COVID19 : Totalitarianism Doesn’t Shock Us Anymore


“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
George Orwell, 1984

“If you want a picture of the future,
imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
George Orwell, 1984


NEVER in American history have politicians been more powerful than they are now. Tucker Carlson reveals how many of our elected representatives have become “drunk with power”, feeding on draconian CV19 lockdown measures while completely ignoring the Bill of Rights.

AN important 10’31” video …

FWD by Green Jihad :

The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t just resulted in panic, but also new found power grabs by politicians and an acceptance by many to cede their liberties to political authority. This isn’t just about unchecked power, but also what happens when humans are viewed as the primary cause of a catastrophe in which leaders tend not to even abide by rules they impose on others. For example, the police officers featured in the below video aren’t wearing face masks, few politicians wear themdespite the risks and the practice being required in some states, and former president Obama was recently caught golfing in Virginia despite the state’s lockdown order.


via : Totalitarianism Doesn’t Shock Us Anymore | Green Jihad


SEE also :

FOR the latest AU government information on COVID19 :

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert | Australian Government Department of Health

NEED to speak to someone?

  • Anxiety, depression and suicide prevention support – Beyond Blue


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Support The Fight Against Dangerous, Costly and Unscientific Climate Alarm

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. 

Click link for more info…

Many thanks, Jamie.

(NB// The PayPal account linked to “Climatism” is “Five-O-Vintage”)Donate with PayPal

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CORONA-PANIC : A Fiasco In The Making?

Panic buying, mistrust and economic woes as Japan reels from coronavirus outbreak | South China Morning Post

Panic buying, mistrust and economic woes as Japan reels from coronavirus outbreak | South China Morning Post

“It’s like an elephant being
attacked by a house cat.
Frustrated and trying to avoid the cat,
the elephant accidentally jumps off a cliff and dies.”
– John P.A. Ioannidis
Professor of medicine, epidemiology – Stanford University


*Immediate disclaimer: saying something is a panic is not denying, minimising, or ignoring it. (Jamie)

MARCH 21, 2020

AS Australia enforces a further increase to its “social distancing” rules from one metre yesterday to 4 square metres today, and as the Australian Football League (AFL) kicks off its second game of the ‘go-ahead’ season, to an empty stadium, the stark reality of our new draconian way of Corona-life sets in.

MEANWHILE, as the Australian Prime Minister holds daily pressers, pulling every fiscal lever available to stimulate the economy in an effort to avoid the R word, it seems impossible that there will not be devastating and permanent damage done to the economy and society as tens of thousands of businesses become insolvent, raising welfare queues exponentially.

A grim reality that seems inevitable as large employers, including the hospitality sector and the 45 billion-dollar tourism industry literally grind to a halt.

ON Thursday, Australia’s national carrier Qantas laid off two-thirds of its entire workforce, totalling some 20,000 employees, as the airline grounded its entire international fleet and 60 per cent of its domestic fleet as a result of the unprecedented lack of demand for travel, tied with government-imposed travel restrictions.

Qantas to stand down 20,000 staff, cut international flights | The Australian

Qantas to stand down 20,000 staff, cut international flights | The Australian

EUROPEAN and American carriers’ share prices have declined faster even than the globe’s corona-struck stock markets.

Hard landing - Coronavirus is grounding the world’s airlines | Business | The Economist

Hard landing – Coronavirus is grounding the world’s airlines | Business | The Economist



UNEMPLOYMENT levels peaked at 25 per cent during the 1930’s Great Depression. It took 3 years from 1929 to reach that level.

IN the era of COVID19, the hospitality and tourism sectors, alone, makeup approximately 15 per cent (1,500,000 positions) of Australia’s total workforce. A great percentage of those jobs have quite possibly been eviscerated not within years, but within days.

IT seems untenable that even the most potent suite of economic stimulus measures can possibly prevent the current and future carnage of a solvency crisis unleashed by the enforced six-month, four square metre “social distancing” policy.

THE ultimate lever of a COVID vaccine would matter little, following months of trials and regulatory approvals.


Unemployed men standing in line outside a depression soup kitchen in Chicago 1931.



WHILE we are bombarded hourly by the predictable mainstream media on how many new cases of COVID there are, how many deaths, and who is to blame, we are rarely exposed to the math or reality of the long-term economic damage that draconian policies will do to society, business and indeed the health system.

WHY is that? Does it detract from the COVID19 narrative of fear and panic, as real as it may be? Or, is it too risky or distressing to explore and be honest to the public about the consequences of such heavily weighted, health-based policy prescriptions? Are politicians afraid that doing too little will invite mainstream media contempt, or god forbid, social-media scorn?


Figure 1. A coronavirus viewed under an electron microscope. Credit: CDC/Fred Murphy.



A few brave scientists are publicly warning of the dangers of such draconian measures in relation to how little we know about COVID19, based on a total lack of reliable data.

THEY argue:

  • “How have we found out that the virus is dangerous?”
  • “Only 10 to 20 percent of infections are detected, a study says. It means the case fatality rate is 5 to 10 times lower than what it seems to be and close to flu.”
  • “How was it before?”
  • “Didn’t we have the same thing last year?”
  • “Is it even something new?”
  • “Where is the data?”

ARE false positives corrupting known data?

50/50 testing = 0% accuracy.

nearly half or even more of the ‘asymptomatic [COVID-19-]infected individuals’ reported in the active nucleic acid test screening might be false positives.” Source: [Potential False-Positive Rate Among the ‘Asymptomatic Infected Individuals’ in Close Contacts of COVID-19 Patients] 

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[Potential False-Positive Rate Among the ‘Asymptomatic Infected Individuals’ in Close Contacts of COVID-19 Patients] – PubMed



“In some people who die from viral respiratory pathogens, more than one virus is found upon autopsy and bacteria are often superimposed. A positive test for coronavirus does not mean necessarily that this virus is always primarily responsible for a patient’s demise.” – John P.A. Ioannidis Professor of medicine, epidemiology (Stanford University)


JOHN P.A. IOANNIDIS is professor of medicine, of epidemiology and population health, of biomedical data science, and of statistics at Stanford University and co-director of Stanford’s Meta-Research Innovation Center.

HE warns in this impassioned and must read op-ed that current COVID data indicates that we are severely overreacting to Coronavirus.


A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data

The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco.

At a time when everyone needs better information, from disease modelers and governments to people quarantined or just social distancing, we lack reliable evidence on how many people have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 or who continue to become infected. Better information is needed to guide decisions and actions of monumental significance and to monitor their impact.

Draconian countermeasures have been adopted in many countries. If the pandemic dissipates — either on its own or because of these measures — short-term extreme social distancing and lockdowns may be bearable. How long, though, should measures like these be continued if the pandemic churns across the globe unabated? How can policymakers tell if they are doing more good than harm?

Vaccines or affordable treatments take many months (or even years) to develop and test properly. Given such timelines, the consequences of long-term lockdowns are entirely unknown.

The data collected so far on how many people are infected and how the epidemic is evolving are utterly unreliable. Given the limited testing to date, some deaths and probably the vast majority of infections due to SARS-CoV-2 are being missed. We don’t know if we are failing to capture infections by a factor of three or 300. Three months after the outbreak emerged, most countries, including the U.S., lack the ability to test a large number of people and no countries have reliable data on the prevalence of the virus in a representative random sample of the general population.

