CLIMATE PARTY! African Delegates Swamp UN Conference
Posted: December 7, 2018 Filed under: Climate Money, COP24, Wealth Redistribution | Tags: AFRICAN NATIONS, CLIMATE CASH, Climate Change, Climate Corruption, climate money, COP24, Global Warming, Katowice, Money, Poland, wealth redistribution 1 CommentF-O-L-L-O-W-T-H-E-M-O-N-E-Y …
PA Pundits - International
By Andrew Bolt ~
It’s a feeding frenzy at the UN climate conference. There’s the excuse for taxpayer-paid travel, of course, and the excuse to extort huge donations from the guilty rich:
An analysis of delegates by Carbon Brief found Guinea topped the list with 406 delegates, down 86 from last time. The Democratic Republic of Congo is second, with 237. Host nation Poland is third, with 211 delegates, followed by Ivory Coast, whose delegation this year has more than halved to 208 people…
Those huge delegations from these poor nations are actually down on last time? Wow.
Graham Lloyd puts it extremely diplomatically:
While some African countries give delegate tickets to non-governmental organisations, the make-up gives an indication of how important they consider the talks for securing development and mitigation funds.
Or as our Environment Minister Melissa Price memorably said to a former Kiribati Prime Minister who’d come…
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MUST READ : Corrupted UN Must Never Be Allowed To Lecture Us
Posted: October 27, 2018 Filed under: Climate Change, Climatism, Communism, COP24, Government, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Politics, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, Wealth Redistribution | Tags: Brussels, Bureaucrats, Climate Change, Climatism, COP24, Corruption, funding, Geneva, Global Warming, Grants, Green Climate Fund, IPCC, Maurice Newman, Misanthropy, Money, Politics, Trump, UN, UN IPCC, UNFCCC, wealth redistribution 4 Comments“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“
– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.” – Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992.
“The Earth has cancer
and the cancer is Man.”
– Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations
IT’s time for sensible, democratic governments to push back and vigorously question the motives of unelected, bureaucratic behemoths at the UN, stealing corralling global taxpayer money to fund their ruinous globalist, Leftist agendas that have absolutely nothing to with “saving the planet” or helping the environment.
QUEENSLAND One Nation leader, Steve Dickson conveying what most Australian’s are feeling, in stark contrast to the major ruling parties who are both pandering to the UN climate gods …
A MUST read opinion piece on the corrupt United Nations by Maurice Newman, former head of Deutsche Bank, the ABC and ASX…
“Australians are at that point, sick of being lectured to by UN “special rapporteurs”. They are crying out for leaders to stare down faceless bureaucrats in Geneva. They are angry at meaningless gestures and slavish obedience to pointless emissions targets that are crippling our industry and causing personal hardships.“
Corrupted UN must never be allowed to lecture us
If the leaders of some nation states were citizens living in a civilised society, they would be in jail for perpetrating, or being accessories to, murder, torture, theft and corruption.
Yet they and their chosen representatives shamelessly take their place in the hallowed chamber of the UN General Assembly as arbiters of how the rest of the world should behave.
Take the Human Rights Council, which counts among its members the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where Joseph Kabila’s unconstitutional rule features massacres and gender-based violence among a long list of atrocities; and Venezuela, where President Nicolas Maduro strangles political opposition by carrying out hundreds of arbitrary killings under the guise of fighting crime.
There’s The Philippines, whose President Rodrigo Duterte condones policies that result in extrajudicial killings of suspected drug dealers; and Cuba, where President Miguel Diaz-Canel, in true Castro style, allows beatings, public shaming and termination of employment to quell political opposition. China’s President-for-life Xi Jinping oversees the holding of about a million Muslim Uighurs, including women and children, in re-education camps.
Yet this year Australia celebrated its membership of the UNHRC, while the US commendably withdrew, saying the council “has provided cover, not condemnation, for the world’s most inhumane regimes”.
Australia is also a member of the Economic and Social Council which, “to find effective approaches to ending poverty”, believes “those experiencing it must have a seat at the table’’. And so they do. The leaders of Algeria, Chad, El Salvador, South Africa, Sudan, Togo and Venezuela, to name a few, all believe in wealth redistribution. They practise authoritarian central planning and asset confiscation.
Not too many champions of competition and market economics there. Australia acts as a good global citizen, lending support for “collective action” that rewards bad behaviour.
