‘GREEN’ Killing Fields: Wind Turbines Responsible For Massive & Unnecessary Bird Slaughter

“Bird mortality by wind turbines is such a well-established fact in wind energy circles that in 2013 a wind energy company agreed to pay $1 million in fines after the Justice Department proved it guilty in a first criminal case against a wind power company for the deaths of protected birds.”

STATE-sanctioned bird and bat slaughter.

WHERE’S the outrage from ‘green’ and ‘environmental’ groups? Crickets.


Golden Eagle ‘transitions’ to California’s wind powered future …

Renewable energy zealots didn’t invent hypocrisy, but they seem quite comfortable wearing it, like their very own badge of honour.

If wind power was even close to being a meaningful power generation source, you might, just might justify the wave of environmental and societal destruction that comes with it. Abandoned centuries ago for pretty obvious reasons, wind power was redundant the moment James Watt turned steam into motive force.

The wind cult, however, have no difficulty in justifying the destruction of pristine landscapes; the dismemberment of once cohesive, rural communities; the creation of toxic waste lands in China (where the rare earths essential to wind turbines are processed); power prices that punish the poorest and most vulnerable in society; and barely bat an eyelid at the slaughter of millions upon millions of birds and bats, across the globe.

The carnage…

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Power Prices Skyrocket

Turnbull (Australian “conservative” PM) green policies make energy unaffordable…

Australian Climate Madness

Turnbull policies make energy unaffordable

Who cares that fewer and fewer people in Australia can afford this most basic necessity? At least we’re saving the planet, right?

Actually no, since nothing Australia does makes any difference to the global climate. It just appeases the idiotic Green/Left activists, while India and China burn cheap coal to their hearts’ content.

The Australianhighlights ($) the continuing price rises for electricity and gas:

About three-quarters of households and businesses on the east coast and South Australia face substantial increases in power bills from next month, after Origin Energy announced price rises for electricity and gas.

Origin, the biggest of the three major generators and retailers, confirmed the pressure on wholesale prices from a historic lack of investment in new baseload generation capacity. AGL Energy and EnergyAustralia also announced price rises in recent days.

NSW, which came close to blackouts amid soaring temperatures in…

View original post 427 more words

Green-Energy Insanity Unhinged

THE straight up truth about “unreliable” (green) energy. Well worth 5 mins of your precious time.


By Paul Homewood

The admirable Andrew Bolt has the latest on South Australia’s energy crisis.

Well worth watching for 5 minutes:



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Shock News : The Climate Lunatics Are Still Firmly In Charge Of The Asylum

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world
– Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment

“Let’s say that scientists several decades from now said, ‘We were wrong, it’s not about climate’, would it not in any case have been good to do many of the things you have to do to combat climate change?”
–  EU’s “climate commissioner”, Connie Hedegaard

We’ve got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.

– Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


Award winning author and UK Telegraph columnist Christopher Booker, on The Real Global Warming Disaster: green taxes, a suicidal energy policy and wasting billions on useless windmills…

The ice is not melting, yet still the scaremongers blunder on


So what’s changed? Climate scientists told us the Arctic would be ‘ice-free’ by now.  Photo: Alamy

By Christopher Booker – 21 Sep 2013

The news that hundreds of scientists and officials from all over the world are this weekend converging on Stockholm to discuss the next 2,000-page report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) again highlights what is the most terrifying political conundrum facing our country today. Emerging in instalments over the next seven months, this report will try to convince the world, without a shred of hard evidence, that the prospect of catastrophic man-made global warming is “extremely likely”.

The air is already thick with familiar claims and counterclaims, President Obama quotes yet another laughably silly paper trying to make out that “97 per cent of scientists” support the IPCC “consensus”. Sceptics point out yet again that the lack of global warming over the past 17 years makes a nonsense of all those computer-model projections on which the IPCC has been basing its case for 23 years. And we can only look on this endlessly sterile non-debate with a suffocating sense of déjà vu.

In essence, the argument has not moved on an iota since 2009, when I published what is still the fullest historical account of this greatest scare story the world has known, in a book called The Real Global Warming Disaster. Even then, it was abundantly clear that the IPCC’s computer-model projections were being disproved by what was actually happening to world temperatures. It was already clear that not one of those predictions being made by Al Gore and others in the days when the warming hysteria was at its height was coming true.