This evidence fiasco creates tremendous uncertainty about the risk of dying from Covid-19. Reported case fatality rates, like the official 3.4% rate from the World Health Organization, cause horror — and are meaningless. Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As most health systems have limited testing capacity, selection bias may even worsen in the near future.

The one situation where an entire, closed population was tested was the Diamond Princess cruise ship and its quarantine passengers. The case fatality rate there was 1.0%, but this was a largely elderly population, in which the death rate from Covid-19 is much higher.

Projecting the Diamond Princess mortality rate onto the age structure of the U.S. population, the death rate among people infected with Covid-19 would be 0.125%. But since this estimate is based on extremely thin data — there were just seven deaths among the 700 infected passengers and crew — the real death rate could stretch from five times lower (0.025%) to five times higher (0.625%). It is also possible that some of the passengers who were infected might die later, and that tourists may have different frequencies of chronic diseases — a risk factor for worse outcomes with SARS-CoV-2 infection — than the general population. Adding these extra sources of uncertainty, reasonable estimates for the case fatality ratio in the general U.S. population vary from 0.05% to 1%.

That huge range markedly affects how severe the pandemic is and what should be done. A population-wide case fatality rate of 0.05% is lower than seasonal influenza. If that is the true rate, locking down the world with potentially tremendous social and financial consequences may be totally irrational. It’s like an elephant being attacked by a house cat. Frustrated and trying to avoid the cat, the elephant accidentally jumps off a cliff and dies.

Could the Covid-19 case fatality rate be that low? No, some say, pointing to the high rate in elderly people. However, even some so-called mild or common-cold-type coronaviruses that have been known for decades can have case fatality rates as high as 8% when they infect elderly people in nursing homes. In fact, such “mild” coronaviruses infect tens of millions of people every year, and account for 3% to 11% of those hospitalized in the U.S. with lower respiratory infections each winter.

These “mild” coronaviruses may be implicated in several thousands of deaths every year worldwide, though the vast majority of them are not documented with precise testing. Instead, they are lost as noise among 60 million deaths from various causes every year.

Although successful surveillance systems have long existed for influenza, the disease is confirmed by a laboratory in a tiny minority of cases. In the U.S., for example, so far this season 1,073,976 specimens have been tested and 222,552 (20.7%) have tested positive for influenza. In the same period, the estimated number of influenza-like illnesses is between 36,000,000 and 51,000,000, with an estimated 22,000 to 55,000 flu deaths.

Note the uncertainty about influenza-like illness deaths: a 2.5-fold range, corresponding to tens of thousands of deaths. Every year, some of these deaths are due to influenza and some to other viruses, like common-cold coronaviruses.

In an autopsy series that tested for respiratory viruses in specimens from 57 elderly persons who died during the 2016 to 2017 influenza season, influenza viruses were detected in 18% of the specimens, while any kind of respiratory virus was found in 47%. In some people who die from viral respiratory pathogens, more than one virus is found upon autopsy and bacteria are often superimposed. A positive test for coronavirus does not mean necessarily that this virus is always primarily responsible for a patient’s demise.

In the coronavirus pandemic, we’re making decisions without reliable data | STAT



BY now, many of you may just have ten minutes to spare in this the ‘new normal’ of COVID isolation!

URGE you to take a moment to watch this highly informative (10’51”) insight into the Coronavirus panic by lung expert Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.

Must-watch insights into the Corona-panic by lung expert Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg // H/t @AndersEngstrm4

WODARG’s thesis contends that SARS-CoV-2 is only one of many similar viruses which usually go undetected as part of an ordinary seasonal period of respiratory infections (casually called flu or cold), and that the worldwide activities to stop the pandemic are only a “hype” caused basically by selective perception of researchers.


A segment of the video, which I transcribed, explains how Corona-panic has escalated by an unholy interaction between government and virologists.

THE formula is eerily similar to how ClimateChange™️ panic has successfully metastasised into its own global pandemic, care of the exact same vectors — politicians, science ‘experts’ and the mainstream media — working in unison.

DR Wodarg:

And all this was so significant that it lead to international consequences, politicians had to deal with it, had to take a stand.

Then the virologists came into play again.

The governments asked their own virologists and they confirmed that this virus is a thing to worry about and proposed to develop tests to help measure the virus – like China.

Something was woven around this. A network of information and opinions has been developed in certain expert groups. And politicians turned to these expert groups, who initially started all this. And they really absorbed this network, moved within it.

This lead to politicians who now are just resting on these arguments, while using these arguments to evaluate who has to be helped, to determine safety measures or what has to be permitted.

All these decisions have just been derived from these arguments. Which means that it’s now going to be very hard for critics to say “Stop. There is nothing going on.”

And this reminds me of this fairytale about the king without clothes on. And just a small child was able to say “Hey, he is naked!”. All the others in the courtyard – surrounding the government and asking the government advice, because they can’t know themselves – they all played along and joined the hype.

And like this, politicians are being courted by many scientists. Scientists who want to be important in politics because they need money for their institutions….

And what is missing at the moment is a rational way of looking at things. We should ask questions like

  • “How have you found out that the virus is dangerous?”
  • “How was it before?”
  • “Didn’t we have the same thing last year?”
  • “Is it even something new?”

That’s missing. And the king is naked.



“What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know,
it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.”
– Mark Twain

IS COVID19 merely another Coronavirus, one of many that mutates every year in order that we get sick, like every other virus including the flu does?

IF viruses didn’t mutate we would become immune and never have hundreds of thousands of people dying each year of existing Corona and Flu strains.

COVID19, the latest Corona variant is unfortunately with us now and here to stay. The genie is out of the bottle. We will all come into contact with it eventually and become immune by vaccine or by exposure.

VIRUSES are clever and will always be with us. They adapt and so should we, only smartly, not foolishly.



FOR the many, including the mainstream media, who continue to cite Italy as the bell-weather of the Coronavirus “Crisis”, please note the following scientific study regarding flu-death incidents studied in a 3-season 4-season period from 2013/14 to 2016/17.

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Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons) – ScienceDirect


  • In the winter seasons from 2013/14 to 2016/17, an estimated average of 5,290,000 ILI cases occurred in Italy, corresponding to an incidence of 9%.
  • More than 68,000 deaths attributable to flu epidemics were estimated in the study period.
  • Italy showed a higher influenza attributable excess mortality compared to other European countries. especially in the elderly.

Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons) – ScienceDirect

CURRENT deaths in Italy, attributed to COVID19, stand at 4,032.

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Italy Coronavirus: 47,021 Cases and 4,032 Deaths – Worldometer

HOPEFULLY this death rate does not rise to the yearly average, based on the above ScienceDirect study, of 23,000 deaths. 17,000 Italian flu deaths per year.




STUDY is over a four-year period. Not over a 3-year period as I noted. My mistake. Apologies (Jamie)

FROM the study…

We estimated excess deaths of 7,027, 20,259, 15,801 and 24,981 attributable to influenza epidemics in the 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17, respectively, using the Goldstein index. The average annual mortality excess rate per 100,000 ranged from 11.6 to 41.2 with most of the influenza-associated deaths per year registered among the elderly. However children less than 5 years old also reported a relevant influenza attributable excess death rate in the 2014/15 and 2016/17 seasons (1.05/100,000 and 1.54/100,000 respectively). Investigating the impact of influenza on excess mortality in all ages in Italy during recent seasons (2013/14–2016/17 seasons) – ScienceDirect


UPDATE – Mainstream media not helping


UPDATE – Sun 22/3/20 (14:22 AU)

H/t @Byoz01

INTERESTING analysis and explanation by Prof Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to #Italy’s minister of health, as to the above average Case Fatality Rate (CFR) in Italy:

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Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy? | The Telegraph

But Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities.

