ARCTIC FAKE NEWS ON STEROIDS : ‘Next Year Or The Year After, The Arctic Will Be Free Of Ice’ (@Guardian 2016)


TWO years ago today, The Guardian proclaimed, under the ‘expert’ tutelage of professional Arctic alarmist ‘Professor’ Peter Wadhams, that ‘Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’… 

Peter Wadhams has spent his career in the Arctic, making more than 50 trips there, some in submarines under the polar ice. He is credited with being one of the first scientists to show that the thick icecap that once covered the Arctic ocean was beginning to thin and shrink. He was director of the Scott Polar Institute in Cambridge from 1987 to 1992 and professor of ocean physics at Cambridge since 2001. His book, A Farewell to Ice, tells the story of his unravelling of this alarming trend and describes what the consequences for our planet will be if Arctic ice continues to disappear at its current rate.

You have said on several occasions that summer Arctic sea ice would disappear by the middle of this decade. It hasn’t. Are you being alarmist?
No. There is a clear trend down to zero for summer cover. However, each year chance events can give a boost to ice cover or take some away. The overall trend is a very strong downward one, however. Most people expect this year will see a record low in the Arctic’s summer sea-ice cover. Next year or the year after that, I think it will be free of ice in summer and by that I mean the central Arctic will be ice-free. You will be able to cross over the north pole by ship. There will still be about a million square kilometres of ice in the Arctic in summer but it will be packed into various nooks and crannies along the Northwest Passage and along bits of the Canadian coastline. Ice-free means the central basin of the Arctic will be ice-free and I think that that is going to happen in summer 2017 or 2018.

‘Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’ | Environment | The Guardian

WADHAMS’ 2016 prediction has been proven “alarmist” by none other than Mother Nature, in the worst possible kind of way…

HE claimed in 2016 that by 2017 or 2018 There will still be about a million square kilometres of ice in the Arctic in summer”.


6 million kilometers squared


Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut


WADHAMS’ prediction out by only 5 million square kilometres!



ARCTIC sea-ice volume has grown from 5 million square kilometres in August 2016 to 7 million square kilometres as of 20th August 2018:

MASSIVE growth in both sea-ice volume and thickness despite the howling and screams of Arctic alarmists and record and rising CO2 emissions!


DMI : 2016 // 2018


THERE has been a massive expansion in multi-year, thick summer sea-ice over the past decade:

PURPLE (2008) = 0.1 – 1.0 metre thick sea-ice

GREEN (2018) = 2.0 – 3.0 metre thick sea-ice


DMI : 2008 // 2018



WADHAMS has about as much credibility as climate charlatan and fellow Arctic alarmist Tim Flannery who also assured us that we will “see an ice-free North Pole in 2018” :

The Big Melt | by Tim Flannery | The New York Review of Books

The Big Melt | by Tim Flannery | The New York Review of Books


THEY are not alone.

MOST of the fake-news-mainstream-media, grant-driven alarmist climate ‘scientists’ and “97%” of those esteemed ‘scientific’ institutions ALL promised you an “ice-free” Arctic by now, in order to push their fraudulent global warming climate change agenda:

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastroph - scientist | The Guardian

Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist | The Guardian

Read the rest of this entry »

CAFFEINE CRISIS : Another Busted Warming Scare


EVERYDAY brings a new scare for the Climate Crisis Industry and the mainstream media to hyperventilate over. Successful topics cover things that affect our daily lives the most in order to enhance the important emotional link between climate change and our existence.

THE threat to you daily caffeine ritual is an ideal topic to help drive home the global warming climate change scare.

A google search of “coffee + climate change” reveals 74,500,000 results in 0.27 seconds. Evidence of an emotional and effective tool used, and as it turns out – abused – in order to scare you into belief…

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coffee + climate change – Google Search



ACCORDING to the latest global production figures, the apparent coffee + climate change threat is yet another failed warming scare.

GLOBAL coffee production is soaring as Andrew Bolt correctly notes “The scare got big headlines. Will the reassuring reality now get the same?” Read the rest of this entry »

THE Mind-blowing Costs Of Global Warming Hysteria


WHEN will climate-theory-obsessed politicians and sycophant media finally call off their global warming climate change jihad that’s punishing the poor without helping the planet?

WE were told we’d have more cyclones, not less.

WE were promised “permanent” drought, not record rains.

WE were promised less snow, not more.

WE were promised more “extreme weather”, not less.

WE were promised fewer crops, not record output.

WE were promised fewer polar bears, not more.

WE were promised more global warming, not a near twenty year warming “pause”.

POWER prices through the roof.

PENSIONERS unable to pay for their heating or cooling.

