
BRITAIN 🇬🇧 Squanders £7bn a Year on Stone Age Wind Power


“In all, subsidies for wind power and standby will be costing the country more than £7bn a year, equivalent to about £270 per household.”

SKYROCKETING power bills, energy poverty and the decimation of pristine landscapes, all to feed the egos of climate theory obsessed politicians and line the pockets of rent-seeking, subsidy-sucking mega-green corporations.

CO2 reductions for all this pain? ZERO, actually increased emissions as more fossil-fuel energy sources are needed to cover for the times when the wind don’t blow and the sun don’t shine! 🤦‍♂️

STUDIES: Wind Power Installation Amplifies The Growth Of Fossil Fuel Energies


It takes a ‘special’ kind of person to still believe that a country can run itself on sunshine and breezes.

Idolatry, zealotry, and good old-fashioned pig ignorance are worn like badges of honour amongst the wind and sun cult.

Claims range from the ‘wind is always blowing somewhere’, ‘wind power is cheaper than coal’, and ‘competitive’ with everything under the sun blah, blah, blah.

Another mantra is that, either wind power receives no subsidies at all or, if that’s grudgingly conceded, then the subsidies to wondrous wind dwarf those shoveled out to evil fossil fuels. (On the latter they struggle to come up with a shred of evidence to support their case, and ignore the fact that coal miners and gas extractors and pay very substantial sums in royalties to governments.)

True it is that the manner in which subsidies are filched from unwitting power consumers and siphoned off to…

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