ARCTIC Ice Flash Freezing

“Sept. 19 the CAA ice extent (Canadian Arctic Archipelago) was 320k km2, close to its annual minimum. Yesterday MASIE showed 450k km2, a 40% increase.”

AL Gore’s blow torch, run out of gas again or maybe he’s taken it to Greenland, on the way to Antarctica which are, like the Arctic basin, both defying alarmists’ dire “ice-free” prognostications!

Science Matters

CAA2018262to266Four Days in Nunavut

Previous posts described how the Northwest Passage was treacherously laden with ice this year.  The image above shows the flash freezing in this region over the last four days.  Sept. 19 the CAA ice extent (Canadian Arctic Archipelago) was 320k km2, close to its annual minimum.  Yesterday MASIE showed 450k km2,  a 40% increase.


The graph shows MASIE reporting ice extents totalling 4.74M km2 yesterday,  124k km2 above the 11 year average (2007 to 2017 inclusive).  NOAA’s Sea Ice Index is 119 k km2 lower, 2007 was 462k km2 lower, and 2012 1.2M km2 less ice extent.  A dip on day 252 to  4.43M km2 will certainly be the daily minimum for the year.  With typical refreezing to month end, we can expect the September monthly average will exceed 2007 by at least 300k to 400k km2.


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KIRIBATI Climate Plan: More Resorts, More Tourists


PRESIDENT Tong knows perfectly well that without the U.S. involved in the UN wealth redistribution scam, the fast and furious ‘climate cash’ ain’t gonna come!

HE’S now backtracking from the Kiribati “drowning” scenario, big time, so as not to deter potential investors to his new “5-star” resort plans! After all, who would want to invest in a ‘sinking’ island?!

I jousted with Tong/Kiribati via twitter back in 2013 during the lucrative Obama climate-cash years…

Watts Up With That?

Anote Tong, President of Kiribati Anote Tong, President of Kiribati. By Sam Beebe –, CC BY 2.0, Link

Guest essay by Eric Worrall

The President of Kiribati doesn’t want his people to be seen as climate charity cases – instead he wants investment, new tourist resorts to give his people jobs and economic opportunities, to help pay for reclaiming land from the sea like Singapore.

As climate change threatens islands, Kiribati’s president plans development

The low-lying Pacific island nation of Kiribati is one of the parts of the world most threatened by climate change and rising sea levels. Scientists say the islands could be uninhabitable within decades, and in recent years, some leaders there have begun planning for a worst-case scenario that could involve relocating the population to other countries.

However, in a video presentation to the international climate conference in Bonn, Germany, last week, the president of Kiribati appeared…

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BBC Forced To Withdraw Fake Sea Level Claims

YET another example of why mainstream media outlets like @BBC, captured by the radical environmental movement, cannot be trusted on anything “climate change”.


By Paul Homewood


Readers may recall an item on the BBC World at One back in March about rising sea levels in Florida, when their correspondent claimed that:

1) Rising seas and flooding are turning Miami Beach into a modern day Atlantis, the city being submerged by water.

2) Sea levels at Miami are rising at ten times the global rate.

I covered the story here.

I complained to the BBC at the time, and, after being fobbed off the first time, escalated the complaint to the Executive Complaints Unit, who have now published the above judgment.

Astonishingly, they regard the claims about “Atlantis” to be “soundly based”, even though they now accept that sea levels around Miami are only rising at about 8 inches a century.

Of course, they had no choice but to withdraw the ludicrous claim about “ten times the global rate”!

But why…

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Fiji ‘Flooding’ Is Fake News From #COP23

These are the facts:

* Sea level has remained virtually at the present level over the last 200 years
* In the last 50-70 years sea level has remained perfectly stable in Fiji
* This stability is indicated by the growth of corals (stopped to grow vertically, and forced to grow laterally into microatolls) – and corals do not lie

“Whatever economy, politics and project agendas may want to put in the center, the true scientific community must insist that only facts as revealed in nature itself and in laboratory experiments can provide trustworthy results.”