IT’S time to count the shocking price we’ve paid for listening to global warming scaremongers like Tim Flannery.

SEE now what their panic-making has inspired – global warming schemes that have hurt us infinitely more than any slight global warming could ever do.


DURING the height of the global warming scare around 2007, soon after Al Gore’s science fiction movie “An Inconvenient Truth” aired, (which was swiftly shot down as a “political fiction” by the British High Court’s, Judge Michael Burton who ruled that errors had arisen “in the context of alarmism and exaggeration”) Tim Flannery infamously claimed:

“SO, even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems…” – Tim Flannery 2007

In 2004 Flannery said:

“I think there is a fair chance Perth will be the 21st century’s first ghost metropolis. It’s whole primary production is in dire straits and the eastern states are only 30 years behind.”

We are “one of the most physically vulnerable people on the Earth,” and “southern Australia is going to be impacted very severely and very detrimentally by global climate change.” We are going to experience “conditions not seen in 40 million years.”

In 2007 he said:

“…That’s because the soil is warmer because of global warming and the plants are under more stress and therefore using more moisture. So even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems, and that’s a real worry for the people in the bush. If that trend continues then I think we’re going to have serious problems, particularly for irrigation.”

“The one-in-1000-years drought is, in fact, Australia’s manifestation of the global fingerprint of drought caused by climate change.”

In May 2007 he warned that:

“Brisbane and Adelaide – home to a combined total of three million people – could run out of water by year’s end;”

and that the country was facing

“the most extreme and the most dangerous situation arising from climate change facing any country in the world right now.”

In June 2007 he said:

“Over the past 50 years southern Australia has lost about 20 per cent of its rainfall, and one cause is almost certainly global warming. Similar losses have been experienced in eastern Australia, and although the science is less certain it is probable that global warming is behind these losses too. But by far the most dangerous trend is the decline in the flow of Australian rivers: it has fallen by around 70 per cent in recent decades, so dams no longer fill even when it does rain …

In Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months.”

In 2008 he warned again that:

“The water problem is so severe for Adelaide that it may run out of water by early 2009.”

AND then the rains came, as they always do in the land of “droughts and flooding rains“

BY December 2008 Adelaide’s reservoirs were 75% full, Perth’s 40%, Sydney’s 63%, and Brisbane’s reservoir’s were 46% full.

BY 2009 dams for Brisbane, Canberra and Sydney were filled to overflowing.

PRESENTLY Adelaide’s reservoirs are 57%, Perth’s 39%, Melbourne’s 59%, Sydney’s 77%, and Brisbane’s reservoir’s are 83% full.



In 2005 Flannery wrote in “The Weather Makers“:

Australia’s east coast is no stranger to drought, but the dry spell that began in 1998 is different from anything that has gone before….The cause of the decline of rainfall on Australia’s east coast is thought to be a climate-change double whammy – the loss of winter rainfall and the prolongation of El Nino-like conditions. 

The resulting water crisis here is potentially even more damaging than the one in the west … As of mid 2005 the situation remains critical… very little time to arrange alternative water sources such as large-scale desalination plants.

The result:

$12 BILLION worth of desalination plants built in South Australia, Queensland, NSW and Victoria have all been mothballed without producing a drop of water. All were built in preference to much cheaper dams, because of green bans and because warming alarmists claimed the rains would not return.

FIVE desal plants have been built in Australia. Only Perth’s is used.

COSTS to run each mothballed deal plant are estimated at between $500,000 to $1,000,000 per day, every day until contracts run out around 2030.

THIS is what Victoria’s mothballed desal plant is costing the taxpayer each and every year until, at least, 2030… Read the rest of this entry »

THE Great Barrier Reef is thriving, not dying!

THE real story on the current health of the Great Barrier Reef from dive-boat operators and divers who work up and down the reef everyday…

“THE journalists come up and they’re not interested in what the truth is. They’re only interested in finding out where the ‘dead’ reef is. And when people who work right up and down the reef can’t actually take them to a single place that is going to suit their dooms-day story, then we sort of need a bit of balance…”

Click to play…

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The Great Barrier Reef is not dying! – YouTube

Green Jihad

During the middle of March, USA Today reported that a study published in the peer review journal Nature that coral reef growth stood to be severely harmed due to ocean acidification resulting from human-induced climate change. Researchers pointed to The Great Barrier Reef in Australia in their examination.

However, Paul Talbott at Majestic Aquariums in Australia explains why it’s important not to believe the hype.

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David Viner’s Thing Of The Past Comes Back To Haunt Him (Again!)


Hot = Climate
Cold = Weather


Police forces and highway agencies across the UK have urged people not to travel unless 'absolutely necessary' as they deal with surging calls (pictured: An overturned van in Titley, Herefordshire


Nekko Sammann sledges in the snow at Alexandra Palace in north London, 17 January 2016.