“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.

“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity – many had two or three,” he says.

Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy? | The Telegraph


UPDATE – Sun 22/3/20 (17:00 AU)

THE situation is certainly ‘fluid’. Two month suspension of AFL. Guttered.

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Coronavirus: AFL suspends the season | The Australian


UPDATE – Mon 23/3/20 (09:00 AU)


  • Hospitality sector — pubs, clubs, gyms, cafes, restaurants — completely shut down, Australia wide.
  • State borders closed.
  • Stockmarket in free-fall.
  • Massive Centrelink (Welfare) queues stretching for blocks, with no “4 square metre” “social distancing” zone.
  • Chaos.



UPDATE – Mon 23/3/20 (11:46 AU)

Hundreds THOUSANDS queue outside Centrelink offices as coronavirus unemployment surges

The MyGov website has crashed as Australians try to access government services like Centrelink online. Photos showed queues outside some Centrelink offices stretching around the block this morning.

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Coronavirus update Australia: Centrelink website crashes under sudden influx of applicants |


UPDATE – Mon 23/3/20 (21:06 AU)


ACTUAL scientific data bolsters this thinking …

“The problem of SARS-CoV-2 is probably overestimated, as 2.6 million people die of respiratory infections each year compared with less than 4000 deaths for SARS-CoV-2 at the time of writing.”

H/t Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. @NikolovScience

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SARS-CoV-2: fear versus data – ScienceDirect


UPDATE – Tue 24/3/20 (10:08 AU)


Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi. Infectious disease specialist. One of the most highly cited medical research scientists in Germany.

THE good Dr is not the best orator, but what he has to say about existing Corona viruses within the population, that lead to the normal death rate of respiratory victims, is highly informative.

“The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on world economy threatens the existence of countless people.”

Source : Czech theoretical physicist and former assistant professor at Harvard University from 2004 to 2007, Dr Luboš Motl


UPDATE – Tue 24/3/20 (23:36 AU)

PEER-REVIEWED article by John P.A. Ioannidis Professor of medicine, epidemiology (Stanford University)

“Influenza” attracted 30- to 60-fold less attention although this season it has caused so far about 100-fold more deaths globally than coronavirus.

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Wiley Online Library | Scientific research articles, journals, books, and reference works


This year’s coronavirus outbreak is clearly unprecedented in amount of attention received. Media have capitalized on curiosity, uncertainty and horror. A Google search with “coronavirus” yielded 3,550,000,000 results on March 3 and 9,440,000,000 results on March 14. Conversely, “influenza” attracted 30- to 60-fold less attention although this season it has caused so far about 100-fold more deaths globally than coronavirus.

Different coronaviruses actually infect millions of people every year, and they are common especially in the elderly and in hospitalized patients with respiratory illness in the winter.

*This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as doi: 10.1111/eci.13222

Coronavirus disease 2019: the harms of exaggerated information and non‐evidence‐based measures – Ioannidis – – European Journal of Clinical Investigation | Wiley Online Library


UPDATE – Thu 26/3/20 (06:10 AU)

IN striking resemblance to ClimateChange™️, it seems that experts who question the official narratives of the Mainstream media are not to be heard, by the herd …

“Below is our list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.” – Off-Guardian

IMPORTANT read : 12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic – OffGuardian

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12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic – OffGuardian


UPDATE – Thu 26/3/20 (08:36 AU)

”I want you to remember these people died WITH the #coronavirus and not FROM the coronavirus”

– (President Italian Civil Protection Service)

THIS would make the news in a functioning mainstream media, whose job is to report the ‘news’ in an unbiased way. Not, at all, to minimise or to ‘deny’ the seriousness of COVID19, rather to maintain cool heads when so much rides on clear and precise information that is essential to quell hysteria which inevitably leads policy makers to prescribe possibly even more deadly cures than the disease itself.

“The president of the Italian Civil Protection Service actually went out of his way to remind people of the nature of Italy’s fatality figures in a morning briefing on 20/03

REPORT shows up to 88% of Italy’s alleged Covid19 deaths could be misattributed.

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Italy: Only 12% of “Covid19 deaths” list Covid19 as cause – OffGuardian


UPDATE – Fri 27/3/20 (14:50 AU)


THE man who panicked the world is now running from his doomsday projections.

MARCH 17, 2020

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Behind the Virus Report That Jarred the U.S. and the U.K. to Action – The New York Times

That messy back-and-forth has been on vivid display this week with the publication of a startling new report on the virus from a team at Imperial College in London. The report, which warned that an uncontrolled spread of the disease could cause as many as 510,000 deaths in Britain, triggered a sudden shift in the government’s comparatively relaxed response to the virus.

American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public.

Behind the Virus Report That Jarred the U.S. and the U.K. to Action – The New York Times


A remarkable turn from @neil_ferguson who led the @imperialcollege authors who warned of 500,000 UK deaths – and who has now himself tested positive for COVID19.

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Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK adjusts to 20K or fewer | Washington Examiner

AND this..

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UK has enough intensive care units for coronavirus, expert predicts | New Scientist


HOW listening to one ‘expert’ from @imperialcollege coupled with mainstream media fear-mongering and fact-free hysteria, has paralysed the entire global economy, destroying billions of people’s lives and their livelihoods!

MUST READ Twitter thread from @JordanSchachtel :



IT turns out that Imperial College advises the U.K bureaucracy on ClimateChange™️ models and ‘science’ as well as advice for UK’s ClimateChange™️ and energy strategies and policies.

NO guessing which way their ‘advice’ leans!


UPDATE – Fri 27/3/20 (21:42 AU)


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Thousands stood down as massive retail chain Myer closes for a month | Sky News Australia

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Coronavirus Australia live updates: Myer closes, stands down 10,000 staff; Scott Morrison ramps up quarantine for arrivals

In one of the biggest shocks to the retail sector in a week where tens of thousands of jobs have been lost, the nation’s biggest department store has decided to close its stores.


UPDATE – Fri 27/3/20 (22:35 AU)

Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus

ANOTHER timely indicator which reinforces the fact that we are all going to ‘get’ COVID19 at some point, either from direct exposure or by vaccine.

FROM my earlier “CONCLUSION”:

COVID19, the latest Corona variant is unfortunately with us now and here to stay. The genie is out of the bottle. We will all come into contact with it eventually and become immune by vaccine or by exposure.

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Boris Johnson tests positive for coronavirus | Fox News




FOR the latest AU government information on COVID19 :

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert | Australian Government Department of Health

COVID19 Science :

  • Op-Ed: Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist? | GreenMedInfo | Blog Entry (Must Read)

COVID19 Related – useful reading :

  • MUST READ : Super Flu or a Mild Cold? – American Thinker
  • The Reference Frame: The enthusiasm with which the West commits suicide is staggering (Dr Luboš Motl – MUST READ)
  • The luxury of apocalypticism – spiked (Brendan O’Neill – MUST READ)
  • Coronavirus Death Rate in Wuhan Is Lower than Previously Thought, Study Finds – The New York Times
  • Australia’s social distancing rules have been enhanced to slow coronavirus — here’s how they work – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
  • Coronavirus: The Price of Luxury | The American Spectator (Italy’s coronavirus outbreak imported directly from China. Theory)
  • Viruses have a way of changing the world; Wuhan virus will be no different (Good read)
  • Why have so many coronavirus patients died in Italy? | The Telegraph
  • China Hits a Coronavirus Milestone: No New Local Infections – The New York Times
  • HELPFUL READ : Coronavirus Pandemic Is Serious, but Shutdown Approach May Be Imperfect (A Doctor’s Assessment of the COVID-19 Outbreak) | National Review
  • COVID-19 #CoronaVirus Infographic Datapack — Information is Beautiful
  • Matthew Paris: Crashing The Economy Will Also Cost Lives – The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)
  • Domestic violence cases climb in Israel as coronavirus closure keeps families at home – Israel News –



THE Climatism Tip Jar – Support The Fight Against Dangerous, Costly and Unscientific Climate Alarm

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps, heaps!