Nils-Axel Mörner signs off his open letter to Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji and President of COP23 Frank Bainimarama with this slap of reality that goes to the heart of the UN’s pseudoscientific “climate change” agenda to fulfil its (self-proclaimed) wealth-redistribution goals…

“Retournons à la Nature
That is setting field evidence in the center instead of models and ideas driven by political and/or religious agendas.”

Bravo Nils.

Watts Up With That?

Open Letter to Honorable Prime Minister of Fiji and President of COP23 Frank Bainimarama by Nils-Axel Mörner


Mr. President,

The community assembled at the COP23 meeting in Bonn badly wants temperature to rise according to models proposed (but never verified, rather seriously contradicted) and sea level changes that may pose serious flooding threats to low lying coasts provided sea level would suddenly start to rise at rates never recorded before (which would violate physical laws as well as accumulated scientific knowledge over centuries).

We have been in your lovely country and undertaken a detailed sea level analysis, which beyond doubts indicates that sea level is not at all in a rising mode, but has remained perfectly stable over the last 50-70 years. Hence all threats of an approaching general sea level flooding is totally unfounded.

Whatever economy, politics and project agendas may want to put in the center, the true scientific community must…

View original post 803 more words

More Pacific island #COP23 Opportunism

I blogged on this rort back in 2013 following the 44th Pacific Islands Forum:

“The purported plight of The Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu and other Pacific Island nations serve merely as emotional arguments to promote Government and global climate agenda for carbon (dioxide) taxes, whilst cash-strapped Pacific Island nations use the associated climate guilt as a vehicle to pursue compensation to be paid by Western nations. Economic outcomes in line with the United Nation’s wealth redistribution agenda.”

Not much has changed since then! The lure of green cash will corrupt to lies and unlimited falsehoods.

Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by John McLean

Barry Brill’s report on Fiji’s relocation of a village doesn’t mean that it’s the only opportunistic Pacific island country when it comes to COP23. It’s near neighbour, Kiribati, is likewise trying to get its hands on some of that money to reimburse it for the NZD10 million paid to Fiji for 15,000 acres of land on which to resettle refugees from rising sea level.

Bairiki is one of the largest towns in South Tarawa of Kiribati. The State House, the National Stadium, the High Commissions of Australia and New Zealand as well as the embassy of Taiwan, and most of the Government Ministries are based in Bairiki. Source: Text – Wikipedia, Image –  Google Earth

The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) database shows that the only tidal gauge currently operating in Kiribati is at Betio (Lat. 1.365 S, Long. 172.933 E), on the…

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FEAR Not For Fiji

“The proposition of a rapidly rising sea level grew to a mantra in media and politics. This initiated a flood of papers rather based on models and statistics, however, than on actual field observations.”
(Study : Nils-Axel Mörner
Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics, Stockholm, Sweden)

THE post-mortem for most modern-day politicised climate “science”!

Science Matters

Fiji Map from Turtle Airways Seaplanes. Fiji International Airport is at Nadi.

Published this month is an update on sea levels at Fiji, and thankfully the threat level can be dialed way down.  (H/T Tallbloke)  The Research Article:  Our Oceans-Our Future: New Evidence-based Sea Level Records from the Fiji Islands for the Last 500 years Indicating Rotational Eustasy and Absence of a Present Rise in Sea Level by Nils-Axel Mörner, Paleogeophysics & Geodynamics, Stockholm, Sweden. Excerpts with my bolds.


Previously, no study in the Fiji Islands had been devoted to the sea level changes of the last 500 years. No serious prediction can be made unless we have a good understanding of the sea level changes today and in the past centuries. Therefore, this study fills a gap, and provides real observational facts to assess the question of present sea level changes.

There is a total absence of data…

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BEAUTIFUL Example Of How Government Climate Agencies LIE To You About “Sea-Level Rise”


EXCELLENT example via Paul Homewood of how Government climate agencies blatantly lie to you about climate.

Keep in mind, this is a “Government” document. And its a blatant alarmist lie.

