THE Politics Of ‘Change’ : Democrats, Fires and The Climate Misinformation Campaign

Tucker Carslon : Democrats, fires and the climate misinformation campaign – YouTube


Another, must watch via Tucker Carlson Tonight (Show your kids this) :

(20) Tucker: Democrats, fires and the climate misinformation campaign – YouTube


SEE also :

LEST WE FORGET : The Gulag Archipelago confirmed the horrors of the Soviet Union and Marxist collectivist ideology | Climatism

LETTING The Mask Slip : We Are All Mere Pawns Of A COVID19 Political Game | Climatism

ESSAY : The Challenge of Marxism | Climatism

COVID19 = CLIMATE CHANGE : The More Afraid You Are, The More You Will Accept

(7) Tucker: When do we get America back? – YouTube

“For Dr Tedros, and Bill Gates, Pandemic and climate change share a very different connection. Both are useful pretexts for mass social control. Both are essentially, unsolvable crisis’ they can harness to bypass Democracy and force powerless populations to obey their commands.” – Tucker Carlson


IF you watch anything today, watch this.

Tucker Carlson, ties in the obvious. COVID-19 is nothing more than another excuse to control you and your family. A condensed version of the Climate Change scam, that apparently failed to control you destroy your life, fast enough.

“The more afraid you are, the more you will accept.”


SEE also :

COVID 1984 related :

FOR the latest AU government information on COVID19 :

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert | Australian Government Department of Health

ANXIETY? Need to speak to someone?

  • Anxiety, depression and suicide prevention support – Beyond Blue

A MUST WATCH : Tucker Carlson Unmasks The Marxist, Totalitarian Left




Like I have pointed out before, the environmentalist movement is not only a wing of the political Left but is also part of the Marxist tradition. As Tucker Carlson implied in his Fox News show opening monologue last night, the Left’s hiding Joe Biden is indicative of what is behind their mask. It is the…
— Read on

CHAZ : The World Welcomes Its Newest Country


Dem Leaders in Seattle Surrender to the Mob, Allow Antifa Goons to Take Over Part of the City – American Greatness

“Keep your sense of humour!
That’s what they tell you
when things get really dark.”

–– Tucker Carlson


SAY hello to the latest addition to the global family of nations: the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, formerly known as downtown Seattle…


Via City Journal :

Anarchy in Seattle

Antifa-affiliated activists seize control of a city neighborhood and declare an “autonomous zone.”

Christopher F. Rufo

June 10, 2020

Seattle’s hard-Left secessionist movement has claimed its first territory: six blocks in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.

For the past week, Black Lives Matter and Antifa-affiliated activists have engaged in a pitched battle with Seattle police officers and National Guard soldiers in the neighborhood, with the heaviest conflict occurring at the intersection of 11th and Pike, where law enforcement had constructed a barricade to defend the Seattle Police East Precinct building. Hoping to break through the barricade, protesters attacked officers with bricks, bottles, rocks, and improvised explosive devices, sending some officers to the hospital. At the same time, activists circulated videos of the conflict and accused the police of brutality, demanding that the city cease using teargas and other anti-riot techniques.

Then, in a stunning turn of events, the City of Seattle made the decision to abandon the East Precinct and surrender the neighborhood to the protesters. “This is an exercise in trust and de-escalation,” explained Chief Carmen Best. Officers and National Guardsmen emptied out the facility, boarded it up, and retreated. Immediately afterward, Black Lives Matter protesters, Antifa black shirts, and armed members of the hard-Left John Brown Gun Club seized control of the neighborhood, moved the barricades into a defensive position, and declared it the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone—even putting up a cardboard sign at the barricades declaring “you are now leaving the USA.”

