainfall.

The whole sorry mess started, when desperately green Tasmania attempted to go 100% renewable. Tasmania thought they were on a winner, and allegedly got greedy – they may have inadvertently burned out the power cable which connects the island state to mainland Australia, trying to sell too much premium “green” electricity to the mainland.

Hydro Tasmania exceeded safe power transmission levels, Basslink says

BASSLINK owners sought to restrict Hydro Tasmania’s electricity exports and enforce a “cooling off” protocol during the period of the carbon tax to ensure the undersea cable was operated safely and reliably.

The news comes as Basslink prepares to…

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The Hyping of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Required Weather Myths

Another excellent read from Dr. Tim Ball, demonstrating the ease at which the “global warming (hot)” aka “climate change (hot or cold)” scam proliferates, thrives and survives…


“Everybody knows a broken clock is accurate twice a day. Such is the situation with the AGW proponents claims of increased storminess, which will occur, but not because of warming but cooling. The current situation is problematic because the world is cooling as all the evidence of changing solar activity indicates. Historical evidence shows that storminess increases during cooling.”

“The fact that storms increase with global cooling will appear to support the myth that they are due to warming. Sadly, you only need one apparently substantiated myth to keep the entire mythology alive.”

Read on…

Watts Up With That?

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball

Some claim the entire notion that human addition of CO2 to the atmosphere is causing global warming is a deliberately created myth, that it was produced to isolate CO2 as a serious environmental problem that required curtailing the economies of developed countries. To enhance the threat required endangerment to plants, animals, and humans. The list of threats is endless because proponents of AGW can take everyday natural events and say they are not ‘normal.’ They know that most don’t know what is normal, as I discussed in a previous article, and that what is a ‘normal’ climate, changes with time. Many people use these interchangeably with natural and unnatural. The list of myths attributed to global warming is endless, but one started a few years ago titled, “A complete list of things caused by global warming keeps expanding.

There is added confusion…

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