YET another example why even Government institutions – sadly – cannot be trusted on telling you the truth on anything global warming climate change…


According to the Government’s latest UK Climate Change Risk Assessment, sea levels around the UK are rising by around 3mm a year.

UK climate Gov1.png


This is an outright lie.


The Committee on Climate Change also tell us in their Climate Change Risk Assessment Evidence Report, used as the basis for the Government report:

UK climate Gov2.png

Thus implying that the rate of sea level rise has been accelerating recently.

Tide gauges however tell a totally different story.

Long running sea level data is available at two sites in the UK, North Shields in the North East, and Newlyn in the South West. There is consequently a good geographic distribution, with the former on the North Sea coast, and Newlyn facing the Atlantic.

Data kept by PSMSL shows the following:



Long term trends are around 1.9mm/yr, and it is immediately evident that there has been no acceleration in recent years.


But we can double check this by looking at the rate of rise. Below are charts showing the amount of sea level rise measured over 120-month intervals. The red line is the mean.



It is clear that there is no apparent trend, simply large variations throughout both records.

NOAA also publish graphs giving longer term 50-year trends. These both show that sea levels were rising faster around the mid 20thC.




There is one other long running tidal gauge record. This is at Aberdeen, although data for 2016 has not yet been entered by PSMSL.

However, NOAA show that sea levels are only rising by 0.72mm there, due to the fact that the land is rising.

Aberdeen SLR.png

Although the land is rising in Scotland, most of England is sinking. Both are as a result of glacial isostatic adjustment, the ongoing movement of land once burdened by ice-age glaciers.

Consequently, part of the sea level rise seen at North Shields and Newlyn is due to this, rather than absolute sea level rise.

SLR data.png


Threats of ever rising sea levels are stock in trade for the climate mafia, yet when we look at actual tidal gauge records, we see nothing other than a gradual rise, going back to the 19thC.

However, for such fake claims to be made in an official government report is simply unacceptable.


Sea-Level Rise Scam Related :

  • NASA “Sea Level Rise” Fraud | Climatism
  • Miami’s Vice | Climatism
  • Tangier Island | Climatism
  • Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching! | Climatism

Sea Level Rise Fraud Related :

  • 44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum (COP21 Update 2015) | Climatism
  • Climate Change Sea Level Rise Extortion | Climatism
  • It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started rising before 1800 « JoNova
  • NASA Sea Level Fraud | Real Science

Mainstream Media Sea Level Rise Alarmism :

  • L.A. Times climate science denial article instead shows the Times clearly denying well established climate science | Climatism
  • National Geographic’s Junk Science: How long will it take for sea level rise to reach midway up the Statue of Liberty? | Climatism

Sea Level Rise Related :

  • Rate of global sea level rise decelerating this century
  • No Sea Level Rise Along The Western Coast Of North America Since The Start Of Satellite Records
  • Scientists Find That Sea Level Rise Is Much Slower Than Expected…No Human Fingerprint
  • Global Sea Level Trend – 1.08 mm/year  – NOAA records
  • NEW PAPER : The global mean sea level started decelerated rising since 2004 with the rising rate 1.8 ± 0.9 mm/yr in 2012.
  • NEW PAPER : Sea level rise slowed from 2004 – Deceleration, not acceleration as CO2 rises.
  • NEW PAPER : New paper finds global sea levels rising at only 7 inches per century or 1.5mm/yr – THE HOCKEY SCHTICK
  • Pacific Island Nations Are Growing Not Sinking
  • The Maldives Are Not ‘Sinking’, They Are In Fact ‘Growing’

Tangier Island

CLASSIC example of how sea-level rise is deceitfully abused as evidence of anthropogenic climate change (AGW) when sea-level rise should be treated on a region to region basis to account for, in this case, land subsidence.

The other no-brainer to identify wilful deception is the fact that there has been no sea-level rise acceleration, despite accelerating CO2 emissions…

You may notice this trend, or lack there of, in many cases of SLR fear-mongering.