Unsurprisingly, the UN’s Ecosoc readily accepts that “climate change and environmental crises are the result of vastly unequal levels of development in the last few centuries. The countries which are now rich became so by ignoring the consequences for the environment which now threaten the entire planet.” Ecosec reminds us of Agenda 21, put to the UN’s 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, which recognises that the burden of climate change (whatever that may be) “falls most heavily on poor countries”.
Masterminded by Canadian socialist/Marxist and multimillionaire Maurice Strong and held under the auspices of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Rio summit was the largest political gathering in history. Strong believed the UN should become a world government with “environmentalism” the key driver. He believed: “The concept of national sovereignty … will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental co-operation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful.”
Journalist and long-time UN expert Claudia Rosett observes Strong understood how the “UN’s bureaucratic culture of secrecy, its diplomatic immunities, and its global reach, lends itself to manipulation by a small circle of those who best know its back corridors”.
Strong exploited this culture to ensure climate change became so embedded in global politics that few Western politicians would have the courage to challenge it, no matter how exaggerated its claims, or the financial cost. And so it has proved. His successor and fellow Marxist, Christiana Figueres, led the Paris climate conference that captured Australia.
Enter US President Donald J. Trump. In his second address to the UN General Assembly in September, Trump said: “America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism and accept the doctrine of patriotism.”
He said the UN Human Rights Council had become a “grave embarrassment” and that countries admitted to the WTO “violate every single principle on which the organisation is based”. He said: “We will not allow our workers to be victimised, our companies to be cheated, and our wealth to be plundered and transferred.” He withdrew from the Paris climate agreement, calling it a “massive redistribution of United States’ wealth to other countries”.
In the 26 years since the Rio summit, no world leader has posed such a comprehensive threat to UN hegemony. Not only does Trump reflect disillusionment with globalism at home, he also taps into growing disenchantment with supranational governments in many places around the world, particularly in Europe.
Brexit was the first example. Italy’s defiance in the face of Europe’s rejection of its draft budget is the latest. While acknowledging Italy violates EU rules, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio says: “This is the first Italian budget that the EU doesn’t like. I am not surprised. This is the first Italian budget that was written in Rome and not in Brussels.” A recent poll in Poland found a third of the country now backs an EU exit.
It is clear serious cracks in the relationship between the people and governing bodies like the UN and the EU are emerging. People may not fully understand the way remote, supranational governments work, but they can recognise authority which is harmful and lacking in integrity.
Australians are at that point, sick of being lectured to by UN “special rapporteurs”. They are crying out for leaders to stare down faceless bureaucrats in Geneva. They are angry at meaningless gestures and slavish obedience to pointless emissions targets that are crippling our industry and causing personal hardships.
The latest Australian Institute of Company Directors survey confirms the desperation corporate leaders feel over the government’s inept response to climate change, the No 1 issue they want addressed.
The UN and agencies like the IMF have been exposed as hypocritical emperors without clothes. If this is a preview of world government, we face a grim future.
Corrupted UN must never be allowed to lecture us | The Australian
- Maurice Newman | Search Results | Climatism
- Shock news : The UN’s Real Agenda Is A New World Order Under Its Control | Climatism
RENT SEEKER’S NIRVANA : Ultra-Rich Pocket $Billions in Wind & Solar Subsidies at Our Expense
Posted: July 29, 2018 Filed under: Energiewende, Energy Poverty, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Govt Climate Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Climate science, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Government grants, Green Energy Failure, green energy scam, NEG, Renewable energy, Rent seekers, RET, Solar panels, Solar PV, Subsidies, unreliables, wealth redistribution, wealth transfer, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms, wind power, Wind Turbine Syndrome Leave a comment“AT present, the combined subsidies to wind and solar exceed $4 billion a year, and the number of permanent jobs generated is completely trivial; the instant the subsidies go, so do the jobs briefly ‘created’: Cut the Subsidies and ‘Green’ Jobs Instantly Vanish: 80,000 German Solar Workers Sacked.
“The reason that we’re still talking about this nonsense is all political.
And the reason that it’s political is because there’s money in it. Serious money.
Being able to sell a product with no inherent value, takes audacity; but it can be done.
Here’s how: …”
The hundreds of $billions paid in subsidies to intermittent wind and solar constitute the largest wealth transfer in economic history.
In Australia, the Federal Government’s Large-Scale RET gouges $60 billion from power consumers over the life of the scam, and redirects it to such worthy outfits as AGL and our favourite whipping boys, Infigen. In the history of the Commonwealth, no other single industry subsidy scheme comes anywhere near it in value.
When motor manufacturers, General Motors Holden and Toyota put their hands out for a measly $500 million to maintain their Australian operations, then PM, Tony Abbott told them would “not chase them down the road waving a blank cheque at them“.