Click link for more info…

Many thanks, Jamie.

(Please note // The PayPal account linked to “Climatism” is “Five-O-Vintage”)Donate with PayPal

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ENERGY POVERTY UPDATE : Wind & Solar Obsession Causing Skyrocketing Power Prices & Frozen Grannies

“ELDERLY people are dying in their cold homes or being rushed to hospital because they can’t afford to put the heater on.
MORE than 130 people were admitted to NSW emergency departments last winter with cold-related problems including hypothermia, a 34 per cent increase from 10 years ago.
Over the same period power prices have increased by 117 per cent.”

ENOUGH said.

WAKE-UP politicians, addicted to UNreliables to feather their ‘green’ credentials. Enough is enough. @sussanley


Australia’s wind and solar obsession has driven power prices through the roof and the poor and elderly to early graves. Staying warm in the depth of winter is no longer just a matter of turning up the dial on the AC, for the poorest and most vulnerable it’s a daily battle for survival.

In the space of a decade, power prices have doubled and so too the number of households disconnected from the grid; because they can no longer afford to pay their bills.

A generation ago, Australians enjoyed the world’s cheapest power prices; thanks to its suicidal renewable energy policies, they now suffer among the highest.

That all of this was perfectly predictable, and perfectly avoidable, makes it all the more outrageous. Here’s Peta Credlin expressing just that.

‘What a joke’ that Australians are ‘too frightened to turn on appliances’
Sky news
Peta Credlin, Luke Grant and Jeremy Cordeaux

View original post 1,282 more words

DR TIM BALL MUST READ : Environmentalism – Evidence Suggests It Was Always And Only About Achieving World Government


‘Man-made’ Climate Change = Global Socialism / Communism

The Earth has cancer
and the cancer is Man
– Club of Rome,
(environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations)

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
(President of the UN Foundation)


“They don’t have to worry about CO2 because it is not a pollutant and is not causing climate change. No significant environmental problems are threatening the world. All the stories about impending environmental doom are fictions deliberately created to make people surrender control to the government.  It is time to break the emotional stranglehold of those who used the environment to create global socialism.”

Dr. Tim Ball, in a must read piece, unveils the cloak behind the ‘man-made’ Global Warming Climate Change hoax that has absolutely nothing to do with the “environment” or “Saving The Planet”, rather, everything to do with power, control and “World government”…


Via WUWT :

(Climatism bolds and links added)

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball

It is common sense to protect our environment, but what has occurred for 50 years is exploitation of that idea for a socialist agenda. We wasted 50 years believing that humans are not natural, and everything they do is destructive. We wasted and continue to waste trillions of dollars on unnecessary policies and useless technologies, all based on false assumptions, pseudoscience, and emotional bullying.

We now know 50 years later that every single prediction concerning the environmental demise of the Earth and the people made in the original Earth Day Report was wrong. We also know that every additional claim, such as overpopulation, global warming, sea level rise, desertification, deforestation, and sea ice collapse, among many others, were wrong. I challenge anyone to produce empirical evidence that proves anything happening today is outside any long-term record of natural activity.

Convince the people that the entire world is threatened, and you can convince them that no nation can save it. It is then easy to convince them that a world government is the only way to save the planet. The trouble is that none of it is true. The World is in good shape, and people are living longer and healthier lives in every nation.  

Like the majority of people, Elaine Dewar assumed environmentalists were commendable even heroic people. She began research for a book singing their praises. It didn’t take long to learn the basic premise was wrong. Following the traditional and proper methodology, rarely seen these days, Dewar identified the duplicitous characters involved in the Canadian environmental movement and laid them out in her book Cloak of Green. She spent five days at the UN with Canadian Maurice Strong arguably the world architect of official environmentalism. He was praised excessively, as in this article, “The World Mourns One of its Greats: Maurice Strong Dies, His Legacy Lives On.” Another article recognized the evil he personified, “Who is Global Warming Propagandist Maurice Strong?” After the five days, Dewar concluded,

“Strong was using the U.N. as a platform to sell a global environment crisis and the Global Governance Agenda.”

The environmental movement as the basis for a socialist world government was in the minds of people like Strong and fellow members of the Club of Rome in the late 1960s. However, it was launched on the world on April 22, 1970, by a small group centered at Stanford University. The date is critical because it was the first Earth Day. It is also very important to know the choice was deliberate because it is the birthday of Vladimir Lenin. The environmental movement was a deliberate program to impose communism on the world.

The underlying theme of the environmental movement makes the following false assumptions.

  • That almost all change is a result of human activity. The UN claim, using computer models, that 95%+ of temperature increase since 1950 is due to human-produced CO2. This works because they don’t consider most natural causes.
  • That humans are unnatural. The 1990 “Greenpeace Report on Global Warming” says CO2 is added to the atmosphere “naturally and unnaturally.”  Yes, that unnatural production is from humans.
  • That we are not part of nature. Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) comment explains.

“Mankind is a cancer; we’re the biggest blight on the face of the earth.” “If you haven’t given voluntary human extinction much thought before, the idea of a world with no people in it may seem strange. But, if you give it a chance, I think you might agree that the extinction of Homo Sapiens would mean survival for millions if not billions, of Earth-dwelling species. Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental.”

  • That we should be eliminated or dramatically reduced in number. In May 2015, the Pope produced Laudate Si an Encyclical about his view of the state of the Earth. It is a socialist diatribe, but that is not surprising since the main contributor was Hans Schellnhuber, a pantheist. This group believes the world population should be below 1 billion people.
  • That if the western world reduces levels of CO2 production, the rest of the world will follow. China has 2,363 coal plants and is constructing 1,171 more. The US has 15 and is not constructing any.

The US can build as many clean-burning coal plants as they want and burn coal pollution free. They don’t have to worry about CO2 because it is not a pollutant and is not causing climate change. No significant environmental problems are threatening the world. All the stories about impending environmental doom are fictions deliberately created to make people surrender control to the government.  It is time to break the emotional stranglehold of those who used the environment to create global socialism.


SEE also :


STATE Of The Climate Report :

IPCC Extreme Weather Report 2018 SR15 :



ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


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COGNITIVE BIAS : Climate Change Alarmists Refuse To Accept ‘The Science’ That Proves Extreme Weather Events Are NOT Increasing

Screen Shot 2019-11-23 at 8.50.23 am

“WHEN the heart rules the head,
passion takes over reason.”

– Ortega y Gasset

“IT would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
Joseph Goebbels


THE widely held belief that ‘Extreme Weather’ has become worse, as a result of man-made carbon dioxide emissions, is a tribute to the success of climate change propaganda pushed relentlessly by CO2-centric politicians and compliant mainstream media.