By Paul Homewood

CBS have a report on rising sea levels at Tangier Island, in Chesapeake Bay here

The video is worth watching. The CBS reporter makes the usual attempts to blame it on “climate change”, but the locals know too much to fall for that old pony.
They know that sea levels have been rising, and land eroding, since 1850.

And they are right. Tide gauges in the area, such Sewell Point, Norfolk, confirm that sea levels have been steadily rising for a long time, long before recent rises in emissions of CO2.

The rate of rise is 4.6mm/yr, nearly three times the global rate. But there is a very good reason for this – the land is sinking.
Chesapeake Bay is the site of an ancient impact crater, caused by a comet or meteor. As a result the land has been subsiding ever since. Estimates by proper…

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Miami’s Vice

A brilliant picture presentation by WUWT guest blogger Kip Hansen expertly debunks Miami’s supposed global-warming-induced, sea-level rise/flooding hysteria!

“Miami Beach is at such grave risk of sea water flooding today that it should preemptively be declared a disaster zone – not because of global-warming-driven sea level rise but due to a seeming total lack of sensible civil engineering standards and sensible building codes.”

Watts Up With That?

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen


Miami Beach has a vice – a bad one – a dangerous one.

Miami’s vice is water, as in waterfront.  Everybody seems to want a house on the waterfront, a house on a canal, with a boat tied to the dock.

So what’s not to like about that?  After all, my wife and I live on our boat.

The New York Times (and the LA Times) has been running story after story about Miami flooding, Miami King Tides, Miami sea level rise threating billions of dollars of infrastructure.

Like these:

Intensified by Climate Change, ‘King Tides’ Change Ways of Life in Florida

Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun

A Sharp Increase In ‘Sunny Day’ Flooding

Perils of Climate Change Could Swamp Coastal Real Estate

These news pieces offer images such as:


This first image is hurricane storm surge impacting…

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NASA “Sea Level Rise” Fraud


‘Sea Level Rise’ is just one in a long line of propaganda metrics used by the climate crisis industry to promote the narrative that your CO2 emissions are causing unprecedented climate change.

What ‘sea-level rise’ alarmists won’t tell you is that seas have risen 400 feet (120m) over the past 20,000 years, since the end of the last Ice Age. And over the past 200 years have been rising at a steady rate of 1.7-1.8 mm/year according to NOAA.

Climate change and sea level rise over the past 20,000 years :

SLR Greenland Ice Core.jpg

Annotated graph via Tony Heller’s Real Science humorously notes the impact your SUV has had on sea-level rise versus Nature over the past 20,000 years :

SLR Man V Natural GODDARD2.png

Distinguishing Between Natural And Man-Made Sea Level Rise | Real Science

Sea Level Rise acceleration?

There has been no acceleration of sea-level rise since industrialisation. And critically, something other than evil plant food “Carbon Dioxide” caused seas to rise around 1790.

Important to note that 85% of man-made CO2 was emitted after 1945 :


It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started rising before 1800 « JoNova


What we know about rising seas :

  • Seas have been rising for the past 20,000 years, since the end of the last Ice Age.
  • Something other than CO2 caused the current steady rise around 1790.
  • No acceleration since 1790.


With that hard science and peer-reviewed data in the vault, enter the climate fiddlers from the ‘Ministry of Truth’ – NASA…



Tony Heller of Real Climate Science has spent thousands upon thousands of hours of unpaid work exposing the relentless fraudulent adjustments and data tampering pushed out of government (taxpayer funded) climate institutions – NASA, NOAA, NSIDC, NCDC, CSIRO, BoM, UN IPCC to name a few.

The fraudulent data is then fed to the sycophant, global warming alarmist mainstream media, published as gospel, and voilà – the “Climate Change Crisis” is born!

This recent post via Real Climate Science on NASA tampering of Sea-level rise highlights the blatant malfeasance that these government funded institutions will undertake in order to push the man-made global warming climate change agenda, and keep the “Greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud in history” rolling and the billions upon billions of taxpayer funds flowing…


NASA Shows How Science Fraud Is Done


In 1982, NASA showed that sea level rise dropped off sharply after 1950.