This very weekend of September 2013, we were being told back in 2007, would be the moment when the Arctic was “ice-free”. Yet this summer’s ice-melt has been the smallest in seven years, and the global extent of polar sea ice is currently equal to its average over the past 34 years. Tuvalu and the Maldives are not vanishing beneath the waves. Far from hurricanes and tornadoes becoming more frequent and intense, their incidence is lower than it has been for decades. The Himalayan glaciers are not on course to have melted by 2035, as the IPCC’s last report predicted in 2007. Nothing has changed except that the IPCC itself, as the main driver of the scare, has been more comprehensively discredited than ever as no more than a one-sided pressure group, essentially run by a clique of scientific activists committed to their belief that rising CO2 levels threaten the world with an overheating which is not taking place.

But if the scientific case for their belief has disintegrated, the problem this leaves us with is the reason why I subtitled that book four years ago: “Is the obsession with climate change turning out to be the most costly scientific blunder in history?” The political leaders of the Western world, from President Obama to our own in the EU, are still as firmly locked into the alarmist paradigm as ever, quite impervious to all the evidence. As the EU’s “climate commissioner”, Connie Hedegaard, recently put it: “Let’s say that scientists several decades from now said, ‘We were wrong, it’s not about climate’, would it not in any case have been good to do many of the things you have to do to combat climate change?”

In other words, even if those scientists eventually have to admit that their scare was all nonsense, it is still right that we should pile up green taxes, make a suicidally mad shambles of our energy policy and continue to pour hundreds of billions of pounds and euros into subsidising useless windmills (while China and India continue to build hundreds of coal-fired power stations chucking out more CO2 than we can hope to save). This is the “real global-warming disaster” we are left with. And listening to the vacuous drivel still pouring out of the likes of President Obama and Connie Hedegaard, let alone our own “climate ministers” Ed Davey and Greg Barker, we realise that the lunatics are still firmly in charge of the asylum which the rest of us unfortunately have to live in. As I say, just how we are to escape from this madness back into the real world is as intractable a political puzzle as any that faces us. Continue Reading »

(Links added by Climatism)


Related links :

  • Global Sea Ice Area Highest In 25 Years, And Third Highest On Record For The Date | Real Science
  • ‘Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life’ | CACA
  • The Truth About the Global Warming Agenda by Former NASA Climatologist | CACA
  • Richard Lindzen: Cool it on the climate | CACA
  • Australian emissions reductions target is undone by one week in China « JoNova

Windmill Related :

  • Shock News : Policy To Increase Wind Farms Across East Australian Grid “A Dangerous Strategy” | CACA
  • Shock News : Industrial Wind Is A Fraud Of Enormous Consequence | CACA
  • A Token Gesture To The Folly Of Green Madness | CACA
  • Shock News : Wind turbines would need to cover Wales to supply 17% of UK energy needs | CACA

Energy and Fuel Poverty Related :

  • Thousands dying because they can’t afford heating bills | Mail Online
  • Fuel poverty and cold weather: the deaths that shame Britain – Telegraph Blogs
  • Europe’s Green Energy Basket Case Is Barack Obama’s Dream | CACA
  • Obama’s Energy Chief Hails Loss Of Taxpayer Billions A ‘terrific success’ | CACA
  • Global Warming Deaths To Quadruple By 2050 | CACA

Polar Bear Related :

  • Ten good reasons not to worry about polar bears | CACA
  • POLAR BEAR Must Read : An open letter to David Attenborough — Quadrant Online

United Nation’s Related :

  • United Nations Agenda 21 : The Death Knell of Liberty | CACA
  • Shock News : UN Wants To Ban Private Property And Create “Human Habitat Settlement Zones” | CACA
  • Shock News : UN IPCC Rewrote Temperature History To Suit Their Political Agenda | CACA
  • The Creator, Fabricator And Proponent Of Global Warming – Maurice Strong | CACA
  • U.N. Official Admits: We Redistribute World’s Wealth By Climate Policy
  • UN Agenda 21 Links | CACA

See also :

  • Shock News : Big Government Money Is Corrupting Climate Science | Real Science
  • Climate money: Monopoly science « JoNova (Judith Curry IPCC Update) | CACA
  • NATURE STUDY Confirms Global Warming Stopped 15 Years Ago | CACA
  • UTTER INSANITY: Spending $160b to cut the temperature by 0.00005 degrees | CACA
  • Global Warming Theory – Circular reasoning at its best | CACA
  • Bureaucratic Dioxide | CACA
  • State Of The Climate Report | CACA