PROMOTING Extreme Weather is specifically designed to shift public opinion about the purported seriousness of human-induced global warming climate change, through the use of emotional imagery and dire prognostications in order for draconian and costly climate policy to be accepted and implemented with as little resistance as possible from the taxpaying public.

COGNITIVE BIAS fuelled by an era of mass hysteria, delusion, groupthink and panic has helped foster dark and far-fetched clichés of a current “climate crisis”, that is an “existential threat” which will “end civilisation by 2030”.


THANKS to the dramatic rise in personal weather recording devices – smart phones and CCTV – the sampling rate (what you see or hear directly) of Extreme Weather events, broadcast via social and mainstream media, has risen dramatically in recent years.

BUT, have actual Extreme Weather events increased in frequency or intensity? In particular, over long-term ‘climate’ scales?

THE short answer is a big fat NO! Extreme Weather events have not increased in frequency or intensity as carbon dioxide emissions have increased. In many cases the exact opposite is occurring.

THIS ‘inconvenient’ fact has been proven by empirical data and confirmed by the last two (warmist) U.N. IPCC reports on Extreme Weather: SREX (AR5) 2013 report and the latest SR15 report released August, 2018:




UN IPCC : “Low confidence in the sign of drought trends since 1950 at global scale…likely to be trends in some regions of the world, including increases in drought in the Mediterranean and W Africa & decreases in droughts in central N America & NW Australia” – UN IPCC SR15 (2018)



Little change in global drought over the past 60 years | Nature


NO historical trend in U.S. drought as CO₂ rises :


Climate Change Indicators – Drought | Climate Change Indicators in the United States | US EPA



IN 1934, when CO₂ was at ‘safe’ levels, severe to extreme drought covered around 80% of the entire U.S. Such conditions endured for most of the decade known as the “Dust Bowl” era :


Historical Palmer Drought Indices | Temperature, Precipitation, and Drought | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)



CURRENT U.S. drought conditions with CO₂ at ‘dangerous’ levels (400PPM) :

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U.S. Drought Monitor



THANKS to superstitious climate kiddies wagging school, in just 3 years, California went from 97% in drought to just 1% :


Tom Bevan on Twitter: “Pretty remarkable: In 3 years, California went from 97% in drought to just 1%.… “


WHEN CO₂ was at ‘safe’ levels, droughts in California lasted for 200 years :


The Difference Between Weather And Climate | The Deplorable Climate Science Blog



“There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods.” – UN IPCC SR15 (2018)



ACCORDING to the EPA, the low-CO2 1930s had (by far) the worst heatwaves in US history :


US Annual Heat Wave Index | EPA


WHEN CO₂ was at ‘safe levels’, Adelaide’s temperature climbed above 100°F, six days in a row.

ADELAIDE – March, 1940 :

  1. Friday  –  24°C (74.4F)
  2. Saturday  –  24°C (75.7F)
  3. Sunday  –  28°C (81.7F)
  4. Monday  –  34°C (93.5F)
  5. Tuesday  –  31°C (88.4F)
  6. Wednesday  –  35°C (94.9F)
  7. Thursday  –  40°C (103.9F)
  8. Friday  –  42°C (107.7F)
  9. Saturday  –  43°C (110.1F)
  10. Sunday  –  42°C (108.3F)
  11. Monday  –  42°C (107.9F)
  12. Tuesday  –  40°C (103.6F)


RECORD MARCH HEAT WAVE : Six Consecutive Days Above 100°F | Climatism



“Numerous studies towards and beyond AR5 have reported a decreasing trend
in the global number of tropical cyclones and/or the globally accumulated cyclonic energy”UN IPCC SR15 (2018)

“There is only low confidence regarding changes in global tropical cyclone numbers under global warming over the last four decades.”UN IPCC SR15 (2018)


Global Tropical Cyclone Activity | Ryan Maue



AUSTRALIAN tropical cyclones are declining in both intensity and frequency as CO₂ rises :



GLOBAL Hurricanes are declining in both frequency and intensity as CO₂ increases :


Global Major Hurricane Frequency | Ryan Maue



Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post


CAT 3+ U.S. Landfalling Hurricanes (per decade) declining rapidly as CO₂ emissions rise :


FLORIDA Major Hurricane Strikes – Still No Trend :


Florida Major Hurricane Strikes: Still No Trend « Roy Spencer, PhD



2018 was one of the least active US tornado years on record, despite record and rising CO₂ emissions.

AS of October, a new record low tornado count was set. The cumulative total for 2018 is 759; the previous lowest number of tornadoes for this date was 761. The SPC has records extending back 65 years.

This lack of tornadic storms in recent years should also correlate with lesser severe thunderstorm activity in general in the U.S., since the conditions which produce large hail and damaging winds are generally the same as are required for tornadoes (strong instability, plentiful moisture, and wind shear). – Roy Spencer PhD

NB// The US represents about 75 percent of the world’s recorded tornadoes.


New Record Low Tornado Count as of October 3 « Roy Spencer, PhD



Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post


THE frequency of strong to violent tornadoes is also decreasing :


Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post



Joe Bastardi: Climate Crisis? Four Major Metrics That Say Otherwise — The Patriot Post


THE trend is clearly down across the board. Yet why are no mainstream journalists curious about this?

NB// IPCC SR15 “Extreme Weather” report made no mention of Tornadoes. Nor, the mainstream media!



GLOBAL weather disasters/losses as a percentage of global GDP are declining as CO₂  emissions rise.

THROUGH 7 months of 2018 weather disasters as % GDP were on record (low) pace…


Weather disasters as % GDP – Roger Pielke Jr (Twitter)

NB// LOSS data does not include the two big CAT4’s that struck the US in 2018 – Florence (Sep) and Michael (Oct).




IN my opinion, the worst form of propaganda is ‘bias by omission’ – information and facts that you are ‘not’ told about, in order to keep the truth from you.

THE mainstream media has not and will not report the facts on “Extreme Weather”, as clearly laid out in the science and data above, because such facts are obviously extremely ‘inconvenient’ to their “catastrophic” man-made global warming narrative.


VITAL information central to the potential seriousness of climate change – Extreme Weather – has been purposely omitted by the mainstream media and replaced by emotions, alarmism and exaggerations in order to fit the climate-calamity narrative designed to scare you into belief and obedience.

THIS is why the global warming climate change debate has become so dangerously deceptive and dishonest. Climate truths hidden from you and replaced with a narrative far more acceptable – Hollywood-style climate hysteria based on alarmism, increased sampling rates and overheated, CO2-centric climate models that do not accord with observed reality.



DID not see either of these instructive graphs painted on a placards at any of the kiddie climate rallies last Friday. Guess they don’t fit their ‘catastrophic’ climate narrative…

Climate related deaths Vs non related

Global Deaths from Climate and non-Climate Catastrophes, 1920-2018

CO2 emissoins Vs Poverty

Carbon Emissions and World Prosperity


PERHAPS the climate kids would have been wise to read and learn the words of H.L. Mencken, before being forced out by their parents and teachers to act as standard bearers of new radical eco-socialism, protected by ‘innocence’ and lack of age :

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule it.” – H.L. Mencken


Read the rest of this entry »

AUSTRALIA’s Hottest Summer? Maybe Not.

“FAR from this year being the record, the hottest summer was actually back in 1900. This summer only ranks 5th, behind 2017, 1902 and 2006.