Snow in Scarborough

snow to return to southern UK

Winter weather: Baboons at Knowsley Safari Park

A man walking dogs in snow in Co Durham on 5th April

A postman in the snow in Newport Pagnell, Bucks

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A Deceptive New Report On Climate

“This new climate report is not an objective or an honest assessment of the state of the climate, particularly in relation to the US.

Instead, it is a highly partisan and politicised report, designed to promote alarmism.

There has been much talk of the need for red and blue teams, to challenge lazy consensus.

It is now time for this to happen, so that this Report can be constructively assessed and, where appropriate, criticised. One of the tasks of a counter group should be to produce their own state of the climate assessment.

The climate mafia have had it their own way for far too long.”

Spot-on Paul. Great re-reporting to make the non-politicised version available!

The mere fact that activist “scientist” Katharine Hayhoe was a lead on the report, speaks volumes.

Corruption of climate ‘science’ by eco-activists, gobbled up by the sycophant mainstream media without any objective analysis.

Eisenhower was right, warning of the corruption of sciences by govt in 1960:

“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”


By Paul Homewood


The Federal Climate Science Special Report from the US Global Change Research Program, mandated under the U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990, has now been published.

As with the draft, which I reported on in August, it is the usual mix of half truths, exaggerations, omissions and outright lies.

Let’s look at the main sections:

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Lies and Manipulation: The Sorry State of Global Climate Alarmism

“It is impossible to save a planet that is not dying, and it is a disgrace to lead people into false fears concerning climate change.”

GREAT read from a non-climate-elitists (a normal persons) perspective…

Watts Up With That?

Guest opinion by Vijay Jayaraj

As a citizen of a third-world country, I bring a different perspective about climate change from that held by most people in wealthy countries. While they fret about possible tenth-of-a-degree changes in global average temperature, I think about how a billion of my fellow Indians and I will obtain the food, water, health care, and other things we need that our richer neighbors take for granted.

So we puzzle when we observe climate alarmists on a scaremongering crusade following the recent hurricanes in the Atlantic. They saw hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria as providing another opportunity to blame climate change. Indeed, they tend to hold human-driven climate change guilty for the occurrence of any natural disaster.

But this is common only in the mainstream media. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a leading authority on climate-change science and policy, admits in its assessment reports…

View original post 511 more words

EU Admits Europeans Not Concerned About Climate Change

“I see two things going on here:

1) Most people are far more intelligent than the elites give them credit for. They can see through the deception they have been fed, and are capable of using their own eyes to see what is really going on.

2) People are growing numb to the incessant propaganda.”


3) Economies, businesses and (non-elite) peoples’ livelihoods are being destroyed by insanely high electricity bills as a direct result of the West’s mad obsession with unreliable-energy, wind and solar.


By Paul Homewood

From No Tricks:


If one were to rate the investment made by governments globally aimed at creating concern for a potential problem, then the huge investment in climate change fear by now would definitely have to be rated as “junk” quality.

Never has so much seen so little return.

Hundreds of billions have been invested so far with the aim of generating mass fear, and by now we would think the global public should be in a state of panic. That’s the least one would expect from such a massive investment in fostering fear.

But it turns out that climate change remains very low on the list of concerns that citizens have.

View original post 238 more words

1970’s Climate Hysteria : Global Cooling – The Coming Ice Age

Time and GC.jpg

DEEP within human nature there are certain types of people who yearn for catastrophe, they yearn to have significance in their lives believing that theirs is the time when the chickens are coming home to roost and everything is going to go tits up.

THE biggest selling environmental books in history, predict the mass destruction of the planet. Rachel Carson’s 1962 international bestseller “Silent Spring” predicted mass cancer from plant pesticides and DDT. Paul Ehrlich’s “The Population Bomb” 1968, argued on malthusian lines that population explosion would mean mass starvation around the world. People buy this stuff. They lap it up and books like this sell in droves, in a way that more reasonable books that say “hang on, lets look at the facts”, don’t.

THIS short YouTube video via our friends @Carbongate needs no introduction, and is a must watch..