On the new rebel state’s first night, the atmosphere was festive and triumphant. Hooded men spray-painted the police station with slogans and anarchist symbols, renaming it the “Seattle People’s Department East Precinct.” Raz Simone, a local rapper with an AK-47 slung from his shoulder and a pistol attached to his hip, screamed, “This is war!” into a white-and-red megaphone and instructed armed paramilitaries to guard the barricades in shifts. Later in the night, Simone was filmed allegedly assaulting multiple protestors who disobeyed his orders, informing them that he was the “police” now, sparking fears that he was becoming the de facto warlord of the autonomous zone. A homeless man with a baseball bat wandered along the borderline and two unofficial medics in medieval-style chain mail stood ready for action.

Nikkita Oliver, a radical activist and former mayoral candidate, emerged as a critical voice of the protest movement and assumed a leadership role in the newly declared autonomous zone. After night fell and a light rain began falling, she spoke to the crowd and outlined the ideological commitments behind the occupation. “[We need to] align ourselves with the global struggle that acknowledges [that] the United States plays a role in racialized capitalism,” she told protestors. “Racialized capitalism is built upon patriarchy, white supremacy, and classism.”

The following day, a coalition of black activists associated with the autonomous zone released a more specific list of demands, including the total abolition of the Seattle Police Department, the retrial of all racial minorities serving prison time for violent crimes, and the replacement of the police with autonomous “restorative/transformative accountability programs.” Activists pledged to maintain control of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone until their demands are met—setting the stage for a long-term occupation and the establishment of a parallel political authority.

The city government has not developed a strategic response to the takeover of Capitol Hill. According to one Seattle police officer with knowledge of internal deliberations, the city’s “leadership is in chaos” and “the mayor has made the decision to let a mob of 1,000 people dictate public safety policy for a city of 750,000.” The officer said that Chief Best had dispatched high-ranking police officials to the autonomous zone to establish a line of communication, but the officials were immediately sent away by armed paramilitaries at the barricades. “The tide of public opinion is on the side of the activists and they’re pushing the envelope as far as they can,” said the officer. “It’s not hyperbolic to say the endgame is anarchy.”

Politically, the Seattle City Council has already begun to champion the protesters’ demands. Socialist Alternative councilwoman Kshama Sawant declared the takeover a “victory” against “the militarized police force of the political establishment and the capitalist state.” Three councilmembers have signaled support for a 50 percent reduction in the police budget, with additional councilmembers likely to support a similar policy in the coming weeks. Sawant also opened Seattle’s City Hall—which had been closed by the mayor—to protesters, who immediately occupied the building.

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone has set a dangerous precedent: armed left-wing activists have asserted their dominance of the streets and established an alternative political authority over a large section of a neighborhood. They have claimed de facto police power over thousands of residents and dozens of businesses—completely outside of the democratic process. In a matter of days, Antifa-affiliated paramilitaries have created a hardened border, established a rudimentary form of government based on principles of intersectional representation, and forcibly removed unfriendly media from the territory.

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is an occupation and taking of hostages: none of the neighborhood’s residents voted for Antifa as their representative government. Rather than enforce the law, Seattle’s progressive political class capitulated to the mob and will likely make massive concessions over the next few months. This will embolden the Antifa coalition—and further undermine the rule of law in American cities.


SEE Also :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Support The Fight Against Dangerous, Costly and Unscientific Climate Alarm

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. 

Click link for more info…

Many thanks, Jamie.

(NB// The PayPal account linked to “Climatism” is “Five-O-Vintage”)Donate with PayPal

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COVID19 : Totalitarianism Doesn’t Shock Us Anymore


“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
George Orwell, 1984

“If you want a picture of the future,
imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”
George Orwell, 1984


NEVER in American history have politicians been more powerful than they are now. Tucker Carlson reveals how many of our elected representatives have become “drunk with power”, feeding on draconian CV19 lockdown measures while completely ignoring the Bill of Rights.

