Fake News “Cooks” Guardian’s Climate Credibility

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With 13 known fatalities and nearly a thousand buildings and structures destroyed in the tragic Tennessee fires, the usual climate ambulance chasers are out in force blaming, you guessed it, man-made “climate change”!

The hysterical Guardian

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Fires and drought cook Tennessee – a state represented by climate deniers | John Abraham | Environment | The Guardian


Author John Abraham notes “The causes of drought are combinations of lowered precipitation and higher temperatures.” 

This is a no-brainer, however it is dishonest to blame so-called, man-made climate change as the root cause of the fires based on “many weeks of weather (warm and dry) that have led to the current conditions.” 

Climate change is measured over multi-decadal periods, over a 30 year period or ‘climate point’, not over “many weeks” as the Guardian ferments.

Abraham deliberately focuses on the “many weeks” time-scale because a longer look at Tennessee’s climate history wrecks his CO2-induced, man-made climate change theory…


Tennessee temperature record shows no global warming climate change trend…

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Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)


Tennessee has been getting wetter…

Tennessee Precip Annual.png

Climate at a Glance | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)


Tennessee is currently experiencing a bad drought as the Guardian correctly identifies

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But, how severe is this drought historically? And, is it due to human CO2 ‘carbon’ emissions or simply, natural cycles in climate?

Before WW2, the time period that the IPCC claims CO2-emissions were yet to have an effect on climate, the US experienced more severe drought.

In the low-CO2 (309 ppm) year of July 1934, 80% of the US was in severe to extreme drought…

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Historical Palmer Drought Indices | Temperature, Precipitation, and Drought | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

By November, 50% of the US remained in severe to extreme drought…

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US Drought November 1934

Forest Fires

The most glaring example of the hysterical Guardian’s dishonesty to its readership, is the simple fact that while CO2 has been increasing, the “Numbers of [Tennessee] wildfires have been trending downward since the late 1970’s.” 

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forest fires in tennessee___3.pdf

This is why “fake news” organisations like The Guardian, CNN, ABC, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, NYTimes, Washington Post, BBC et al., cannot be trusted on anything related to global warming climate change.

They are not interested in “the science” that they and fellow climate alarmists claim to own, rather, their primary interest lies in misinforming readers and viewers with cherry-picked propaganda to further their political goals and ideological agenda.

And to dear John Abraham, “belief” and “denial” are the words of zealots, not scientists.

Those who continue to slime with the “denier” meme, in a vile reference to “Holocaust denial” (designed to intimidate and isolate) indicate they’ve run out of arguments, and slurs are all they have left. The historical climate data above, that took 10 minutes to source, exposes this.


Climatism extends its condolonces to the victims and their families and all those effected by the Tennessee wildfires. And blessings to the brave first responders.

Related :

  • Why CSIRO and BoM Cannot Be Trusted On Anything “Climate Change” | Climatism
  • Understanding The “Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism
  • YES! The Climate Changes | Climatism
  • There Is No Climate Change Crisis | Climatism
  • Stunning Drop In Global Temperatures As El Niño Warming Ends | Climatism

2 Comments on “Fake News “Cooks” Guardian’s Climate Credibility”

  1. Denis Rancourt says:


    Anatomy of the false link between forest fires and anthropogenic CO2
    Research · May 2016
    DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2059.6087

    1st D. G. Rancourt
    35.67 · University of Toronto

    In this critical review of the scientific literature about fire, I describe how the false notion of a link between forest fires and anthropogenic CO2 was ignited in 2006 by a fatally flawed article promoted in the science-trend-setting magazine Science, and spread like wildfire through the scientific literature and beyond, driven in part by high winds of climate modelling extravagance, while fortunately leaving large unburnt patches. There is no evidentiary basis for such a link. On the contrary, established knowledge about forest fires leads to the conclusion that dedication to teasing out such a link is preposterous: In the present circumstances starting in approximately 1900, the dominant effect is direct human impacts on land use, which causes global fire occurrences to be dramatically less than from the known long-term natural cycles (modern fire deficit). No special circumstances or regions have been correctly identified where forest fire behaviour can be attributed to CO2. Canada’s recent Fort McMurray fire is no exception. The claimed 7 g mean birth weight loss arising from mothers’ general exposure to CO2-driven southern California wildfires, like all such claims, is a product of statistical and conceptual overenthusiasm. I use concepts from the animal-behaviour scientific literature to explain how some scientists and their followers can get so carried away.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The Great “Extreme Weather” Climate Change Propaganda Con | Climatism says:

    […] Fake News “Cooks” Guardian’s Climate Credibility | Climatism […]


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