Alan Carlin: None of the climate alarmist apocalypses have occurred or are even possible

“The alarmists’ 12 apocalyptic predictions have proved uniformly wrong. That’s zero percent correct.”

WITH so much of the public’s money spent (Trillion upon trillions) on “Climate Change” aka “Global Warming” aka “Climate Disruption” aka “Climate Crisis”, any sane person would naturally conclude that there is an actual “Climate Crisis”.

HOWEVER, outside of overheated U.N. climate models and daily hysteria from the sycophant lamestream media, there is still no tangible “Climate Crisis”.

THE name change from “global warming” to “climate change” is perhaps the biggest giveaway. Owing to the peer-reviewed, scientific fact that the planet stopped warming around 20 years ago.

ENTER “climate change” – hot, cold, wet, dry, flood, drought, blizzard – it’s all your fault and you and your “unsustainable” lifestyles are ‘changing’ the weather – whatever that means.

AND, what is the mythical perfect climate that alarmists want? What if we stop ALL hydrocarbon based energy tomorrow and there’s a hurricane next year? Or what happens if Australia has a heatwave? How many days should it last? How much less or more rain is better if we get serious and live in caves? Will the weather be eternally idyllic for modern cave-dwelling?

WILL the pontificators of the media driven climate hysteria; DiCaprio, Al Gore, Obama, Bill Nye, The Pope et al live in caves too?

CLEARLY they won’t. But why not? After all, there is a genuine “climate crisis” right? Or at least they tell us that there is. Everyday.

EITHER way, cave or no cave, Leonardo DiCaprio’s new island development is a serious death trap according to what he preaches atop the U.N. pulpit. Whoever advised him to build on an island when sea levels are meant to rise by 10-100 feet by 2100 according to experts like Leo.

MAYBE, just maybe he’s lying his ass off to feed the biggest scientific fraud ever perpetrated upon mankind.

Tallbloke's Talkshop

Earth and climate – an ongoing controversy
Lack of predictive success is a strong warning sign that something is amiss in the world of climate science in general and its modelling in particular.

The climate alarmists have long tried to sell their apocalyptic scam by claiming that their policies will avoid catastrophic increases in global temperatures, writes Alan Carlin.

The Daily Caller has recently inventoried some of the widely publicized such climate apocalypses predicted over the last 30 years by examining 12 of them.

The alarmists’ 12 apocalyptic predictions have proved uniformly wrong. That’s zero percent correct.

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