THE summers of 1884 and 1901 are also close behind.

IN fact, the spate of hot summers recently look little different to those of the early 1900s.”


Walgett 1880 to 2019

EXCELLENT investigative work, again, by Mr. Paul Homewood.

THE precise job that the mainstream media should and must be doing in order to keep a check on government and its institutions.

BUT, just as our top ‘scientific’ organisations have been captured by environmental elites, so too have the majority-Leftist mainstream media.

AND, for the mainstream media – keeping “truth to power” in the area of the ‘environment’ would mean sanitising their man-made global warming narrative that they’ve invested so much political capital, ideology and personal ego into for decades. Not gonna happen!

ERGO, tough times indeed for “truth to power” to exist in the fashionable age of climate change virtue-signalling, driven by politics, propaganda, bureaucratic pseudoscience and trillions of dollars of taxpayers hard-earned.


By Paul Homewood

This made news a couple of weeks ago, but I have been waiting for full details from the BOM:


Australia has experienced its hottest summer on record, according to the nation’s Bureau of Meteorology.

Hundreds of individual heat records were shattered across the country over the past three months.

The warm weather, 2.14C above the long-term average, caused bushfires, blackouts and a rise in hospital admissions.

Wildlife also suffered, with reports of mass deaths of wild horses, native bats and fish.

“The real standout was just how widespread and prolonged each heatwave was – almost everywhere was affected,” climatologist Blair Trewin told the BBC.

Temperatures had exceeded the previous hottest summer in 2012-13 by nearly 1C, he added – “a very large margin for a national record”.

Naturally the Australian Bureau of Meteorology has blamed it on climate change. But is it quite as simple as…

View original post 460 more words

VICTORIAN BUSHFIRES : A History Lesson For Climate Change Ambulance Chasers @Melissa4Durack



“IN a brilliant strategic move, it was decided that
the environmentalist movement was a new and
promising vehicle for obtaining political influence and power.”

Jennifer Marohasy PhD


AUSTRALIAN ‘conservative’ environment Minister Melissa Price is in “No Doubt” that Victoria’s recent bush fires were caused by mankind’s 1 extra carbon dioxide molecule in every 10,000, or an increase of one thousandth of one percent of CO2 over a 150 year period.

AUSTRALIA’S contribution to global plant food and fire-retardant CO2 = 1.3% of all that!


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Melissa Price links Victoria bushfires to climate change | The Australian

Environment Minister Melissa Price has linked this week’s devastating bushfires in Victoria to climate change, saying there is “no doubt” of its impact on Australia

As Victorians in the state’s east survey the damage done to their properties by bushfires, the Environment Minister said Australians across the nation had suffered from the nation’s hottest summer on record.

“There’s no doubt that there’s many people who have suffered over this summer. We talk about the Victorian bushfires; (in) my home state of Western Australia we’ve also got fires there,” she told Sky News this morning.

“There’s no doubt that climate change is having an impact on us. There’s no denying that.”

Coalition figures, including former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, have been reluctant in the past to link climate change to recent natural disasters such as bushfires.

Melissa Price links Victoria bushfires to climate change | The Australian



MEANWHILE, residents of Tonimbuk, a small rural community heaviest hit by Victoria’s weekend bushfires, believe dan­g­er­ously high fuel loads on vacant­ crown land contributed to the feroci­ty of a blaze that left Country Fire Authority firefighters unable to defend some properties…

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Victoria fires: Crown land growth ‘fuelled’ blazes | The Australian

Residents of a small rural community heaviest hit by Victoria’s weekend bushfires believe dan­g­er­ously high fuel loads on vacant­ crown land contributed to the feroci­ty of a blaze that left Country Fire Authority firefighters unable to defend some properties.

The quiet hamlet of Tonimbuk, about 90km east of Melbourne, felt the brunt of the fire crisis, with seven properties destroyed and 11,000ha burnt by a lightning-strike blaze that raced out of the Bunyip State Forest.

Andrew Clarke, the owner of the Jinks Creek Winery destroyed by the Bunyip fire, believes a bureaucrati­c blunder cost him his life’s work.

He said a planned burn-off in 60ha between his vineyard and the state park was not done because of concerns for local birdlife.

“If they’d been doing the burning off they should have been doing, our place might still be there,’’ he told The Australian.

“They told me birds were nesting. I told them: ‘If we don’t do a burn-off now, there’ll be no birds. There’ll be no goannas, no snakes, no wallabies. They’ll all be bar­becued.’’

Another Tonimbuk resident, cartoonist Mark Knight, said some residents were left to defend their homes without assistance from the CFA. “We fought this fire for three days on our own,’’ he said. “Black Saturday they were all over us. They were fantastic. We didn’t see them this year.’’


Mark Knight with his sons Jack & Elliott, in Tonimbuk, managed to save their property after a bushfire engulfed the Bunyip state forest in Victoria. Picture: Stuart McEvoy.

Victoria fires: Crown land growth ‘fuelled’ blazes | The Australian


THE Daily Telegraph’s climate ‘rationalist’ Miranda Devine with the brutal truth as to what is really fuelling 21st Century bushfires, overrun with ‘Green’ fodder…

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Victorian bushfires sweep across the state with fears of a second Black Saturday | Daily Telegraph

Melissa Price, the new federal Environment Minister, has done untold political damage to a government already divided over climate action by spouting idiotic green propaganda about Victoria’s bushfires.

On Tuesday, she linked the fires to climate change, claiming there is “no doubt” of its impact on Australia.

“There’s no doubt that there’s many people who have suffered over this summer. We talk about the Victorian bushfires … There’s no doubt that climate change is having an impact on us. There’s no denying that.”

MORE FROM MIRANDA DEVINE: Climate change isn’t about science — it’s a hot mess of politics and big money

Sorry, minister, it wasn’t climate change that caused the latest bushfires which have so far destroyed nine homes in Victoria, and it wasn’t climate change that killed almost 200 people in the Black Saturday fires ten years ago.

The real culprit is green ideology which opposes the necessary hazard reduction of fuel loads in national parks and which prevents landholders from clearing vegetation around their homes.

The ongoing poor management of national parks and state forests in Victoria and green obstruction of fire mitigation strategies has led to dangerously high fuel loads over the past decade.

That means that when fires do inevitably break out they are so intense that they are devilishly difficult for firefighters to contain. As a federal parliamentary inquiry heard in 2003, if you quadruple the ground fuel, you get a 13-fold increase in the heat generated by a fire.

RELATED: Schools close as bushfires rage in Victoria’s east

Locals know the truth. Andrew Clarke, owner of Jinks Creek Winery, which has been destroyed by a fire which raged out of the Bunyip State Forest, “begged” for fuel reduction burns to protect his property.

“I’ve been begging them [Forest Fire Management Victoria] for 20 years to burn off the state forest at the back of our place and still to this day it hasn’t happened,” he told the ABC’s Country Hour.

Clarke said a planned burn-off was called off because of concerns about nesting birds.

So how did that work out for the birds?

Just three weeks ago, Victoria’s former chief fire officer Ewan Waller warned that state forest fuel loads were reaching deadly, Black Saturday levels. No one paid any attention.

But you can bet Premier Daniel Andrews will hide behind the climate change furphy.

Parroting green lies suits politicians because then they can avoid blame for their own culpability.

MORE FROM MIRANDA DEVINE: Who’s afraid of the big bad climate monster?