AN important 10’31” video …

FWD by Green Jihad :

The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t just resulted in panic, but also new found power grabs by politicians and an acceptance by many to cede their liberties to political authority. This isn’t just about unchecked power, but also what happens when humans are viewed as the primary cause of a catastrophe in which leaders tend not to even abide by rules they impose on others. For example, the police officers featured in the below video aren’t wearing face masks, few politicians wear themdespite the risks and the practice being required in some states, and former president Obama was recently caught golfing in Virginia despite the state’s lockdown order.


via : Totalitarianism Doesn’t Shock Us Anymore | Green Jihad


SEE also :

FOR the latest AU government information on COVID19 :

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert | Australian Government Department of Health

NEED to speak to someone?

  • Anxiety, depression and suicide prevention support – Beyond Blue


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Support The Fight Against Dangerous, Costly and Unscientific Climate Alarm

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. 

Click link for more info…

Many thanks, Jamie.

(NB// The PayPal account linked to “Climatism” is “Five-O-Vintage”)Donate with PayPal

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CLIMATE CHANGE : Religion Unmasked

CLIMATE CHANGE Religion - Climatism

Climate Change Religion – Climatism

“THOSE who can make you believe absurdities,
can make you commit atrocities.”
– Voltaire

WE’VE got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


THIS, must watch 11-minute is introduced by one of the great minds and realists who ever walked our amazing planet and forever touched our inquisitive minds, John Michael Crichton.

THE other 10 minutes explains exactly what is going on in the pseudoscientific, political and theological world of global warming climate change…

H/t @dannyt0m

MUST WATCH (11:06)



ACCORDING to devout followers of Alexandria Orcasio-Cortez (@AOC), human babies are now ‘on the menu’ in order to ‘stop’ global warming climate change …


SEE also :




ORIGINS Of The Global Warming Scam :


THE Climatism Tip Jar – Pls Help Keep The Good Fight Alive!

(Climate sceptics/rationalists still waitin’ for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!)

Help us to hit back against the bombardment of climate lies costing our communities, economies and livelihoods far, far too much.

Thanks to all those who have donated. Your support and faith in Climatism is highly motivating and greatly appreciated!

Citizen journalists can’t rely on mastheads, rather private donations and honest content. Every pledge helps!

Click link for more info…

Thank You! Jamie.

Donate with PayPal


DEATH OF A CLIMATE ICON : A Lesson For Researchers In Other Areas Who Have Failed To Stop The Invasion Of Politics Into Their Science

POLAR BEARS - Death Of A Climate Icon

POLAR BEARS – Death Of A Climate Icon | Climatism

“Those who can make you believe absurdities,
can make you commit atrocities.”
– Voltaire

“Blind trust in authority
is the greatest enemy of the truth.”
Albert Einstein


THE polar bear as an icon for Global Warming Climate Change is dead, because the distorted predictions made by Polar Bear ‘specialists’ were wrong.

THIS is a lesson for researchers in other areas who have failed to stop the invasion of politics into their science.


TUCKER CARLSON interviews Zoologist and Polar Bear specialist Dr. Susan Crockford on the prime time ratings-killer show Tucker Carlson Tonight, in a must watch segment that demonstrates how “overpopulation”, not extinction, is now the problem :


THE Global Warming Policy Foundation has since released an excellent short video showing why the polar bear no longer serves as the icon of the climate change movement :


H/t Green Jihad


POLAR BEAR related :

SEE also :

Read the rest of this entry »

BREAKING : Trump Russia ‘Collusion’ Officially The Greatest Hoax And Conspiracy Theory In United States Political History


The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump by Gregg Jarrett

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
 (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)
 by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,
all of them imaginary.”

– H.L. Mencken

“IT would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”
Joseph Goebbels


THE Left and the Deep State’s favourite conspiracy theory is dead!

THE 30 MILLION dollar, 675 day “Russia Collusion” probe has finally ended with the Mueller Report on “Trump Russia Collusion” handed in to the US Department Of Justice with, importantly, no further indictments recommended by the Special Counsel.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is not recommending any further indictments as part of his sweeping Russia investigation which effectively ended Friday, according to a senior Justice Department official.

