WHAT The BBC Don’t Want You To Know About Miami’s Rising Seas

BBC busy spreading climate change fear and panic to the vulnerable. Paul Homewood corrects the MIAMI sea-level rise record straight with actual “science” and data …


By Paul Homewood

h/t Jonathan Scott


Just down the coast from Donald Trump’s weekend retreat, the residents and businesses of south Florida are experiencing regular episodes of water in the streets. In the battle against rising seas, the region – which has more to lose than almost anywhere else in the world – is becoming ground zero.

The first time my father’s basement flooded, it was shortly after he moved in. The building was an ocean-front high-rise in a small city north of Miami called Sunny Isles Beach. The marble lobby had a waterfall that never stopped running; crisp-shirted valets parked your car for you. For the residents who lived in the more lavish flats, these cars were often BMWs and Mercedes. But no matter their value, the cars all wound up in the same place: the basement.

When I called, I’d ask my dad how the building was doing…

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MONGOLIA : A Toxic Warning To The world – BBC

CLASSIC example of the climate theory-obsessed BBC defaulting to “CLIMATE CHANGE” in order to push their misanthropic agenda.

DIVING a little deeper, reveals what is really going on in Mongolia…

“Ulaanbaatar is going through the same process of economic development as western cities did a century or so ago. And the answer to their problems is the same – economic development, which allows them to clean up their environment at the same time as improving standards of living.

As for her claim that this will become the norm, the reverse is true. Across the world, cities are managing to improve air quality. And they are doing it by better technology, not by stopping using fossil fuels.

Certainly the idea, which is implied by Hegarty, that they could replace it with ‘clean energy’ sources would end up with most of them freezing to death.”


By Paul Homewood

h/t Robin Guenier

Another preposterous “blame it on global warming” video from the BBC:


Mongolia: A toxic warning to the world

All over the world cities are grappling with apocalyptic air pollution but the small capital of Mongolia is suffering from some of the worst in the world.

And the problem is intrinsically linked to climate change.

The country has already warmed by 2.2 degrees, forcing thousands of people to abandon the countryside and the traditional herding lifestyle every year for the smog-choked city where 90% of children are breathing toxic air every day.

Population Reporter Stephanie Hegarty finds out why.


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CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION : Global Warming Death Toll Rising


Excess Global Warming Deaths | BBC

“The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.” – Bertrand Russell


COLD ‘weather’ is killing more people than usual.

THE BBC reports :

Excess winter deaths in Wales almost doubled in 2017-18 – rising from 1,850 the year before to 3,400.

Public health experts said adverse weather and influenza were to blame for the increase, hitting older people in particular.

Experts said it was the highest number of excess deaths since the winter of 1975.

But officials said spikes in winter deaths were not uncommon – with eight peaks over the past 40 years.

Across England and Wales, there were 50,100 excess deaths last winter.

However, this is half the number of excess deaths recorded in the winter of 1950 – when there were 106,400 extra winter deaths.

Excess winter deaths almost double in Wales – BBC News


MEANWHILE, BBC Climate Change activist, Roger Harrabin, notes the declining energy habits of UK consumers…

ACCORDING to Harrabin, via website Carbon Brief, UK energy consumers are using 25% less electricity, now, than they were in 2015.

Climate change - LED lights making dent in UK energy demand - BBC News

Climate change: LED lights making dent in UK energy demand – BBC News


ONE wonders if Harrabin thrives in the virtues of energy rationing without feeling bothered to mention the obvious negative effects of draconian climate change policies and symbolic gestures that fuel energy poverty, leading to a dramatic increase in winter-related deaths.

PERHAPS it’s because Harrabin can afford ‘green’ luxuries, unlike many of the silent majority, or the 1.3 billion people without any electricity at all.


SEE also :

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BBC’s Latest Climate Indoctrination

BRUTAL and comprehensive rebuttal by Paul Homewood to the latest climate agitprop out of the taxpayer funded BBC, released in time to further pollute the minds of their readers as they focus on the UN COP24 climate junket in Katowice, Poland.


By Paul Homewood

h/t Philip Bratby

The BBC have now stopped even trying to camouflage their bias on climate change, with this latest piece of propaganda:


Representatives from nearly 200 countries are gathering in Poland for talks on climate change – aimed at breathing new life into the Paris Agreement.

The UN has warned the 2015 Paris accord’s goal of limiting global warming to “well below 2C above pre-industrial levels” is in danger because major economies, including the US and the EU, are falling short of their pledges.

But scientists at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – the leading international body on global warming – last month argued the 2C Paris pledge didn’t go far enough. The global average temperature rise actually needed to be kept below 1.5C, they said.

So how warm has the world got and what can we do about it?

The world is now…

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PROOF : Climate ‘Scientists’ And The Media Openly Lie About Climate Change To Maintain Funding And Keep Global Warming Hysteria Alive

Obama Climate Funding

“Settled Science”

Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history…When people come to 
know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.” – UN IPCC 
Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itohan award-winning PhD environmental physical

“The whole climate change issue is about to fall apart — Heads will roll!” – South African UN Scientist Dr. Will Alexander, April 12, 2009

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” – Nobel Prize Winner for
Physics, Ivar Giaever.