The Black Saturday Bushfire Royal Commission criticised the Victorian government for its failure to reduce fuel loads in state forests. It recommended more than doubling the amount of hazard reduction burns.

Instead, in the last three years, alone, the Andrews government has slashed the amount of public land being hazard reduced by almost two thirds.

It’s a crime.

The wonder is that the Morrison government is helping him with his alibi.




BUSHFIRES and “extreme” heat-waves have been part and parcel of Victoria and Australia’s DNA for millennia, even when CO2 was at ‘safe’ levels …


DECEMBER 1954  (CO2 @ 313 PPM) :





JANUARY 1946  (CO2 @ 310 PPM) :

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“FORTY BUSHFIRES IN VICTORIA – Melbourne’s 105 Deg. [41°C]“

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“EXTREME HEAT buckled rail-lines” …

The extreme heat buckled one of the rail-lines between Box Hill and Surrey Hills, delaying Melbourne trains for 30 minutes.


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14 Jan 1946 – TORRID HEAT. – Trove


“ST. KILDA sands baked” …

St. Kilda Sands Baked.
MELBOURNE, Jan 13. – Nearly 40 bushfires were reported throughout Victoria today when the temperature in Melbourne rose to 105deg [41°C].
So hot was the sand at West St. Kilda yesterday that life-savers, in a march past, broke formation for the first time in the history of Victorian life-saving clubs and had to resume the march along the water’s edge.
The secretary of the Royal Life Saving Society of Victoria (Mr. Pier dell) described yesterday as one of the worst he had known on Victorian beaches.
14 Jan 1946 – TORRID HEAT. – Trove


FEBRUARY 1944  (CO2 @ 310 PPM) :




MARCH 1940  (CO2 @ 311 PPM) :


14 Mar 1940 - 103 DEGS. IN MELBOURNE - Trove.png

14 Mar 1940 – 103 DEGS. IN MELBOURNE – Trove


APRIL 1940  (CO2 @ 311 PPM) :


04 Apr 1940 - VICTORIA - Trove.png

04 Apr 1940 – VICTORIA – Trove


APRIL 1936  (CO2 @ 310 PPM) :

“Night Of Terror Caused By Bushfires“

01 Apr 1936 - Night Of Terror Caused By Bushfires - Trove.png

01 Apr 1936 – Night Of Terror Caused By Bushfires – Trove


01 Apr 1936 - DESTRUCTION BY BUSH FIRES - Trove.png



01 Apr 1936 - SERIOUS BUSHFIRES. - Trove.png

01 Apr 1936 – SERIOUS BUSHFIRES. – Trove


MARCH 1933  (CO2 @ 308.9 PPM) :

04 Mar 1933 - BUSH FIRES STILL DANGEROUS - Trove.png



FEBRUARY 1932  (CO2 @ 308.3 PPM) :

“HISTORIC BUSHFIRES – How A Change Of Wind Saved Melbourne“

22 Feb 1932 - HISTORIC BUSHFIRES. - Trove.png

22 Feb 1932 – HISTORIC BUSHFIRES. – Trove


FEBRUARY 1931  (CO2 @ 308.3 PPM) :

“BUSHFIRES IN VICTORIA – Country Townships Menaced“

14 Feb 1931 - BUSHFIRES IN VICTORIA - Trove.png

14 Feb 1931 – BUSHFIRES IN VICTORIA – Trove


FEBRUARY 1926  (CO2 @ 305.8 PPM) :


01 Feb 1926 - MANY BUSH FIRES. - Trove.png

01 Feb 1926 – MANY BUSH FIRES. – Trove


FEBRUARY 1898  (CO2 @ 295 PPM) :

12 Feb 1898 - VICTORIA. - Trove

12 Feb 1898 – VICTORIA. – Trove



AUSTRALIAN politicians push a never-ending barrage of fact-free global warming climate change alarmism, fear and propaganda on the taxpayer in order to stoke fear and justify the spending of billions upon billions of their hard-earned money on fake fixes to a fake scam.

HOW many more billions of taxpayers hard-earned money will be spent on the greatest pseudoscientific scam ever perpetrated against mankind before our politicians learn how to google “TROVE“? Basic climate history, documenting events no different to today that completely trashes their costly, fake, political, man-made climate change scam costing the country and the planet an estimated $2,000,000,000,000 US (2 Trillion) per year, every year!

POLITICIAN’S punishing industry and jobs with punitive and draconian climate policy, including billions spent on useless windmills and solar panels with ZERO criticism or investigation of years of reckless ‘Green’ environmental policy mandated by UN-infected local councils who, under the draconian program of Agenda 21 aka ICLEI, prevent the clearing of any foliage, trees or grasses above 8 inches on residents own private properties!

ENOUGH is enough. People’s livelihoods, their communities and economies are being ‘burned’ alive by gutless and superstitious politicians on a costly and dangerous crusade of “Save The Planet” hubris driven by politics, ideology and groupthink, pseudoscientific climate change dogma.



Read the rest of this entry »

GREEN ENERGY FAIL : Record Australian Thermal Coal Exports

Strong Asian demand boosts coal exports | The Australian

Strong Asian demand boosts coal exports | The Australian

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society fellow

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)


H/t Timjbo 🇦🇺 ‏ @pleaseuseaussie

AUSTRALIAN high-energy, thermal coal export earnings and volumes are running at record rates on the back of strong Asian power station demand. While it is early days, the July 2018 revenue figure is 31 per cent up on July 2017.


Strong Asian demand boosts coal exports




EXPORT volumes rose 10 per cent to a record 19.87 million tonnes, representing an annual rate of 238 million tonnes.

FEDERAL Resources Minister Matt Canavan said the figures backed up previous expectations that Australia’s high-energy coal would be in demand from Asia’s growing coal-fired power sector as it chased better air quality and lower emissions.

THE strong thermal coal exports come as combined exports of east coast thermal coal, used to generate electricity, and coking coal, used to make steel, overtake West Australian exports of iron ore as the nation’s top export.

ACCORDING to the ABS data, July’s combined coal exports beat iron ore for the third straight month, coming in at $5.58bn, compared to iron ore’s $4.74bn.

CHINESE coal-fired power generation was up 7.3 per cent in the first seven months of this year, from a year earlier.

AND Australia’s higher-quality coal, in terms of energy content, is being favoured over domestic mines and import competitors such as Indonesia as China tries to combat air pollution.

THE strength in coal prices has favoured those prepared to invest against a growing campaign and activism against thermal coal.

Strong Asian demand boosts coal exports | The Australian (paywalled)


MEANWHILE, in Australia, global warming theory-obsessed politicians of both major parties and persuasions are giving up the countries once prized economic advantage of having cheap, reliable energy, by decommissioning and blowing up their last remaining coal-fired power plants. The Greens and Labor parties even cheering the economic vandalism…

Playford A Power Station Stack Felling

NPS West Coal Bunker and Tower Demolition

NPS East Coal Bunker and Coal Transfer Towers

via Augusta Power Stations – Flinders Power

NEIGHBOURING State, Victoria, whose Socialist, Hard Left government, with an obvious obsession with ‘green’ energy and the climate faith has closed Hazelwood coal-fired power station, which did not merely supply Victoria with a quarter of its power but also helped bail out South Australia who are now largely dependent on sunshine and breezes for their energy security.