NASA said that there was a high correlation with global surface temperature (i.e. global warming occurred from 1880 to 1940 and slowed considerably after 1950.)



In 1990, the IPCC said there was no convincing evidence of an acceleration in sea level rise during the 20th century.



The 1995 IPCC report showed no warming from the 1950’s to the 1990’s.



The NASA/IPCC data wrecked two essential parts of the global warming scam – post-1950 warming and post-1950 sea level rise. So they found people who were willing to change the data to match the models. The current NASA sea level data is based on this confirmation bias fishing expedition.

This acceleration is an important confirmation of climate change simulations


Church J, White N.. A 20th century acceleration in global sea-level rise. Geophys Res Lett 33: L01602

The overlay below shows how they changed the post-1950 data to match the theory.


Church and White discovered a mysterious break in sea level in the year 1926, when sea level rise rates suddenly increased by almost 250% to 1,94 mm/year.



I can’t find one single tide gauge anywhere on the planet which shows this post-1926 acceleration. The Church and White study is utter nonsense.


But the NASA fraud gets worse. Their tide gauge data says 1.94 mm/year, but their web site shows 3.4 mm/year.


Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Sea Level

Only 10% of NOAA tide gauges show that much sea level rise, and all of those are in places where the land is rapidly sinking.


Sea Level Trends – MSL global stations trends table

NOAA says sea level is rising half as fast as NASA’s claims.


absolute global sea level rise is believed to be 1.7-1.8 millimeters/year

Sea Level Trends – Global Regional Trends

NASA sea level claims are blatant fraud – being done right in front of our faces.


NASA Global Temperature Fraud Related :

  • Understanding The “Hottest Year Evah” | Climatism

Sea Level Rise Fraud Related :

  • 44th Pacific “Sinking Islands” Extortion Forum (COP21 Update 2015) | Climatism
  • Climate Change Sea Level Rise Extortion | Climatism
  • It wasn’t CO2: Global sea levels started rising before 1800 « JoNova
  • NASA Sea Level Fraud | Real Science

Mainstream Media Sea Level Rise Alarmism :

  • L.A. Times climate science denial article instead shows the Times clearly denying well established climate science | Climatism
  • National Geographic’s Junk Science: How long will it take for sea level rise to reach midway up the Statue of Liberty? | Climatism

Sea Level Rise Related :

  • Rate of global sea level rise decelerating this century
  • No Sea Level Rise Along The Western Coast Of North America Since The Start Of Satellite Records
  • Scientists Find That Sea Level Rise Is Much Slower Than Expected…No Human Fingerprint
  • Global Sea Level Trend – 1.08 mm/year  – NOAA records
  • NEW PAPER : The global mean sea level started decelerated rising since 2004 with the rising rate 1.8 ± 0.9 mm/yr in 2012.
  • NEW PAPER : Sea level rise slowed from 2004 – Deceleration, not acceleration as CO2 rises.
  • NEW PAPER : New paper finds global sea levels rising at only 7 inches per century or 1.5mm/yr – THE HOCKEY SCHTICK
  • Pacific Island Nations Are Growing Not Sinking
  • The Maldives Are Not ‘Sinking’, They Are In Fact ‘Growing’

NASA / NOAA Data Fraud Related :

  • Another View Of NASA Temperature Data Tampering | Climatism
  • GISS Data Tampering – Worse Than You Thought | Real Science
  • GISS/NOAA/CRU Climate Fraud Update | Real Science
  • Smoking Gun That The Temperature Record Is Fraudulent | Real Science
  • Man Made Global Warming Is A Complete Fraud | Real Science
  • NASA Massively Tampering With The US Temperature Record | Real Science
  • NASA’s Quest To Erase The Warm 1930′s | Climatism
  • Spectacularly Poor Climate Science At NASA
  • Data Tampering At USHCN/GISS
  • Thermometer Magic
  • EPA Throws Their Hat Into The Temperature Fraud Arena