A unique and fundamental difference, IMO, between climate change sceptics or realists, and climate change alarmists is that sceptics must absorb alarmist ‘science’ and corresponding media releases in order to provide a broad understanding of both sides of the debate. Objectivity and oversight can then be carried out, where the mainstream media will not, by detecting errors, exaggerations and even outright lies that exist within the masses of human-induced climate change information disseminated by the CO2-centric legacy media.

THIS is not a scientific observation, though it is quite accurate when you assess the complete lack of knowledge by climate alarmists to the vast body of climate science contradicting global warming dogma. The story or finding that best fits the alarmists catastrophic narrative qualifies, everything else is outlawed.

THIS is problematic as it foments a culture of groupthink where objectivity is heresy, scepticism is “denial” and questions are forbidden. In this environment, scientific discovery and advancement is stifled, debate is (intentionally) shut down, truth and reason an unnecessary evil.

THANKFULLY there are a growing number of dedicated and unpaid sceptics or climate realists across many different forums and mediums who are questioning what is all-too-often demanded as fact or the accepted view of the (bogus) “97% consensus”.

TRUTH seekers working in their free time are doing what the post-modern mainstream media will not do any more – question dogma, authority and the preferred wisdom of the day using little more than empirical data, common sense and reason.

Paul Homewood of the excellent site Not A Lot Of People Know That is one of the many truth seekers successfully calling out the pseudoscience and misinformation that riddles the field of climate ‘science’.

THIS recent post is a classic example of a typical BBC environmental article prefaced wth “climate change” that is completely shredded by Homewood using nothing more than ’empirical data, common sense and reason’…


Hotter, Colder – It’s Still Your Fault!

SEPTEMBER 26, 2018

By Paul Homewood

h/t Dave Ward

Climate change kills Antarctica's ancient moss beds - BBC News

Climate change kills Antarctica’s ancient moss beds – BBC News

Emerging from the ice for a brief growing season every Antarctic summer, the lush green mosses of East Antarctica are finally succumbing to climate change.

That is according to a study of the small, ancient and hardy plants – carried out over more than a decade.

This revealed that vegetation in East Antarctica is changing rapidly in response to a drying climate.

The findings are published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

“Visiting Antarctica, you expect to see icy, white landscapes,” said lead scientist Prof Sharon Robinson from the University of Wollongong, in Australia. “But in some areas there are lush, green moss beds that emerge from under the snow for a growing period of maybe six weeks.”

While West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula are some of the fastest warming places of the planet, East Antarctica has not yet experienced much climate warming, so the scientists did not expect to see much change in the vegetation there.

“But we were really surprised when we saw how fast it was changing,” Prof Robinson said.


East Antarctica, the researchers say, has become colder, windier and drier due to the combined effects of climate change and ozone depletion.

Read all:

Climate change kills Antarctica’s ancient moss beds – BBC News


So, apparently, global warming now means the East Antarctic is getting colder!!

The research was undertaken near Casey Station, the Australian research centre. They have been recording temperatures since 1989, and there is no evidence of temperatures either going up or down:

casey (300017) annual graph


casey (300017) annual graph


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FATHER Of The 2°C Climate Target Admits Number Is Fabricated : ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the
industrialized civilizations collapse?
Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about
– Maurice Strong,
founder of the UN Environment Programme

I envisage the principles of the Earth Charter to
be a new form of the ten commandments.
They lay the foundation for a sustainable
global earth community.

– Mikhail Gorbachev,
co-author of The Earth Charter

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


GLOBAL WARMING aka climate change has long abandoned any connection it has with actual science. It is an ideology. A religion. Australia’s former Prime Minister Tony Abbott likening it to, socialism masquerading as environmentalism“.

NOBEL Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever…

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.”

PULITZER Prize-winning syndicated columnist, the late and great Charles Krauthammer, articulated the motivation behind modern environmentalism. A movement using the threat of environmental disaster to limit the use of energy, destroy capitalism and advance socialism…

“There’s no greater social power than the power to ration. And, other than rationing food, there is no greater instrument of social control than rationing energy, the currency of just about everything one does and uses in an advanced society.”


THE mainstream media has been complicit in frantically promoting ruinous climate change alarmism while ‘denying’ any dissenting opinions of the 30+ year-old ‘science’ promulgated by the IPCC – The UN’s (pseudo) scientific body created to advance their stated, one-world government agenda under the guise of “Saving The Planet”.

THE clues to the real agenda of climate change keep rolling in. Harry Wilkinson writes an excellent fact-checking piece on the BBC’s latest internal, totalitarian guidance to not air any dissenting views on climate change.

THIS quote sticking out like the proverbial ‘sore thumb’ as evidence of the global warming climate change political farce that is rapidly destroying western economies and western civilisation…

“The father of the two-degree target, veteran climate alarmist Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, has admitted the number is entirely fabricated: ‘Two degrees is not a magical limit; it’s clearly a political goal’.  He nonetheless celebrates its cynical effectiveness at motivating international political action.

