WHEN will he be, literally, put in the dock for crimes against climate/science truths, costing taxpayers literally $Billions in dud-predictions with his insane litany of ideologically driven climate falsehoods?!
Professional alarmist Tim Flannery warned in 2004 that global warming would turn Perth into a “ghost metropolis” and shrivel its farms. Colleague Will Steffen in 2015 forecast 80 years of drought there, just like fellow catastrophists predicted centuries of drought in California. But then ….
In 2004, professional alarmist Tim Flannery warned that global warming would turn Perth into a ghost city and farms around Western Australia into desert:
Dr Flannery warned of [Sydney] grappling with up to 60 per cent less water… Sydney could glimpse its future by looking at the devastating impact that global warming had already had on Perth…
“I think there is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis,” Dr Flannery said. “It’s whole primary production is in dire straits and the eastern states are only 30 years behind.”
In 2007, Flannery was asked to explain why Perth was still there, and wasn’t backing off … much:
AUSTRALIAN of the Year Tim Flannery is sticking by his warning that Perth could become the first ghost metropolis of the 21st century…
“When I said Perth could become the first ghost metropolis, that was true, but the Government acted and got a desalination plant going,” he said…
He said there were no signs that Perth’s once-abundant winter rainfall would return any time soon, and even a small drop in rainfall had huge knock-on effects for the region.
“You get a little drop in rainfall and then plants are under more stress and there is less flow into streams,” he said… “I think that all the prognoses for climate change is that the South-West is going to keep drying out and getting hotter,” he said.
Two years ago, Will Steffen, Flannery’s Climate Council colleague and fellow catastrophist, was still hailing Perth and its environs as the bit of Australia really baked by man-made global warming:
Climate change is likely making drought conditions in southwest and southeast Australia worse…
Average annual stream flow into Perth’s dams has already decreased by nearly 80 percent since the mid-1970s…
Western Australia total reductions in autumn and winter precipitation could be potentially as high as 50 percent in the next 80 years.
It is now 13 years since Flannery’s first prediction of doom for Perth, 10 years since he warned of crops in the region struggling and just two years since Steffen warned of 80 years of drought.
Perth was having its wettest summer on record, with 190.4mm of rain eclipsing the previous record of 180.4mm in 1955, the Weather Bureau said.
Water Corporation figures show Perth has received 134.8mm of rain this month.
And crops keep smashing records, despite the cold – not the heat:
A NEW crop report has confirmed Western Australian growers smashed their crop production record this season, despite the severe frosts which hit the state.
The Grains Industry of Western Australia’s final crop report for the 2016-17, released yesterday, estimated the state’s winter crop was the biggest ever at 18.16 million tonnes.
This was 1.2 million tonnes more than the previous 2013-14 record.
Why do ABC reporters still take Tim Flannery seriously?
And where is this global warming catastrophe they’ve claimed for decades was coming?
Last September, New York’s Daily News forecast centuries of global warming drought for California:
One of the myriad incorrect assertions by climate-change deniers is that scientists who have proven manmade causes for the current global warming ignore periods of warming in the Earth’s past that were not caused by industrial pollution.
Since it’s essentially, and of course ironically, entirely non-scientists who make this claim, the deniers would do well to read a recent UCLA study that indicates California’s current six-year severe drought could be exacerbated enough by global warming to extend the dry period for centuries.
Five months later the drought is over and the prediction drowned:
California has now seen more moisture in the last 8 weeks than it typically does in an entire year… San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and several other cities have recorded one of their wettest Januarys on record and an incredibly wet 8 weeks overall.
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