AMERICA Pushes Nuclear Option: President Launches Plan For Advanced Nuclear Plants

“Prior to the election of Donald J Trump, the US was on an economy wrecking trajectory, set by renewable energy rent seekers and the eco-zealots that champion their cause: numerous American states, not least Texas and California, as well as the prairies of the mid-west have been overrun with costly and chaotic subsidised wind and solar.

Power prices in those states inevitably skyrocketed – wind and solar ‘powered’ Californians pay 40% more for power than the US average – threatening homegrown American industry and hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs.

Then came Donald Trump, and all that changed.”

TRUMP making good on yet another election promise to make America an “energy superpower”…


America truly is exceptional: while plenty of Western democracies are still piling into subsidised wind and solar, the USA is getting out.

Prior to the election of Donald J Trump, the US was on an economy wrecking trajectory, set by renewable energy rent seekers and the eco-zealots that champion their cause: numerous American states, not least Texas and California, as well as the prairies of the mid-west have been overrun with costly and chaotic subsidised wind and solar.

Power prices in those states inevitably rocketed – wind and solar ‘powered’  Californians pay 40% more for power than the US average – threatening homegrown American industry and hundreds of thousands of blue-collar jobs.

Then came Donald Trump, and all that changed.

One of the loudest advocates for wind and solar in the US, Audrey Zibelman was run out of town and ended up in Australia – where she’s clearly determined to…

View original post 556 more words

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