1970’s Global Cooling (Climate Change) Eco-scare related :

  • THE Climate Change Farce Explained By Two Expert “Scientists” | Climatism
  • The 1970’s Global Cooling Compilation – looks much like today | Climatism
  • BBC – Real risk of a Maunder minimum ‘Little Ice Age’ | Climatism
  • 40 Years Since Climate Scientists Warned Us! The New Ice Age Is Going To Starve Us To Death | Climatism
  • “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism
  • Cooling On The Warming: Now Warnings Of A Mini Ice Age | Climatism
  • 1974 Shock News : CIA Said Global Warming Was A Good Thing | Real Science

MORE 1970′s Global Cooling Scare Related :

  • Feds Alarmed By Global Cooling in 1974 | Climatism
  • CIA 1974 National Security Threat : Global Cooling/Excess Arctic Ice Causing Extreme Weather | Real Science
  • 1974 Shock News : CIA Said Global Warming Was A Good Thing | Real Science
  • 1975 : Climatologists Wanted Permission To Melt The Arctic To Stop Disastrous Climate Change | Real Science
  • 1972 : UN Scientists Wanted To Melt The Arctic By Spreading Soot On It | Real Science
  • 1974 : NCAR Called Global Cooling The “New Norm” And Blamed Climate Disasters On It | Real Science
  • 1970s Global Cooling Alarmism
  • The New Crisis : The Same As The Old Crisis | Climatism
  • 1922 US Government Shock News : Radical Change In Arctic Climate – Glaciers Gone | Climatism
  • 1970s Global Cooling Scare | Real Science
  • Every major climate organization endorsed the ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS, NASA – as did the CIA.
  • 21 Jul 1976 – C.I.A. WARNING Changes to climate to bring upheaval
  • Climate Change And Its Effect On World Food (1974)
  • TIME – Weather – The Big Freeze

FAKE NEWS ALERT : ABC Beating Up Perth Sea-Level-Rise Fails To Mention The Land Is Sinking


Via Warwick Huges | Errors in IPCC climate science :

The ABC reports – Perth’s Kwinana Freeway will be permanently flooded by 2100, oceanographer warns

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PHOTO: The report estimates the freeway will flood at least four times a year by 2050. (ABC TV)

In 2012 I blogged To understand Perth sea-levels is a complex issue – much of the Perth plain has subsided in recent decades…

Recent media publicity around a “State of Australian Cities” reporthas beaten up claims that Perth sea-levels are rising at three times the global average, or near 10mm per year. A matter that Federal Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese described as “disturbing and extraordinary”. Chris Gillham shows that the claims in the State of Australian Cities report re Perth sea level rise are over-hyped.
This chart fom a 2010 WA Govt planning report shows long term sea level changes at Fremantle.

The State of Australian Cities report concentrates on shorter term more sensational trends in the last 20 years but omits to quote recent research measuring rapid subsidence of large areas of the Perth coastal plain.
A 2012 paper – Anthropogenic land subsidence in the Perth Basin: challenges for its retrospective geodetic detection – says subsidence at Gnangara for the 14 years 1997-2011 has averaged 4.6mm per year – see Table 1 below.

In recent decades subsidence has been worsened by increased drawdown ground water for Perth water supplies – a process which has eased post 2005.

This online chart shows CGPS readings from the Hillarys tide gauge installation and indicates steady sinking of ~3mm per year 2006-2012. There are no CGPS readings I can find from Fremantle.

Hillarys has CGPS data from 1997 and Featherstone et al say those data – “…are not in a form that can be readily analysed in a short time frame, particularly because of the multiple equipment changes that make the time series very discontinuous.” Other published versions of the Hillarys CGPS data quote a 1998-2009 subsidence averaging just over 5mm per year. Watson PJ – Is There Evidence Yet of Acceleration in Mean Sea Level
Rise around Mainland Australia?
Journal of Coastal Research, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2011
Featherstone et al 2012 discuss surveying to detect level changes and say – “There is some scope for detecting subsidence in the Perth Basin if levelling is repeated now or sometime in the future. However, the costs are likely to be prohibitive.”
I fail to see how a few repeat levelling traverses from the Darling Ranges to the coast costing what ? – a few $million ? – should be beyond the wealth of a First World nation like Australia. Apparently some traverses were carried out in the 1980’s.
There is no shortage of Govt grant monies to waste on shonky Greenhouse inspired “research”.
Tide gauges and harbours are often located in places where the crust is sinking due to say sedimentation from a river. Any harbour structure attached to piles will slowly sink into the muddy substrate over the decades – factors like traffic vibration, a century of ships banging into piles – all can contribute to piles sinking. Dock areas where tide gauges tend to be installed are often the sites of reclaimed land, Auckland is an example. This tends to quietly settle for decades which can confound tide gauge data. At Fremantle 150 years of urbanization – including storm-water drainage direct to the sea – can lower ground water levels and cause subsidence – quite apart from deliberate ground water harvesting.

To understand Perth sea-levels is a complex issue – much of the Perth plain has subsided in recent decades | Errors in IPCC climate science


See also :

  • NASA “Sea Level Rise” Fraud | Climatism