Mueller not recommending ‘any further indictments’ after report turnover | Fox News


NOT a single American citizen or anyone associated with the Trump campaign has been charged with anything related to Russian collusion or obstruction of justice.

SO many lives trashed, the Republic and the Presidency weakened.

CONGRESSMAN Mark Meadows sums it up :

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THERE must be consequences for both the Leftist mainstream media and government bureaucracy so that the most powerful organs of State – the FBI and CIA – can never again be used as weapons against a political opponent or citizens.

LAURA Ingraham on holding the media accountable for frenzy over Mueller :

A MUST WATCH 7 mins …

TUCKER Carlson sums up the latest in this must watch hour of Tucker Carlson Tonight



AS Climatism is a climate-related blog, we don’t usually stray outside of issues relating to weather and climate. However, there are many parallels between the Trump Russia hoax and Climate Change alarmism in how the mainstream media, by completely giving up journalistic endeavour, has the power and ability to spread propaganda and misinformation in order to push their favourite pet theories.

IF the mainstream media can make you believe that @realDonaldTrump was a “Russian Agent”, imagine what they can do to make you ‘believe’ that mankind’s one extra CO2 molecule in 10,000, added since 1950, is destroying the planet?!

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Kenneth Richard on Twitter: “In 1950, for every 10,000 atmospheric parts, 3 were CO2. Since then, 1 part was added: 4 parts CO2 for every 10,000 atmospheric parts…

HUMAN contribution to greenhouse effect :



A February 2018 headline from the fake newspaper that has lead the charge against Trump, provides a glimpse of the constant visceral hatred directed at the person who beat Hillary…

NOTE The banner and new slogan of the Washington Post – “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”. You be the judge as to the veracity of their pompous claim after today’s release!

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Trump’s Russia ‘hoax’ turns out to be real – The Washington Post


SEE also Sean Hannity’s must see 20 minute wrap of the Russia Collusion Hoax:


UPDATES to come as further information arrives…


SEE also :

  • Tucker Carlson: There Must Be “Consequences” For Those Claiming Russian Collusion if Mueller Report Shows None | Video | RealClearPolitics

CLIMATE Related :

Read the rest of this entry »

Georgia Tech Climatologist Quits Over “Craziness” In Field Of Climate Science

Curry Senate2.jpg

A MUST SEE interview on Tucker Carlson Tonight, featuring Professor Judith Curry who has recently quit her position as the chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Her reasoning is simple yet so very damaging and dangerous, not only to “climate science” but to the fate of all “sciences”. Her resignation is to do with, not only being vilified by colleagues for having a sceptical (scientific) view of “climate change”, but importantly the ongoing ‘monopolistic’ funding of research into the science of man-made global warming, versus the non-existent resources directed toward the study of natural climate change.

This imbalance of government funding skews and distorts the science that is output, and as Joanne Nova notes, a “lack of funding for alternatives leaves a vacuum and creates a systemic failure. The force of monopolistic funding works like a ratchet mechanism on science. Results can move in both directions, but the funding means that only results from one side of the equation get “traction.”

The systemic failure self-perpetuates :

  • Where’s the motivation in proving anthropogenic global warming wrong?
  • How serious are they about getting the data right? Or are they only serious about getting the “right” data?
  • “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair, 1935

The oneway-traffic flow of government funding leads not only to an unhealthy distortion of science, but also to an unhealthy bias in the scientific and media reporting we receive on climate change.

MUST SEE interview between Tucker Carlson and Dr. Curry here:


Related :

  • Judith Curry : Senate EPW Hearing on the President’s Climate Action Plan | Climatism
  • Climate money: Monopoly science « JoNova (Judith Curry IPCC Update) | Climatism
  • Climate Etc. – Dr Curry Website
  • The Great “Extreme Weather” Climate Change Propaganda Con | Climatism