A mere half $billion would have saved something like 20 or 30,000 jobs across the sector.
At present, the combined subsidies to wind and solar exceed $4 billion a year, and the number of…
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BOARD Meeting Turns ‘Toxic’ As UN Climate Fund Runs Low
Posted: July 5, 2018 Filed under: Carbon Tax, IPCC, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC | Tags: Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, Climate Scam, Climatism, Global Warming, Global Warming Hoax, Global Warming Scam, Green Climate Fund, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, wealth redistribution Leave a commentDRAINING one of the biggest swamps of all – the U.N. and its scandalous “Green Climate Fund” aka wealth redistribution scam.
THANKS a $BILLION times over Mr President, Donald J Trump!
Tallbloke's Talkshop
Ructions as poor financial management and zero dollars from the US drain the UN’s so-called ‘green climate fund’. Even agreeing an agenda was a major struggle.
H/T Steve Milloy
Rich and poor country representatives clash over policy priorities and replenishment at Green Climate Fund board meeting, reports Climate Change News.
Update on Wednesday 4 July: UN climate fund chief resigns for personal reasons while board meeting collapses
Disputes between rich and poor nations at the UN’s flagship climate fund are intensifying as the money runs low.
A meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) board in Songdo started unevenly on Sunday, as co-chair Paul Oquist was detained by political turmoil in Nicaragua, leaving Sweden’s Lennart Båge to run the session single-handed.
With developing countries complaining their priorities were not properly represented, it took nearly two days to agree on the agenda for the meeting.
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KIRIBATI Climate Plan: More Resorts, More Tourists
Posted: November 21, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism uncovered, Climate Fraud, Climate models, Climate Money, Fact Check, Fake News, Sea Level Rise, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC | Tags: Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, climate money, climate refugees, COP23, Global Warming Scam, Kiribati, sea level rise, Sea Level Rise Scam, Tong, UN, UNFCCC, wealth redistribution Leave a commentLOL!
PRESIDENT Tong knows perfectly well that without the U.S. involved in the UN wealth redistribution scam, the fast and furious ‘climate cash’ ain’t gonna come!
HE’S now backtracking from the Kiribati “drowning” scenario, big time, so as not to deter potential investors to his new “5-star” resort plans! After all, who would want to invest in a ‘sinking’ island?!
I jousted with Tong/Kiribati via twitter back in 2013 during the lucrative Obama climate-cash years…
Watts Up With That?
Anote Tong, President of Kiribati. By Sam Beebe –, CC BY 2.0, Link
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
The President of Kiribati doesn’t want his people to be seen as climate charity cases – instead he wants investment, new tourist resorts to give his people jobs and economic opportunities, to help pay for reclaiming land from the sea like Singapore.
As climate change threatens islands, Kiribati’s president plans development
The low-lying Pacific island nation of Kiribati is one of the parts of the world most threatened by climate change and rising sea levels. Scientists say the islands could be uninhabitable within decades, and in recent years, some leaders there have begun planning for a worst-case scenario that could involve relocating the population to other countries.
However, in a video presentation to the international climate conference in Bonn, Germany, last week, the president of Kiribati appeared…
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Fiji ‘Flooding’ Is Fake News From #COP23
Posted: November 14, 2017 Filed under: Alarmism Debunked, Alarmism uncovered, Alarmist media, Alarmist Predictions, Climate Alarmism, Empirical Evidence, Fact Check, Fake News, Sea Level Rise, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC | Tags: Alarmism debunked, Alarmism Exposed, Climate Change Alarmism, Climate science, COP23, Fake News, Fiji, Global Warming Alarmism, Nils Axel Mörner, sea level rise, Sea Level Rise Scam, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, wealth redistribution Leave a commentThese are the facts:
* Sea level has remained virtually at the present level over the last 200 years
* In the last 50-70 years sea level has remained perfectly stable in Fiji
* This stability is indicated by the growth of corals (stopped to grow vertically, and forced to grow laterally into microatolls) – and corals do not lie“Whatever economy, politics and project agendas may want to put in the center, the true scientific community must insist that only facts as revealed in nature itself and in laboratory experiments can provide trustworthy results.”
Nils-Axel Mörner signs off his open letter to Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji and President of COP23 Frank Bainimarama with this slap of reality that goes to the heart of the UN’s pseudoscientific “climate change” agenda to fulfil its (self-proclaimed) wealth-redistribution goals…
“Retournons à la Nature
That is setting field evidence in the center instead of models and ideas driven by political and/or religious agendas.”Bravo Nils.