* Read the rest of this entry »

GLOBAL WARMING SMACKDOWN! Tankers Trapped In Midsummer Arctic Sea Ice

GLOBAL WARMING SMACKDOWN - Arctic Midsummer Freeze

Shipping in the Gulf of Ob is paralysed and the situation complicated, icebreaker company Rosatomflot says. | The Independent Barents Observer

“THE global warming, which there has been so much talk about for such a long time, seems to have receded a little and we are returning to the standards of the 1980’s and 1990’s…”
― Andrey Smirnov (Icebreaker company rep)


Via The Barents Observer :

It is late June, but the winter has not abandoned the Gulf of Ob. The shallow bay, which houses two of Russia’s biggest Arctic out-shipment terminals for oil and gas, remains packed with fast ice.

It has created a  complicated situation, Rosatomflot says. The state company which manages the Russian nuclear-powered icebreakers, confirms that  independent shipping in the area is «paralysed» and that LNG carriers and tankers are stuck.

The shipping companies had expected the Gulf of Ob to be free of ice in the course of June and that icebreaker assistance would not be necessary. They were wrong.

According to Rosatomflot, there appears to be a need for icebreaker services in the area at least until after the first week of July. There are currently two nuclear-powered icebreakers in the Gulf of Ob, the «Taymyr» and the «Vaygach». In addition, there are several smaller tugs and icebreakers working in the waters around the Sabetta port.

According to the icebreaker company, this is the first summer in four years that the Gulf of Ob is packed with this much ice.

«The global warming, which there has been so much talk about for such a long time, seems to have receded a little and we are returning to the standards of the 1980s and 1990s,» says company representative Andrey Smirnov.

Read on…


AND how we have been repeatedly promised the “end of summer Arctic ice” by the Climate Crisis Industry and sycophant mainstream media!

HOW sure they were that your lifestyle and “carbon pollution” was melting away the Arctic and drowning cuddly Polar Bears!

2007 : BBC claimed Arctic summers would be ice free ‘by 2013′…

BBC NEWS | Science:Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013_

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’

2007 : Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years? | National Geographic

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years? | National Geographic

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years? | National Geographic

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BBC Forced To Retract False Claim About Hurricanes

“Of course, we have the usual problem, that those who read the article originally and who would have been deeply misled, won’t see the correction now.”

THE disturbing part is that the BBC knows unequivocally that they are creating alarm by distorting historical data and exaggerating future scenarios in order to push their catastrophic climate narrative.


By Paul Homewood



You may recall the above report by the BBC, which described how bad last year’s Atlantic hurricane season was, before commenting at the end:

A warmer world is bringing us a greater number of hurricanes and a greater risk of a hurricane becoming the most powerful category 5.

As I promised, I fired off a complaint, which at first they did their best to dodge. After my refusal to accept their reply, they have now been forced to back down.

The above sentence now no longer appears, and instead they now say:

Of course, we have the usual problem, that those who read the article originally and who would have been deeply misled, won’t see the correction now.

What is perhaps of most concern is that this report was written by Chris Fawkes, who is one of the BBC’s weather forecasters, and who should therefore know…

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BBC Forced To Withdraw Fake Sea Level Claims

YET another example of why mainstream media outlets like @BBC, captured by the radical environmental movement, cannot be trusted on anything “climate change”.


By Paul Homewood



Readers may recall an item on the BBC World at One back in March about rising sea levels in Florida, when their correspondent claimed that:

1) Rising seas and flooding are turning Miami Beach into a modern day Atlantis, the city being submerged by water.

2) Sea levels at Miami are rising at ten times the global rate.

I covered the story here.

I complained to the BBC at the time, and, after being fobbed off the first time, escalated the complaint to the Executive Complaints Unit, who have now published the above judgment.

Astonishingly, they regard the claims about “Atlantis” to be “soundly based”, even though they now accept that sea levels around Miami are only rising at about 8 inches a century.

Of course, they had no choice but to withdraw the ludicrous claim about “ten times the global rate”!

But why…

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Scientists And Media Continue To Spread Misinformation About Polar Bears & Walrus

THE climate-obsessed mainstream media, continuing to brainwash their audience into belief by deception and scientific fraud.


“Lies” might be a better word to characterize the misinformation that scientists and the media have been busy spreading to the public over the last few weeks. The information is either known to be false (by scientists whose job it is to relay facts honestly) or is easily shown to be false (by journalists whose job it is to fact-check their stories).

Churchill polar bear and walrus 2017

Polar bear misinformation

Earlier this month, biologist Nick Lunn was interviewed by the CBC and for the news program The National. He stated outright, without qualification, that Western Hudson Bay polar bear numbers have dropped from about 1200 (in 1987) to about 800 now (a 33% decline).

However, it is not scientifically appropriate to compare these figures because they were based on different types of surveys conducted over different portions of the region (they are also statistically insignificant). Lunn should know better because the published reports (Dyck et…

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