ALL this destruction of Australia’s once cheap, efficient, relaible, baseload power supply has led to Australia now having some of the highest power prices in the world. South Australia officially “the highest“…

IT_S OFFICIAL - South Australia Has The World_s Highest Power Prices! | Climatism

IT’S OFFICIAL : South Australia Has The World’s Highest Power Prices! | Climatism

THE world has got the message: South Australia is closed for investment in heavy industry, and so, soon, will be the rest of Australia if they don’t learn from the dire consequences of destroying cheap power.


AUSTRALIA’S politicians, intent on appeasing the UN climate gods, over its own citizens, continue the mad and ruinous rush into unreliable-energy – wind and solar – assuring rampant energy poverty by denying its own citizens the use of the miracle black rock that provides cheap, reliable and increasingly ultra-clean energy via new generation Supercritical and HELE (High Energy Low Emissions) coal-fired power plants currently being built in Asia and across the globe…


CLEAN coal-fired power plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries…

From The New York Times

“1,600 new coal-fired power plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries.”

“1,600 new coal-fired power plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries.”

“1,600 new coal-fired power plants are planned or under construction in 62 countries.” – NY Times


AUSTRALIA’S (suicidal) Unreliable-Energy and UN emissions reductions goals by State :

Andy Oz on Twitter

Andy Oz on Twitter


DON’T expect to hear or read about the massive expansion of global coal-fired power stations or Australia’s record coal exports via the majority Leftist press.

THE Pravda mainstream media wants you to think that wind and solar are booming. The opposite is, of course, the truth.

FAILED unreliables are dying a rapid death as a Conga line of wised-up countries signal the end of unsustainable green-energy subsidies…

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GLOBAL WARMING HYSTERIA : Suicide A Climate Change Solution

Cheer up. If we keep our heads we are likely to deal with climate challenges the same way we got to where we are; innovation, markets, democracy and optimism. | The Australian

Cheer up. If we keep our heads we are likely to deal with climate challenges the same way we got to where we are; innovation, markets, democracy and optimism. | The Australian

“Articles, tweets and interviews that deliberately lob personal tears into the public domain sound the alarm bells of sanctimony..”
― Chris Kenny


FIRSTLY, apologies for the use of “suicide” in the heading to all those who have been directly or indirectly affected by such a horrible and tragic event. I can personally sympathise.

THAT said, the use of the threat of “suicide” by those pushing the global warming climate change agenda is indicative of the desperate, dishonest and disrespectful lengths that climate activists will go to in order to drive their latest fashionable eco-scare.

AUSTRALIAN columnist Chris Kenny with some much needed perspective, clarity and reason to parlay the constant rhetoric of climate change doom and gloom that the Climate Crisis Industry relies on in an attempt to remain relevant…

(Links, Graphs and Bolds added by Climatism)


Stop the hand-wringing, humankind will adapt and prosper

Chris Kenny

Chris Kenny

Associate Editor // The Australian

WHEN people go public with private tears I am immediately suspicious. Not that I am against tears; as a physical reaction to emotion they are a fact of life best controlled in some circumstances but uncontrollable in others.

But articles, tweets and interviews that deliberately lob personal tears into the public domain sound the alarm bells of sanctimony. Telling the world about your saltwater reaction to this or that is perhaps the epitome of virtue-signalling.

“I cried two times when my daughter was born,” was the opening line in a New York Times piece this week. Those sanctimony warning bells rang loud. It was by Iraq veteran, English professor and climate alarmist Roy Scranton, promoting a new book of essays on war and climate change titled We’re Doomed. Now What? And yes, he claims to have shed tears for the planet.

“First for joy, when after 27 hours of labour the little feral being we’d made came yowling into the world, and the second for sorrow, holding the earth’s newest human and looking out the window with her at the rows of cars in the hospital parking lot, the strip mall across the street, the box stores and drive-throughs and drainage ditches and asphalt and waste fields that had once been oak groves. A world of extinction and catastrophe, a world in which harmony with nature had long been foreclosed. My partner and I had, in our selfishness, doomed our daughter to life on a dystopian planet, and I could see no way to shield her from the future.”

Where to start with such inanity? Perhaps with the good news. Max Roser’s work for Oxford University’s Our World in Data project shows that two centuries ago, 90 per cent of the global population lived in extreme poverty and now, even though the population has grown from less than one billion people to about 7.5 billion, those proportions have completely reversed so that only 10 per cent of the world’s population lives in extreme poverty.



Global Extreme Poverty – Our World in Data

Global Extreme Poverty - Our World in Data

Global Extreme Poverty – Our World in Data

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GLOBAL WARMING Might Not Hurt, But Warming Policies Do : Former Australian PM Spells Out The Inconvenient Truth

Coal-fired power STEAM - Loy Yang VIC - ABBOTT - CLIMATISM

STEAM billows from the cooling towers of the Loy Yang coal-fired power station operated by AGL Energy Ltd. in the Latrobe Valley. Picture: Getty Images (Climatism modified) | The Australian

“WE were the cheapest electricity market in the world, and now we’re one of the dearest. It’s insanity that this has occurred in a market that is so well-blessed in resources.”
― Alan John Moran (Australian columnist and Economist)


ANTHROPOGENIC global warming climate change, and the control of carbon dioxide has deep roots in a radical, yet gravely misguided campaign to reduce the world’s population.

THE climate change scare has little to do with the “environment” or “saving the planet”. Rather, its roots lie in a misanthropic agenda engineered by the environmental movement in the mid 1970’s, who realised that doing something about “global warming” would play to quite a number of the Lefts social agendas.

CO2 – the byproduct of cheap, reliable and affordable energy – was fingered as the patsy and subsequently demonised, with “the science” tortured to fit the warming theory. Not the other way around as the “scientific method” would require.

STANFORD University and Royal Society’s resident global warming alarmist and population freak Paul R. Ehrlich spelled out in 1976 the anti-energy platform that underpinned the global warming scare:

Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the
equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University/Royal Society

THE UN IPCC was created as the all-holy authority on climate change “science” by Maurice Strong’s UNEP and the UN’s WMO, with its charter carefully crafted to only study human (Anthropogenic) effects on climate – “Don’t worry about natural causes – your gasses and lifestyles are far more dangerous than anything Mother Nature can deal out…trust us”.

THUS, the science was “settled” and “consensus” demanded before the data was even in. It has been the same ever since. The hypothesis has not changed a jot even as the evidence proving CAGW has failed dismally across most metrics. Instead, the theory has become more “settled”, according to the UN IPCC, with the scare driven relentlessly by the mainstream media and throng of well funded global green lobby groups and unreliable-energy rent-seekers who all profit from climate doom.

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsiblity to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Rio Earth Summit

“It is the responsibility of each human being today to choose between the force of darkness and the force of light. We must therefore transform our attitudes, and adopt a renewed respect for the superior laws of Divine Nature.“ – Maurice Strong, first Secretary General of UNEP

THE fix was in from the start, and now we’re paying for it, big time, in the form of skyrocketing power bills, energy poverty and even an uptick in cold-related deaths as the elderly and poor are forced to switch off their heating in the face of costly ‘green’ energy schemes scams imposed on them by draconian government ‘climate’ regulations…

FORMER Australian PM, Tony Abbott, has had enough. His essay featured in today’s Australian is a plea from the people and its economy, paralysed by skyrocketing power bills, to pull out of the job and life-destroying UN Paris climate accord…

(ABBOT’s essay is paywalled, so I’ll pull out the juicy bits, with Climatism supports added.) Read the rest of this entry »