Watts Up With That?
Open Letter to Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji and President of COP23 Frank Bainimarama by Nils-Axel Mörner
Mr. President,
The community assembled at the COP23 meeting in Bonn badly wants temperature to rise according to models proposed (but never verified, rather seriously contradicted) and sea level changes that may pose serious flooding threats to low lying coasts provided sea level would suddenly start to rise at rates never recorded before (which would violate physical laws as well as accumulated scientific knowledge over centuries).
We have been in your lovely country and undertaken a detailed sea level analysis, which beyond doubts indicates that sea level is not at all in a rising mode, but has remained perfectly stable over the last 50-70 years. Hence all threats of an approaching general sea level flooding is totally unfounded.
Whatever economy, politics and project agendas may want to put in the center, the true scientific community must…
View original post 803 more words
COP23 In One Graph, The Best Reason Ever Why The USA Doesn’t Need To Be In The #ParisAgreement
Posted: November 8, 2017 Filed under: BIG Government, Carbon Dioxide, Climate Money, Communism, Environmentalists, Fact Check, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, Pacific Island Nations, Religion, Taxpayer waste, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, Wealth Redistribution | Tags: Bon, Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, climate money, COP23, Global Warming, Global Warming Scam, Paris Accord, Paris Climate Treaty, Taxpayer waste, UN, UNEP, UNFCCC, wealth redistribution Leave a comment“BUT…but…without the U.S, how do we fund our climate gabfests in every exotic corner of the world?! Jet travel, 5-star hotels, champagne and caviar cost money you know!” – Signed, concerned UN climate elites and environmental NGO’s.
Watts Up With That?
While the COP23 climate conference is going on in Bon this week, there has been renewed wailing and gnashing of teeth over President Trump’s withdraw from the 2015 Paris Climate Accord this past summer. There are lots of reasons why the US doesn’t need to participate, but looking at this one graph, it becomes clear that other countries aren’t leading the way, not one bit. The USA leads by a large margin.
This is the graph climate alarmists and tax revenue trough feeders don’t want you to see:
h/t to Robert Wilson via Twitter
Some BONUS Graphs:
In absolute terms coal use has fallen far more in America this century than anywhere else:
Most of the growth in CO2 emissions this century came from modernizing economies. And China and India dominated:
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THE Insane Result Of The Mad Switch To Costly, Symbolic, Unreliable Energy – Wind and Solar
Posted: October 11, 2017 Filed under: Australia, BIG Government, Climatism, Energy Poverty, Fact Check, Failed Green Schemes, Government Grants/Funding, Green Agenda, Green Energy, Renewables, RET, Solar, Unreliables, Wind Farms | Tags: Blackouts, Climate Change, Climate Change Scam, Energy Poverty, Fuel Poverty, Global Warming, Global Warming Hoax, Global Warming Scam, Green Energy Failure, green energy scam, Greens, Josh Frydenberg, Renewable energy, Rent seekers, RET, SA Blackouts, wealth redistribution, Wind Energy, wind energy scam, Wind Farms 2 CommentsWE really are living in the age of collective, global warming climate change insanity. We will look back on this era of “save the planet” virtue-signalling and wonder what the hell were we thinking…
Paying you $36 million to use less, not spending our money instead to provide more:
The federal government will pay households and businesses across three states to turn down their air conditioning, furnaces and cool rooms to stave off blackouts during peak demand.
Under a $36 million program to be launched today by Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg, thousands of households in NSW, Victoria and South Australia will also be invited to voluntarily cut their energy use in return for incentives such as rebates on power bills.
SO they’ve spent your money on subsidising green power, and having run short of electricity will now spend your money to use less of it. Meanwhile your power bills keep rising.
AND remember: none of this will cut the world’s temperature. It’s all for nothing.
DOESN’T this strike you as stark, staring, raving mad?
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- A Totally Idiot Made Electricity Disaster | Climatism
- Australian Summer Forecast: More Blackouts & Rocketing Power Prices | Climatism
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- DIESEL – Keeping South Australia’s Lights On Til The Next Election! | Climatism
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- THE Twisted Irony of Deep-Green Energy Policy (RET) | Climatism
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- GREEN ENERGY FAIL – World Coal Power Development Up 43% | Climatism
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Unreliable Energy Related :
- China Counts the Staggering Cost of its Wind Power Experiment | Climatism
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- Germany’s €Trillion Euro Disaster: Wind Power ‘Transition’ Destroys its Industrial Heartland | Climatism
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